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What about Kamala?


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I note that neither KH nor DT are spruiking any policies that might directly address the homelessness or the drug problem or the gun problems nor poor education that's plagueing the country.


Much of those problems require a fundamental change of culture, by the population. Something that takes generations to achieve.


I disregard migration as a problem. The American indians might disagree with that, but modern USA is historically a nation founded upon migration.


Neither are they announcing actual real policies/action plans to stop arming beligerants in the middle east.


The current bitter and violent division of the country has been stoked and promoted massively by DT. With the result that whichever party wins this upcoming election, many years will pass before we see the US of A start to improve, both globally and for the population.

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6 hours ago, happydays said:

It is such a strange world, if kamala was serious about things, wouldn't it be more appropriate to be updating the people about the middle east conflict which could at anytime explode, and cause nuclear devastation.

She is campaigning to contest an election. She is serious about and has spoken about the Middle East and many other topics. Trump is also campaigning but has nothing to say about it except that it wouldn’t have happened if he had been in charge, which is complete nonsense. Updates about the conflict are available practically all day, every day on any news broadcast. There is no reason for people not to be well informed if they are concerned about what’s going on, which we all should be.

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On 19/10/2024 at 12:58 PM, rgmwa said:

She is campaigning to contest an election.

We have been given a multitude of examples in YouTube videos of how ignorant Americans are of anything outside their own local area. Talking to them about anything in foreign countries, or anything about US foreign policy is a waste of breath, they simply would not understand. I bet that the recent elections in several European countries where there was a swing to the Right didn't even get a mention in the news at the State or County level in the USA.


I find that the form of Christianity in the USA is almost anti-Christian. If the central tenet of Christian practice is to love one's neighbour, then the refusal of the US population to embrace social welfare standards that apply in the rest of the First World, especially health care or wages that can provide adequate financial support, is actively ignored. It's probably because the culture of the USA has only one goal - that accumulation of wealth and from that accumulation, power.

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They worship Guns, Money, and God in that order. They claim to trust God, but their real trust is shown to be in guns. They even take guns to their churches, showing their lip service to their God.

They put God on every single note of their currency, but once again, it's lip service, and the real God is money, worshipped by the vast majority of Americans.


It's interesting that in the Biblical records, God became angry with the Israelites for turning to worshipping Baal, symbolised by the Golden calf. Baal represented wealth, prosperity, and the acquisition of gold. It's no coincidence that Wall Street has a massive statue of a bull as its centrepiece, and it's no coincidence that Trump worships gold like no other American does.

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11 minutes ago, onetrack said:

It's no coincidence that Wall Street has a massive statue of a bull as its centrepiece

Not sure of the relevance of a bull. They don't have a statue of the calf of Baal.


Unless you mean their bullshit baffles the brain whilst their hand swiftly reallocates your wealth into their trust fund.






Edited by nomadpete
expanded my confusion.
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They would love to have a Monarchy.  Trump plays on that. Give something to a poor person and you are a rotten filthy Commie the cause of all ills. Pentecostal, (there's 100 million of them) is a CULT of the wealthy who are chosen by God so GREED is  a required  trait. It doesn't seem very Christian. to me.  Nev

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