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Celebrating Positives (offset of the Gripes Thread)


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Oops, I forgot to add a positive........


After this, we run away with our camper trailer for respite. I bought a stainless steel stove for our sailboat, at a bargain price.  All I've got to do is duck across to Freo to collect it. 😉

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After a pretty crap week in which I have had a jimmy leg, I took the kids to London last night for them to attend their primary school's summer fair - a sort of nostalgia visit to celebrate daughter completing her A Levels (HSC/VCE).


It was the first time in 10 years she returned to her place of birth and formative years. A little nostalgic walk and, as my leg is still not fully recovered, I ducked to the pub for a spot of lunch, while they met with their old friends for a spot of reminiscing. It is a beautiful day in Richmond, the sites are lovely, I have had a nice lunch, and once we pick the little-uns uo, I will be heading to a mates house for a quick catchup before driving home.


I am tempted to grab a hotel, but the prices are skyrocketing due to the season. Pub is booked out.. but this is why I love family owned and known businesses. Last week, I  thought I had the room booked for Wednesday. Rang up on the Tuesday at 6pm to say wasn't coming tomorrow because of the leg. Dang it, had the room booked on Tuesday.. Had it in my diary for Wednesday. Said not to worry as I would cover it. At 9pm, I got a text saying no worries - he had sold it for the night. Apparently, the plumbing of a neghbour broke down and they needed a room. Sold.


He could have not said anything and charged me a night and I would never be the wiser.


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Amazingly, I only sighted 2 'roos during the entire trip from Echuca to Calingiri - and they were in the middle of Berri in the vineyard area, just before dusk!! They were hopping from one vineyard on the left of the highway, to the one on the right of the highway - obviously sampling the local vintage!

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I don't think they are psycho, just wary and protective of the mob.


Nervous and ready to fight.q


I would be too, if lived with Facthunter.  


They know what "Hunter" means.


But have trouble understanding "fact" and mistake it for Fuck.

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7 hours ago, Litespeed said:


I would be too, if lived with Facthunter. They know what "Hunter" means. But have trouble understanding "fact" and mistake it for Fuck.

That's going too far! The inference of the last two sentences quoted here is quite clear, and quite offensive. 

I put it to members, "Should Litespeed be admonished for posting them?"

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Hey mods! I think it is time to pin this one, so it reminds people to post their positives (to counter the gripes!).


OK, a positive. Someone I worked with has been made CEO of the markets division of the bank I worked for. I only worked with him a short time, yet I predicted he would be a CEO., I am guessing his base salary is about £2m - but he is worth it; dedicated to the firm, his customers, and his staff; integroty is (or at least was) beyind repute, unbelievably smart and unbeliveably committed, yet finds time for his family. A real example of someone who should be a CEO - well time will tell if it is the case. Unbelieveably, I have no envy or thoughts of the frontal labotomy most pillars of commerce have when they get there.


He steered the business unit through interna, turmoil and made it a very strong unit. Yeah, money is the driver at the end of the day, but there are few I have seen that have earned their place at that level.. And he is one. Good on him.

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There's no voltage regulator in the system. It's just a cut out. You use the 3rd brush to adjust the output and it just keeps charging at that rate.. There is a Later 6Volt Sportster (early model with Voltage regulator) unit which can be easily fitted and it will stop charging when the battery is fully charged. It's hard to get the original deep battery for that bike also Those clear case BSB's leak acid. Being a coil ignition bike the electric s must be spot on. A really good generator will run with the battery disconnected once it's running and even idle  but most won't do that. That generator is wired to increase the charge rate when the lights are switched on by bringing in the  second field coil (called a shunt). That's what the smaller wire is for .Nev

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A happiness " out of the blue " ,

Went shopping, then stopped for a cup of tea. As I was trying to get rid of my " shrapnel " a strange man threw

A $ 50 note in front of me , saying " have your lunch on me " . Flabbergasted,  I told the wife when bringing the tray of tea over .

She immediately said to hand it back .

He was long gone . So a free Chinese lunch was enjoyed. 


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