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Just for a bit of fun, kinda like the name that plane or airfield threads - I'll start us off with a quote (should be easy). Preferably without using google, put in your best guess as to the character and movie/book it came from, then you can add your own. So:


"Here I am... Brain the size of a planet..."




Try this one, probably as relevant today as it was in 1930:


"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedy."


Hint: It is reportedly NOT the CASA mission statement.



Try this one, probably as relevant today as it was in 1930:"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedy."


Hint: It is reportedly NOT the CASA mission statement.

Charlie Chaplin?




Sorry rgmwa. Not Sam Clemens. This guy was the uncle of a famous English politician who was chairman of the Labour party under Harold Wilson in the '70s


The famous American who is most often quoted as having said that, also said "Please accept my resignation. I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member" But he stole or borrowed the "politics" quote from the English Baronet




Near enough Red, Groucho is the guy most people think originated the quote but that title belongs to Sir Ernest John Pickstone Benn, 2nd Baronet (1875-1954), Uncle to Anthony Wedgewood Benn.


I reckon the quote still stands up today.






Is it from the film The bucket list" ? Was it Jack Nicholson's character or Morgan Freeman's? Or am I way off track as usual?


I know one of my very "relaxed" colleagues said it to me at a work do one night. he looked quite distressed.




Could almost describe me, But I don't remember saying that! Unless of course you're being very clever and describing my namesake from "Lord of the Rings" ??




One of the funniest men on the planet.


The quote from the bucket list film is: "As you get older, Never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard-on, and never trust a fart"


Sorry Moderators spacer.png




good one! Love Billy Connolly too... his routine on getting a colonoscopy is quite possibly the funniest thing ever.





  • 2 weeks later...
I'm a great fan of the Hitchhiker's Guide and of Marvin the robot, of course ...

Sorry H.I.C. . . . .you gotta be specific to win the prize,. . . I think thou art alluding to "MARVIN THE PARANOID ANDROID"


See,. . .the devil's in the detail. . . . ( so my old maths teacher used to say. . .)


Incidentally,. . .my Ex- co-Director Steve, speaks like that all the time,. . . . .he's definitely in line for the most depressing person I have ever met, . . .I used to bounce in to the office nice and early, full of beans for a successful day's business,. . .and then Steve would turn up, looking like his cat had just died,. . .and after a description of all the terrible things he'd experienced over the weekend, I felt like hanging myself. . . . .Favourite phrase,. . .uttered avery ten minutes was. . ."You watch. . . .Itt'l all end in tears. . . . ." Manic depressive doesn't even begin. . . . . Oh sod it, I'm going to drown next door's bloody dog. . . .



I love it when they blow themselves up without hurting anyone else. The ultimate way to raise the world's average IQ.

Marty, I have to admit to feeling quite sad when they do that. . . .brainwashing. It's interesting to note that you rarely hear about 40 odd year old suicide bombers,. . . .


A seventeen year old British educated muslim kid died last week blowing himself, and some other innocents up in Iraq . . . . SAD is the only world I can think of mate.. . .but that's just the cynical humanist in me I suppose.


  • spacer.png


Sorry about the slight drift. . . . and yet,. . .given the opportunity, I'll bet I couldn't fly a drifter. . . .



Sorry H.I.C. . . . .you gotta be specific to win the prize,. . . I think thou art alluding to "MARVIN THE PARANOID ANDROID"

OK, you're up next then.



Marty, I have to admit to feeling quite sad when they do that. . . .brainwashing. It's interesting to note that you rarely hear about 40 odd year old suicide bombers,. . . .

A seventeen year old British educated muslim kid died last week blowing himself, and some other innocents up in Iraq . . . . SAD is the only world I can think of mate.. . .but that's just the cynical humanist in me I suppose.


  • spacer.png


Sorry about the slight drift. . . . and yet,. . .given the opportunity, I'll bet I couldn't fly a drifter. . . .

I'm sorry Phil, I'm normally right with you there on the humanist side, but when you put on a vest full of explosives, or pick up an any other weapon, with the clear intentions of killing innocent civilians - then you deserve to be the only one in that situation to die, and I'll p*ss on your grave.


I feel sorry for their families (unless they've been the ones doing the brainwashing), but absolutely no sympathy for any d*ckhead who meets a messy end planning to kill others.



I'm sorry Phil, I'm normally right with you there on the humanist side, but when you put on a vest full of explosives, or pick up an any other weapon, with the clear intentions of killing innocent civilians - then you deserve to be the only one in that situation to die, and I'll p*ss on your grave.




  • 1 year later...

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