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Only the ones who behave badly 750. They make the good work of the decent coppers tainted. Anyone who knows anything knows it's tough job, but if you have dealt $#!t from corrupt coppers it's hard to laugh it off.. These are the people we as a society look to for a fair deal .A crook copper is like a peodophile Priest. A betrayal of trust. and they do exist (unfortunately). Nev



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The things that have permeated their way into our law enforcement authorities have become more right wing and in some eyes border on fascist principles and are in my opinion partly due to the rhetoric from our current political masters.

A very recent example to cross my path was on Thursday not far from Grafton. A friend of mine was checking the boundary fencing on his rural property not far from his neighbour's house. He heard a loud yell & looked up to find 2 men dressed in black pointing high powered rifles at his head. He told me his first instinct was to run but within a second, reasoning kicked in & he knew he could not outrun a bullet so put his hands on his head. The 2 in black came forward continuing to train their rifles on him and demanded he get down & what was he doing on this property. On stating it was his land & what the hell were they doing, they said it was a crime scene & they could do what they liked. My friend finally got the senior detective or whoever to come down where it was all explained but the detective offered no apology, told him it was a crime scene & he should not have been there. WHAT !! He was on his own property. My friend who has suffered PTSD for over 20 years has since had several relapses.


In the past most police would have apologised and moved on. Not so now. The attitude has changed. Power and right on behalf of officialdom has overstepped the mark now & that is a direct result of the pathetic chest beating rhetoric from the Abbot led dickheads.

And Hansel and Gretel met up Little Red Riding Hood and they had a threesome in the woods while the big bad wolf who was dressed in black watched on.



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This is a perfect example of someone showing no respect for authority, they film themselves being disrespectful then put it on youtube for a laugh.


What here is wrong- a member of the public was filming a officer in the course of his duties. No offence was made, he was polite and within the law.


The big issue is for way too long Police have abused the perceived authority they have. Often demanding respect and getting violent when it is not automatically given.


This officer kept his head- the least he should do.


What was the filming over?


Obviously the cop stopped all traffic, including tram for a traffic matter. He could of been over a couple of feet and been safe for all and not obstructed traffic. Instead he parked to stop all traffic.


Don't give me that poor cops need respect stuff- it is a two way street, the public also deserve respect.


It used to be a Police Service not a Police Force.



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As a side note: for those that want the LDP and others to run the show


"This month Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm forced the Abbott government into a partial retreat on an already trumpeted ban on imports of a new rapid-action shotgun. Leyonhjelm happily boasted in the Senate that he had undertaken political “blackmail” – in return for the government’s backflip, he abandoned a plan to vote for an entirely unrelated Labor amendment that would have required an adult or guardian to be present when blood, saliva or fingerprints are taken from children by the Australia’s Border Force."


So now the ABF (Abbotts storm troopers) now have law saying they can take blood,prints,saliva and thus DNA from children and parents have no right to refuse or legal standing to protect their childs rights. Got to love how not even children have rights under this bunch.



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Meanwhile in a parrallel universe.




Bloke caught with hundreds of illegal weapons, anti tank weapons, rocket launchers, grenades.


Massive terrorist clampdown and media blitz expected-----------------Not a chance, he has a get out of gaol card- he is white.


Has only been charged with a firearms offence.


What if he was Arabic? Asian?


But naturally white folks can be trusted with a rocket launcher- good for hunting wild greenies they say.



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"Australian Border Force: Peter Dutton says his office received copy of press release, but no-one read it."

Would you...could you believe a government like this? Baaaahhhhaaaahhhaaa.

Why would a Federal Minister be reading press releases? They are for the press.


The Victorian Premier receives around 10,000 emails a day. On a direct comparison you could multiply this by six for the Prime Minister, and Ministers would not be far behind, which is why they employ sizeable staffs to handle correspondence (I think about 40 in Victoria).


If this was a Federal issue, emails may have been passed on.


However it was a Victorian Government (Labor) initiative involving Victoria Police, Transport Police and Sheriffs Office. It was to be a blitz no different to the usual exercises Victorian departments conduct.


Members of the Victorian/ Tasmanian Australia Border Force were to tag along to be on hand should any Visa issues come up.


The Australian Border Force has a Commissioner in much the same way as Police Forces have Commissioners, and their operations are at arm’s length from Government, so there was no requirement or need for either the Prime Minister or the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection to be involved in or have any say in the operation.


A lot of the confusion may be coming from the fact that the ABF was only formed on July1 , being an integration of Australian Customs and Department of Immigration, whose officers have worked together for decades.


The Press Release, which seems to have set off the hysteria was authorised by the ABF Regional Commander for Victoria and Tasmania, Don Smith.


He is the person you need to take it up with if the wording indicated that we are about to become a Police State.


His mistake seems to be this line: “ABF officers will be positioned at various locations around the CBD speaking with any individual we cross paths with.”


The word “positioned” as in police or sheriff checkpoints seems to have been overlooked by some who have claimed ABF officers would be walking the streets asking us all for our papers, and we would be guilty until proven innocent.


This is a link to Andrew Bolt’s update today, spelling out facts which have been very short on the ground in this thread:




This is a link to the Australian Border Force Act





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The press release was from the Fed government dept. Responsible to the minister.


How is that not their responsibility?


I was sent twice on Wed and Thursday, with briefing notes to the Minister. If a minister is provided briefing notes- then it is expected and in fact his responsibility to read and understand it. That is the basis of the westminister system- not duck and cover when caught with your pants down. The buck stops at the minister, anything that happens in the portfolio is his to own. I was at home sick does not cut it.


There is no contention with the state police actions- all lawful, but appeared heavy handed.



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Ah well if Andrew Bolt said it..........


Why didn't you tell us before?


Because as we see so often, Andrew Bolt gets his facts pretty straight, and you get the straight facts delivered without any political spin or bias from him.


I think we've just reached a new low.



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In the country they are part of the community. In the city they can do what they like Dealing with humans is one of the most complex things anyone will ever do. What I see police doing today is very concerning .There is much gratuitous violence when they have overwhelming force against individuals who pose no real threat what so ever to anyone. Some are mentally impaired and some are stressed out of their mind. Tasering and capsicum spray are used against protesters without regard for their medical condition I doubt many police are properly trained for the situations they have to confront. Nev

And that is exactly why people are taking their legal right and filming police.



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Meanwhile in a parrallel universe.



Bloke caught with hundreds of illegal weapons, anti tank weapons, rocket launchers, grenades.


Massive terrorist clampdown and media blitz expected-----------------Not a chance, he has a get out of gaol card- he is white.


Has only been charged with a firearms offence.


What if he was Arabic? Asian?


But naturally white folks can be trusted with a rocket launcher- good for hunting wild greenies they say.

what I don't understand is why someone like that isn't charged with illegal weapons trading? did he agree to dob in his customers and suppliers?



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what I don't understand is why someone like that isn't charged with illegal weapons trading? did he agree to dob in his customers and suppliers?

My guess would be that the police had no evidence of him selling weapons, or not enough to initially charge him. Also, being charged with a firearm offence might just be the holding charge, and like a lot of these cases, more charges would come later.


There is also the possibility that the bulk of the weapons were de-activated and legal under a collectors license. In that case, under most gun laws, all firearms are confiscated if there is a breach of the law in any respect. The media are usually not too good on legislation, so in a case like that, they would report it as a large haul, not pointing out that most of them were legal.


If his neighbours knew he was a gun collector, he would be most likely a licensed collector. The Fort Knox comment would be in line with this, as the storage requirements for collectors' liscences are far above that of the ordinary gun owner. Sounds to me like he stuffed up and had illegal items with his legal ones.


I'm just guessing here; who knows, he might be a doomsday prepper.


Cheers, Willie.



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A short reply to TP's assertion that this was a purely Victorian matter. Just for the record(From the Guardian):


"The government has suggested Victorian border force officials are to blame for the press release, which incorrectly suggested ABF would be “speaking with any individual we cross paths with” during a multi-agency crackdown on crime and antisocial behaviour.






But the media adviser for immigration minister Peter Dutton replied “thanks for letting me know” the second time his office was sent the controversial press release on Thursday morning.






Guardian Australia revealed at the weekend the release had actually been sent to the immigration minister Peter Dutton’s office twice – as an attachment to a briefing note about the operation. A spokesman for Dutton confirmed the first email had been received on Wednesday afternoon, but said the press release had not been read because it “looked like a routine operation”.






The second email, sent from Victorian border force last Thursday morning to both Dutton’s office and the office of assistant immigration minister Michaelia Cash, appeared to be seeking an assurance from the minister’s office that someone had read the material.






It read: “Hi, apologies. I should have sent this for noting originally,” and confirmed ABF was intending to publicly post the media release on Friday morning.






A staff member for Dutton replied, “Thanks for letting me know.”



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A short reply to TP's assertion that this was a purely Victorian matter. Just for the record(From the Guardian):"The government has suggested Victorian border force officials are to blame for the press release, which incorrectly suggested ABF would be “speaking with any individual we cross paths with” during a multi-agency crackdown on crime and antisocial behaviour.


But the media adviser for immigration minister Peter Dutton replied “thanks for letting me know” the second time his office was sent the controversial press release on Thursday morning.


Guardian Australia revealed at the weekend the release had actually been sent to the immigration minister Peter Dutton’s office twice – as an attachment to a briefing note about the operation. A spokesman for Dutton confirmed the first email had been received on Wednesday afternoon, but said the press release had not been read because it “looked like a routine operation”.


The second email, sent from Victorian border force last Thursday morning to both Dutton’s office and the office of assistant immigration minister Michaelia Cash, appeared to be seeking an assurance from the minister’s office that someone had read the material.


It read: “Hi, apologies. I should have sent this for noting originally,” and confirmed ABF was intending to publicly post the media release on Friday morning.


A staff member for Dutton replied, “Thanks for letting me know.”

Those sorts of communications happen every day between staff - FYI emails cc emails etc - there's a sea of them, and what you quoted here relating to the Federal Minister's media adviser, an unspecified sender to the media adviser, "Victorian Border Force", Assistant Immigration Minister Michaela Cash and an apology from someone for not making it clear the ANF press release was to be published on the Friday.


This implies that the press release content had not been brought to the attention of the Minister, and the Prime Minister.


The Victorian Commander of ABF has publicly taken responsibility for the wording stuff up.


There's no suggestion that the Commisioner of the ABF in Canberra was aware of a problem, or had changed ANF operating procedures to include wandering the streets picking you and I, asking for our papers, or suggesting that the "innocent until proven guilty" convention had been changed.


Apart from any of that, there is a separation of powers between operations of the ABF, which is controlled by the Commissioner, and operation of the Government, which is controlled by the Parliament and through the Minister and Prime Minister. They can't just issue orders to the Commissioner to go out and kick some a*rse.


So yes, the plan to have ABF join the Victorian Police, Victorian Transport Police and Victorian Sheriff's Office at several hot spots was a Victorian plan.



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Hard to get a straight answer or any truth. They play you. There's a bi- election in Canning, remember. Nev

A good way of losing the Canning byelection would be for the government to introduce a nazi style secret police.


The Labor Party's immigration policy is very sound, and Labor is in bipartisan rapport with the Government, and while some cat calling is to be expected, taking advantage of the press activities, they know the Australian people support the bipartisan approach, so there are other more productive strategies to chose right now.



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The press release was from the Fed government dept.

No, it wasn't from the department, it was from the Victorian/Tasmanian Regional Commander of one of the department's operations units.


It needed to be kicked up several notches in the hierarchy before it became a departmental communique.



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Since when did anyone in the real world contend that a "staff member" from a minister's office doesn't represent, work for, report to and ultimately be responsible (You know! Like the buck stops with the RESPONSIBLE minister) to that minister. What is the minister's role but to be responsible for everything that happens on his bailiwick???? FT, surely you know what the Australian model of government is supposed to mean. But no, I am now anticipating some convoluted gobbledygook ie RUBBISH! in return for this. Rant over SHeeeeshhh! Kind regards, Don



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Yes, if you can't manage your portfolio, no if's no but's, you walk. The Dog ate my homework, sir. I was let down by incompetent lower level staff, fits in the same level of poor excuse. It's not true either as Turbo mentions. If you plan your flying like this was planned, you won't fly long or far. nev



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