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2 hours ago, octave said:

I am actually wondering if you are actually a Russian bot

Having honed my skills on the subject of identifying bots and AI generated posts, I have come to the conclusion that GON IS NOT a bot nor a user of AI.



  • Haha 1

The woke leftist nonsense he is objecting to is something like the promise to make most GP visits free of charge via bulk billing. Truly obscene waste of public money. Or that's what I think he objects to. Oh, and don't forget the cap on prescription prices. Elon would have a  conniption.

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Yep... isn't America wonderful, billionaires in charge wanting to pay less tax, while veterans are on the street and can't afford health care.


You'd truly be a Grumpy old Nasho over there, because you'd actually have something to complain about.


And you want to bring that shit here.  No.  Fucking.  Way.

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Posted (edited)

On this, GON is either a troll, suffering some form of mental illness, or just like some (or, I would say most, actually) people, and has a point of view on something that fact will never dislodge, because on whatever point it is, it is far more important than even if it hruts themselves to get there.  Adam Conover did a great YT video of it some time ago, where beliefs are so ingrained that when you are confronted with opposing facts, it triggers a part of the prain that is triggered with the feeling of pain, and the first reaction is to protect oneself from the truth.


Take Brexit, for example. My step-father-in-law was an ardent Brexiter. Yet he could not name one thing where Europe was costing more, or causing him problems. When he propagated myths, he would just give a Gallic shrug (quiite ironic) when facts were presented that repudiated the myths. He is also a Francophile, and whe I told him his insurance will go up, his mobile phone charges will go up, and he will have to have a lot more admin and carry a lot more paperwork on his travels, wine, cheeses, etc, on which he indulges a lot.  Not too long ago, I asked how his life has changed not we are well and truly out of the EU? "It hasn't". What about travel, is it more expensive now, and more mainful? "Yes,.. but i it is worth it". 


At which point, I pointed out that he is paying more and having more inconvenience for no change to daily life from Brexit... And that immigration is much higher than pre-Brexit (again, Labour are getting that under control after the disaster of the Conservatives);  Does he still think Brexit was a good idea? "Yep".



You can't make it up.



Edited by Jerry_Atrick
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I have no problem with interacting with people with opinions that differ from mine.  The problem is when assertions are made that are so vague such as "we have to swing back from the far left". I don't accept that we are in extreme left times. I am open to being persuaded but I need something that I can actually engage with such as examples of far-left legislation etc.  

  • Like 3

Brexit! .

What happened to the £millions that had to be paid to the European Community. 

Big cry , ' it would have paid for UKs healthcare ' .

In 2020 England paid £ 23.8 Billion,  and still owed £ 8 Billion .


  • Informative 1
3 hours ago, octave said:

I have no problem with interacting with people with opinions that differ from mine.  The problem is when assertions are made that are so vague such as "we have to swing back from the far left". I don't accept that we are in extreme left times. I am open to being persuaded but I need something that I can actually engage with such as examples of far-left legislation etc.  

How much more plain do I have to make it? New parties start up to put forth issues that other parties refuse to address because those issues are not in their psyches. You can mention them, but they'll be met with blank looks on their faces. Keating said: "If you don't understand it, don't vote for it" ... well that is very true today with issues such as youth crime and domestic violence, with massive govt social security spending but society is getting worse. How many cars and trucks have crashed into houses and shopfronts? Why do young children die in hospital waiting rooms for hours waiting for medical attention? Why do drivers who hit and run, flee after they've killed someone?


Both the ALP and the Libs are chasing votes with policies of spending billions on medicare. They are both lefty parties, can you see? They have been moving to the left for years, and now new parties are filling the vacuum on the right, and not before time. You can't bury your heads in the sand forever, sooner or later you've got to pull them out, or you'll get run over.

  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)

Parties do start through lack of handling perceived issues, because that is what it is mostly - perceived. Other than that, your post agains is fill of crap. Objectively, the Libs have neen moving to the "right" since Howard; even Fraser was a little perplexed at how far they have moved. And it is impossible to say it hadn't louched to the right under Abbott (was Costello his treasurer? That would be funny right there).. and then his successors, culminating on the worst and illegal attack on welfare recipients..  Your views don't align with the facts..


ALP is chasing votes on medicare, but that is because both parties fail the average person - not with both of their views being left, but becase the right consistently fails the average person  - by definitioon the always will; and Albo is too pissweak to implement change.. so he has stayed more or less on the ideological righht side of politics - although definitely more central than the Libs.


Quite what medicare has to do with crime is beyond me, but even then, there has and always will be crime. What you are attributing to is the left? In what way? Actually, look at the crime and mrder rates in Australia: https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/aus/australia/crime-rate-statistics.. But youth crime has gone up, right? We.. wrong.. it is a fabrication of sensation: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-13/criminologists-debunk-youth-crime-crisis-claims/104445432


Both are well down and continue to drop - so if both parties are left, well, it seems to be working, doesn't it? Or is that just a fabrication.


Why do peole crash cars and die in hospitals, and blah blah blah.. Well, hard to pin that on left governments - why don't yopu provide stats of those who die in hospitals form natural causes versus there not being enough funding and substantiate one of your poiints for a change? No.. Of course not.. it's just in your imagination..  So I looked it up quickly, and while I couldn't find specific info on hospitals, I tool the nunmber of young Aussies dying per as a proxy; admittedly, it doesn't split things up.. But, surprise, surprise.. our health system must be getting better because, it has fallen dramatically from 1999 to 2019: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/children-youth/deaths




Lord help us if the majority of the population think like you do... Humaity will well and truly be stuffed well before its time.

Edited by Jerry_Atrick
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Americans are starting to see the effects of Donald and Elon's takeover and a squealing like stuck pigs. 


Small parties are started by special interest groups, small in number, and will never succeed, because their policies(?) relate to their specific interest - the shooters party for example, and not to the broader electorate. Majority rules.

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7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

How much more plain do I have to make it?

Facts and figures are always impressive.


7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

Keating said: "If you don't understand it, don't vote for it" ...

That statement was attributed to Pauline Hanson  The problem is that what Hanson can understand may be different to what I can understand.  I have always thought that statement was quite demeaning. If my doctor offers me a new drug, I don't say derp, I don't understand, I seek out the information.


7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

well that is very true today with issues such as youth crime and domestic violence,

  There are statistics and perceptions.  Most people will watch the news and believe that crime is out of control.  Of course, any crime is bad however most categories of crime have decreased. (see AIC website)


7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

How many cars and trucks have crashed into houses and shopfronts?

What an odd place to go.  I don't know the answer to that and it is a difficult statistic to find but I would suggest that the rate has stayed relatively stable.  Any evidence to the contrary would be interesting.


7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

Why do young children die in hospital waiting rooms for hours waiting for medical attention?


Again we need statistics.  I don't know what the facts are but I would feel better about taking a child to the hospital now Vs the 40s, 50s, 60s 70s, 80s 90s etc. Death rates for children appear to be trending down.

7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

Why do drivers who hit and run, flee after they've killed someone?


suppose they want to avoid justice. Is this a new phenomenon?


7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

Both the ALP and the Libs are chasing votes with policies of spending billions on medicare.

So you don't like Medicare? Would you rather have the system they have in the US?  Yes to provide healthcare to the whole population does cost billions. This cost is shared by taxpayers.  Would you rather we did not have Medicare and paid no tax BUT when we got sick we privately employed a doctor or a surgeon?   I imagine that you benefit from Medicare.


7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Nasho said:

They have been moving to the left for years


JKustr out of interest when was the last government in Australia that you thought was far enough to the right?

  • Like 1

It was Tony ABBOT who made that statement "If you don't Understand IT don't VOTE for it" and repeated it for years, making sure He did his best to confuse issues whenever possible. Nev


I'm convinced GON must spend all his time getting his information and politics from SKY News. The lack of logic in tying crashes of cars and trucks into shopfronts, and hit-and-run drivers fleeing the scene, to Left Wing politics, is indicative of someone who is simplistic as Trump, and unable to come to logical conclusions.


The reasons cars and trucks crash into shopfronts can be directly attributed to a lack of driving skills, which all State road traffic authorities try to address with better driver education, increasing driver regulation, penalties for road traffic law infringements, and generally bad driving skills.

By far the biggest reasons for vehicle crashes are inattention, carelessness, driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a lack of driving experience, and outright excessive aggressiveness behind the wheel. There's also a small percentage of crashes caused by medical events (seizures, heart attacks, strokes, mental confusion related to aging). Politics don't even come into this scenario.


As to hit-and-run crashes, nothing has changed since the motor car was invented. A dumb driver hits a pedestrian or another car, realises they're in deep sh** because they're drunk, drugged or driving a stolen car - so they do what all dumb criminals do, they run away, in their firm belief that they won't get caught!

Once again, politics has nothing to do with hit-and-runs, this comes back to a lack of good parental education, and good peer education, thinking they can get away with criminal acts.


Of course, if you're a SKY News watcher, then the SKY News logic is that the sole cause of cars and trucks crashing into shopfronts, is because all those Left Wingers in control of our Nation have let in millions of useless immigrants who obviously can't drive - and the SKY News solution is to deport them all! Woo-Hoo, the Trump solution will stop all car crashes and hit-and-runs, at their source!!

  • Agree 3

Don't you think that the concentration of the Press into the few hands of the wealthy, who see news as a product to be sold for profit, is the reason why people are accepting falsehoods as facts?


Go visit the TROVE website and have a look at the old newspapers from your region. Long ago, these newspapers mainly reported simple facts. If a Minister said so-and-so, the newspaper would print the words spoken, and give reasonably equal space to the opposite view. Newspaper did not, on the whole, depend on sensationalism. As Joe Friday from Dragnet was want to say, "The facts, ma'am. Just the facts". Now we get a little bit of fact and a whole lot of comment and opinion, which is usually biased for or against by the whim of the newspaper's owners.

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