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Albo to the rescue


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It’s great to see the smiling photo of Albo riding the Cairns Skyrail as his way of helping people impacted by the the NQ floods. He is showing that Cairns residents should ride the Skyrail to Kuranda until the water subsides.

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Albo, ScoMo or whomever, none can do anything personally to alleviate the effects of a catastrophe. However, I think that the biggest mistake they all make is to try to act like they are El Suprimo and all good comes from their very hands.


I reckon if a political leader wanted to gain the respect of the populous in situations such as these post-catastrophe days, they should merely act like an MC at an awards night and say , "While I don't have the expertise to solve this particular problem, here's the expert. Let's listen to the advice given and I'll use my contacts to put the advice into practice."


I also reckon that a political leader's visit to a disaster area is not a photo-op situation. Just tell the media to go away while the leader is talking to the affected people.

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  • 3 months later...
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This popped up in my YT feed:


OK - Albo has called out Dutton for a hypocrite. Well done, but what is sort of irking me about politics is that is more about, well you did bad, so, so can I (BTW, I am not casting aspertions about the Greens, per se).


But this is what is pi55ing me off about modern day politics.. it is just one-upmanship; I would have rather heard why picking the greens as second over One nation was better for the country, and then state that the Libs decided to go with the worst one.

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Question Time in parliament has descended into a farce. It is a time for Dorothy Dix type questions from government backbenchers to government ministers, the answers to which have already been worked out in the Party Room meetings. After those questions, the Opposition has a go a scoring points based on the most trivial of matters. Dutton's question in the posted video made no contribution to benefitting the Nation. It's sole purpose wa to provide a video grab for use by whichever media organisation backed Dutton's mob.


The topic of the question also shows that these politicians aren't really interested in promoting the good of the Nation. It's all about gaining and maintaining power.

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Question time does nothing for respect for Politicians.. It's disorderly in the extreme.. It's hard to watch. Dutton ignores the speaker the most but will NOT be ordered to leave under 94A because of the fact He is Leader of the Opposition. . Why is HE exempt from behaving himself?   Nev

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I agree, the rules of parliament are a farce that breeds farcists..  


But at some stage someone with enough quality can rise above it and still land those media suckered punches to their opponents?


Sadly, despite having a great opportunity after the previous mob, Albo is not the right person to do that. Nor is his government proving to live up to their own promotion of themselves as being the most transparent. I think the secret hearings of the NACC have now proven them already to not be anywhere near the transparent government they promised to be, but this takes the cake:




Quite frankly, Juice Media's labelling them the less ship party is misleading... they are worse because the Libs don't pretend where they stand... these fellas do

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Not convinced that's a balanced  view. . There was a lot wrong when they got in. Morrisson giving money to many who didn't need it. Now the long process of reducing it has started. . . Who was it who saddled us with the illegal Robo debt that ruined so many lives?  His sources are "The Australian" Murdochs political BIG GUN.  Much of the ABC copies Murdoch's view also. . Nev

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Absolutely agree there was a lot wrong when they got in. And I think that they haven't been given a fair run by most press organisations, including the ABC. But, the NACC was their doing, not ScoMos.. I would suggest that there is nothing confidential about the gas poluicy consultation/recommendation policy unless it specifically lists confidental contractual clauses, but these can be redacted - I would not think the bulk of the document that was redacted would reference these.


These are within the Albanese government's remit, or gift, not a constraint on them from the previous government.


Do I think they are doing a better job than the LNP? Yes, marginally. Would I vote for them over the LNP as they are today? Yes, I probably would in a two-party race.


Do I think the presenter of the above vid is biased? No.. He calls out all sides and in this case, he is reading from a West Media article, anyway. And I wold hardly call Michael West biased against the ALP.


What I think is that Australians are victims of one of their most endeared traits - easy going, which leads to apathy. The problem is, it is coming home to roost in may ways. Cost of living that doesn't need to be as high as it is, public finances stretched because of waste and the corporate welfare (of which Japan is one of many beneficiaries), environmental disasters through lack of government action as they acqiesce to the lobbysists, (and probably work to secure their personal futures (https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/liberal-party-insiders-line-up-pay-day-from-morrison-government-policy-20241008-p5kgog.html), virtually no action from the Robodebt, Banking, Veterans, and other royal commissions that were extremely scathing... Wha about makinng progress on greening Australia? Plibersek seems to have gone very quiet laterly. Maybe Aussies need to give a bit more of a ship and let it be known and be prepared to votet the other way before it gets untenable, as it did with the ScoMo government.


On Albanese, I said it before, and I will say it again. He is not a good leader - a good deputy - yes, but he, and his advisors cannot read the room.  When Albo took over, the electorate was calling for change and looking for someone to take bold decisions for the country - from economic to environmental. Instead we got a well deserved pet project at the wrong time and so poorly handled, dilly-dallying on stage 3 tax cuts until they did more damage to themselves by not coming out even before the election and saying it was crazy and we will fix it. The fact his team probably handled the economic issues far better than the LNP would have with the same government is not lost, but the public still see they are worse off and the government seems distracted and  pushed around.


On the transparency thing, they made promises they would be the most transparent government.. This is something totally within their gambit, but they have no intention of fulfilling that promise.


First scam of the week talks about it, too:


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That opinion is  consistent with the MSM.. Repeat it often enough and everyone believes it..   You know a day ahead what questions will be asked by the Coalition in Question time. It's in the Murdoch papers in the Headlines..  Nev

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I don't go to Sky, Australian, AFR and the like. I steer clear from Murdoch as much as possible. My sources are ABC, Guardian, indepdedents (think fugitive journalst, Shane Dowling; Micahel west Media, adn the like). And I do go to the Age as wll, and AFL.com.au, but that doesn't count in this context.


I often will check against offical sites (organisation, government, etc). as well, because I have found all sources of media will present the facts in a biased way.


Of course, when an opinion is formed, it also take into account my personal experience/values and anecdotal observations. In this case, my observation is Albol isn't a great leader. That does not mean he is a bad politician. When I contrast him to an unpopular PM, but respected leader, who I think Albo draws mentoring/inspiration from, Keating, or other leaders such as Hawke, Albo strikes me as a good deputy. He is not able to connect with the electorate; he is not able to take courageious decisions, or in the case of stage 3 tax cuts, which I think most knew his government were going to change, was not up front with the electorate.


The small target strategy doesn't work, except in the unusual case where the opposition were completely stuffed as ScoMo was.


Albo's history as PM and even leader of the Oppo seems to be littered with schoolbiy errors.


I am not saying I am any better - but I don't pretend I am a leader.



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Howard was lampooned as the little kid whining about not getting the things he wanted. Think of the song by Moving Pictures, What about me?


Well, there's a little boy waiting
At the counter of the corner shop
He's been waiting down there, waiting half the day
They never ever see him from the top.


Based solely on appearance, Albo strikes me as another little boy who is being ignored or picked on. It's that physical appearance and his voice (as well as possibly a slight speech impediment) that fail to give him the Leader image that is essential for a Party leader.

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