Gnarly Gnu Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Bottom line is raping of non-Moslems is not only permissible in Islam but expected. A good Moslem should follow the example of Mohammad who did just that (many times). So they are just practising their culture.
Marty_d Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Quote Bottom line is raping of non-Moslems is not only permissible in Islam but expected. A good Moslem should follow the example of Mohammad who did just that (many times). So they are just practising their culture. It's also expected that little children making fun of a prophet's hairdo should be slaughtered by bears. 2 Kings (from the christian book, not the muslim one): 2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. 2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. Nice god you've got there GG.
Gnarly Gnu Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Never mind the gang rapists and molesters, look over there! A unicorn!
Marty_d Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Exactly. Thanks for proving my point - that both religious texts are full of bullsh*t. If you're going to say that muslims are out there raping women because their book tells them to, then christians must be slaughtering children, sleeping with their daughters and killing homosexuals and old women. Your book has examples and instructions to do this.
Robbo Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 This topic is all over the place like the girlfriends menstrual cycle!! Im confused..
winsor68 Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Quote Bottom line is raping of non-Moslems is not only permissible in Islam but expected. A good Moslem should follow the example of Mohammad who did just that (many times). So they are just practising their culture. I wasn't sure whether to use the "funny" or the "creative" button on this one...
Gnarly Gnu Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Sure, send you wife over there she can tell you how funny or creative it is.
winsor68 Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Quote Sure, send you wife over there she can tell you how funny or creative it is. I would sooner trust my wife with a Muslim than a Christian. I reckon you are scared of Islam because you know deep down it leaves Christianity in it's dust as a belief system.
Phil Perry Posted January 7, 2016 Author Posted January 7, 2016 Quote PHIL,,, IF YOU RAISE THE VAT TO 50% YOU CAN REDUCE INCOME TAX FOR THE TOP EARNERS LIKE ,,, RICHARD BRENSON,,, AND PAY FOR A MOAT AROUND ENGLANED TO KEPP UNDESIREABLES OUUT Not a totally ridiculous idea to be fair Phil,. . . .but as for a MOAT,. . we already have one, it's called La Mer, or the English Channel. Protected us from nefarious invaders for centuries has that bit of water. . . . Admittedly, It didn't do too good a job with the bloody Romans,. . then the damn Vikings,. . .nor the Normans for that matter, and WHAT have the Vikings, Romans and the Normans EVER DONE FOR US ? ? ? ? ( cue Monty Python - peoples republic of Galilee scene from "The Life of Brian" ) Regrettably, some worthy decided that we needed a tunnel underneath it,. . .they obviously didn't want to waste a whole 90 minutes on a ferry in the lovely, bracing English Channel air. . . .for a mere £1.00 each way to "Walk - On" passengers, and a very reasonable price to take your Voiture as well. . . But. . . they built one anyhow . . . .magnificent bit of engineering it was too. . . regrettably, due to the interest on all the finance, "Eurotunnel PLC" went bust some years ago, and anyone having bought shares in that company lost their shirts. I have used the "Chunnel" on a number of occasions, and it is rather expensive,. . . and often closed due to the Froggies going off on industrial action. . . piling up thousands of trucks along the motorway in Kent,. . . and on the other side. . . Which is now a daily battleground with illegals from the Calais Jungle camp trying to force their way into, onto, and underneath trucks which have to run the daily gauntlet there. The migrants refuse to claim "Asylum" in the first country they enter,( which they are supposed to do under the UN charter for refugees - first safe country )- but this applies to refugees only actually. . . it is fairly evident from some of the ( non - mainstream ) media. that a large number of the migrants are economically motivated, fit, well dressed and shod in the latest Nike trainers and carrying the latest iPhones. . . (AND 99.9% of them are young, fit males of fighting age,. . .you really have to look hard for any women or children. . .? ) because British Benefits are far higher than any other Euro country. . . . Can't blame them for trying. . .and I DON'T. But I DO somewhat resent paying their bennies out of MY taxes,. . .when they have not contributed into the system at all, and can't until they get some sort of employment. Just seems unfair to me when we have approximately 9,000 ex service personnel who are homeless,. . . why don't the Brit Gov look after these people first I have to ask myself. . . . . . They're buliding a NEW camp near Dunquerque now, as the Calais one is totally overrun. One lad walked 37 miles thru the chunnel a few weeks ago, and made it to England. . .I vote that this chap certainly deserves to stay here just for his dogged determination . . .! I have publicly offered to put him up at my hovel until he gets settled. . .awaiting a response as I WRITE. . . . The Calais camp is a huge "tent "City" with thousands of migrants, new arrivals daily. . . serviced by temporary churches, mosques, bars, market traders and restaurants . . . . and even a Theatre. . .( ? ) Interesting times we live in. . . . but for Gawd's sake don't rely on the MSM for any sort of true reporting on this subject,. . . I've seen the violence for myself at Calais on a number of visits, ansd it's never reported, or it is massaged and spun. . . I often HATE the bloody media. . . . What the hell happened to just "Sayin it like it is. . ." ? ? What are they afraid of ?
Phil Perry Posted January 7, 2016 Author Posted January 7, 2016 On the topic of Media bollox and lies, the German explanation for the Cologne attacks is to suggest that even TALKING ABOUT IT - is “just as bad.....” Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia said today: "What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women," he said. "This is poisoning the climate of our society." Oh,. . .so even daring to mention or report it. . . it is as bad as the offence itself ? Under what kind of slimy rock do they find these “Governmental“ People ? They rule over us. . . ! ( Heavily censored / massaged report available at. . .) [/url] And here's another example of media censorship. . . And so it goes on. . . .Mushroom theory. . .kept in the dark and fed on Bullcrap. . .
skeptic36 Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Quote I would sooner trust my wife with a Muslim than a Christian. I reckon you are scared of Islam because you know deep down it leaves Christianity in it's dust as a belief system. I trust my wife with anyone, but I can see where you're coming from, if I where female, I think I would find a Christian more to my liking also.
Spooks Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 This is going to get nasty Unfortunately the actions of the thuggish elements will result in backlash against the decent majority. Certain media and governments are trying to play it down / keep it quiet which will only inflame the anger of those seeing it as uncontrolled immigration.
Gnarly Gnu Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Canadian school children sing Moslem welcome song celebrating the slaughter and subjugation of Jews and Christians and the slavery and rape of their women:
winsor68 Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Quote Canadian school children sing Moslem welcome song celebrating the slaughter and subjugation of Jews and Christians and the slavery and rape of their women: And here is that backlash. What a full of sxxt story. Only a lunatic would believe this rubbish.
dazza 38 Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Its common knowledge Don that multiple girls were sexually assaulted in Cologne Germany on news year eve by recently arrived refo's.
winsor68 Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Quote Its common knowledge Don that multiple girls were sexually assaulted in Cologne Germany on news year eve by recently arrived refo's. Only amongst common people... What a load of BS Daryl. I would say you should know better but....sorry.
M61A1 Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Quote Only amongst common people... What a load of BS Daryl. I would say you should know better but....sorry. So, can I assume that you were there then? Seems to be an awful lot of the same story on a lot of different media, quoting people from various authorities, it's even been on the ABC. A lot of people want to pretend it's not going on, but it's getting a bit too much to ignore.
dazza 38 Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Quote Only amongst common people... What a load of BS Daryl. I would say you should know better but....sorry. You are obviously still walking around with rose colour glasses on. It is on a lot of different news feeds. Which part of it is BS?
winsor68 Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Quote You are obviously still walking around with rose colour glasses on. It is on a lot of different news feeds. Which part of it is BS? I follow the news. I haven't seen it. I DON'T follow any of the right wing political newsfeeds. I don't have rose coloured glasses on...I just don't go to racist sites.
pmccarthy Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 The Melbourne Age has been called a lot of things but right wing isn't one of them.
M61A1 Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Quote I follow the news. I haven't seen it. I DON'T follow any of the right wing political newsfeeds. I don't have rose coloured glasses on...I just don't go to racist sites. So obviously if you didn't see, it didn't happen. Doesn't matter that Merkel herself has made statements about it, or that the Cologne police chief has been stood down over it or that you can't open any paper without seeing it , been all over television never happened because it doesn't fit your ideological view. Credibility.....gone.
Phil Perry Posted January 8, 2016 Author Posted January 8, 2016 Let's not lose friends over this business folks. . . everyone has their own opinion on a lot of things. . . . doesn't make them wrong in any way shape nor form. I regret ( severely ) mention of this debacle in Europe,. . .I just assumed that you guys were equally informed by news sites as we are here. I was discussing this situation last night with five close muslim friends, ( we go back a very long way ) at a booze up at the house of one of them. . . Name of Aziz. . .or "AZ" . . .he was ruined by his ex-wife, who was hideously white and with whom he sired a Son and a Daughter. Aziz was the first person of Muslim origin that I can call a close friend. Born in Pakistan, Az emigrated to Britain thirty five years ago, met a local lass and they got married. He doesn't really fit the archetypal muslim background, . . .ie, he says he never went to a mosque after he left home, as there were not any around. . . and after marrying an English lass,. . . .he had no intention of so doing. His Son is a senior area manager for one of these "Everything's a Pound" store chains, and goes to their head office in Amsterdam 4 times a month, gets installed in the Amsterdam Hilton and fed on very expensive food and champagne. . . . Az's Daughter Diane is 27, she is a serving police officer, firearms qualified, and also an observer / coordinator on police helicopters ( the pilots are not Police, they use ex-mil and ex--commercial for that role . . . ) She is NOT going to have an arranged marriage to some old geezer in Pakistan ( so she said last night ) , and her Dad has no intention of asking her to. . . . anyway, who'd want a Ginger Haired, chubby, 5ft 11/2 inch half muslim Copper built like a brick $hithouse for a missus ? ( her words,. . .not mine ) Az and I go for a ruby murray weekly, but as a form of respect for his fellows in the ( muslim owned ) restaurants we visit. . . . he hides his vodka in a litre bottle of coke so as not to cause offence to his brethren. . ! ) Nearly integrated. . . .! The other four lads at our party last night are similarly assimilated into what I understand as Brit Society ! ! ! Now I didn't corrupt these younger men, . .it was that bloody Thailand place that did that. . .! What I am trying to convey here is that I do not hate Muslims per se. What I DO hate however, is the mainstream media suppressing news of bad stuff which is currently happening die to Angel Merkel's open invitation to untrammeled immigration, byt people who have absolutely no idea of western culture, and this appears to be going very wrong at the moment. . . .with Croatia,. . Poland, and Hungary closing their borders with huge fencing, and Sweden considering doing the same. Forced Integration in a short timescale is not going to work due to the completely different cultures of both parties. I fervently hope that something can be sorted out,. . . I am not a right wing looney, and at the same time, I don't want civil war in Europe, as it appears to nearly everyone who has more than dried leaves between their ears in this country, that it is all going terribly wrong. And the MSM are gradually waking up to it too. . . .jesus,. . .even the BBC are starting to report facts, instead of lying and obfuscating.. . .wonders will never cease. . . If those in other countries do not believe what they read,. .no matter what media source they consult. . . . well, that's fine, it isn't their problem. I sure hope the weather improves soon up here so that we can get back to talking about aviation. . . .! Kind regards ot all. . . . Phil P.S. I forgot to mention the furore regarding some McDonalds, and some Burger King take out joints, as well as some chip shops and Pizza shops opting for serving "Halal" meats, to make the muzzies happy to buy and eat it. . . I have absolutely NO problem with this,. . .if I said I did, then I'd be a hypocrite, as I'd never been to an abbatoir in the past, to check out whether the beast was facing Mecca when it was slaughtered, or whether the Lord's prayer was said as it died. . . . and having purchased and consumed meat labeled "Halal" for a few years, I don't have a problem with it AND. . . I have several Jewish friends, with whom I have been invited to imbibe food made by them on multiple occasions. . .they have a thing called "Kosher" which also involves ritual slaughter of beasts in the meat trade. . . . and I'm still breathing so that must be OK too. . . . .The buggers don't like ham or bacon either. . . .jeeze. . . . My local Morrisons supermarket has a Halal meat section too,. . .I don't ususally buy from it, as they don't do pork sausages, ham, or bacon. . . .which are pretty much my staple diet. . . . apart from the odd pork loin chops, but those are Haram too,. . .so I have to walk to the next chiller to buy those, . . . tedious I know. . . . .
winsor68 Posted January 9, 2016 Posted January 9, 2016 Quote So obviously if you didn't see, it didn't happen. Doesn't matter that Merkel herself has made statements about it, or that the Cologne police chief has been stood down over it or that you can't open any paper without seeing it , been all over television never happened because it doesn't fit your ideological view. Credibility.....gone. I didn't say it didn't happen. I said I haven't seen it on every news channel. I also say I doubt the story is being reported completely accurately by the news sites you guys are getting your ideas about Islam and Muslims from.
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