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Were did all that water go !.

The Mediterranean was an enclosed water  , and the evaporation seems to be equal to the incoming Atlantic Ocean and  Suez canal.

then again ,were did all the water come from ,that flooded those land bridges of old



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There's a great deal of evidence that sea levels are much higher today than in previous epochs. I find many Biblical terms to be very imprecise and confusing.

The terms "the fountains of the deep were broken up" or the "springs of the great deep burst forth" only leads to much conjecture as to where the Biblical flood originated from.

If the Great Flood had originated from a meteorite impact, I would've thought that the Biblical writings would have stated as much.


However the actual terms indicate the water came from within the Earths crust. There's conjecture the Great Flood originated from glaciers melting and dammed up water being released, but that fails to explain how it rained for 40 days and nights.


It's a good Yarn and the collecting two of each and they all sat there with no food and not eating each other for all that time. Of Course we ignore the sea creatures conveniently... They just caried on as normal and had the drowned animals as a bonus feed.. It's ALL B S. The gene pool for each animal is  completely depleted. They'd soon be completely inbred. Nev

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The meteor hit Columbia,  South America .

Possible tidal wave crossed the Atlantic to The Straits of Gibraltar. 

Washing away any land bridge from Africa , to Europe. 




I'm sorry I opened my mouth, or more correctly let my fingers do the talking.


Why are you trying to rigidly align the secular with the theological? The best we can say is that one or more actual events happened. Those events were remembered in oral traditions. Have you ever played Chinese whispers? After a while the original message changes drastically, but may contain a word or two of the original. That's how we end up with what we have some 4000 years later.


The Mediterranean Sea filled 5.3 million years ago. The Black Sea connected to the Mediterranean about 6500 years ago - well within the experience of the Early Bronze Age people whose descendants created the first Mesopotamian civilisations. Dogger;and between England and the Continent flooded about 8000 years ago. The Indigenes of the  Dharawal nation from the Illawarra coast of NSW have a story of people coming from the east by canoe. That story could be a link to the post galacial sea rise about 8-10,000 years ago.


And where did the rainwater go if it was produced bu a comet impact in the Indian Ocean? The same place rainwater goes today - back to the oceans. 

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The Noah's arc story is about the most obvious BS ever. Apart from other absurdities, the story is obviously descended from a farmer who lived in the fertile crescent and who saved some of his family and some of his animals when there was a flood, by building a bigger than normal floating rafty-thingy.  All the rest is obvious exaggeration.

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I've wondered about how there were advanced civilizations in China and Meso-America who didn't mention the flood , despite having records which included the time at which it was supposed to have happened . A bit like the jesus story...  apparently there was a diarist in Jerusalem during the jesus time, who didn't mention the events like we were told happened then. Personally, I would have mentioned some of the stuff if I kept a diary in those days.

Here's an interesting side-story...  apparently, the jesus character fails a test about whether or not he was a real historical character. You need an independent reference to pass this test, like roman tax records. Pilate etc pass, but jesus fails this test I was told. As a sidelight, the dead-sea scrolls contain a lot of stuff attributed to jesus, but they were written 400 years too early to be of relevance here. 

Now as an ex-teacher, I can well understand jesus  using whatever sources suited him at the time. but my dad didn't  build the universe and I would have liked more original stories.

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There's vast amounts of written records that have been destroyed or lost or buried, that would have shed a lot more light on the Adamic race and period of time. I believe there's a document held in the Vatican archives that contains a physical description of Jesus Christ by a public official (including the points that he had grey eyes and blonde hair, thus putting lie to the common paintings that show him as having dark eyes and dark brown hair). The public officials record apparently makes a point of stating how different he was in appearance to his more swarthy followers.


The Bible story of the Adamic creation is the story of one race of people, in one small area, in a planet full of much older historical events and peoples. So you can take the context of the Biblical record. in the frame of it being a record of a small population of a certain identifiable racial origin, living in a small area comprising a few hundred villages, surrounded by enemies and people of vastly different ancestries, who barely rate a mention in Biblical records - except where they came into conflict with the Adamic race. The Bible is like a small-town newspaper in America, ignoring bigger events outside it's local coverage area, ensuring the locals are up to date with local happenings that affect them.


The very fact that the Bible contains a huge genealogical record ("so-and-so begat so-and-so") is indicative that the Adamic race viewed bloodlines and ancestry as extremely important things to record, thus showing they wanted to show that they were different lineage to the other races on the face of the planet.


The American Fundamentalist BS about the Earth only being 6000 years old is religious idiocy at its best, it only takes a small level of examination to understand that the Earth is far older than 6000 years.

The Biblical Flood story is entirely likely to be true, if taken in the context of a flood only affecting "the whole Earth" - in the  sense that the "whole Earth" was only the local region the writers of the Biblical texts knew about - they either didn't know what existed beyond their known and controlled region, or more likely, they didn't care, and didn't care to record anything about the wider world outside their region.



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An example of how bad the American education system is, I saw a Facebook post by one (I can't think of a suitable adjective) who said "It's 2024, so the world is only just over 2000 years old."

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Let me see.... didn't  someone once walk in the desert for 40 years?

And wasn't that a desert that you can cross on foot in a week?

He must have been using google maps.

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Christianity has supposedly been dying for 2000 years, and plenty of Kings, Emperors, warlords, dictators and sundry alternative religions, have all tried to kill it off, but it seems to be a pretty durable "myth".

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It could be a Monkey on your  back that is difficult to dislodge.  The USA make a special religion called Pentecostal to align with "God want's you to be Greedy".  ie all power to MONEY.  It's NOT Christianity. It's just another CULT.  Nev

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