Robbo Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 Ok... I said the above was my last comment on the matter but it seems I have caused the thread to go in another direction. The above comments are my personel opinion and like everyone here its our right to comment and have our point of view. I could be bias because I have a girlfriend in the police force and see the crap she has to put up with, some nights she comes home and she is upset because some piece of scum has assaulted her or because she has just told someone there child is dead. I am sick of people criticising our emergency services (and authorities), if you only new how stuff like this effects the members and there familys im sure you would have different opinions. People are now complaining about the retention of internet data and call logs. Well if I havent been looking up or calling dodgy people why would I care? Parking inspectors get abused for just doing there job, don't want a ticket? Easy don't park where you shouldn't. Good on the government for trying to prevent stuff before it happens. They can't seem to do anything right, the public criticise our authorities for being proactive then they criticise them for not preventing stuff. We all make mistakes including our authorities, some mistakes have minor effects while some have outcomes we don't want. Thats my comment and I will now cease comments on this topic.
Marty_d Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 Quote Ok... I said the above was my last comment on the matter but it seems I have caused the thread to go in another direction. The above comments are my personel opinion and like everyone here its our right to comment and have our point of view. I could be bias because I have a girlfriend in the police force and see the crap she has to put up with, some nights she comes home and she is upset because some piece of scum has assaulted her or because she has just told someone there child is dead. I am sick of people criticising our emergency services, if you only new how stuff like this effects the members and there familys im sure you would have different opinions. They can't seem to do anything right, the public criticise our authoritys for being proactive then they criticise them for not preventing stuff. We all make mistakes including our authority's some mistakes have minor effects while some have outcomes we don't want. Thats my comment and I will now cease comments on this topic. Robbo, if in any way my posts seem to indicate that I don't respect cops on the front line doing their jobs, let me assure you that is not the case. At the top of any law enforcement or military organisation though are people who are closer to being politicians than cops/soldiers. In this particular case one of these characters, probably explicitly or implicitly asked to do so by Peter Dutton or one of his staff, screwed the pooch and made that ridiculous press release. Then when the sh*t hit the fan they said it was a mistake in wording by a junior staff member. Really? Who lets "junior" staff draft and release statements to the press with no oversight? I have nothing but respect for the men and women on the front line of law enforcement (except for certain US ones who murder unarmed civilians, but that's another story). They have to carry out the orders. It's the ones who give the orders, when they're breathtakingly stupid like this one, that get my contempt.
turboplanner Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 Quote Robbo, if in any way my posts seem to indicate that I don't respect cops on the front line doing their jobs, let me assure you that is not the case. At the top of any law enforcement or military organisation though are people who are closer to being politicians than cops/soldiers. In this particular case one of these characters, probably explicitly or implicitly asked to do so by Peter Dutton or one of his staff, screwed the pooch and made that ridiculous press release. Then when the sh*t hit the fan they said it was a mistake in wording by a junior staff member. Really? Who lets "junior" staff draft and release statements to the press with no oversight? I have nothing but respect for the men and women on the front line of law enforcement (except for certain US ones who murder unarmed civilians, but that's another story). They have to carry out the orders. It's the ones who give the orders, when they're breathtakingly stupid like this one, that get my contempt. You're just digging a deeper grave.
Marty_d Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote You're just digging a deeper grave. Really? Funny, I feel perfectly unconcerned.
Teckair Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote The difference here Techy is that, whereas you were clearly driving a motor vehicle Kaz Hi there Kaz, no was not driving a motor vehicle, it was a crime scene where someone I knew had died. I think it was being treated as a murder and I got asked a lot of questions and was treated like a suspect by the detective. This was based on nothing more than I happened to visit the place 4 days after the death not knowing that it had become a crime scene. For me none of this is the point, the point is I was happy to assist with the enquiries and did not take offence at being subject to the interrogation and ID check as the guy was only doing his job. If I was in Melbourne and a person with a black shirt and a gun identified them self and asked for ID I would not have a problem providing it. What we have on this forum is a bunch of people who complain about anything and everything if they think they can somehow blame TA. I find this attitude tiresome, predictable and pathetic.
fly_tornado Posted August 30, 2015 Author Posted August 30, 2015 when in doubt claim you never read the email, works for the LNP
kaz3g Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote What we have on this forum is a bunch of people who complain about anything and everything if they think they can somehow blame TA. I find this attitude tiresome, predictable and pathetic. I am equally critical of excesses by either side of Government or their supporters and I endeavour to focus on policies rather than individuals. The current debacles over CAR 232 and the ADSB implementation cost are two good cases in point? Successive Ministers have allowed CASA to do pretty much whatever it wants to at extraordinary expense to all aircraft owners. How much has regulatory reform cost thus far? How many errors, conflicts and shear stupidity have now been identified? The mind boggles! Have a read of CAR 232 and the following article from Vocasupport and think about what might be in store at Ausfly. Dick Smith is claiming ADSB, instead of saving the aviation industry money as was promised in the RIS, will now cost upwards of $60m. Also did nothing to rein in the profligate spending of our money at CASA and neither has Truss. Time for a new broom!!! Write your local Member NOW! Kaz
Methusala Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 "Australian Border Force: Peter Dutton says his office received copy of press release, but no-one read it." Would you...could you believe a government like this? Baaaahhhhaaaahhhaaa.
Marty_d Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote What we have on this forum is a bunch of people who complain about anything and everything if they think they can somehow blame TA. I find this attitude tiresome, predictable and pathetic. Only because TA gives most of the population heaps to complain about. As a prime minister he'd make a good dishwasher. Yes, the attitude is probably predictable because this government is tiresome and pathetic.
facthunter Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Kaz , your local member will be worried about the next elections, not reforming CASA. We don't have a minister for CIVIL AVIATION (who would be an ex pilot of some repute),as we once did. It's a transport portfolio. Albanese wasn't much . More interested on more down to earth forms of transport. but W. Truss? Embarrassing . Hardly ever gets his facts right either by lack of ability or deliberately for a purpose. I can't imagine reform originating from a minister, unless some totally obvious calamity befell us. or perhaps (a citizens class action). Nev
dutchroll Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 I think Albanese was an idiot as transport minister, especially with some things he tried to do (and actually did) in the aviation area. But I digress......
kaz3g Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote Kaz , your local member will be worried about the next elections, not reforming CASA. We don't have a minister for CIVIL AVIATION (who would be an ex pilot of some repute),as we once did. It's a transport portfolio. Albanese wasn't much . More interested on more down to earth forms of transport. but W. Truss? Embarrassing . Hardly ever gets his facts right either by lack of ability or deliberately for a purpose. I can't imagine reform originating from a minister, unless some totally obvious calamity befell us. or perhaps (a citizens class action). Nev My local Member probably only has to worry about competition from within her own party as she is very active here and well regarded. Although...our State Member is now an independent after 30 years as the safest National seat in Victoria. Neither Albanese nor Truss has done anything for aviation and you are absolutely right that the rot started when aviation was morphed into transport. Truss, however, appears to have totally muted the recent inquiry and nothing, that's zero, zilch, nada has happened to begin implementing the recommendations other than to release a new corporate manifesto. Extraordinary! What do you think, Turbs? Has the Coalition done any better than the last mob? Kaz
turboplanner Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 No, definitely not; neither Minister is active. I think the rot started when CAA was formed and aviation fell into the hands of a corporation and all departmental processes were lost.
kaz3g Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote No, definitely not; neither Minister is active. I think the rot started when CAA was formed and aviation fell into the hands of a corporation and all departmental processes were lost. As far as I know, Sussan Ley is the only federal Member flying her own aircraft...and good on her! Her electorate is hug and it makes perfect sense to use wings instead of wheels. She has a very pretty little C182 RG. Years ago, of course, we had former RAAF pilots as MP's on both sides of the house; Gorton and Caldwell come to mind. Kaz
Robbo Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 This is a perfect example of someone showing no respect for authority, they film themselves being disrespectful then put it on youtube for a laugh.
kgwilson Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 The things that have permeated their way into our law enforcement authorities have become more right wing and in some eyes border on fascist principles and are in my opinion partly due to the rhetoric from our current political masters. A very recent example to cross my path was on Thursday not far from Grafton. A friend of mine was checking the boundary fencing on his rural property not far from his neighbour's house. He heard a loud yell & looked up to find 2 men dressed in black pointing high powered rifles at his head. He told me his first instinct was to run but within a second, reasoning kicked in & he knew he could not outrun a bullet so put his hands on his head. The 2 in black came forward continuing to train their rifles on him and demanded he get down & what was he doing on this property. On stating it was his land & what the hell were they doing, they said it was a crime scene & they could do what they liked. My friend finally got the senior detective or whoever to come down where it was all explained but the detective offered no apology, told him it was a crime scene & he should not have been there. WHAT !! He was on his own property. My friend who has suffered PTSD for over 20 years has since had several relapses. In the past most police would have apologised and moved on. Not so now. The attitude has changed. Power and right on behalf of officialdom has overstepped the mark now & that is a direct result of the pathetic chest beating rhetoric from the Abbot led dickheads.
fly_tornado Posted August 30, 2015 Author Posted August 30, 2015 once you get the uniform on and armed you just feel like taking down a "perp"
turboplanner Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote once you get the uniform on and armed you just feel like taking down a "perp" A ridiculous statement! You clearly don't know any police families!
fly_tornado Posted August 30, 2015 Author Posted August 30, 2015 Quote A ridiculous statement!You clearly don't know any police families! the cops can't help themselves, the QLD cops aren't allowed to conduct high speed pursuits and every few months the police union gets on talk-back begging to have it reintroduced even though its proven to lead to unnecessary fatalities. I don't know what pills your doctor is giving your turbs
willedoo Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote This is a perfect example of someone showing no respect for authority, they film themselves being disrespectful then put it on youtube for a laugh. That's an interesting one, Robbo. I guess it is disrespectful to film anyone without them wanting you to. It's easy to understand the officer being unhappy about it, as he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. It would be different if he was stepping over the line eg. police brutality etc., but going about your job, he obviously felt it was a bit overboard. Having said that, as the cameraman pointed out, it was not unlawful to film the police officer. The police officer probably knew that anyway, as he made a request only to stop filming. Considering he just drove off, he was probably quite aware that he had no legal basis to stop the person from filming him. But it is a bit rude to film a police officer performing his job if he's doing nothing wrong. I've found in the areas I frequent eg. Queensland regional areas, the police are generally pretty good. There's the odd bad egg, but very rare, and they usually get weeded out of the force before they do too much harm.
Marty_d Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Quote As far as I know, Sussan Ley is the only federal Member flying her own aircraft...and good on her! Her electorate is hug and it makes perfect sense to use wings instead of wheels. She has a very pretty little C182 RG. Years ago, of course, we had former RAAF pilots as MP's on both sides of the house; Gorton and Caldwell come to mind. Kaz Andrew Broad is a federal member of the National party isn't he? I seem to remember he posted to this site a while back, think he owned a Brumby.
facthunter Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 In the country they are part of the community. In the city they can do what they like Dealing with humans is one of the most complex things anyone will ever do. What I see police doing today is very concerning .There is much gratuitous violence when they have overwhelming force against individuals who pose no real threat what so ever to anyone. Some are mentally impaired and some are stressed out of their mind. Tasering and capsicum spray are used against protesters without regard for their medical condition I doubt many police are properly trained for the situations they have to confront. Nev
facthunter Posted August 30, 2015 Posted August 30, 2015 Owning an aeroplane doesn't actually mean much in a political sense. It's not a political statement to own one except it might indicate you have the where with all to afford it. Enthusiasm may over-ride wealth so the obvious conclusion may be invalid .Nev
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