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Europe 'is going wild' as far-right vote surges


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Is this the way democracies fight invasions? It seems that the natives of these countries have had enough of their cultures being destroyed by the uncontrolled influx of refugees from places with diametrically different cultures.

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It seems to be the way it goes. Race based immigration policies are more present on the right side of politics than the left. A lot of people also see the right as the stronger faction on law and order issues.

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It's populism, pure and simple.  Blame the "other" for everything that's going wrong in the country.  Worked for Hitler and is the continuing playbook for all right wing and despotic leaders from that time on.

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1 hour ago, Marty_d said:

Worked for Hitler and is the continuing playbook for all right wing and despotic leaders from that time on.

Et tu, Brute! You can't deny that the very same tactic is applied by left wingers and their leaders. It's us poor even-minded buggers in the middle who have to cop it from both sides.

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Relating to the left wing aspect It's corruptible also.  If you buy a crook made car it doesn't mean ALL cars are similar.. Co operatives CAN work. Sweat shops will always be cheaper. Chinese people work very hard to make things for the world..  IF it's difficult to LEAVE someplace it's a sign of something very wrong.. At least you can Leave the "States" and some may want to eventually if things don't improve.     Nev

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4 hours ago, old man emu said:

Et tu, Brute! You can't deny that the very same tactic is applied by left wingers and their leaders. It's us poor even-minded buggers in the middle who have to cop it from both sides.

You may have noticed I said "right wing AND despotic leaders" - yes despots on the left also do it but it seems far more common from the right wingers.

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18 hours ago, Marty_d said:

t's populism, pure and simple. 

IN all honesty, I think it is deeper than that. When I worked through central and Eastern Erupe (ex. Russia and Ukaine), there was a real deep-rooted racist element in the population. We had a bloke who was of Indian and another of African American extraction who were world leaders in their field, and the contempt they were shown by our clients there was palpable. Even in Germany (Munich), there was a definite element of society that I saw that made me think all that tolerance was required rather than in their DNA.


11 hours ago, Marty_d said:

yes despots on the left also do it but it seems far more common from the right wingers.

Weren't most of WW2 despotic leaders left wing? Hitler formed a soclalist party; Mussolini, and Stalin - were they not Left Wing.. Outside Trump, Putin is a commie, therefore left wing, Xi Jingpin can hardly be called right wing. Putlin's Cronies are hardly right wing, unless right wing simply means xenophobic.


(Sory Marty.. but I think the definition of what is right and left wing are blurred these days.. )


As usual, YT comes to my rescue about now:


(BTW, I'm still a slightly left of centre by heart)

Edited by Jerry_Atrick
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Russia is a kleptocracy not communist. Putin is just the biggest gangster.

Hitler may have formed/taken over the National Socialist party, but he was a fascist. 

You're correct in that the lines have blurred. Possibly now they are "for the people" (left) or "for the billionaires" (right).

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The Horrible fact IS there is no money in looking after the Poor in Politics. The Better business model is to look after those who can show their gratitude with MONEY. The unprincipled callously do just that. It was ever thus.   Nev

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Nev is usually correct but I disagree about "looking after" the poor and ungrateful. I reckon that they need to be kept warm and dry on the cold winter nights.  My reward is sleeping better myself knowing that there is nobody real cold out there.

But I would draw the line at providing them a great deal more than basic needs. I would provide decent food but not "fast food" etc.

This is NOT being "woke " at all. Personally, I reckon the "woke" lot are mainly trying to sabotage society from within, for example by demanding that the poor only have unaffordable housing.

Apparently this places me near the middle-ground of politics ... I am certainly in favour of some right-wing ideas such as the need to have less immigration and less molly-coddling of young offenders, and as well, I voted "no" to the voice referendum. Does this make me a liberal voter?   I never have voted for them in the past, so I reckon that on a 2 party-preferred, me and marty still vote labor, but without enthusiasm on my part these days.

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How did I get the label of resident communist? 😄


My pitch to right wingers is to think about societal issues from an economic perspective.

If you have inequality and a large pool of desperate and disenfranchised poor, you're going to get higher levels of crime, substance abuse and ongoing psychological and physical injury which adds cost to many government agencies including justice and health.

Usually the cost of these is far higher than preventative action like, for example, universal free childcare / early education, school lunches, affordable housing, and free preventative medical care like dental and annual GP checkups.


So as a pure economical argument it makes sense to look after the poor and reduce inequality.

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Prisons  make a bigger profit by NOT rehabilitating inmates. They are generally PRIVATELY run. Taxpayers money doesn't count It's the DONATIONS and BRIBES that the right wingers seek and GET. Poor and desperate people will work for almost nothing.   The Middle Class are rapidly disappearing. 

  I don't believe in CLASS. It's a false construct. People who have a Social conscience are vilified as MAD Lefties . The cause of all problems THEY say..   You know the ones with the MONEY that have all the SAY and the lackeys who will SAY anything for Money. Nev

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1 hour ago, Marty_d said:

think about societal issues from an economic perspective.

Arbeit macht frei


The expression comes from the title of an 1873 novel by the German philologist Lorenz Diefenbach, Arbeit macht frei: Erzählung von Lorenz Diefenbach, (Work sets you free: a story by Lorenz Diefenbach), in which gamblers and fraudsters find the path to virtue through labour. The phrase was also used in French (le travail rend libre!) by Auguste Forel, a Swiss entomologist, neuroanatomist and psychiatrist, in his Fourmis de la Suisse (Ants of Switzerland). The phrase was made notorious when used by the NAZI regime.


Leaving aside the NAZI abomination, it is pretty clear that when there is a lot of work, meaning " full employment", the woes brought on by idleness dimminish. Of course there will always be the background noise of unemployment and its wider problems. The problems we see now are the product of poor economic decisions by Australian governments over the past 50 years. All have them have let go the reins to some extent and the economic horse has bolted. 

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