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A couple of days ago I took up the offer to upgrade my existing Window 8 to Windows 10 for free.


To be honest I wish I hadn't bothered, as I was quite happy with what I had.


I realise that things would be a bit different, but it's doing my head in.


I've spent 2 full days trying to come to grips with it and still can't find so many programs that I had before. Hopefully they haven't been deleted and are still lurking in there somewhere, but i'm stuffed if I can find them.


There doesn't appear to be a tab for all programs which I had before, can't locate Windows live mail, etc; etc;


Hope not too many people on here suffer the same anguish the change has caused me.



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windows 10 is terrible for what it is. not recommended to anyone till they sort out the bugs. Its hard to see how MS can release such bad o/s year after year and still make a profit




I've upgraded all my computers to Win 10, I think it's quite slick and haven't had any issues yet, FSX works too:spot on:. No doubt there will be some bugs but they will get ironed out with future updates. My work pc is on Win 8.1 and after a week on win 10 at home my work PC feels clunky and outdated.




I am holding off until I know vendors have written drivers for all my peripherals and software. The migration to Win 7 left me with a laser printer, modem etc unable to work - I am annoyed that companies like Canon leave it to 3rd parties to write the drivers and post for free in support of their product and customers - so far no one has produced one, resulting in good equipment sitting idle. In that move I also lost a number of software packages and had to "upgrade" in one case, my accounting software, over $600 to get the same version but with the clap trap that magically made it compatible. I lost the full functioning of another database product where the vendor had no plans to support his product under Win 7. Then I lost DAYS trying to get things working again, mostly without internet access (the modem doesn't work with Win 7).




Somehow Windows has been trying to download Win10 to my laptop, every day since 8 Aug 2015. I have been off the net due to a fault for nearly a fortnight, just got back to an incredibly slow to no connection as Win 7 downloaded updates over 2 days and in the background Win 10 tried (and failed) to upload. Not sure if this was automatic - but I remember my husband asking if I wanted Win 10, to which I said NO! Maybe he said yes? Or this is Win 10 by stealth?






For people who want to stay with there current OS and want to stop Windows 10 automatically downloading go into your update history and uninstall the below update and then make sure you don't download that update.


The update is KB3035583 once you uninstall this it removes the upgrade icon in the taskbar and ensures Windows 10 doesn't secretly download.




Still using XL. I have seen Windows 8 and thought it was rubbish. Similar to canon for printers. Wouldn't touch them again.




My upgrade was from Windows 7, not 8 (I must have had another seniors moment)


My old clunker of a laptop still runs on XP Professional, has never missed a beat, and is so easy to use for a not so tech-savvy old bloke like me




things i've noticed about win10, the performance is worse, decoding video is really sluggish, every website seems to lose the first 15 seconds of video, the mail client isn't really great. Edge doesn't seem like its a step forward over IE 10


Its not a step forward from 8.1




My old laptop still has XP, the pinnacle in Windows OS. I have just upgraded Windows 8.1 (didn't like it) to 10 on the desktop & basically it has no redeeming features other than bringing the start menu back which I got around with installing Classic Shell in 8.1. Windows mail gets worse by the upgrade. The decision to separate Contacts into a new App called People so you can somehow integrate with all the rubbish social media apps has rendered it almost useless. You can't set up distribution lists or have an "On Holiday" response etc. I use Gmail because it has all the features Windows mail doesn't & have a basically unused MS outlook account required for updates etc. They touted the "Search the Web & Windows" option on the task bar as a great improvement but I can't work out why. It still has to open a browser anyway.


My verdict 1 out of 10.




Still using win7 64bit and will stay with that. The aggressive nature of the promotion of win10 really puts me off. I put it in the category of "if they market it on TV it's probably crap" and if they market it that aggressively, it's probably crap too. Edit: the same goes for celebrity spruikers.




My windows 10 is running a higher fps in games than 8. Given that's all I really do on my laptop I am stoked thus far.


The programs it takes a bit to get used to but they are in the start menu somewhere. Personally I was just getting used to the windows 8 way of finding programs but I guess the older users complaining got their way and the start menu is back.


If you are looking for a specific program, try using the search (default is a search bar, bottom of screen, if not there is search in the start menu). Type in your program name and it should appear. I don't see why the update should have deleted programs.




I was trying win10 out on my travel laptop prior to upgrading my main work laptop. the problem i have with win10 that is a leftover from win8 is the splitting of setting between the control panel and the new settings panel. yeah i get that for a phone you don't have as many options to manage but why drag it into the PC arena. poor design




Being a mild adventurer I allowed it to try and install on my spare PC. It's had a half a dozen goes, failed each time and produced useless error messages that MS cannot resolve. Update is now 'OFF'.




I must be the odd one out. I loaded W10 without problems and have been using it since its release date. I find that my computer boots up more quickly (for the tech heads - it doesn't boot from an MBR). My desktop is the same as it was for W7, although I was running W8.1 with the freeware "Startup" program installed.


Is W10 perfect at the moment? Not quite.


1. My wireless mouse and keyboard freeze occasionally, requiring a soft boot.


2. I didn't like that I have to have a passworded Microsoft account. I don't believe in passwords on home computers. I'd rather that it loaded straight to desktop as it did for previous versions. That way, I canhit the Start button, go into the kitchen and finish making my cup if instant coffee and the computer till be ready to go when I get back.


These are minor nuisances, but I notice that the system ran an update this morning. Maybe my I/O devices problem has been fixed.


But then, I'm biased.




That's my boy there!





I didn't like that I have to have a passworded Microsoft account. I don't believe in passwords on home computers. I'd rather that it loaded straight to desktop as it did for previous versions. That way, I canhit the Start button, go into the kitchen and finish making my cup if instant coffee and the computer till be ready to go when I get back.

Same as Windows 8, you DO NOT need a Microsoft account and can create a local user account.





For people who want to stay with there current OS and want to stop Windows 10 automatically downloading go into your update history and uninstall the below update and then make sure you don't download that update. 


The update is KB3035583 once you uninstall this it removes the upgrade icon in the taskbar and ensures Windows 10 doesn't secretly download.

I did the uninstall yesterday, and guess what, KB3035583 reinstalled itself this morning. I guess, instead of automatic updates, I will have to select what I want every day, or put up with Win 10 trying (and failing) to upload each day - slowly eating into my data allocation and slowing my internet to a stop for part of the morning.







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