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It was never in doubt, but when a gangster runs a country It's the people of that country who should address the problem. That doesn't just apply to Russia. Nev

What I am referring to is that the murder took place in London...and the British Home Secretary, Theresa May, refused to hold an inquiry. The widow eventually got this refusal overturned in the high court.



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This is the same Home Secretary who twice appointed inappropriately linked people to head the inquiry into institutional child abuse.




Then it isn't right. Just as well we have courts. I think it is gutlessness, but we are dealing with a (fortunately) fairly unique ) person, but not fully truthfully or fairly. Nev



No corruption in Australia...spacer.png

They have got to be joking! Try looking at local councils just for a start.

I you want to track down offenders like those involved with development sites in Sydney, start looking around areas with high volume Harley sales or the odd Lambo, and also the coercion involved that's getting applications approved.



Our public service might be reasonable, but politics is a bit suss. Local Councils are useful...... as an example of completely failed democracy Proper process isn't followed there. Nev

That is very true Nev,. . . .last year I put in a quotation to supply some signage, . . .Secondary road signs, information boards, directions to local beauty spots that is ( The Highways Authority do the mainstream stuff and I have not got enough in the bank to bribe the correct person in HA to get into that work ) for a Parish Council. I did not get the job, OK, that's life, but I found out, quite by accident that the company who DID get the work, by a complete coincidence I am certain. . . . .( ! ) . . was run by the Son of one of the Parish Councillors. . . .Mmmmm Nepotism is alive and well in the UK. . .


( now I know why we got that dark yellow colour on the corruption chart ) I've put in an FOI request to the Area Council, for whom I have worked for many years. . . asking what was wrong with the contract quotation. . .this is causing some severe running around in circles and farting in church at the moment,. . .just for a stir. I don't mind LOSING a contract to someone who has placed a better price, or a more worthy suggestion / price, but I REALLY HATE a NON- LEVEL playing field and am persuing this one to the embarrasment of all concerned. . . . . I know this will not do me a lot of good, as people talk, ( especially bloody pollies ) but it's making me feel better anyway ! ! ! They might well have placed a better quote than mine, and if so. . .fair play. If the system is transparent, then I'm happy and I'll have to cut my margins a little, or get lower cost suppiles from China ( Oi,. . .BEX. . . . ?)


The problem with Public Services is that they are staffed with People. . . .and People,. . .have agendas.



Then it isn't right. Just as well we have courts. I think it is gutlessness, but we are dealing with a (fortunately) fairly unique ) person, but not fully truthfully or fairly. Nev

Gutless, yes. Also, at best, frighteningly misguided.


Okay, end of rant...(



After Bjelke-Peterson went in Qld, they said the bananas would start coming out straight, but I notice they are still bent.

I met his personal pilot Beryll a couple of times,. . . NOW,. . .I cannot use the ultimate word which best describes this arrogant bitch on this forum. . .but any air traffic controllers around at the time would agree I feel sure. . . . . she used to get away with murder when flying solo, by intimating that the premier was on board,. . .when most of the time,. . .Joh wasn't . . . .bloody lying cow. ( insult reduced for family consumption )


I have to say that this was with regard to "Clearances" to fly through various bits of airspace using the excuse that the Premier was in the aircraft, . . .now, whether this was similar to the "Purple airway" which we have in the UK,. . .in order to protect "Royal Flights" I cannot remember,. . .but she used to play this card regularly whilst using Joh's aircraft for purposes other than transporting him around on official business. ( I assume he was quite happy for her to do this. . .)


I was also incensed about how Joh got away with having his private runway resurfaced ( I knew a guy who worked for DCA ( Airports) who informed me about this,. . . and that the work was paid for by the Qld. taxpayer. . . . . . but that,. . . is another story,. . .


I am sure there ae people in Queensland who know more about this than do I. . . . . .( I met Russell Hinze too,. . .what a twot. . . .He gave me a "Freemason" handshake, . . . . My Father was a member of a Freemason Lodge in the UK, so I knew about this, and when I mentioned the lodge name,. . . he asked me all sorts of questions about it. . . .the man was a greasy, nasty slimy berk.


It's a shame he died before they jailed the bugger for 30 years. . . . Minister in charge of of Police ? ? ? Jeeze. . . .More like "Minister in charge of filling my pockets with public money and arrogantly defiling and subjugating justice in Queensland with the full cooperation of Joh and Flo more like. . . . ." would be more like the correct title. . . . Really sorry someone didn't put a bullet behind his ear one night,. . . .got away with it for far too long. . . .


There was a Tee shirt manufacturer in Brisbane, who sold a lot of shirts at the time, emblazoned on the front with " Flo's got one,. . .Joh Is one. . " I can't think what that meant. . . .



Good to get off the chest Phill. Tell us how you really feel!

Terrific Ian. . . .how are you ?


( I love these historic rants. . . .tee hee. . . fortunately, a lot of the folks on here are not old enough to remember what the ferk I'm on about ! ! ! ! ! ! )



I met his personal pilot Beryll a couple of times,. . . NOW,. . .I cannot use the ultimate word which best describes this arrogant bitch on this forum. . .but any air traffic controllers around at the time would agree I feel sure. . . . . she used to get away with murder when flying solo, by intimating that the premier was on board,. . .when most of the time,. . .Joh wasn't . . . .bloody lying cow. ( insult reduced for family consumption ) I have to say that this was with regard to "Clearances" to fly through various bits of airspace using the excuse that the Premier was in the aircraft, . . .niw, whether this was similar to the "Purple airway" which we have in the UK

I was also incensed about how Joh got away with having his private runway resurfaced and paid for by the taxpayer. . . . . . but that,. . . is another story,. . .I am sure there ae people in Queensland who know more about this than do I. . . . . .( I met Russell Hinze too,. . .what a twot. . . .It's a shame he died before they jailed the bugger for 30 years. . . . Minister in charge of of Police ? ? ? ? Jeeze. . . .More like "Minister in charge of filling my pockets with public money and arrogantly defiling and subjugating justice in Queensland" would be more like the correct title. . . . Really sorry someone didn't put a bullet behind his ear one night,. . . .got away with it for far too long. . . .

Yep, the Jo & Flo show. I also heard (though it would bear checking) that he had tarmac road all the way out to his place when all else was dirt. And what sticks in my mind was that, if anyone tried to confront him with any sort of criticism, he simply refused to respond or acknowledge it in any way: he wouldn't even begin to engage, just pushed out the bluster and the party line, insisted black was white, up was down.


And the odd thing was that all this, including police corruption, took place against a backdrop of conservative behaviours that saw police roaming secluded beaches, arresting nude bathers, and a bookshop in Brisbane having posters of Michelangelo's David confiscated as full frontal male porn. As for the goings on down at the Gold Coast....


It really was like the wild west, bandit country.




Hope something is done or good businesses who do the right thing cannot compete. Some of this stuff should have people behind bars. Its theft and fraudulent behaviour. I have personal knowledge of it at two of those traders. Nev



  • 2 weeks later...

Here's how you can tell which is the least corrupt state... look at the label on your stubby.


Return deposits would always be wanted by the population, but will always be opposed by the packaging billionaires.


Just see where corruption rules.


AND try and catch an ordinary bus the the airport in Melbourne and in Adelaide. Another example.



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