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The Greek Tragedy that is Trump

old man emu

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What we are witnessing with Trump is a close approximation to the elements of a Greek tragedy.


 In a true tragedy, the hero’s demise must come as a result of a personal error or poor decision. In a tragedy, there is no such thing as an innocent victim. A genuinely tragic downfall cannot be purely a matter of blind accident or bad luck. The tragic hero must always bear some responsibility for their own doom. The only difference between the ending of a Greek tragedy and the likely end of Trump's tragedy is that at the end of a Greek tragedy, the hero overcomes the effects of his actions and the audience is happy for him. 


There are three main events in a Greek tragedy:

  1. Tragic Error:  A fatal error or mistake made by the protagonist that eventually leads to the final catastrophe.
  2. Tragic Insight:  A moment of insight and understanding in the mind of the tragic hero when he suddenly comprehends his own fate and destiny.
  3. Retribution:  The inevitable punishment and pay back for the protagonist’s acts of hubris, a personality quality of extreme or excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence and complacency,  often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance.


It is questionable whether Trump has the capacity for insight, but retribution in so many ways is charging at him. Last Saturday night, he addressed a conference of the Libertarians, a political party in the United States that promotes civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism, and limiting the size and scope of government, to ask them to nominate him as their Presidential candidate. The booing was thunderous. Come the time for the vote and Trump only managed to secure six (6) votes from a crowd of a few hundred people. 


 Final addresses in his New York fraud case will be given next Tuesday. The jury will probably begin its deliberations on Wednesday. The USA will be in tenterhooks from the time the last juror leaves the courtroom.

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Trump is tragic for the US but in himself is a comedic figure rather than a tragic one.


I don't know much ancient Greek history - no doubt they had some spectacularly bad leaders, as did the Romans - but I doubt they would be able to find anything sympathetic in the Orange Clown.

As for insight, I would lay serious money that it is a total stranger to Trump, along with empathy, compassion, character and dignity.

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HE was brought up "special" and should never know failure. HE just can't handle it.. Anyone who dares get in his way or not aid him will be suitably dealt with . HE's an extremely Dangerous person, for the entire world. Nev

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21 minutes ago, old man emu said:

The jury will probably begin its deliberations on Wednesday. The USA will be in tenterhooks from the time the last juror leaves the courtroom.

Maybe 10%-15% of the population will be on tenterhooks. The rest aren't listening and don't care.

Also, Trump is no tragic hero, he's a disaster.

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It will still come down to votes. Poll figures show more than 50% of republicans will still vote for him if convicted. I forget the exact figure, but I think it's around 16% won't and the rest not sure. Among republicans he's still got that large cult following element, but whether they are enough to carry him is another thing.

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It's definitely a cult. He gets his biggest audience response when he does that weird thing with his hands (the air accordion one) and utters some incoherent strange sounds. It's not what he says that gets them going, it's the weird antics. I'm sure the twits still think it's a game/reality show. When he does the weird hand thing in combination  with the little round mouth, he looks like a cross between a canary and a seal. What a buffoon.

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  • 2 months later...

If you look at the various threads about Trump and the US political situation you'll see that there's already quite a lot of discussion about the factors that led to the rise of Trump.

You had a bad experience on this site with your first thread Asymeo, but we're not fixated on Chinese bots.

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29 minutes ago, Asymeo said:

Marty-d you should be very careful when you block any account just because think that a new account belong to a Chinese or Russian bot. 

I think you should read Marty's post again. He wasn't threatening anything, just acknowledging you had a bad first experience.


Otherwise, I am with Litespeed.. we all have a brain and can use it if we need to.

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2 hours ago, Asymeo said:

Marty-d you should be very careful when you block any account just because think that a new account belong to a Chinese or Russian bot.  You can not use the threat from a Chinese , Russian etc bot as an excuse to block new members just because you disagree with them

People who consider their selves as democrats, who respect democratic values and principles even when they disagree with the ideas from someone they defend his right to express his ideas .

I found that  people here  are ready to label some one an enemy even when they do not know or can understand him.

I'm not a moderator, so I couldn't block you even if I wanted to (which I don't).

In fact if you look at the other thread I made the point that I DON'T think you're a bot or Russian troll.

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2 hours ago, Litespeed said:

My mind is open Feel free to comment or discuss.


I quoted you simply to say that you are a relatively new member. Because of what your first posts were about and how they were written there was no suspicion that you were not a real person. That's the problem with Aymeo. Style.

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@Asymeo  you may feel you have not been given a warm welcome in this forum. Most of the posters here have been posting for some time and we tend to know each other quite well whilst preserving a certain amount of anonymity. Many folks here have their own particular conversational style, and we have gotten used to it. 


I am very accepting of all sorts of people and in fact, I do wish this forum had a more diverse membership. I must confess though that the language in your post is a little hard to understand (for me at least).  


Perhaps it would be useful to start by introducing yourself.  As I say most of us here do value some level of anonymity however we do know something about each other.  OME is a retired policeman, Red750 used to work in a bank. I am a retired musician, Jerryatrick is Australian but lives in England. 


What is your story? are you old or younger? are you retired or working?  When the people here get to know you they will be totally accepting even if they disagree with you at times.


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