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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

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I'm sure the mine worker wasn't shot and stabbed because of his job.

Quite right to point that out Marty, my comment was more than a bit on the crass side. I keep forgetting that Aussie media won't be reporting a lot of the stuff we get daily here, no reason to. When I posted that, the 'Narrative' from witnesses and the media was basically that the deceased lady was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just like the miner who was killed by a machine, he was standing in the wrong place at the wrong moment.


Story at the time was that the lady MP had been holding her contituents 'Surgery' ie, meeting locals with gripes, and walked out of the building to intervene in a heated discussion between two men outside on the pavement. One of the men went berko and shot and stabbed Her, AND the other man as well. Hence the 'Wrong place'


The story then 'Flipped' completely, in that the killer had lain in wait for her specifically, as he had lost his community healthcare support along with free medication for his long standing mental illness. Reports suggested that he regarded her as 'The establishment' which had taken his meds away so he targeted her for assassination and succeeded.


The 'Other Man' involved was a retired 77 year old chap who tried bravely to stop the killing and was stabbed himself.


The widower of the dead lady is currently 'tweeting' that his wife was killed by Right Wing Nutters, just like all those 'Vote Leave' people. The media are running this narrative for all they are worth, with four days left before the most important vote this country has had in forty years.


The Previous morning, this feller had been driving an inflatable power boat around at the River Thames Fishermen's flotilla protest outside the Houses of Parliament, with his two little kids in the boat as well,. . razzing the fishermen and being as disruptive to a peaceful demo as possible. The man has not even had the decency to leave London and go to see his wife's distraught parents at their Yorkshire home, NO the lefty 'Remain' programme is more important. . .


We now have what is evidently a madman inspired non-political murder, being media spun as a political assassination.


I am bloody sad and disgusted at what this country has become.





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It hurts when one of your own is done away with, violently and without warning. Many in Britain have experienced the same thing in their own lives. An understandable part of the response, indeed a recognised stage of the bereavement process is a sense of deep anger and rage. However, as civilised people we are required to subsume a desire to retaliate and to allow the judicial process to be done, hoping (against hope sometimes) that they will ensure a vicarious retribution.


I am therefore unable to understand the Left’s response to the murder of Jo Cox. As recently, and as quickly as last Friday morning that mouthpiece of the Left James Obrien stated in his radio programme that the Brexiteers were too quick to diagnose madness and not motive to her killer Thomas Mair. In an appallingly distasteful follow up he stated that the Right were not that quick to diagnose paranoid schizophrenia to the killer of Lee Rigby. When I heard that I said to myself, but understanding and a desire to find reasons for even the worst of crimes is not a Right Wing approach, it is the way of the Left; these are your rules, not ours.


Let us suppose that the murder of Jo Cox had been perpetrated by a Muslim. Many other atrocities and acts of terrorism have been committed in the name of Allah. I do not need to list them here. Let us suppose and apply the method that the Left has followed in those instances. We are told that there is a lot of anger out there, that Muslims throughout the world are angry at what the West has done to their countries and that Great Britain is deeply implicated having been a party to the war in Iraq. We must therefore expect that there will be moments when those who feel this deep seated rage are not able to contain their emotions and that they will lash out, killing and maiming those who they identify as being of that race, class or creed that is, in their estimation responsible. How many times has it been said by voices on the Left, “British foreign policy has a lot to answer for”?


Let us continue to suppose that the murder of Jo Cox had been perpetrated by a Muslim. Almost at the speed of light Mr Cameron, and no doubt a veritable cornucopia of Left leaning politicians would be paraded across the media stating that Islam is a religion of peace, that this is absolutely nothing to do with Islam and that this is borne out by that fact that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and law abiding. To underline the point even further the BBC would ensure that Muslim or Asian presenters play a prominent role in presenting and discussing such things on TV. In the light of that might I suggest that the vast majority of Right-leaning British people are also peaceful and law abiding, and that the instances of violent hatred and murder by Right Wingers amount to far, far less than the number that can be assigned to Muslims, even though Muslim numbers in our midst are but a fraction of the total population.


The murder of Jo Cox was tragic. It is in the nature of our common humanity to recoil in horror from such evil and to feel genuine sympathy for those who have had a loved one snatched away from them without reason or without warning. However, the Left has stepped far outside of the line when it has sought to assign political motive to Mair, without the evidence first being heard in court. Further, the attempt to paint all who are to the right of themselves breaks every rule in the Left’s own handbook of rules.


If the Left was to apply its own standards to this matter, it would be saying that we must all try to comprehend and understand the anger that drove Mair to do what he did, and voices would be raised in the country and in Parliament to suggest that policies need to change, lest we see the likes of Mair again, all too soon. But of course, there are other great matters that need to be attended to, and minds that need to be fed.


Judas was paid.





Bloody horny Unicorns, anything with a pulse.

I thought the unicorn was humping the lion too...... spacer.png


Votes all in. Guessing it'll be a vote for Remain with ~65% of the vote.


Interestingly the council estate dwellers who usually don't vote, have awoken from their cans of Stella breakfast induced slumber and have given a strong showing. Might swing it to a Leave vote?


Even with a Leave vote I think we'd end up staying despite the bluster. EU cannot afford for the UK to go (politically or financially) and will come up with some sort of deal.




Today we should be singing "Bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover" to celebrate freedom.


For those critics who say that the Bluebird is American and there never were or will be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover, remember Malcolm Campbell.


Somewhere In Sahara




I can't help thinking a wrong decision has been made here, and there will be regrets in the cold hard light of dawn down the track.


Time will tell - but by then it will be too late.


Now if Trump gets the win I'm going to stop taking my medication . . .




As I said before I have no skin in the game - but the Australian share market has dropped 50 bill and the GBP is at 1985 levels. No doubt the markets will bounce back some in the next few weeks but it's still a hell of a reaction.


If Trump wins we'll all need more medication.




Those who have driven down the share market have made a buying opportunity. I just wish I had the spare cash to invest.


There will be much less real stuff happen than the panicky market thinks.


I sure would have voted to leave. I just hope they give Australia some consideration in their dealings.



As I said before I have no skin in the game - but the Australian share market has dropped 50 bill and the GBP is at 1985 levels. No doubt the markets will bounce back some in the next few weeks but it's still a hell of a reaction.

If Trump wins we'll all need more medication.

George Soros threatened that he would trash the British economy if WE. . .didn't vote HIS way. . . . .


Well,. . . . .Screw you George.




Phil Perry ( #Vote Leave Midlands )



Those who have driven down the share market have made a buying opportunity. I just wish I had the spare cash to invest.There will be much less real stuff happen than the panicky market thinks.


I sure would have voted to leave. I just hope they give Australia some consideration in their dealings.

It's going to take a couple of years at least to sort this mess out, moving out of particular EU treaties, sorting the myriad regulations and rules, some of which we will retain, some we need to remove ASP, like that effing disgraceful European Court of 'Justice'. . .( don't make I Larf ) and we need a PROPER BREXIT Government to achieve that. It will be very satisfying however, to trade directly with the world directly, and retake our seat on the WTO. . . . . Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the disgustingly betrayed for so long. . . . . Commonwealth nations.


Cameron says he'll respect the wishes of the majority ( Yeah, right. . . ) but I don't think that anyone seriously believes him, and there will quite probably be a General Election before 2020, I think Cameron will have to go much sooner than this, How could we have a man who did his utmost to keep Britain IN, honestly carry out the machinations required for our extrication ? . . . . cognitive dissonance comes to mind.


Thanks to all of you who have put up with my idiotic political ramblings for so long.


I love you all.


( goes to fetch a fresh box of kleenex )




Cameron said he'll be resigning in three months.


Let's hope this will bring about better trade with Oz, NZ and Canada who have been rejected in recent years due to the EU love-in.




The olive branch must be extended to those people who voted to remain in the EU. The actual official vote was fairly close, official figures quote 17 Million for Leave, with 16 Million for remain, If I was being cynical, I'd discount 3 million odd recently arrived migrants from the EU countries and elsewhere, who are cannon fodder for leftist thinkers, and usually vote en masse, see the massive percentages shown in London areas. . . . and subtract around half a million looney Metropolitan bubble occupants, lefty actors, pollies, Corporate execs, Bankers and other bloated Civil Service public teat suckers, that means we could have an adjusted figure of 12.5 Million people who, for whatever reason, believed in, or were scared into voting for continued shacklement to the EU. These folks need to be convinced that we can go it alone, sonce we are coming up to our second millenium of doing this, before the EU was even imagined, I think we ought to be able to achieve a modicum of greatness once more, and I hope to see it in my remaining lifetime.


We may never re-ascend to the dizzy heights of 'GREAT' Britain again,. . .but I would be happy with WBWOK Britain ( We're bloody well ok )


As me old RAF mate used to say. . .


Per Ardua Ad Astra.



Cameron said he'll be resigning in three months.

Let's hope this will bring about better trade with Oz, NZ and Canada who have been rejected in recent years due to the EU love-in.


Try FOUR DECADES. . . . that's how long we have allowed ourselves to be legally shackled against dealing directly with Allies and Friends. Bloody disgraceful is putting it mildly Spooks. . . . .


I don't think this was intended, but I DO believe it happened over time. . . rather like the old 'Frog in the pan of water' adage. . .



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