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Crikey it’s wet


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Well, we had a beautiful start to Spring with the cessation of regular rains, and then lovely clear days with 20° to 28° days, from the 8th to the 26th Sept. Then Winter returned again on the 27/09.

It rained every day from the 27/09 to the 05/10, with a total of another 44mm in that period. The BOM says we've had a Winter period (officially, 01/06 to 01/09) that was 5% wetter than normal.

I guess the wet Winter was overdue, after the 7 month drought we had in Spring, Summer and Autumn.


But the last 3 days have been very pleasant, 22° to 25° and mostly sunny. However, it's warming up, and Thursday and Friday are predicted to hit 28° and 30°, before it cools down again to the mid-20's.


The W.A. crops went back somewhat with the dry September period, the experts downgraded the total State tonnage by about 3% on Sept 19th, but most of the State got the good, late Sept/early Oct rains that I mentioned above, so I think the crop yields may spring back a bit yet.


https://www.graincentral.com/news/giwa-trims-3pc-from-tonnage-forecast-now-below-17mt/#:~:text=THE Grain Industry Association of,17.438Mt forecast last month.

Edited by onetrack
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4 hours ago, onetrack said:

and then lovely clear days with 20° to 28°

When it gets that hot in Tas, we put the A/C on.

And I run out of clothes to take off (to cool down).

Which is not appreciated by the neighbours.  It puts their chooks off the lay.

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I like around 20° to 35°. When it gets into single digits in the overnight figures, I'm ready to head North. And when it gets over 40 degrees, I'm looking to turn the A/C on.

The worst part about Perth is when we get a Summertime heat trough form down the coastline, from about Bunbury to well up past Geraldton.

This results in humid, still conditions, until the trough moves Eastward and inland, when we return to strong afternoon cooling sea breezes, or steady SE and E winds.

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11 hours ago, willedoo said:

My favourite temperature is around 16 to 17 degrees which can be a bit of a problem when you live in Queensland. At least we get it in winter for a while.

That was a big reason I moved from Sydney to SE Qld back in 1976.

I traded Sydney's swings between hot summers and frosty winters, for Qld's 3/4 of each year being pretty nice.

Excepting Jan/Feb when the humidity bothered me.


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The last two or three summers in S.E.Qld have been relatively mild, at least here where I live. The worst summers I can remember were, from memory I think 2016 and 2017. It was either that or 2017, 2018. Both those years had short winters, 6 days in the one year and about 10 days in the other. Also no spring or autumn to speak of.

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the 4 seasons become less pronounced as you move closer to the tropics. When I lived in NZ, Summer was dry, warm & pleasant with a few hot days, Autumn was very colourful with deciduous trees showing brilliant colours, the days warm but nights cool. Winter was wet and cold with frosts often followed by fog & not much sun  & Spring was absolutely fabulous with new birth and new growth,lots of spring flowers like daffodils everywhere etc.


Here on the NSW North coast at 30 deg South, the seasons while still there blend in to each other & lots of plants that have dormant periods in Winter don't do well but you can grow sub tropical fruits and other things. We do get the odd frost, this year we had 3 that I know of but by 8 am it's gone. Summer is the worst season with high humidity and stifling temperatures at times in January to March. Autumn is the best time for easy living though with no requirement to find cool places or turn on air conditioning to feel comfortable.

Edited by kgwilson
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15 hours ago, nomadpete said:

When it gets that hot in Tas, we put the A/C on.

And I run out of clothes to take off (to cool down).

Which is not appreciated by the neighbours.  It puts their chooks off the lay.

Naked around the neighbours' chooks?

You really are turning into a Huon Valley local!

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To Autumn. John Keats


Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
  Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
  With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
  And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
    To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
  With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
    For summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.



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Autumn is good because there's something to look forward to. The weather is becoming more stable, it's getting cooler and the mosquitos (or flies if you're west of the range) are getting fewer. Spring is the reverse. It can be pleasant weather but things are about to get a lot worse. Spring always has you wondering if that cool, pleasant day is going to be the last one for the next few months.



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One thing I've noticed over the last week is that the days have warmed up, even hot some days, but at night there's been a beautiful cool, almost cold, breeze blowing from the north east. I assume it's the built up ground heat from the day rising at nightfall and drawing the cool air from the ocean in under it.

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1 hour ago, old man emu said:

To Autumn. John Keats


Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
  Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
  With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

Ode to Seasons, by A Taswegian



Oh joyous Summer sun! Her brief smiles light the dank and boggy soil,

But fail to warm, each season of mist and rain


And Autumn,

A Season of mists and rain,

Of of anoraks and woodsmoke filled valleys bereft of summer sun

Then Winter,

Season of mists and rain, of icy hail and frigid gale,

Cloaking dank and boggy soil with  crisp white blankets of frosty beauty


Of Spring,

Season of mists and rain.

Of yearning for wintde's depressied eternal wet grey to lift,

Season of hope for the warming touch of summer's warm breath




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Oh I forgot,


Season of dancing naked around a roaring solstice fire, insanely chanting for pagan gods of fruitfullness to awaken from slumber in the apple trees, to bring forth new growth and fruit for summer harvest.


(Except fot the naked bit, local Willie Smith Appleshed puts on a great midwinter party and music festival highlighted by massive bonfire)


Big Willie Burns, he is about 10 metres tall.



Next morning is a muddy adventure. Mobs of hungover partygoers trying to get 5000 bogged cars out of the parking paddock! A lot like Woodford Folk Festival but colder.

Edited by nomadpete
Fat finger, tiny kebored
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Well we had a lovely sunny day today, an occasional cloud, but no rain. The temperature still didn't get to 20, topping out at 18. Tomorrow should reach 20, and possibly 21 in some suburbs, but back to 17 on Friday. Another band of rain on its way.

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4 hours ago, nomadpete said:

(Except fot the naked bit, local Willie Smith Appleshed puts on a great midwinter party and music festival highlighted by massive bonfire)


Does the Jackey's Marsh festival still happen or is it history?

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1 hour ago, willedoo said:

Does the Jackey's Marsh festival still happen or is it history?

I haven't heard of it.

But cabin fever makes for desperate need to get out of the house... without freezing important body parts off. Hence midwinter parties.

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Sydney,  showers all week ,plus we're ' smoked out ' now .

A big heavy downpour would be nice at the moment. Wash the smoke away. 

Have very  just plugged in our 'air filter' to let us breath a little easier.  One elderly lady is suffering but refusing to go to hospital. 


Edited by spacesailor
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Had a taste of Summer yesterday, it got to just over 31°, with a very warm N/NW wind. Much cooler today, with low cloud cover and 24° forecast, with a SSW/SW light wind. Light rain coming again next week, with Wednesday looking like we'll get a few mm. The BOM is forecasting one of the hottest Summers on record to come, for 2024/25!



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