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Take out a " advantage saver " account @ 5% pa .

It will soon be enough for your funeral expenses. 

Just hang around a bit longer , 2042 ! , Come to my BIrthday party . LoL

2065 to beat the French ladies longevity of 122 years .


Edited by spacesailor
Can't count

We are being railroaded again. We are being forced to download and use an ap to access our Centrelink and ATO accounts.


A direct copy and paste from the myID.gov.au website:


When you sign in to myGov using your myID app, you’ll enter or accept a 4-digit code in your myID app. This is instead of using your myGov username, password and security codes.




Here is something that is very random.


I was flipping Foxtel channels the other night and came across a natural history program called Wild Australia. It covered lots of animals an plants native to Australia, Echidnas, wombats, Tassie devils etc. But it also showed a wildflower I had neve heard of, called a Hammer Orchid. This plant, found in the outback, has two arms. The pollen is stored on one arm, and the other arm has a lump which resembles a female wasp. The plant emits a pheremone which imitates a female wasp to attract males. 


When the male locks onto the decoy and wraps its legs around it, the 'arm" of the flower has an elbow which enables it to swing the was over and push it into the pollen, ensuring the wasp carries it of to fertilise other plants.



  • Informative 3

I didn't take a copy of this, and some will dismiss it as hogwash. But I read an article where a young boy said he was murdered in a previous life. He led investigators to the spot where he was buried. They dug up the skeleton of a child, and the axe he said he had been killed with. He had a long birthmark matching what would have been where he was struck with the axe. There are other reports of people claiming experiences from as former life. 


The story is in a book produced by a re-incarnation promoter, a German bloke by the name of Trutz Hardo. The story changes in some places, to the body found, being of a man.

The Druze believe firmly in re-incarnation, so it's a re-incarnation promoter seeking out other re-incarnation believers, so he can do more re-incarnation promotion.


Hebrews 9:27 in the Bible appears to refute re-incarnation.   https://biblehub.com/hebrews/9-27.htm


The perfect details on every fact, are all just too good to be true. I have no doubt there are strange things that happen that defy explanation, and have psychic overtones, but this story is too perfect.


"The boy, of the Druze ethnic group, was born with a long, red birthmark on his head. According to Druze beliefs, birthmarks are related to past-life deaths. When the boy was old enough to talk, he told his family that he had been killed with an axe blow to his head.
As is the custom, the elders took the child to the home of his previous life, to see if he remembers it. And sure enough, the boy knew the village he was from, and once he arrived there, he remembered the name he had in his past life.

Locals told the elders that the man who the boy was claiming to be, had gone missing four years earlier. When asked, the boy also remembered the full name of his killer. When the alleged killer was confronted, his face turned white, but he did not admit to murder.

The boy then took the elders to where the body was buried, and in that very spot, they found a man's skeleton with a wound to the head that corresponded with the boy's birthmark. They also recovered the axe with which he had been killed.

Faced with the evidence, the killer then admitted to the crime.

The boy's full story has been documented in the book, "Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today" by German therapist Trutz Hardo."


While it would be wrong of me to deny paranormal happenings, as I have no evidence to prove that my denial was correct, it would be as equally wrong to accept them without experiencing them myself. I think that is what is called a Doubting Thomas approach.

  • Informative 1

If you believe a lot of stuff that seems unlikely you'll be in more strife than IF you are sceptical but if you sense a feeling that something is not right It's not a lot of trouble to consider it and look a bit harder at what's unfolding  .Prime example  USA NOW. Nev

  • Informative 1

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