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Oh, No! - surely not!! I get all my news from SKY news, and they're SO informative, about what and who is causing all the worlds problems! - and how it can all be solved by getting rid of all those anti-capitalist politician radicals!! Why, I even saw an interview with one journo on there, who talked about and praised Trumps fabulous story-telling ability!!😄

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in the proper old days like on To the manor born you would drive a rolls or a bentley, have tea in the afternoon and sherry in the evenings.

In reality it would be probably more like Mrs Bucket's sister and brother in law.

I grew up with too much ABC and early 2 channel options 🙂

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The Transit Van!!!  What a godsend to Irish Customs smugglers - and the Pope!!



Margaret Thatcher talking on TV, looks so sincere, as she says to me,
"There'd be no unemployment if, you all used a bit of initiative",
I was on the dole, I was broke and bored. Says, "Aye, I'll take her at her word!"

Got a loan from a credit union man, and bought meself a Transit van,
My next step up the ladder now, I bought meself an old fat sow,
Crossed the border quite legally - collected a Common Market Subsidy,
Signed all the forms and gave back the pen - smuggled the sow back home again.

Ten times a day I'd work this plan, Meself and the Sow and the Transit van,
Travel sickness the sow picked up, says "Aye, it's time to diversify",
Took all me money from the biscuit tin, filled the van to the roof with Whiskey and Gin,
Around the South, my wares I'd sell, in public houses an' hotels.

There was never a Garda, nor a Customs man, put his nose inside the Transit van,
Festivals and Fleadhs and Fairs - if the craic was good, you'd find me there,
At all big matches in Croke Park, and I danced with Springsteen in the dark,
I fought with the tinkers in Ballinasloe, I danced on the streets around Listowel.
Mothers had there daughters warned - "Stay away from the Transit van!",
It being Lent and the drink trade slow, I changed to carrying video,
When on the road to Ballybay, found a Customs roadblock in my way,
Faced the border, I got her turned, the engine roared, and the tyres burned.
Five patrol cars fully manned, were in hot pursuit of the Transit van,
Through Clontibret I did go, I was heading for the county Mayo,
Roundin' a corner, I hit a dog, went over the ditch, landed in the bog,
I sat on a bank watched all I owned, sinking in the bog hole like a stone.

She was lying on the roof the wheels still turning, and the stereo playing Daniel O'Donnell,
Now I'm back where I first began - no job, no money - but I've a plan -
There's a girl down in Mullingar, she can hold my future in her hand,
She doesn't look like a fillum star, but she's been telling me about her Da.
He has no property or land - But he has two sows, and a Transit van!
The Queen of England drives a Rolls Royce car ....
Her son Charlie has a Jagu-a-r ....
But when the Pope came to Ireland ...
Like myself ...
He drove around in a Transit van!



Edited by onetrack
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Jusst how rich does billionaire Mineral Resources boss Clive Ellison want to be?


He has banned staff from working from home, and forbids them from leaving the office, even at lunchtime, to get a coffee.


“I get them first thing in the morning, I want to hold them captive all day long. I don't want them leaving the building,” Ellison said.


"I don't want them walking down the road for a cup of coffee. We kind of figured out a few years ago how much that costs, wandering out around lunchtime.”


Some changes designed to keep people on site include a restaurant and cafe, a fitness centre and a $ 20-a-day childcare centre for staff to “drop their little tykes off next door”.


I certainly wouldn't work for a boss like that. Yes, work from home can be a pain for other family members. My son only this week said it is 2 years since he started working from home, only going to the office for training sessions. He works from the family room. Meetings are conducted via Zoom or Teams. I hate it when he's on the late shift, finishing at 7:00 pm. 

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This is the same bloke who would knock off at lunchtime every Friday, for a long and boozy lunch with high-profile business mates, discussing share-ramping stunts to ensure the company shares didn't flag - and that lunch would finish off so late, it wasn't worth going back to the office. Then he'd claim he's worth all of his multiple-million dollar annual salary. I wouldn't work for the prick. I've been in many company boardrooms, and had plenty of dealings with these people, and most are abominably avaricious.


Edited by onetrack
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As I was working on my solution to a problem with the renovation today, and things were going well, I started to feel sorry for rich people.


What sort of life must it be to have people do things for you all the time. We here have all made something sometime. Whatever we made involved planning, sourcing and application of whatever level of skill we had. At the end, we had something to show for our effort. It might not have been award winning, but if it met the original need, we were satisfied.


Imagine a life where there was none of that satisfaction. If you wanted a widget, you sent someone out to buy it for you, or you called in someone to do a simple repair job. 



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Very true. The rich and famous would probably like to swap places with us at times. I remember reading about an interview with Amy Winehouse not long before she died, and she said she'd give it all up just to be able to walk down the street and not be recognised. Some of us lead very humble lives but kings and queens probably envy us.

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I saw a beaut little pot-bellied stove amongst the campers at the Dowerin Field Days, it was two large truck brake drums welded together and laid horizontally, to form a drum shape.

They'd carved a hole in the front side to add wood and welded a door on, and installed a flue on the rear. I think they'd used a piece of truck exhaust pipe for a flue.

They finished it off with three metal legs, possibly lengths of scrap pipe. It was extremely neat, and I wish I'd stopped and taken a photo of it.

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