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The genie ain't going back into the bottle Phil. As I see it Europe has two choices:


1) The Tony Abbott / Israel model... a giant wall around the south coast including Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, manned with machine gun posts every 200m and run by a Border Farce of oh, about a million people. If I recall correctly they tried this in Germany a few years back.


2) Open borders. Full and open intelligence sharing (as regards terrorist threats) between various police forces.


As that BBC dude Andrew Neil said the other day (didn't you say the BBC was full of "luvvies" Phil?) - in a thousand years Paris will still be ablaze with light and culture, while these camel-rooters will be consigned to the dustbin of history. I may have paraphrased slightly.


In the meantime I think we have to accept that the world is not, and never will be, the same as the 1950's.



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Phil, England will stand defiant, alone after leaving the EU, in the face of desperate innocent refugees seeking a peaceful life and for centuries this will be known as England's finest hour.




Make mind altering killer religions justify themselves. Hold them to account. And I mean ALL of them who brainwash susceptible people into wanting to do horrendous acts. How can threats just be ignored? Do they just expect the rest to wait and cop it? Need a bit of reality in all this. .Nev




Yeah there is actually only one religion causing this terrorism mayhem but being either intolerant or perhaps unwilling to admit the obvious you apparently wish to crush all. You guys actually come across as anti-theists that despise the west's Christian culture. I don't get it - if you despise all religion so much why not move to a country with an atheist culture? Should be wonderful apparently?


And if you are looking for a common cause of all mankind's ill it is called sin, not religion.... hence big problems in atheist cultures also.



And that's the heart of the problem, ISIS is State funded in the opinion of many.

It's not an opinion...the bankers know EXACTLY where the funding is coming from...



Sweden is almost a basket case, due to excessive immigration and a seeming lack of any kind of attempted integration by the incomers,

My Swedish mate Klaus came to live in China about 7 years ago and we had the discussion where upon he was nothing but praise for the incoming Mulims and the glory of multiculturalism it bought with it to Sweden. His Left'ish sprouting gave me a surprise even, I thought he was about middle road, pretty easy going either way.


Roll forward to last year, late 2014, when he moved back home and early this year came back and lived with us for a couple of weeks while finalising the last details of his house sale .... I could not repeat the words here but in summary "Stockholm is absolutely !*#^'ed."



Yeah there is actually only one religion causing this terrorism mayhem but being either intolerant or perhaps unwilling to admit the obvious you apparently wish to crush all. You guys actually come across as anti-theists that despise the west's Christian culture. I don't get it - if you despise all religion so much why not move to a country with an atheist culture? Should be wonderful apparently?

And if you are looking for a common cause of all mankind's ill it is called sin, not religion.... hence big problems in atheist cultures also.

Don't know whether you realise it Gnu, but you don't live in a christian culture. You live in a secular culture where there is freedom both of religion and from religion.



Massacre in Paris last Friday . . .one of the perps was rescued from drowning in the Mediterranean not long ago. . . trained jihadi. . . .there's probably thousands of 'em embedded with the Refugees (and mainly economic) migrants. . . and SOMEONE is importing a crapload of AK47s and explosives for the manufacture of suicide bomber belts / waistcoats too. . . . .



Mate the reality at the moment is that of the known identities of all the Paris terrorists (and several are still not identified), each and every one is a resident European citizen. The "refugee passport" they found is already strongly suspected to be forged, which tells the authorities absolutely nothing about who he really was or where he really came from.


Arms smuggling happens everywhere. Explosives are available pretty much everywhere, if you have the contacts.


So let's let the dust settle before launching into the myriad of conspiracies and "facts" which aren't really facts at all, before deciding who they really were.




Not going to argue that point Dutch,. . .but our very own BBC reported that two of them were recently from Syria, fingerprint I/D was mentioned. And that one of them was actually rescued from a sinking migrant boat off the Greek islands. . .


Surely if the BBC said so then it MUST be true ( tee hee ) . . . I mean,. . .they only report Facts after all don't they ? ?. . . . .!



You guys actually come across as anti-theists that despise the West's Christian culture.

Myself and others have clearly posted in favour of Christian moral, and others along the line of men ("and woman", to quote Eric Idle) would have eventually gotten to similar values without the Church anyway.


It's all the rest of the irrelevant, and clearly outdated, not to mention specific to the region, carried over nonsense from the Bible that's carried on about that annoys logical, sane people, and scott me boggered why anyone would devote their every waking moment to it, that is bizzare and patently insane by any medical standard.


I won't mention the 10% tax.


I don't get it - if you despise all religion so much why not move to a country with an atheist culture? Should be wonderful apparently?

Why, there's plenty of control over it in Australia, the only trouble comes about when obsessed believers try to push unrealistic, illogical, often non-scientific, and niave views based in their beliefs.



I am certainly beginning to imagine that a city full FTs wouldn't fare well in rough times, they'd just be sitting there waiting for handouts, and criticising the rest of the world for not helping them.

So, you haven't ever been on Facebook then .... spacer.png



The genie ain't going back into the bottle Phil. As I see it Europe has two choices:

1) The Tony Abbott / Israel model... a giant wall around the south coast including Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, manned with machine gun posts every 200m and run by a Border Farce of oh, about a million people. If I recall correctly they tried this in Germany a few years back.


2) Open borders. Full and open intelligence sharing (as regards terrorist threats) between various police forces.


As that BBC dude Andrew Neil said the other day (didn't you say the BBC was full of "luvvies" Phil?) - in a thousand years Paris will still be ablaze with light and culture, while these camel-rooters will be consigned to the dustbin of history. I may have paraphrased slightly.


In the meantime I think we have to accept that the world is not, and never will be, the same as the 1950's.

***BRILLO*** That is what we call Andy up 'ere in troublesville Marty. . . what a bloke ! . . .he's the ONLY PRESENTER / commentator throughout Aunti BBC who talks sense, devoid of anyUltra - leftie BBC Spin. His Daily Politics show is renown for it's balance, as is his Friday night show "This Week". . . most pollies are bloody terrified to go on these shows. . . ie, he eviscerates pollies of all colours, and could not be more even handed.


Nobody gets away with bullcrap when he's in charge.


Why the Beeb have not sacked him nobody can tell,. . .after his video re Paris ( the one you mentioned ) the entire leftie Twatterati, and all of the Feminazis and weirdoes were having a fit of the vapours. . . . the concensus amongst my "slightly right of centre" friends is that he MUST know where a lot of bodies are buried at the BBC,. . .so they dare not kick him out,. . .wouldn't actually matter if they did, he is so popular that any of the big broadcasters would kill to get him on their staff. . . .


I don't fully agree with his illuminated conclusion re the "Lights of Paris" burning brightly a millennium from now though,. . . the demographics point to another outcome entirely, and in a much shorter timeframe than a thousand years. . . More like gay people being taught to fly solo off the top of the the stump of what's left of the Eiffel tower, together with mass public beheadings, hand choppings off and stonings. . . . still. . .I LIKE his optimism.


Phil:cheezy grin:




All joking aside on the Muslim front,. . . I hope that,. . .well within the milennium suggested by Andew Neill, that Islam just lightens up a little and becomes slightly more fashion conscious . . . .






Although this guy,. . . .AND I AM NOT for one minute suggesting that he is a Muslim BTW. . . . Is a fashion disaster,. . .but there again,. . .Human life as we understand it. . .is a panacea of differing tastes,. . . Let's hope the upcoming world caliphate will agree with a bit of humourous diversity eh ?






Twice the comment was made on the news that in both Paris and Brussels there are 'no go' areas where non Muslims are not welcome and will not venture into. Multicultural society, what a effing joke. How long before we have that here?



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