Pearo Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 An update from me, still using win 10 with no issues. Re. the updates, I am on a pro edition, so I just changed the update stuff in the group policies to prevent it from doing stuff on its own.. My business partners are complaining about some remote desktop stuff via web, as both chrome and edge have both dropped support for NPAPI plugin. Apparently firefox still works. Not sure if its possible to install windows explorer onto win 10, but that would also work. Not really a win 10 issue though, more a browser issue.
Robbo Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 I have been playing with Linux Mint lately, very good alternative to windows and it is FREE!
eightyknots Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Quote I have been playing with Linux Mint lately, very good alternative to windows and it is FREE! "It's moments like these you need ...."
Birdseye Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 H Quote I have been playing with Linux Mint lately, very good alternative to windows and it is FREE! Especially as there are strong indications that from Win 11 onwards the OS will be subscription based.
Robbo Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015
nomadpete Posted November 30, 2015 Posted November 30, 2015 Linux Mint has a rather Win98 style GUI Worked painlessly on my laptop.
Pearo Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Quote 21 years in the Military : Never volunteer to volunteer followed by 20 years in I.T. : Never be an early adopter.. Let me guess, you spent 20 years working for the same company too? Quote Linux Mint has a rather Win98 style GUI Worked painlessly on my laptop. I use ubuntu. They have tried to lift the UI from Apple, and they have done a bad job at it. The Ubuntu UI sucks. I dont have much time for linux as a desktop OS. I use it extensively as an embedded OS, and its great for that. I just think the UI's on offer are to clunky and not really user friendly. Like most linux devs, I tend to opt for the console.
Robbo Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 I hate the idea of all the operating systems relying on the cloud, first apple and now windows. I hate computers all together now, from a past life working in avionics and writing advanced avionics software I have had enough. I still reckon windows xp was the best operating system followed by windows 7. Apple is crap now as you cannot even restore your computer without a high speed internet connection as it downloads the entire 6 gig osx from the internet, pc you just hit F11 and restore. I just do everything on the ipad now, turn it on and its ready to go, only use a laptop to copy dash cam, go pro and photos to an external hard drive. I use Jump Desktop that connects to the server and once again the ipad saves the day. Sad thing is a lot of the latest laptops don't have drivers for linux.
Pearo Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Quote I hate the idea of all the operating systems relying on the cloud, first apple and now windows. I hate computers all together now, from a past life working in avionics and writing advanced avionics software I have had enough. I still reckon windows xp was the best operating system followed by windows 7. Apple is crap now as you cannot even restore your computer without a high speed internet connection as it downloads the entire 6 gig osx from the internet, pc you just hit F11 and restore. I just do everything on the ipad now, turn it on and its ready to go, only use a laptop to copy dash cam, go pro and photos to an external hard drive. I use Jump Desktop that connects to the server and once again the ipad saves the day. Sad thing is a lot of the latest laptops don't have drivers for linux. I am forced to use computers as I still make a living from them! My preference is for Win 7 as most of my dev stuff is targeted at Windows OS. For linux I run Ubuntu in a VM. Mac stuff (limited) I use a macbook. Also have the obligatory iPad for ozrunways plus android phone. For most home users, a PC has to do 2 things, browse the web, download email, and download from digital camera. The email part is mainly web based now, so that means all you need is a broswer and a way to download photos. For this, windows, mac, linux all do a perfectly good job.
Birdseye Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Quote For most home users, a PC has to do 2 things, browse the web, download email, and download from digital camera. The email part is mainly web based now, so that means all you need is a broswer and a way to download photos. For this, windows, mac, linux all do a perfectly good job. A terrible generalisation; one that I'm sure Microsoft developers will love. Thank god I'm not a 'most home user', but more thankfully I am not an opinionated nerd.
Pearo Posted December 1, 2015 Posted December 1, 2015 Quote A terrible generalisation; one that I'm sure Microsoft developers will love. Thank god I'm not a 'most home user', but more thankfully I am not an opinionated nerd. I would not say a terrible generalisation, but more an honest observation. I am a Microsoft developer, but I make a hell of a lot more money from the hardware I design and all my hardware runs Linux, so you think I would be religious about Linux. I also do a lot of cross platform dev with java that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. I don't have a preference, I just use what works, and I earn an income for making stuff work for people. You want me to write software your favorite OS, then I will do that without conviction as long as you are paying me. If you are religious about a particular OS and you are paying me, I will tell you what you want to hear. But, if you want my honest opinion on something so you can make an informed descision, then I will tell you they way it is. I use and make a living from Windows, Linux, OSX, IOS, Android and some other OS's that most here would never have heard of. Opinionated nerd? Maybe, but at least I am educated and informed on the products I am discussing.
nomadpete Posted December 4, 2015 Posted December 4, 2015 Quote You using it? What you think? Robbo, I have Mint on my older laptop. It does everything that I ask. Just web browsing. Word processing and emails. I use a 3G dongle for web access - it set up easily. I'm not very fussy, nor am I a IT nerd. So I assume that if it works for me, it probably works for anybody. And, as previously mentioned, I play with camera downloads.
Robbo Posted December 4, 2015 Posted December 4, 2015 Cool Need to have another play with it, just been so bloody busy lately.
Robbo Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 Just got supplied with new laptops and guess what? windows 10 !!!!! But....... With a difference!!! For people who hate the windows 10 layout download this, wouldn't know your running 10.
Gnarly Gnu Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 "Windows 10 covertly sends your disk-encryption keys to Microsoft. And under the “third party doctrine,” the government can get them from Microsoft without a warrant. But wait, there’s more: Windows 10 has many unprecedented anti-user features: a remote killswitch that lets it disable your hardware; keylogging and browser-history logging that, by default, sends it all to Microsoft, and a deceptive “privacy mode” that continues to exfiltrate your data, even when you turn it on."
Phil Perry Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 Quote I think Yenn is looking out of a different set of Windows: XL windows. Perhaps this XL? [ATTACH=full]37451[/ATTACH] Ah,. . . I see that the plane has had Wingoes 10 VG in 'stalled'. . . . with Fullslat 1.1 deleted. . . good wingload that. . .faster Vno too eh ? ? can't be bad. . .
Phil Perry Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 Quote The annoying thing about XP is that it serves most people fine but it then becomes a security risk for everyone on the internet, including yourself. XP is now 14 years old, the question is how long should companies like XP be forced to support a product? Imagine if you were unable to buy parts for your 14 year old car? I guess it's got a lot to do with what the machine is being used for ? I have an old Pentium 4 desktop machine running XP3, the reason being that the ancient, rebuilt vinyl graphic cutting plotter I purchased back in 1997 also has old software running the machine, ( Cadlink Signlab V7 ) was designed for Windows 2000 / win XP . . . This machine is never connected to the interwebby and therefore needs no virus protection. Any data / jobs sent to me via the webby method are pre-scanned and fed into the old lump via USB memstick. No problems so far,. . . I keep restoring the big plotter, ( 1310mm cutting width ) as it is soooooo reliable. I bought a spare ex-demo one some time back and I cannibalise that for important bits. Can't see any reason to replace it, and it will probably outlive me. XP was nice and easy, but has been rather superseded now,. . . I'm avoiding win 10 for a lot of the reasons I've seen discussed on this forum and many 'elsewhere' places, quite happy with seven thanks. When they cease with updates to that then maybe I'll think about re-grading. . . . "UP" will depend upon evidence. . . .
Kyle Communications Posted December 31, 2015 Posted December 31, 2015 Win XP service pack 2 is the only one to use for anything CNC. SP3 made a lot of changes in the way the I/O ports are handled. Radio programming software and CNC serial based software works a treat on SP2 but SP3 has some wierdo stuff in it. Half the radios dont program via the serial port anymore and when running Mach3 sometimes the machine just shoots off and ruins the job. All my CNC stuff and radio stuff runs on XP SP2 or win98 it is far more stable. Win7 has issues programming radios and also on CNC machines. Got Win10 on the Imac's at work in a Fusion Pro VM and I have to say it is very fast also more like Win7 in the GUI. Havent tried it on any real I/O stuff yet but for the general use we use it for it seems to be reasonably good....Win8 is a huge POS Mark
Kyle Communications Posted December 31, 2015 Posted December 31, 2015 Oh and I love my Mac's but I have to say this Icloud crap is really pissing me off. It is such a nagging pain in the bum and the whole system is tied to it. I dont have it enabled but it keeps nagging every day many times also Itunes is getting worse and more like a virus every day. It is such a pity as the apple stuff before this Icloud sh!t was just soooo good now it is really getting crappy....surely there must be a lot of people complaing to apple about it. Why cant we just have a version without all this big brother stuff
rankamateur Posted December 31, 2015 Posted December 31, 2015 Quote Why cant we just have a version without all this big brother stuff Because Apple needs to own you! Your mortal corpse is part of the capital in their business.
Phil Perry Posted December 31, 2015 Posted December 31, 2015 Quote Win XP service pack 2 is the only one to use for anything CNC. SP3 made a lot of changes in the way the I/O ports are handled. Radio programming software and CNC serial based software works a treat on SP2 but SP3 has some wierdo stuff in it. Half the radios dont program via the serial port anymore and when running Mach3 sometimes the machine just shoots off and ruins the job. All my CNC stuff and radio stuff runs on XP SP2 or win98 it is far more stable. Win7 has issues programming radios and also on CNC machines.Got Win10 on the Imac's at work in a Fusion Pro VM and I have to say it is very fast also more like Win7 in the GUI. Havent tried it on any real I/O stuff yet but for the general use we use it for it seems to be reasonably good....Win8 is a huge POS Mark Thanks for the info Mark,. . . I had to use SP3 since the Cad software has functions disabled in 2,. . .. silly annoying stuff like "Undo" are unavailable which is a damn pain if an error is made in a design, and required saving the file every few seconds or having to waste time with a redo of the bit I I screwed up ! The main software is German, and has a few anomalies about which I have whinged to them in the past, but they want silly money for "fixes" which really ought to be a sensible free update for the sort of money I spent, so I've hacked various parts and tailored it to what I want it to do. I dislike the "Cloud" bollox as well, so much so that I'm using older, Pre-Cloud versions of Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop with bits that I need also hacked. I DO occasionally have a prob when someone sends me a file in a later version, but ve haf vays of sorting zis too. ! On the dubject of radio programming, a friend imports and sells LOADS of these tiny Baofeng Chinese hand held radios, and he uses Win7 for the programming software for those,. . . the bloke is making a fortune flogging them to "Paintball" outdoor shooting range operators, and Large building site projects. . . he got hold of some tiny little repeaters too, ( Chinese again of course ) which use 2 radios, plus a decent battery pack and bingo, you have a portble repeater for larger site ops. . .not a true full duplex unit of course, but a receive / instant retransmit jobbie, which is just as effective for joe public operations and licences are quite easy to obtain here. Now that battery tech has improved wildly, some of these handies are availble with an output of 8 Watts ! ! Bit better than the older Icom / Yaesu / Kenwood handies I used to use on the Ham bands . . . There is no reason why I couldn't use Win7 for this software, but I guess I just cannot be ar$ed to bother,. . .it ain't broke - so why fix it ? I've got a stock of unused dual core machines up in the loft . . . .
Birdseye Posted December 31, 2015 Posted December 31, 2015 Another couple of attempts to update proved futile. Windows support couldn't hold up a grandad's truss. I think I'll see how long I can make Win 7 last last and hope that something better will have come along in the meantime.
Kyle Communications Posted December 31, 2015 Posted December 31, 2015 Hi Phil The later series of radios that are designed for USB programmers will usually all work fine on Win7 but stuff from only a couple of years ago that use serial port programmers is where the issue is. Windoze wants to control all port activity on the later versions from XP SP3 and its a pain. Also a lot of software the later generation computers are way too fast and wont program a lot of radios either. I keep a Toshiba 1200 dinosaur to program a couple of dinosaur radios also Philips Prm80 series and Motorola GP 300 and Spectras I keep an old 386 laptop for them as they will not program even on a low grade pentium which I use for almost everything. I am always looking out for older Dell or similar PC that have serial ports on them just to make sure I have a collection of them for backup hardware. Why does it all have to be so difficult. You would think as technology gets better it would be easier to do but not so. The pcb design software I used was Protel 98 and it does not like running on Win7 but Win7 does have a addon you can download that allows you to create a VM within win7 that is a microsoft actually works extremely well for the PCB software although now I have converted over to Eagle and it runs fine on Win7 or on my Imac at work under fusion on Win7. Bloody computers
Phil Perry Posted December 31, 2015 Posted December 31, 2015 I forgot to mention that the half pallet of HP desktops I've got stored have got rs232 serial ports as well as usb,. . .quite quick, useful machines those. . . all with 80Gb drives which is plenty for what I do now ( part time shirker ) and quick enough for what I need to produce vinyl graphics anyway. . . . I steered away from full colour printing and rip software when I packed in working full time . . .too heavy on the inks and maintenance contract costs. . . and got rid of the big macs with massive memory and file handling capability along with the printers. The old plotter I've kept is serial / parallel anyway so there's no interface issues. Just completed 28 complete registration letter sets for 15 different types of aircraft . . .glad I don't have to fit them as they are destined for a repair / restoration / painting company and I really hate lying on my back on a cold hangar floor doing the left underside wing letters . . . High wingers are just as much of a pain,. . but in the neck this time . . they used to take a dim view of being asked to remove one wing so that I could comfortably sticker it against a wall. . .! A lot of my stuff is done mail order nowadays. . . handy sideline alongside the pension anyhow.
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