Phil Perry Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Just seen this on my favourite Pollie blogsite,. . . So who is Turnbull . . . and what will this worthy bring to improve the Australian dream I wonder ? Just asking,. . so that I can seem like I know what I'm talking about when I return to the Pollyblogs ! ! ! ! ( It's just that 99.99 percent of UK posters on the blogsites hold up Tony Abbot as a paragon of virtue and the creator and flag bearer of the "No more Immigration by boaties" policy ) Not only this, but a large number of posters ask if he can be tempted to run for office in the UK. . . Phil
Gnarly Gnu Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Quote So who is Turnbull . . . and what will this worthy bring to improve the Australian dream I wonder ? He's rather like Jeremy Corbyn cloned with Al Gore. The dream he is improving is his own.
Phil Perry Posted September 14, 2015 Author Posted September 14, 2015 Quote He's rather like Jeremy Corbyn cloned with Al Gore. The dream he is improving is his own. Thanks Gnarly, . . .I've just seen a picture of this Turnbull feller, with his mate Richard Branson,. . .oops,. . . "knowing" RB can either get you into space for half price as a crashtest dummy, or crapcanned by the rest of the world,. . .hope he knows what he's doing. And, BTW, you leave Jeremy Corbyn alone please, he just made me a nice small wedge, as I bet on him for Labour Leader a while ago when William Hill offered odds of 200/1 Regrettably I only bet £2.50 ! ! ! as he was NEVER going to make it. . . el stupido; my mate Chalkie at the Dog and Duck laid a tenner on him. . . ce la vie. Loads of conservative voters joined the Labour party for the sum of £3.00 which allowed them to vote as members, to keep Labour out of power for at least a generation. . . . so the vote got skewed a bit ! How Labour didn't see this coming is a mystery. . . Whether this will actually work, is another matter, but since the bloke is completely Bat$hit looney, I personally can't see him lasting that long, But then again, some people will vote following tradtion, for a prize Pig, as long as it's wearing a red rosette. . . . But then again, I can't be that clever either, should've stuck a couple of hundred on the bloke and bought a secondhand Thruster with the winnings. Phil
fly_tornado Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Started one too many wars [ATTACH]47706._xfImport[/ATTACH]
cscotthendry Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Phil: Tony Abbott was /is the most negative and toxic politician this country has ever experienced. He is ruthlessly destructive and took political discourse in this country to excruciating lows. His destructive style was successful in tearing down two previous PMs, but he continued in the same destructive mode once he became PM. He is an extreme right wing ideologue. Worst PM this country has ever elected by a long way, and I'm being conservative with my criticisms here.
old man emu Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Phil, Here's my latest post: "Last night we saw the end of the Menzies era in Australian politics. The vitriol being poured onto Malcolm Turnbull by the ultra right wing conservatives, is the heamorrhaging life blood of those anachronistic, forelock tugging Menzie-ites who deny the dawn of a new era. I applaud those parliamentary members of the Liberal Party who made the right choice for our Nation and their Party. I still won't change from being a staunch Labor voter and Trade Unionist, but I am man enough to congratulate a job well-done." Watch this space for a heated topic. OME
dazza 38 Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Australian politics must look like a circus to other countries. People elect a party with a particular leader and then down the track the leader is told to step aside for somebody else. This has now happen to both major parties. Vote 1 - LDP
cscotthendry Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Dazza: A country only looks bad when they mindlessly stick with a bad leader like W or Abbott, out of some form of tribal loyalty. A dud is a dud regardless of which party they come from and Abbott was without doubt our worst dud ever. It is completely beyond me what the voters in his electorate see in him.
kgwilson Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Now Abbot can spend more time honing his skills with the "Ministry for Funny Walks" so maybe every time he opens his mouth he won't stick his foot right in it.
kasper Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Well Phil Australian politics has an odd old set of parties. Labour/Labor = left'ish (except for Hawke and Keating who did UK style New Labour 10 years before the UK ... not saying Blair and the Scottish problem copied but it was from the same playbook) National = not nationalist per UK/Europeans but very big C conservative Liberal = a very divisional party with Liberal and Conservative arms. Abbot was the biggest C we have had in the lead of that party since the 50's. Turnbull is looking more small l Liberal But the basic oddness in Oz politics compared to UK IMO is that regardless of who is in charge from the 60's we as a nation tend to go for liberal social policies and conservative fiscal policies - the differences between all governments really is the small/big L or C they mix into what they get elected on. And given that much of the service delivery is at state govt level the feds get a relatively free hand on social policy because it really comes down to cash because they for the most part don't do the nuts n bolts delivery. The thing about Abbot as I saw it was he was big C conservative on both social and fiscal AND he did not appear to operate by cabinet government but by presidential direction at times ... Australians don't really like that as a style of operation. And that was before you factor in the religious aspects of Abbot ... Australia aint the US with a president and artificial/nonexistent separation between state and church nor is it the UK with an actual formal state church, factor in that the majority of Australians are not religious AND like on average liberal social policies and Abbot was openly not that you start to get the picture of how he pi$$ed off so many people so quickly. Bye bye Abbot, can you please take that poisonous toad Abbets with you as you leave the room ... he is still the ONLY person who interviewed me for a job and asked who my priest was ...
fly_tornado Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 labor, liberal, national all represent corporations
dazza 38 Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Quote Dazza: A country only looks bad when they mindlessly stick with a bad leader like W or Abbott, out of some form of tribal loyalty. A dud is a dud regardless of which party they come from and Abbott was without doubt our worst dud ever. It is completely beyond me what the voters in his electorate see in him. I agree that Abbott was a dud, his captains call were stupid.
dazza 38 Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 So where does this leave us in the aviation side of things ? I don't see any changes but it is good to see that Mr Skidmore appears to be cleaning out the cupboard at CASA which is great.
Marty_d Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Quote ... Abbot was the biggest C we have had... Agreed, unconditionally.
Marty_d Posted September 14, 2015 Posted September 14, 2015 Quote ( It's just that 99.99 percent of UK posters on the blogsites hold up Tony Abbot as a paragon of virtue and the creator and flag bearer of the "No more Immigration by boaties" policy ) Phil, if 99.99 percent of UK posters hold up the Mad Monk as a paragon of virtue, I would suggest that either you're reading rabidly right-wing blogs or the NHS is failing in its mental health endeavours. I would say you're welcome to him, but I actually like England.
fly_tornado Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Phil this is why England is lost mate, can't see the lack of substance in politicians
Robbo Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Admin, Can we close this topic as we already have one running.....
kasper Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Quote Admin, Can we close this topic as we already have one running..... Why close this one? is it not going the way you might have liked??
Robbo Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Because there is already a topic on the exact same subject so what is the point of having two ? Just makes the entire subject confusing to follow if you have multiple threads...
kasper Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Quote Because there is already a topic on the exact same subject so what is the point of having two ? Just makes the entire subject confusing to follow if you have multiple threads... Not quite the same threads: 1. is titled pre-axing (other thread) 2. is titled post axing and appears to support Abbot by having 'say it isn't so' in the title (this thread) This thread may have been populated primarily by people for whom alignment with the 'say it isn't so' sentiment is not applicable but this thread is an 'after the fact' thread and shows that several posters are perfectly happy to say 'Yes, it is so, and about time too' ... and that's the cleaned up for public consumption version
Phil Perry Posted September 15, 2015 Author Posted September 15, 2015 SORRY Guys 1) I didn't realise there was another pollie thread, and had JUST read a UK Pollie post on this subject and posted here quickly ( Failing in my duty to look around the threads first ) SORRY Guys 2) From what I have read here in the past; my title comment "Say it isn't so" was intended as Irony, sorry if that was missed. YES. . . One of the blogs I read every other day is centre - right to ultra extreme right wing but extremely amusing, with some really entertaining and well read posters ( Guido Fawkes ) Breitbart ( London) isn't bad,. . .some actual intelligent commenters there too, and the Daily Mail blogsite has been very interesting of late. But by far the funniest, is the GRAUNIAD . . .sorry, the GUARDIAN - the Bastion of the LEFT, and the BBC ( 2,500 copies are purchased for Broadcasting House [London] every Day ! ) most of my intelligent ( debatable I know ) questions are deleted, although I have not been permanently banned there. They really don't like it up 'em Mr. Mainwaring. . . ( Apologies to Dad's Army ) Probably would not be of any value to Australians to look at any of these, as UK politics and the people who populate it is/are possibly as alien to you as the Aussie stuff is to me. . . THANK YOU ALL 1) For edumificating me briefly. . . re Australian Political structure. Phil
Robbo Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Don't worry Phil..... I will jump off my high horse now :)
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