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Crikey it’s wet


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Thanks to a dire shortage of labour and a corresponding substantial shortage of accommodation, materials, and everything else required to start on a major Fitzroy River bridge replacement, there's been a proposal raised, to ask the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers to assist in replacing the bridge.


The thoughts behind this proposal are that because the Americans are using Northern Australia as a fairly regular training base for their military forces - and they regularly organise joint military exercises with Aussie troops - then it's not unreasonable to ask them to contribute a bit to rebuilding the infrastructure that they use, as well.


In addition, the USACE are experts at bridge engineering and major earthworks, and flood control (they're in charge of the Mississippi flood control works), then the proposal is that the skills and experience that they have to offer - as well as the amount of labour they have available - will go down well, in helping to repair all this major infrastructure damage in the North.



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Whatever happened to Bailey bridges? They were cheap to manufacture, easy to transport and easy and fast to erect. After WW2 they were everywhere and some still exist. That may be a good temporary way to get back on track. They are only single lane but that wouldn't matter.

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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, facthunter said:

When it's cool you have one  each side. No sweat.   Nev

Nah, one of my mates tried that,  got into real trouble.   One of his girlfriend's friends was drunk and crashed in their bed, and when his girlfriend reached down she found the other girl's hand already there.

Sparks flew, and not in a good way...

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  • 2 months later...

There's cold and there's cold. Lately on the radio they've been also giving this new 'feels like' temperature reading. My guess is that it compensates for humidity and wind chill. I know standard temperature readings don't tell the full story. I've been much warmer at 20 degrees below in Canada than at 2 or 3 above in western Queensland. Mind you, that Canadian temperature is with no wind chill and a certain amount of warmth would reflect off the snow.


I found in Canada that as long as there was no significant wind, good clothing would keep the cold out. It's a totally different cold in some parts of Australia as no matter how much good clothing you have on, the cold seems to seep into your bones. In Alberta, I found 30 below quite reasonable, but once it got to 35+ below, it started getting cold real quick. I struck 40 below at Grand Prairie in Alberta, and I recon that was definitely past the point of no return. -40 was like being in an industrial freezer.

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We've had some rain today from a trough that started off the West Coast. The trough turned into a depression that's formed off the coast from Geraldton - but despite the rain coming in from the North, and with a NE/NNE wind, it's been quite cold - it was only 12.7°C at 12:30PM. However, the cloud has broken up this afternoon, and the temperature has gone up to about 16.5° at 4:00PM.


You blokes in SA and Vic and the lower parts of NSW must be looking forward to that polar blast of Antarctic cold that is racing straight up from the lower latitudes. Look for snow on the Alps tomorrow.

The cold wind we've had for the past 2 days is all coming from that pool of bitterly cold air in the Bight.




The BOM reckons we're nearly all in for a warmer-than-normal Autumn and Winter. Lets see how right their guesswork is, this time around.




Edited by onetrack
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Bunch a whingers!


Frost this morn - at +3 deg.

Forecast is neg 2 tomorrow.


But I guess we are noticably closer to antarctica than most of you guys.


BTW there is a forecast for Southern Aurora tomorrow. If I'm lucky the clouds might thin out enough to see it!

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I finally found out how to access the BOM site with Firefox browser. For the last year or more, every time I want to go to the BOM site, I've had to use Chrome or Brave to do it. Both those will connect straight away. Edge won't connect and just comes up with a 'page is not secure'. On Firefox, you have to go into privacy and security settings and set it to ' Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows'. Then when you try to connect, Firefox will show a page with the option 'go to HTTP site instead'. Click on that and you get the BOM glitch that says it doesn't support HTTPS, but after a few seconds, it will allow you to connect. It's a bit of a nuisance, but quicker than opening another browser and waiting for it to start working.


The problem is mainly with the BOM site's code, but they are not interested in fixing it. Some Firefox users have been having trouble with the BOM site since 2021.

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