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Paris Olympics


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They didn't work for one X motorcyclist .

Badly broken back, 

Due to trucky pissing him off , then he overtook on the wrong side , into an unlit skip-bin . That truck driver admitted he baited the motorcyclist .

SO ,why not have " skip-bins " with a night-light .



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18 hours ago, pmccarthy said:

Around here we want skippies with a night light.

And what about putting tail lights on the rear of black cows? I always dreaded skittling a bunch of black bovines standing in the middle of the road  at night.

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When I was in about grade 6 (good grief, that was a long time ago, 1955), Dad took the family on a holiday towing a caravan behind the Dodge ute to Kyabram. Coming back at night through Donnybrook just north of Broadmeadows, he hit a cow roaming on the Hume Highway. He managed to limp into the northern suburbs and pulled into a dark lane next to a church, where we stayed the night. When we got up the next day, we saw a bluestone wall opposite the church. We were camped next to Pentridge Gaol, with a watch tower just above us. 

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44 minutes ago, nomadpete said:

And what about putting tail lights on the rear of black cows? I always dreaded skittling a bunch of black bovines standing in the middle of the road  at night.

You could fit their rear ends with carbide lamps.

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A similar story to Red's. On a caravan trip to Adelaide in 1964 we arrived well after dark and dad found a track into the sandhills near Glenelg where we camped for the night. Woke up next morning and we were in a big rubbish tip, with trucks beginning to arrive.

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My brother and Dad decided to go visit a favourite Auntie (Mums sister) in Townsville in 1964. It's a long, long way to Townsville from Perth, and back again, and it would have been a pretty gruelling trip in 1964 in an FB Holden station wagon.

However, they did it, and seemed to enjoy it, although Dad got carsick quite a bit.

One evening in the boondocks out in the backblocks of NSW or Qld, they'd been driving for about 15 hrs and decided about 10:00PM, it was time to pull up somewhere for a spot to camp for the night.

They found a nice track leading off the road into some thick bush, with a clearing not far off the road, and decided to bunk down. About 2:00AM, they were woken with a huge bright light shining into their back window.

The light got brighter and brighter, and it was soon accompanied by a loud roaring noise. They sat bolt upright in the wagon, only to suddenly realise they were only about 10M away from a rail line with a curve in it, and the headlight of the loco was shining directly into their back window!!

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Things just keep getting worse in Paris.


For one reason or another, some athletes are staying outside the official accommodation. Overnight, apparently without notice, the rules were changed and any individual turning up at the warmup area was denied entry. So a triple gold medal Jamaican sprinter arrived for her final and was denied entry by security, and she was withdrawn from her final. She had no problems entering on previous days.

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You see some funny things caught on camera. One was that team official who pinched the chair meant for the sick athlete (was it a Spanish team?), and the other was the look on the face of that female walker when she blew it. She thought she had it in the bag so slackened off with only a few metres to go, then another lady cruised right by her and took first place.

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Someone has started a change.org petition to hold the breakdancing lady accountable for unethical conduct in the selection process. The claims are that she set up the body to represent Australian breakdancing and appointed herself head of it. Other claims are that her husband was made coach and judge in the selection process. It does make you wonder when you see the dancing ability of those who lost out to her in the selection for the team.



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She must be able to dance when she wants to as she has a solid record of winning or placing in major competitions in Australia and overseas. The story I heard on the radio was that in Paris she knew she couldn't compete with the others so she decided to push a few artistic boundaries by wriggling around like a goanna and doing that highly embarrassing kangaroo hop thing.

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I haven't seen what she did during the contest, but how many times have we seen video of indigenes mimicking kangaroos, brolgas and other animals in their dances? Why shouldn't an Australian competitor include something similar in their competition entry? Could it be that there is more in the background to the complaint, such as jealousy, or a desire for revenge from others?


17 hours ago, willedoo said:

Someone has started a change.org petition

Who is that "someone"? Have they the courage to stand up and say, "It was me", or are they hiding behind a cloak of anonymity? 

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