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United States, Where do you go now?

old man emu

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Vance has totally declared himself to be a copy/slave of Trump and sounds equally SCARY.. I doubt Trump wants anyone to share the glory with so that pair will conflict before long. He's NOT part of the Trump Dynasty.   Nev

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There's close to 20 Democrat Congress members calling for Biden to step aside. Obama has now joined Pelosi in trying to get him to evaluate his candidacy, which I think is the PC term for trying to get him to quit. It's not just the Presidency they are worried about but also control of the Senate and Congress in those elections. Biden did some interviews to try to show he's up to it after his woeful performance at the debate, but he muddled the interviews as well. We all know what he's trying to say and what he means, but he's getting increasingly incoherent.


Here's an example from an interview the other day: "I remember as a Catholic kid growing up in an area where we didn't like, Catholics, didn't get. I'm the first President elected Statewide in the State of Delaware. When I was a kid, well, you know I was, I looked at John Kennedy and said, well he, God, he got elected, why can't I get elected? By the way I'm proud to be, as I said, the first Vice President, first black woman served with a black President, proud of the, the first black woman, the Supreme Court. There's just so much we can do because together we, there's nothing. Look, this is the United States, America." As said, we sort of know what he's trying to say but it looks and sounds bad. The best case scenario would be that he got no worse over the next four years, but that's unlikely given the rate of him slipping lately.


For sure, if you put Trump's ramblings to print, they would read just as incoherent. But I think there's a difference. A lot of what Trump says and the rambling delivery of it is purposeful dumbing down to pander to a thick audience and voter base, whereas Biden seems genuinely confused on many regular occasions. Trump knows his audience adores him and every sound that comes out of his mouth, so he plays to that.


It makes me wonder whether now that Trump knows he has almost got it in the bag and has the rusted on dumb ones on side, will he now turn the crazy dial down a bit to chase the business and middle class vote.

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I'm sure he will. Trump is cunning as a you know what. If elected, I don't think he will do the crazy stuff that he has talked about. He says a lot of it to get elected, then he will ignore a lot of the crazies.

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Well, Joes had a conversion on the Road to Damascus, and has pulled the pin on the election. It should've been done a lot earlier, too much damage has been done already.

But the political donations to the Dems have apparently soared since Joe announced he was standing down.

The main problem I see now is that Kamala Harris is a poor choice both for VP and Presidential candidate, because she doesn't display true leadership qualities, she was parachuted in to the VP job because she was the right skin colour, not because of her outstanding skills and abilities.

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Harris was a extremely competent prosecutor and then Attorney general in California before politics.


She is well qualified and has often given the hospital pass by Biden on hard issues.


She should eat Trump for breakfast in any debate or forum 



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She won't cut it as Presidential material, I'm telling you now - even though she might have been a reasonably successful prosecutor. Good prosecutors are not necessarily premium Presidential material.

We've had some pretty deadbeat prosecutors here, and no doubt, a lot more of them in the U.S. Lloyd Rayney comes to mind here, he's a total scumbag, lower than a snakes belly.

Joe selected Harris as VP, because he saw it as vitally important to have a "coloured" VP - and he brags about him being the only President who has selected a female VP of colour.


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I think that one policy would make a big difference to the outcome of the election.


If only the Dems announce a policy of overhauling government bureacracy, that would matter more than the pigment of any candidate.

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The best Councillor by far on our local council was a crown prosecutor. A good legal background doesn't go astray in a lot of roles. Trump would never pass the exams..  There's a lot of reasons a Woman is the person for now also. Trump is still attacking Biden..   Nev

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I think Harris might grow into the role if she gets the nomination. Up to this point she hasn't been very noticeable but that comes with the territory of being VP and having to play second fiddle. As her confidence grows she might turn out ok and roll Trump. Trump has been doing well, but in reality he was only a small number of points ahead of Biden. Among the Democrats, Harris has polled a close second behind Biden and importantly, polled better in some crucial swing states and among women voters.


Her campaign is off to a good start raising $81 million in its first 24 hours, an all time record for a presidential candidate. Meanwhile, Trump is as sly as a dunny rat as always. He's saying that if Biden is quitting the race because he doesn't think he's fit for another four years, he should quit now. Trump is pretending to be concerned about Biden's fitness as President for the remainder of the term whereas the reality is, he'd like Harris to take over now as President which would be a big distraction to her campaign. As VP, she has all the time in the world to run an effective campaign against Trump. He knows he'd have a better chance of beating her if she had a higher workload and the distractions of being the incumbent President at short notice. Joe has said he's staying until the election and will be out campaigning for Harris.


How quick things can change in politics. Trump's golden bullet is rapidly losing it's shine. Despite repeatedly calling for Biden to step down, Biden actually doing so is Trump's worst nightmare. He knows running against Biden at the election was his best chance. Trump's calling for Biden to stand down was just a tactic to run him down and make him look weak. He didn't want him to actually do it.

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Trump also has a sentencing hearing coming up in September unless he squirms out of it again. But bad timing for him if it goes ahead. He shouldn't have appealed it and just got it out of the way. His supporters don't care about it, but now it will just focus negative attention on him again much closer to the the election. Harris seems to have got off to a good start, and win or lose, will be a lot more effective than Joe could have been.


Edited by rgmwa
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Trump has answers for the Who?, What? and maybe When?, and his How?, Project 2025, makes Volume 2* of Mein Kampf look like it should be retitled How to Serve the People.


* Volume 2 of Mein Kampf sets outlines Hitler's political ideology and future plans for Germany. 


Hitler originally wanted to call his book Viereinhalb Jahre (des Kampfes) gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Feigheit (Four and a Half Years [of Struggle] Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice). A typically long-winded title dreamed up by a nutcase. I wonder what Trump wanted as the title of his book 

The America We Deserve by Donald Trump, Dave Shiflett, Donald J. Trump (9781580631310) - HardCover - Biographies Business

In his no-nonsense, unvarnished manner, one of America's wealthiest entrepreneurs shares his vision of the future, revealing his concerns about the major political issues facing our country, and offering provocative, sometimes dramatic, solutions.


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Further to my post earlier re the Simpsons prediction, here is an excerpt from the episode in 2000 in which Lisa Simpson becomes the "first straight female president", taking over from President Donald Trump, 16 years before Trump was elected.



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1 hour ago, red750 said:

Further to my post earlier re the Simpsons prediction, here is an excerpt from the episode in 2000 in which Lisa Simpson becomes the "first straight female president", taking over from President Donald Trump, 16 years before Trump was elected.



Just goes to show how deep the deep state is!


And Don T really is a part of it.

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