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VERY OFF TOPIC. . . Immigration in Europe. .

Phil Perry

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You are aware how America works right, if you are poor and black: you work for peanuts, you can't get finance, you can't get health insurance, you can't afford education, if your up to your neck in water you will drown.

With New Orleans most of the reconstruction is halted due to insurance companies not paying out or folks not being insured and not having jobs because their employers went bust after the flood. There was a mass exodus out of New Orleans and the people have moved on. Who told you that there was masses of folks living in the abandoned parts of New Orleans? You are ill informed

Yes, I've spent time there. ( and a few other countries)The only thing I liked about the place was that anyone could get somewhere if they wanted to.


A lot of QLDers were uninsured too, but you know what? They got out the tools and fixed it themselves.


Race has a lot less to do with whether or not you succeed than than your personal drive to succeed. Those who desire to do well, will, those who don't, make excuses.



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A lot of QLDers were uninsured too, but you know what? They got out the tools and fixed it themselves.

Are you suggesting that Americans are lazier and less resourceful than Queenslanders? For the comparison to be fair and rational we would have to take into account all other factors like average earnings etc, not to mention the government response. my understanding is that after the Queensland floods the the government imposed a temporary tax levy to help rebuild. I am not sure how effective the disaster response was in New Orleans but this is important if you are trying to compare the character of New Orleans compared to Queenslanders



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Seems reasonable to not accept any of these people untill they declare the anti-western war to be over.

Ah collective punishment. I love it. Punish the lot of them.......including the majority who are actually fleeing terror. I mean, what's their problem with family members being dragged into the town square by ISIS and executed? Serves 'em right for living there. If only they'd worked harder at school, eh?


On the plus side this is the end of the European welfare state, it was always unsustainable of course but this has rapidly hastened its demise.

You seriously believe native white Europeans who have loved their social welfare for decades are just going to give it up with a click of the fingers, do you, on account of these terror attacks?



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Are you suggesting that Americans are lazier and less resourceful than Queenslanders? For the comparison to be fair and rational we would have to take into account all other factors like average earnings etc, not to mention the government response. my understanding is that after the Queensland floods the the government imposed a temporary tax levy to help rebuild. I am not sure how effective the disaster response was in New Orleans but this is important if you are trying to compare the character of New Orleans compared to Queenslanders

It would appear that the mindset of the communities differ completely. Not sure where you are from, but it wasn't just Brisane affected in 2011, I saw many people from all backgrounds pitching in and cleaning up repeatedly, sadly, the same wasn't seen in New Orleans, just Looting. Average earnings have nothing to do with your ability to help yourself. Possible just the media, but images appeared to be the same everywhere. Also I helped defence support after Yasi, from appearances most of the clean up was done by locals helping each other.


FT likes to compare apples and oranges. None of his "facts" are relevant as usual.



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Ah collective punishment. I love it. Punish the lot of them.......including the majority who are actually fleeing terror.

I was referring to those that embrace the terrorist ideology that is Islamic doctrine. Not to say we shouldn't help but the shot is to help them in their own country - if they want help that is. In this case it is predominantly Mo on Mo violence so western intervention is generally not appreciated. A civil war in any country is the responsibility of the citizens of that country to sort out first and foremost.


You seriously believe native white Europeans who have loved their social welfare for decades are just going to give it up with a click of the fingers, do you, on account of these terror attacks?

No dummy, they will give it up when there is no more cash left to hand out, that day is fast approaching. spacer.png



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It would appear that the mindset of the communities differ completely. Not sure where you are from, but it wasn't just Brisane affected in 2011, I saw many people from all backgrounds pitching in and cleaning up repeatedly, sadly, the same wasn't seen in New Orleans, just Looting. Average earnings have nothing to do with your ability to help yourself. Possible just the media, but images appeared to be the same everywhere. Also I helped defence support after Yasi, from appearances most of the clean up was done by locals helping each other.FT likes to compare apples and oranges. None of his "facts" are relevant as usual.

Mick you work a 40 hour week at $7.25 for a year and tell us how good life is



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You don't think that is his fishing rod*?* In accordance with the well respected principle: "Give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you have fed him for life"

I admit I may have misjudged him based on initial suspicions, but now that you mention it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was JC travelling incognito. There must be a good 5,000 in that crowd, so a couple of fish certainly wouldn't go astray. Wouldn't even surprise me if he's carrying a camp oven in that bag to knock up a bit of damper to go with the fish.





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That sort of country may well appeal to you, especially as you seem to come across as disliking democratic countries.

I love true Democracy, I love China, the Democracy here is awesome, Australia's Socialism not so much, if fact Australia is rather down the bottom of the list when it comes to Democracy. Oh wait, I forgot, you can vote for 1 of 2 Parties every 3 years, well that's Democracy if I ever saw it.


Rather ironic though coming from someone personally bound by a set of ancient rules Governed by a tiered, autocratic system.


I have a good friend who was in prison there, a somewhat different perspective to what you would enjoy as a tourist.

Your friend was in prison for breaking the law no doubt, let me guess, preaching/missionary work? or maybe spouting his mouth off in one form or another?


I bet I don't end up in Prison when I go there, I will merely respect their culture and laws, when in Rome ....


You remind me of these people, true Racists, like yourself, imagine having the incredible privilege of being able to transverse a closed country, but only offered constant condescension while being ignorant and totally oblivious to the culture.


What peeves me is the damage they have likely done to future people requesting similar travels.



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The first planeload of GENUINE . . . .Syrian refugees ( documented, vetted and verified in refugee camps in Syria itself, and not Generally West Africans, Nigerian, Eritrean, Ethiopean, Libyan, Yemeni, Somalian, Iraqui, etc. .) Have just arrived in SCOTLAND. . . I sincerely hope that these Syrians,. . .known to be basically of the muslim culture YES, but from a basically well run secular country. . . ( Up until the Western Inspired and much assisted ARAB SPRING that is. . .) will be able to integrate with the local Scots,. . . . I'm sure there are a few of those around,. . .but imagine their shock when presented with a chap like this who has had a really good night out in Glasgow. . . . .




Hi,. . .my name is Jimmy Santa. . . .Welcome to Scotland. . . . . Hope you like the weatherrr heerrrrrre. . . . .



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I saw this cartoon on the web today. . . . sort of topical, since I mentioned the "Arab Spring" in a previous post. . . . . I guess if we can still have a giggle about world events,. . . then the world won't go to hell in a handcart as soon as it could have done otherwise ? ? ?



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A civil war in any country is the responsibility of the citizens of that country to sort out first and foremost.

Worked a treat in Rwanda. Over 3/4 of a million dead, mostly hacked to death. Men, women, children. I suppose you could pray for them. That would make it easier on the little girl getting her arms hacked off, for sure.


No dummy, they will give it up when there is no more cash left to hand out, that day is fast approaching. spacer.png

I see. So Germany, one of those European States which has a strong social welfare system, has been running budget surpluses for a while now and posted a record one last fiscal year. How does that fit in with your theory? I think you've been listening to too many evangelicals describe how the apocalypse is "fast approaching" too (been fast approaching for several generations now).



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Dutch. . . . .I don't get het up about Gnarly's theories either. . .nice bloke though I'm sure he is. . . .


I realise you get around a bit with the job that you do,. . . but you are possibly not au fait with what is really going on here in Europe.


Sweden is almost a basket case, due to excessive immigration and a seeming lack of any kind of attempted integration by the incomers, as if a completely foreign culture could Possible integrate in just a few years,. . .it just won't happen ( IMHO ) for a few generations at least. . . . For any REAL info about Sweden one of our RF members lives there. . . and can answer any questions you might have. . . . Lawd,. . .forgotten his handle,. . .Polar something. . . ( ! )


France has tried it for many years,. . . . massive problems still with very poor muslim ghettoes, very little integration, . . . .


Massacre in Paris last Friday . . .one of the perps was rescued from drowning in the Mediterranean not long ago. . . trained jihadi. . . .there's probably thousands of 'em embedded with the Refugees (and mainly economic) migrants. . . and SOMEONE is importing a crapload of AK47s and explosives for the manufacture of suicide bomber belts / waistcoats too. . . . .I have no doubt that there are some of these already stored in mosques somewhere in the UK already. . . and whilst I fervently hope that I am wrong here,. . .I believe that it's only a matter of time befoe we see another jihadi massacre.


But here in good ole' Blighty. . .we have very few armed police here, compared with France,. . . and arms are not carried on a day to day basis. . . . we are an open goal. . . . .The police are being cut down to the bone, to prepare us for total amalgamation into the EU as the North Atlantic EU region,. . .with an EU police force and Armed forces as well. . .the EU army is well into organisation as I write. . . this is another reason that I would like to see the entire British Government hanging from a gibbet outside Newgate jail. . . .


Bloody traitors the lot of them ( but that's off topic ) Tony BLIAR removed the Treason Act from the statute books. . . . .


Angela Merkel said that she would be happy if 800,000 immigrants came to Germany. . . . . . this caused a tsunami of immigration from all over the Middle East and Africa, some of the results of which, you have no doubt seen on whatever news outlets allow you to see it. . . ( most MSM outlets either sanitize, or simply do not report the nasty bits. . .)


The Schengen ( EU Open Borders / free movement of people ) treaty is in tatters, with Hungary, Croatia, and now Austria putting up fences to do something to allay their indiginous population's fears of being subsumed by far too many immigrants ( I won't call them refugees as that is a complete bloody lie. . .except for a very small percentage ) They are mostly poor people who want a better life,. . . .I've lost count of the times I've watched footage of incomers demanding "Where is my money and free house. . .? " No doubt quoting the bullcrap given to them by the people traffickers in their countries of origin. . . ."Come to Europe. . .Free Houses,. . .free money. . ." Somebody must have put that into their heads. . .?


It's all getting out of control,. . . .Merkel hasn't been heard of for several days,. . .the extreme right loonies are baying for blood in Germany, Austria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary . . . .Poland has said that it refuses to accept ANY immigrants / refugees whatsoever. . . .and Hungary has built a substantial fence all around their country. . . . I wish their premier was ours too. . . .


I don't really know ( nor, it seems do those pulling the power strings ) where this is all going, but it does not look good.


It looks as if the Coudenhove-Kallergi plan ( Google it. . . ) seems to be coming true. . . .bothe Merkel and Van Rompuuy have been awarded the C-K prize for implementing the plan,. . .in a nutshell,. . .this plan is for the entire continent of Europe to be swamped and all hideously white indiginous people to be integrated with and subsumed into a bunch of passive worker drones, all run by some sort of elite. . . . . Frightening stuff,. . .but I don't see any other explanation for the collective insanity I'm witnessing on a day to day basis. . . .with the Mainstream Media Hiding most of it. . . ( BBC especially in the UK )


I don't have a lot of time for conspiracies, but when you find that two major players have won the prize ( check it out for yourselves ) it appears that THEY DO ! and they are in positions of power,. . .Merkel can be unelected at any time, but Van Rompuuy can't. . .he is one of the supreme elite of Europe,. . .unelected and therefore non-removable democratically. . . .


Wot a mess poor Europe is in. . . . .


Happy dayz. . . . and. . . .Fool Britannia. . . . .





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Mick you work a 40 hour week at $7.25 for a year and tell us how good life is

I have worked my arxe off for bugger all for a long period of my life. What it means is that you need to do more help yourself. If you can't see how that works, I am certainly beginning to imagine that a city full FTs wouldn't fare well in rough times, they'd just be sitting there waiting for handouts, and criticising the rest of the world for not helping them.



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Gee Whizz FT,. . . . . REALLY ? ? ? ? ? ?


The Government might give us a referendum,. . . .thanks entirely to Nigel Farage ( UKIP ) but it won't make any difference,. . they are now suggesting that sixteen year olds should be given the vote,. . . . FCSake. . . .how many 16 Yr olds do YOU know who have any bloody idea about politics ? ? ? And even if the vote was 90% LEAVE the EU. . .David Koranmon would obfuscate, and make sure his sinecure in the EU gravy train was secured for life. . . . worst PM we have ever had. . . . and we can't hang him as a traitor to the country since Bliar removed the treason act, the ONLY conviction which carried the Death Penalty. . . .


We have schools full of Looney Lefite teachers teaching Looney Leftie politics, . . Universities doing precisely the same thing. . .making sure that the kids are suitably damaged and brainwashed into Looney Leftie ideals from a very young age. . . No, I think it's Game over for Europe,. . .I only hope that the OZ Government will allow me to resettle in a nice country town, insulated from all the bollox we get up here. . . . .so that I can watch pilots doing awful things with aeroplanes and quietly take the piss,. . ( ! !) .being too old myself to fly. . . . .! ! ! ! You MUST have a guy like this on your airfield,. . .walks around carryig a dogeard logbook and always has a good story to recount. . . .we had one at Berwick ( Casey Field) named Vince. . . ( Vince What,. . .I never knew,. . .but he had obviously been around, according to the book anyway. . .)


What a great way to retire. . .! ! !



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Phil, Get your self a pullover with the "older I get the HIGHER I FLEW" for a start.... I don't know what openings there are for aerodrome Ghosts, but,. A mature retired airline pilot I was privileged to know, wearing an old army greatcoat, went into a local hardware chain and asked the pretty young thing for a bottle of Metho. When she returned with it he held it between his hands and said. " I don't suppose you have a COLD one, do you?" . I have a thought. Maybe you could be a Toby Jug model? Nev



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And that's the heart of the problem, ISIS is State funded in the opinion of many. Where does the money come from? We're not just talking millions here, but billions. There are simplistic views abounding that they are selling oil to fund this BS.

Two articles I noticed on ISIS and oil / funding which may be of interest to you Willie. Seems the Russians aren't quite so fussy where they deposit ordnance and may be making more of a dent than the US / AU pilots.



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