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I see that pommyland's top sky pilot has asked us all to swear on Saturday. He'll be calling on all persons of goodwill in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the other Realms (that's us, fellow realmites) and the Territories to make our homage (or was it hommus), in heart and voice, to our undoubted King, defender of all. And then the archbishop bloke wants us to swear that we will pay true allegiance to His Majesty, and to his ears and excesses according to law. So help us dog.  


I can see a bit of swearing happening on Saturday night, but not the sort the bloke in the yellow pointy hat would prefer.

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Kings do a nice line in 4WD roof racks and awnings too. Too many kings around these days. Time for a Republic.

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20 minutes ago, willedoo said:

I see that pommyland's top sky pilot has asked us all to swear on Saturday. He'll be calling on all persons of goodwill in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the other Realms (that's us, fellow realmites) and the Territories to make our homage (or was it hommus), in heart and voice, to our undoubted King, defender of all. And then the archbishop bloke wants us to swear that we will pay true allegiance to His Majesty, and to his ears and excesses according to law. So help us dog.  


I can see a bit of swearing happening on Saturday night, but not the sort the bloke in the yellow pointy hat would prefer.

Arrogant, ignorant and out of touch.  You'd expect that from senior sky pilots,  but I expected better from Charlie.   (Pretty sure the archbishop-polisher wouldn't have said that without approval from the palace.)

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3 hours ago, rgmwa said:

Kings do a nice line in 4WD roof racks and awnings too. Too many kings around these days. Time for a Republic.

But consider the expense! For a start, we'd have to recall all our small change to delete all reference to monarchy,  and change the signwriting on tens of thousands of 4WD accessories..... our meagre banana republic economy cannot take the strain.....


We'll all be rooned said nomadpete!

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6 hours ago, nomadpete said:

But consider the expense! our meagre banana republic economy cannot take the strain.....

As one well-known Prince was won't to say, "Aye, and there's the rub."

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Well it did cost Australia quite a lot to remove EIIR from all the cast iron post boxes and official stationary in the country, and remove 'commonwealth' from all our bank notes.

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It doesn't have to cost money if you let those things stay as they are till their life has ended anyway....   of course that is not how they would do it.

I voted republic the first time around and note that the kerr business would never have happened if the republican method of selecting the GG had been used....  2/3 of the house would ensure that the GG was bi-partisan.

The way Abbott lied through his teeth to get another few years of monarchy was dreadful, as was the gullibility of the voters.



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For me, my trust in the monarchy ended with Elizabeth's passing.


I like the concept of complete political independance but am afraid of possible disaster resulting from making changes to status quo - There are always going to be opportunists who are quick to take avantage of change. And I see that sociopaths are often drawn to positions of power.


I already have a hearty contempt for the way our current Australian political machine operates. I doubt it would greatly improve much by changing the head of state.

In the past, did the monarchy actually provide any positive influence upon the operation of Australian governance? I really have no idea.

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Posted (edited)

The biggest mystery of WW2 was about Hes. IN 1941, at the  outset of the war, he was  on a plane to see somebody very important in England.

I think it was the King. Hess was so sure that the war declaration was an error that he risked everything to stop it.

His target was not a murderer, the history of Hess's incarceration shows that. Further, he was never tried, so we never got to hear from him. It all points to the king .

Edited by Bruce Tuncks
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30 minutes ago, Bruce Tuncks said:

The biggest mystery of WW2 was about Hes. IN 1941, at the  outset of the war, he was  on a plane to see somebody very important in England...

I agree it sounds fishy that Hess was locked up till he died, when Nazis who had overseen horrific cruelty were set free after a decade or so. His crime seems to have been to try to negotiate a peace with Britain. What secrets did he take to the grave? It’s now clear that the previous king was a fan of the Nazis and is on record advocating the bombing of London. Hitler had plans to return Edward VIII to the throne after Britain was subjugated.




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I think Rudolph? Hess would have to be seen as a good guy as he didn't want war and who wants groups like the SS Gestapo running the show? . I can't recall Edward who controversially married a divorcee Mrs Simpson actually advocating the Bombing of London but he Like Lindburgh,  Disney etc were Nazi sympathisers as well as a few munitions manufacturers  in the USA.  Nev

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I reckon our Australian system can be improved. Personally, as a young hothead, I would have taken to the streets for Whitlam. Nowadays I reckon that would have been a big mistake though.

1 hour ago, facthunter said:

The Australian system all things considered operates quite well. We are able to vote freely and we change governments without any loss of life. It won't get any better till the media changes it's way of crisis generation Hate and division. and stops telling LIES for profit.  Nev


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ALL systems can be improved IF the means to do it aren't gradually whittled away by a would be Tyrant/ megalomaniac like Trump who writes his own version of the truth and stacks the deck by appointing his pick of High Court Judges  and Bullies people who won't lie for him and gets dirt on them and openly says  so. America was usurped from within  without most realising it. Normal Government is Crooked . Only I can fix it. Films in the USA have for ages presented that theme. One lone virtuous fighter against the whole gov't  THAT justifies being armed to the teeth and eternal division of the Society. God can only see Trump if he makes an appointment . That's the pecking order in Politics of the Personality based on PROPAGANDA.  People serving in the Forces are "SUCKERS AND LOSERS" FFS. and coming from their C in C?    Nev

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We look back at the 1930s in the light of the 1940s. You have to look at what political systems there were. Britain and the USA: basically democracies willing to listen to the Left and Right. Germany and Italy: Fascists, ostensibly democratic, but definitely anti-Communist. Russia: Communist, against any form of democracy.  Britain in particular was fearful of revolutionary overthrow, as it had been in the 1790s when the French killed their aristocracy. So it is logical that Edward thought well of the NADSP (Nazi Party). No doubt many in Britain and the USA were pleased by the economic propaganda put out by the NAZI party saying that it had dragged Germany from the jaws of economic oblivion caused by Versailles and the USA's Wall Street collapse.


Interesting that 'fascist' comes from from Italian fascio "group, association," literally "bundle," from Latin fasces "bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting". The fasces were carried before a lictor, a superior Roman magistrate, as a symbol of power over life and limb: the sticks symbolized punishment by whipping, the axe-head execution by beheading. Hence in Latin it also meant, figuratively, "high office, supreme power."

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1 hour ago, facthunter said:

 I can't recall Edward who controversially married a divorcee Mrs Simpson actually advocating the Bombing of London…

There is little doubt that the treacherous bastard did. His hatred of Jews and left wingers is also well documented.






If the former king had his way, Britain would have been forced into a peace with Hitler, condemning Europe to decades of Nazi extermination camps. Jews, Slavs, Poles, Gypsies…who knows where the butchery would have stopped? Even worse, the Axis Alliance with Japan would have given Imperial Japan free reign to slaughter its way across China and SE Asia.

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Posted (edited)

I wish I could go back in time and fix the fact that we "allowed" japan to invade China. Well I don't think we complained enough.

But today, I wish we would be nice about the good things they ( the Chinese ) have done in space.

Personally, I would praise them and give them money to help new space things along.

And not only the Chinese, the Indians, the Russians and the Yanks are all deserving of this praise and help. There may be others, like the Japanese.

Selfishly, this would be good for our own security since space things come directly out of military money, but I would do it for the principle of rewarding good stuff.


Edited by Bruce Tuncks
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