Jabiru7252 Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Quote There are no go areas in every city, calm down I took a Bex and had a lie down, so much better now.
M61A1 Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Quote There are no go areas in every city, calm down And that makes it acceptable??????
fly_tornado Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Find a minority, work yourself into a lather about them raping the women and hitting the children, repeat.
M61A1 Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 And if that minority is grossly over represented in crime stats? Do we stick our in the sand so as not to offend the criminals? Actually, I know what the answer s, I shouldn't have even questioned the status quo, or I'll be a racist or a bigot or something else nasty.
Marty_d Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Quote And that makes it acceptable?????? What about if they're no go areas because they're full of young white bogans who throw half bricks at cars for the hell of it? Are they acceptable? I agree that it's unacceptable for there to be ghettos of any kind, whether it be muslim, black, white, Serbian, Chinese... but unless we can find a way of making everyone well educated and comfortably middle class, it's going to happen. Anywhere. Quote And if that minority is grossly over represented in crime stats? Do we stick our in the sand so as not to offend the criminals?Actually, I know what the answer s, I shouldn't have even questioned the status quo, or I'll be a racist or a bigot or something else nasty. No. Criminal behaviour is criminal behaviour. If you know of any, report it to the police. If they do nothing about it, THEN get angry about it.
octave Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Quote Twice the comment was made on the news that in both Paris and Brussels there are 'no go' areas where non Muslims are not welcome and will not venture into. Multicultural society, what a effing joke. How long before we have that here? I have no first hand knowledge of how accurate this statement is,. I am aware that people on all sides will present truths, half truths and total distortions as fact. As far as no go areas here, I literally live directly across the road from a mosque and although, like anyone else, I do have some fears of terrorism, I do try to keep it in perspective. Whilst watching the kids at the mosque playing soccer, I do not think they are planning to do me in. I am probably more afraid becoming collateral damage from someone like this guy. https://au.news.yahoo.com/vic/a/30144973/prominent-reclaim-australia-member-arrested-after-police-seize-weapons/ I know these attacks cause anger and fear (as they are designed to) I have fears, but I try to be rational. As an non theist I think all religions are ridiculous but I certainly don't think that my friend Azedeh, who with her parents escaped Iran in the 70s (persecuted for being educated intellectuals) has any kind a plan to do me in or take over my country and should not have to be subjected to suspicion or public comments shouted from a passing car. The dangers of Islamist terrorism are very real and can not be ignored, we need to go to war with the terrorist not a whole community, that is just inefficient and dumb.
fly_tornado Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 You know when you open the door for Pauline Hanson you open the door to something much worse and not much different to extremism from religious people. Quote And if that minority is grossly over represented in crime stats? This is the mental picture I have of you "reading" crime stats
Jabiru7252 Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Quote And if that minority is grossly over represented in crime stats? Do we stick our in the sand so as not to offend the criminals?Actually, I know what the answer s, I shouldn't have even questioned the status quo, or I'll be a racist or a bigot or something else nasty. A Muslim friend told me that Muslims are taught that it is not a sin if you steal from a non believer, or commit any act that non Muslims may consider a crime. Apparently it's in the Koran. However, he also says one should first try to convert a non believer to Islam. It is common knowledge that most organised crime in Australia is imported. And the gangsters truly believe they are doing no wrong because their victims are infidels.
M61A1 Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Quote You know when you open the door for Pauline Hanson you open the door to something much worse and not much different to extremism from religious people. This is the mental picture I have of you "reading" crime stats That's ok, everything you post comes out in a Ralph Wiggum voice in my head. I don't recall mentioning Pauline Hanson.
fly_tornado Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Pauline is your voice, Bill and Malcolm aren't going to round up and execute the Muslims in Australia.
fly_tornado Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 I can see your face Mick, when you realise, after weeks of reading crime stats "for no particular reason", muslims are breaking the law
Gnarly Gnu Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Quote BBC reported that two of them were recently from Syria, fingerprint I/D was mentioned. And that one of them was actually rescued from a sinking migrant boat off the Greek islands. . . Terrorist ringleader got into EU as 'refugee' "The mastermind of the Paris attacks was able to slip into Europe among Syrian migrants, it emerged last night, as police on the continent admitted they are unable to monitor thousands of suspected jihadists." Never heard an explanation of the positive benefit of having Moslems in the community i.e. above any other group / culture? Good for the security industry perhaps? Arms manufacturers? The Japanese seem to function just fine without them.
fly_tornado Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 OK, do we need to run a kindegarden for you dimwits? Oil, you can't live without remember? [ATTACH]47767._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Marty_d Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Hey Gnu, how many of the 1-per-couple-of-weeks-on-average mass shootings in the US are done by muslims? How many by christians? Terror takes all forms. Maybe they're all good for the security industry and arms manufacturers.
M61A1 Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 Well FT, the only thing you've achieved here is trolling...and a pretty average effort at that. Not a constructive thing to be heard from you, no solutions, no wisdom, no reassurance. Your lack of foresight is both amazing and disturbing. I wont block you, because like Pearl Harbour, you are a reminder that some things should have never been allowed to happen.
fly_tornado Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 You sound like Pauline whenever you talk about the need for urgent action and the imminent danger.
Ron5335 Posted November 23, 2015 Posted November 23, 2015 Quote Well FT, the only thing you've achieved here is trolling...and a pretty average effort at that. Not a constructive thing to be heard from you, no solutions, no wisdom, no reassurance. Your lack of foresight is both amazing and disturbing.I wont block you, because like Pearl Harbour, you are a reminder that some things should have never been allowed to happen. I'm Confused !!! After giving FT a big spray for giving a view of things from a different perspective, you refer to Pearl Harbour but in what context? 1.. The greatest surprise attack ever pulled off ? or 2.. How a country sacrificed nearly 3,000 of it's own, so it could enter a war
Marty_d Posted November 23, 2015 Posted November 23, 2015 RWNJ's are out in force on the ABC comments, they're really out for blood. They're not really sure whose blood, but any muslim will do.
Bruce Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 Several pages behind the action I know, but here is an observation about the difference between the US and Australia as discussed about Katrina vs the Qld floods. In Japanese WW2 prison camps, the survival rate was considerably higher among Australians with their " look after your mates" ideal than it was with the Americans "Strong silent individual " ethic. Although as an experiment it wouldn't have passed the ethics committee I once sat on, this was a pretty good test of what culture worked best in these dire circumstances. I reckon the differences between New Orleans and Brisbane still showed this difference in culture.
eightyknots Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 Quote Several pages behind the action I know, but here is an observation about the difference between the US and Australia as discussed about Katrina vs the Qld floods.In Japanese WW2 prison camps, the survival rate was considerably higher among Australians with their " look after your mates" ideal than it was with the Americans "Strong silent individual " ethic. Although as an experiment it wouldn't have passed the ethics committee I once sat on, this was a pretty good test of what culture worked best in these dire circumstances. I reckon the differences between New Orleans and Brisbane still showed this difference in culture. I fully agree. Australian mateship transcends all religious views (e.g. from Protestant to Catholic to Greek Orthodox) or political leanings (e.g. from Pauline Hansen to Bob Brown). The national "Look After Your Mates" psyche is extremely valuable and I would hate to see this disappear from our culture. Mateship really comes out in times of adversity and trouble. I am concerned that with much of the imported media having a North American bias, that a US-style focus on individual wealth, fame or glory will diminish the unbeatable concept of Mateship that sets our country apart from all others. I just hope that those with Muslim background will also join the Mateship revolution which helps to promote the welfare of our neighbour/friend/fellow citizen.
fly_tornado Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 Remember when the lads got back from Vietnam and the RSL refused to serve them?
Marty_d Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 I think the "look after your mates" ethos they're talking about only happens in situations of crisis. In normal life we squabble and bitch about the slightest difference (watch the audience at an AFL match where two teams from neighbouring Melbourne suburbs are playing). When the sh*t goes down, hopefully that ethos kicks in. Look at the farmer who just lost his life in the WA bushfires, apparently he was driving around to neighbouring properties making sure people were leaving when he got trapped.
fly_tornado Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 The RSL also refused to serve aboriginals... don't let that mateship nonsense taint your view of history.
Marty_d Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 Oh I'm not... look at the times though. It wasn't just the RSL's who were racist. My point is that I would HOPE the normal prejudices in everyday life would not apply in times of crisis... I'm sure even Fred Nile would drag a drowning transvestite out of a flood if he were in that situation. Of course, when they were safe and dry he'd probably tell him that it was a sign from god to change his wicked ways.
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