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Facts don't matter to Trump, they never have. It is all about him and his ego. So long as he is in the headlines, that is all that matters. He has only been there for a month so far, though it feels a lot longer. He seems to think the world revolves around him, however in a couple of years I reckon the chickens will come home to roost. The problem is it will take a lot longer to repair the damage.


If every country trading with the US pulled back and left them on their own their economy would wither & die. That won't happen of course but Trumps current strategy is encouraging the rest of the world to think about alternatives.

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When Trump ORDERS US to Put TARIFFS on Chinese  goods, HOW are We going to respond to THAT? No doubt HE will. This F***er thinks HE rules the World.  The US base in Greenland is Part of the NATO agreement so what happens IF HE pulls out of NATO?   He's been$#!t canning it for ALL it's worth to suck up to POO Tin. Nev

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20 minutes ago, pmccarthy said:

I’m just hoping this latest surrender to Putin is some sort of trick. 

The things is that this is not a left-right issue, it is a sane vs crazy issue   I never thought I would be quoting Tony Abbott however............ 



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36 minutes ago, pmccarthy said:

I’m just hoping this latest surrender to Putin is some sort of trick. 

I think that would be over-rating him. I have read a few detailed books about Trump including the one by his niece who combines inside family knowledge with the expertise of a psychologist.  Trump is transactional, everything he does is not for others or the country but for himself, either for money power or self-aggrandizement. 


It is not controversial to say that Trump has a history of ensuring that when one of his businesses fails someone else will pay the price. Trump is well known for not paying the contractors he has employed. This is verifiable, you can look it up. 


As much as I hate Rudy Giuliani he lied for Trump and defamed 2 innocent people (and continues to) Despite Guiliani being now effectively bankrupt, Trump has still not paid the legal fees he owes and will never 

Giuliani Says Trump Campaign, RNC Owe Him $2 Million in Fees (1)


Trump does not give a sh1t whether Putin rolls through Ukraine and even the rest of Europe as long as Trump can gain wealth or power or even just proximity to a powerful figureI like Putin., 

When Trump says that Ukraine started the war I am sure he doesn't really think that, but he knows his moron base will swallow it just as when he said "They are eating the dogs in Springfield" that this will only resonate with morons.

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This video is a bit of an investment in time but quite worthwhile I think. 


Trump is an idiot. I say that because the man who claims he is a tough negotiator states before the negotiation that Ukraine will probably have to give up territory. What kind of a negotiation tactic is that? This is from the man the "wrote: the book "The Art Of The Deal" Actually written by a man called Tony Schwartz"  In an interview with him that I heard recently he said that "not only did Trump not write the book he most likely has not even read the book"




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Trump just wants to end the war as quickly as possible and will do whatever it takes so that he can brag that he did it when no one else could. He doesn’t care whether the terms pave the way for Putin to re-start the war in the future or invade some other country, as long as it doesn’t happen on his watch. He doesn’t like Zelenskyy and doesn’t care about Europe. He sees the Ukraine war as just some remote conflict that he doesn’t want to be involved in. His only interest in Ukraine is their minerals. 

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....and whether he can get prime Ukrainian coastal land, for more Trump Hotels and golf courses ....


Just watch him do a dog-begging trick when Putler offers him a swag of premium Crimean beachside land, in turn for making Ukraine give up everything it has fought for.


I'll wager this much, if Putin "wins" this war without any input or negotiation by Ukraine, Russia will face 20 years of covert terrorism attacks by undercover Ukrainian resistance fighters, making life hell for the Russians.

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Posted (edited)

Remember, when he was last president he tried to get Zelensky to dig up some dirt on Huner Biden to counteract all the impeachments he was going through. Zelensky, a man of integrty apparently, refused, despite some threat of Trumps. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/25/trump-asked-ukraine-president-if-you-can-look-into-biden-and-his-son-in-phone-call.html


You can bet Trump hasn't forgot.


(I haven't looked at the vids yet, so apols if it was covered in these).

Edited by Jerry_Atrick
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Trump is not only looking to seel out Ukraine, but also looking to rewrite history:


And wants to invute Russia back to the G7.


Insane.. but probably pay back for the election interfering.

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F*ck me.  

If one country invading another one for absolutely no good reason isn't "aggression", what is?

Maybe it wasn't an invasion?  Maybe 300,000 Russian troops were just out training and got lost?

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It was  going to be for 3 days and the  Ukrainians would shower them with ROSES.  It's NOT a WAR. Just a "Special" Military Operation, that's gone on for 3 years and shown the World what hopeless fighters the Russians are. POO  TIN threatened the West with Nuclear annihilation (Including the USA) Weaponised everything Does dirty tricks to all and NOW he's USA's #1 best mate??  USA is NOW obviously NOT a Country the WEST can TRUST. 4 weeks of Don is all it Takes. Thes blokes KNOWLEDGE of anything is almost Zero. Musk is EXTORTING US businesses to put money into X. The MAFIA have come to Town. America and the World are now gangster's TURF. It's a Coupe, Done and dusted. Nev

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I think it spells the end of NATO. 

My guess is that European leaders will see the need to step up and support Ukraine without the US. They are facing the risk from Russia, not the US.

It would be farcical if Russia and the USA aligned against a Ukraine supported by the EU.

I'd like to see the response from the Joint Chiefs when their Wanker-in-Chief ordered them to draw up battle plans to support Russia against the EU.

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It would be farcical if Russia and the USA aligned against a Ukraine supported by the EU.

Not such a far-fetched possibility, and anything is possible in this age of Trump craziness and alternative reality. 


What gets me is America runs on War and manufacturing War machines and equipment. The Military-Industrial complex has a monstrous grip on the U.S. economy.

If the Ukraine war is stopped, the American Military-Industrial complex is going to lose multiple billions and also lose a great testing ground for their hardware.

I can't see that happening any time soon, perhaps the M-I complex head honchos are already plotting Trumps downfall, with his "stop all wars" stance.

The problem with Trumps stance is, his anti-war rhetoric is not about being a peacemaker, it's all about Trump getting into the oligarchy, in warring nations.


Immediately after Trump came out with his rhetoric on Ukraine, I took a look at European defence and weapons contractors' share prices and kicked myself ffor not being more forwad thinking.


He is da King, but here is an interesting graph:


Since he took over the reigns..  Vey nice for Europe.


One of the positives in all of this ship show, is tha Europe, the UK, Canada, and hopefully Australia, are starting to put into place policies to wean themselves off the USA. It will mean the USA will have less influene over time. It was bad enough becoming over reliant on China for cheap manufacturing; it is proving to be much worse to be over reliant on the US for the world order.


Trump will succeed in isolationism and nationalism, but it will come at a big cost to the USA.

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His current approval rating is Low at +7 . What will it be in another Month? Senators are only voting for him under threats to Life from his "gestapo like" goons. unquote.  Nev

9 minutes ago, facthunter said:

His current approval rating is Low at +7 . What will it be in another Month? Senators are only voting for him under threats to Life from his "gestapo like" goons. unquote.  Nev

I mean perhaps the worm is turning. Even Republican voters are p1ssed off. Maybe eventually even Grumpy Old which see the light.




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Without sounding like a disciple of Voldemort, I'm wondering if Australia's seemingly diplomatic silence over so many things that affect the US's international relations is simply a wait-and-see strategy. Not that I don't think its unwise to hold off at this stage, until the tariff situation is sorted. Unfortunately this silence does make one nervous about what backroom arrangements have been made.


China hasn't helped by having a couple of its naval vessels take a late summer cruise through the south Pacific. But then, do we know how many US submarines are doing similar things? In a realistic world, the US has a lot to lose if we kicked them out. Their facilities here are too important to their "defence" strategies. I am yet to be convinced that China has military intentions away from its own shores. Why should they shed blood when they can get whatever they need through trade and investment? 

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IF WAR is the answer, Just WHAT was the Question? WAR is a manifestation  of Madness where no one really wins. China is entitled to stooge around in International waters. The unpredictability of Trump and Co would concern any thinking person. Trump seems to want a confrontation with NATO FFS  HE didn't even  know India and China share a common border OR what Pearl Harbour was all about.  Nev

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I think Albo and Co are smart to be publicly non-controversial and hopefully more aggressive behind the scenes. It’s unfortunate, but anything that Trump hears that he doesn’t want to hear gets his back up and you’ve suddenly become his enemy. See what happened to Zelenskyy when he said that Trump was living in an information bubble, even though he said he had great respect for the president and the US. It seemed to me that he was only trying to suggest that Trump was being fed misinformation, but Trump took it as Zelenskyy calling him an idiot. Of course that suited Trump very well anyway, because he’s looking for any excuse to shaft Ukraine. 

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