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Guest Deskpilot1
Yeah! Don`t we all!!!!!.....Getting old is a bitchFrank.

Yer, so's my wife. spacer.png



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Guest Deskpilot1
MMMMM,. . . .a beard,. . . .I think I might try and grow another one,. . .makes a bloke look somewhat more,. . .er,. . .refined ? ? ? ? ?

ME....REFINED!! not on your life. But thanks for the compliment all the same.



Guest Maj Millard

Not a selfie either...did they have them in 1974 ?...this may not look aviation related but it is, both being the only very lucky survivors of a 1974 C182 plane crash at Batchelor NT. Wendy a British backpacker was on her way home after also having to endure cyclone Tracy in Darwin hospital !....We were both not long out of hospitals after long stays, and met at Sydney Kingsford Smith for farewells, prob sometime in early 1975. I am also fresh out of the Airforce.


Wendy used this to track me down a few years ago, having not seen each other in some thirty years. She returned to Australia, married an Aussie and now lives happily in Perth with two children.

Further to the above, Wendy and I were in the rear of the C182 wearing only lap belts. The pilot and front passenger were killed on impact after the engine quit suddenly on takeoff, and the pilot aggressively attempted the 'impossible turn' back to the strip. Wendy smashed both ankles, one leg and one arm, and we both suffered almost identical internal and back fractures. I believe she still had the leg in plaster under the skirt, and was certainly still on crutches. It certainly highlighted the imminent danger in turning back, and we were both very lucky that day. Oh and by the way as it turned out, we were both born on exactly the same day 4th October 1951 on opposite sides of the planet !!..fate plays funny tricks sometimes.



Guest Maj Millard
Ross, Could a landing straight ahead or 30 degrees either side, have been carried out successfully?


Yes of course this is always possible Frank, but light scrub country sourrounding this airport. Probabily would still have been quite some damage to aircraft with also a possible fire as we were full of Fuel. I do believe the impact would have been much less though as the aircraft obviously stalled during the attempted turn back with the resulting uncontrolled arrival. Photos attached shows scrub around the wreckage which was only a couple of hundred meters from end of runway. Pretty typical NT type scrub really. In defence of the pilot who was a friend and someone I had operated with for some years, he only had a split second or two to make a very difficult choice. This is why this scenero is so dangerous.





Guest Maj Millard
Here is one of me & my middle daughter (and yes she is happily married)[ATTACH=full]35879[/ATTACH]

Damn....all the pretty ones are !.....great shot Alf.



I was just going through some stuff and found this really old picture of me from 1960 ..




I must say yes you resemble that photo lol



Guest Maj Millard

Amphib selfie.........





Guest Maj Millard

[ATTACH]47642._xfImport[/ATTACH] Not a selfie...but certainly my favourite poser shot....Reno Air Races...late 80s or early 90s...that's the man !..


What a mob of posers. What's with the hasselblad Phil? You rich or something? Nev

Not the sort of camera I'd usually buy Nev,. . . . . I swapped that H for a fairly battered Gretch semi accoustic electric guitar, but in the end, I flogged it to a pro photographer as I preferred my 35 mil half frame . . .easier to carry and use, not like lugging around a breeze block . . . .it DID take really sharp pics though, with that large format neg. . . . ..( ahh memories ) Incidentally, the pic it took of me wasn't exactly david bailey standard, but tha was down to the nut holding the camera, and that auto-focus wasn't available to the unwashed masses back then. . .



Amphib selfie.........

Nice one Ross,. . . but there were obviously some trees growing out of that amphibious wet stuff. . ., I can see them over your mate's left shoulder ! ! ! ! !



Guest Maj Millard

[ATTACH]47644._xfImport[/ATTACH] Probabily on approach onto the river.........


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