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VERY OFF TOPIC. . . Immigration in Europe. .

Phil Perry

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The weird thing was there was a huge evacuation of British cities during the blitz, not just women and children. Surely GNu and the RWNJs would have known that, the poms didn't advertise the fact that men where part of the evacuation because that would have fed German propaganda. Even Tony Abbott's father Dick evacuated to Australia to avoid military service.



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Its weird how the RWNJs all think that English stood together under the tyranny of the Nazi bombardment, do they ever read any history that isn't propaganda?






The Tories where more than happy to appease Hitler, Churchill was the lone dissenting voice inside the Tory party. Its almost like they forget the Torie's support for Hitler led to the invasion of Poland.



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Hitler always hoped the poms would see reason and come into the fold. Edward would re assume the throne.


I must admit If I had been there and looked at the odds I wouldn't have given the brits much chance of winning that one, but Churchill's rhetoric and stoicism plus the powerful industrial might of the US and Hitler's bad management made it happen, consigning Britain to years of poverty after the war to repay the debt, and Germany ultimately having the stronger economy due to America's assistance in part. Nev



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Imagine all the British men walking away like this when the London blitz started?

Christian compassion in action - you're a credit to your beliefs Gnu.


How dare those cowards try to leave a war torn country where the barbarism of ISIS is only matched by the barbarism of their own government. It's not like it's serious, only half the population is displaced.


And look at their wardrobe. They're obviously die-hard fundamentalists.



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Shameful that many Americans are still homeless after Hurricane Katrina 10 years ago, a bill that could have been covered by a month's Miltary budget.

Off topic, I know, but I'm with Jeremy Clarkson on this one.....quoted as saying


"Then you’ve got New Orleans, which, nearly a year after Katrina, is still utterly smashed and ruined. Now I’m sorry but insects can build shelter on their own. Birds can build nests without a state handout. So why are the people of Louisiana sitting around waiting for someone else to do the repairs? …"


When QLD was flooded, most of it was sorted very quickly, by people who got together and helped each other. People got off their arxes and did something for themselves.



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Imagine all the British men walking away like this when the London blitz started?

I don't recall ever reading anything about German soldiers marauding through English towns dragging out families or whomever they wanted and randomly shooting or beheading them during the Blitz.


Perhaps they would've indeed made themselves scarce if that were the case.



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... and the bloke in the green shirt on the left has brought his weaponry with him.rgmwa

You don't think that is his fishing rod*?


* In accordance with the well respected principle: "Give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you have fed him for life"



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Off topic, I know, but I'm with Jeremy Clarkson on this one.....quoted as saying"Then you’ve got New Orleans, which, nearly a year after Katrina, is still utterly smashed and ruined. Now I’m sorry but insects can build shelter on their own. Birds can build nests without a state handout. So why are the people of Louisiana sitting around waiting for someone else to do the repairs? …"


When QLD was flooded, most of it was sorted very quickly, by people who got together and helped each other. People got off their arxes and did something for themselves.

You are aware how America works right, if you are poor and black: you work for peanuts, you can't get finance, you can't get health insurance, you can't afford education, if your up to your neck in water you will drown.


With New Orleans most of the reconstruction is halted due to insurance companies not paying out or folks not being insured and not having jobs because their employers went bust after the flood. There was a mass exodus out of New Orleans and the people have moved on. Who told you that there was masses of folks living in the abandoned parts of New Orleans? You are ill informed



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"Give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you have fed him for life"

I thought it was "...teach him to fish and he'll spend his life drinking p*ss with his mates in a 200hp Haines Hunter that he got a second mortgage for"



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I suspect that it won't be long before the bean counters in Europe work out that it would be more economical to get serious about fighting the war on the ground in Syria and Iraq to destroy ISIL, rebuild those countries economies and send the refugees home than to provide limited military support in the regions, to beef up their own internal security systems, and to provide financial support to the millions of refugees seeking refuge in their countries.


Add this factor to the residents concerns about how their own way of life may be affected by the presence of large numbers of refugees, in security terms, in terms of their culture and general beliefs, in terms of the "normal" mindset of the community etc. and I could envisage military solutions becoming more strongly considered.



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I don't recall ever reading anything about German soldiers marauding through English towns dragging out families...

Nor would you recall hoardes of Nazi's fleeing to the UK and claiming to be refugees, Nazi following refugees. Seems reasonable to not accept any of these people untill they declare the anti-western war to be over.


On the plus side this is the end of the European welfare state, it was always unsustainable of course but this has rapidly hastened its demise.



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What a "plus".


Surely anyone who believes in capitalism and free markets should see the influx of hundreds of thousands of working age people as a pure boon. I don't think these refugees want to sit around on the dole - the vast majority would be willing and able to take on work, maybe even the types of work that the original inhabitants don't want to do. Plus remember it's a wide cross-section of society - there'd be many doctors, engineers, etc among them.


If European governments have any sense they'd be working out how to best utilize this influx of labour.



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