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Crikey it’s wet


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The weather prediction for this area is turning out to be a fizzer. There was supposed to be an inch of rain today but looking at the radar it's all gone south. Brisbane seems to have got the rain.Have probably only had 5mm here at most overnight.



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Our fortnight of stunning Spring weather returned to a good dose of Winter this morning, with wind and rain and black skies. We've had 12mm between 5:00AM and 2:00PM today, and the possibility of a few more mm before it all departs on Sunday.


I had a dentists appointment at 11:45AM and zipping down Cambridge St, Wembley in my Hilux, approaching St John of God Hospital, I encountered a "Sydney driver"!

There was a 3 tonne van body truck in front of me in the LH lane, and he braked to turn left into McCourt St. I couldn't see anything much past him at McCourt St - but as he slowed and turned, and I passed him - a dentist or a doctor in a big flash silver Mercedes, pulled straight out of McCourt street, into Cambridge St., without even a glance in my direction!

What was worse - there was line of parked cars, and he promptly pulled into my lane without any indication - and I was 15 metres away, and still doing 60kmh!!


It gets even worse at that point! It was raining lightly and the road was wet! I hit the brakes hard, the ABS started kicking in, and I could do nothing else, but swerve to my right, and mount the median strip!!

There was traffic coming the other way, and I just managed to avoid a car coming the other way! I hung on the horn too late, as I was giving my avoidance skills 100% attention ! But then - he dawdled up Cambridge Street for 300M, then stopped, and turned right into a medical centre!! Sheesh!!


Naturally, I pulled up on his left, and got a bit animated with my signalled message, about LOOKING before you pull out!!! Of course, he chose to ignore me, and turned into the driveway, obviously embarrassed, and maybe concentrating on his upcoming medical procedure. I just hope he pays more attention to his medical procedures this afternoon!!

The last thing I need, is to write my Hilux off because another driver was totally switched off! 

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if, your Hilux was automated,  would it have given you the satisfaction of telling him , he needs to learn to drive properly 


PS : my son in law would have punched him out ,& dam the consequences. 

Edited by spacesailor
PS added
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  • 2 weeks later...

So sick of the bloody rain. What happened to Spring? It looked sunny outside, so I went to hang out some washing. By the time I got it out of the machine, it had clouded over, and by the time I got two socks pegged on the line, I could feel rain drops on my face and ears. And as for the temperature - we are well into October and I think we have only had one day over 20 deg. Back to 14 today. 



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18 minutes ago, red750 said:

What happened to Spring?

Apart from one bit of rain from the edge of a cold front passing through, I've had nothing for months. Two months ago you needed a machete to get across a paddock because the clover was so thick. Now it's died off, making the paddocks look like late summer instead of mid-spring. I see that the wheat, canola and fava beans are starting to dry off. I think that is just the normal end of their growing season, but it contributes to making the place look miserable.


I was waiting for spring so I could plant out some buffalo runners to establish more lawn. I had a lot of success when I first came here, but that was during the season of excessive rain. Last summer I tried to grow tomatoes and pumpkins, but they just shrivelled up. I'm giving up on the idea of any sort of garden establishment. I've tried for years in varius places. Things look promising in spring, but by Christmas the plants are wilting. The only good that has come from this dryness is that I can get my laundry hung out by 9:00 am and bring it it, dry, by midday.

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In southern Queensland we had the first of the major thunderstorms for the season roll through late yesterday. It's warmed up quite a bit in the last few days. Winter here is beautiful weather; it can't be faulted. It gets cool enough to light a fire at night and you get a chance to wear a beanie and cool weather gear, but without the finger numbing and nose stinging cold. Now we're approaching the time of year where we have to pay the price for having such perfect weather for half the year. Sometimes it can be reasonable but often it's five months of heat, humidity, mosquitos and continual damaging storms. The BOM is predicting hotter and wetter conditions than normal for the next three months. Last summer they were totally wrong. They'd predicted a hotter and drier summer than average and we ended up with one of the wettest summers ever. I think their prediction was based on an El Nino event which didn't eventuate.

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Call me soft if you like, I know one of you will, but last night I threw a tartan travel rug over the blankets for a bit of extra warmth, and wore a beanie pulled down over my ears. Nose is still dripping like a tap that needs a new washer.

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Softie !


There. I said it.


This morning was typical for this time of year down here. Yesterday was drizzle. Gusty winds, not too cold (maxed at 14 degrees).

Today clear skies, sunshine brought the 4 degree start up to a pleasant warmish 16. So far only one brief shower!

Beanies and overcoats have been put away for next winter.


August, September are generally variable. It should settle down to more predictable cycles by the end of October.

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When I was a few years younger, I used to plant begonias in the garden along side the driveway. (I can't get down on my knees now, if I do, I can't get up). I used to have them planted by Melbourne Cup Day so they presented a pretty garden for Christmas. Regular rains till Cup Day. I have colour slides somewhere, but not scanned onto the computer.

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