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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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I saw in the news yesterday that another victim of the 'Frenchman' who stabbed a lady British citizen to death in Australia recently, another ( Male ) British citizen, who tried to step in and save her from the 'Frenchman' has died from his injuries.


This is very sad,. . .apparently, and from news reports, the 'Frenchman' responsible was shouting out and advertising some bloody cafe somewhere called 'Alan's Snackbar' . . . a lot of French killers have been doing that lately,. . .some German ones too apparently. . .and on the website 'Go Free Syria' they do it an awful lot on the video clips thereon. . . . .Jeeze,. . .the food at this place must be really good. . . it doesn't look very fancy does it ? ? Wonder if it's an international franchise like McDonalds ?





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At the current G20 conference,. . .UK Prime Minister Theresa May meets another World class leader. . . .who is regarded by the UK media as a Giant amongst men. . .


( I am not making any statement against the bloke here, as I HAVE no IDEA what he stands for. . .don't shoot the messenger please. . . he appears to be very popular with UK MPs. . . . .)





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At the current G20 conference,. . .UK Prime Minister Theresa May meets another World class leader. . . .who is regarded by the UK media as a Giant amongst men. . .

( I am not making any statement against the bloke here, as I HAVE no IDEA what he stands for. . .don't shoot the messenger please. . . he appears to be very popular with UK MPs. . . . .)



Don't know about "giant amongst men", but he would be a decent bloke and a good leader... if only he had the courage of his convictions.



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Donny Trump is also reckoned to be a good businessman, . . but NOT a politician. Whereas, Hillary IS a seasoned politician, which is probably why she has already been pre-elected as POTUS . . . so long as she can live long enough, word seems to be that she is not in the best of health. . . one wonders what would happen if she pegged it just before the election ? . . .be an interesting constitutional conundrum wouldn't it . . . ( rhetorical ) I hope that she doesn't kick the bucket, as I have a fiver on her at 7:2,


I also had a jokey fiver on Trump. . . . . at odds of 100:1 ( placed bet a year ago )





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Phil, I'd never normally say this, but I fervently hope you will not be 500 pounds richer.

Hey mate,. .. no sweat. I am a complete traitor according to some friends since I scored over £250.00 on Iceland to beat England. . . . don't usually bet on soccer as I'm not a fan really. . . Those were the best odds I could get on Hillary !


Edited to add,. . .when Hilly wins, I can have a night out on those winnings, it will pay half the taxi fare to the pub ! ! !



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So according to the article, Britain's Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI) shows that Britain is wiping the floor as an economic powerhouse, but Germany's PMI shows it is weighed down by the shackles of the EU. Yet Germany's is still higher than Britain's and always has been.


The FTSE 250 gained a whopping 116 points, according to the article. This equates to 0.66%.


In the USA, the S&P 500 is up 6% this year. The German DAX30 is up 4.7% this year and a few weeks ago gained 1.37% in a single week.


Spin, like only the Express can do. But I guess if you set your expectations sufficiently low, almost anything can be interpreted as a win!



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Does anyone really think that Britain will exit the Eu? Their PM was not in favour of the exit before the vote and it appears that nothing is happening about it now.

Can you imagine the riots from the Leave voters if nothing happens?? Jeez Phil alone would need a battalion of riot police to subdue him.



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The EU seems to be a disastrous experiment gone terribly wrong... originally the biggest benefit was freedom of movement and its tourism/business beenfits...which has now become the biggest issue due to ISIS et al....


Its not a matter of if, but when it will crumble



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Can you imagine the riots from the Leave voters if nothing happens?? Jeez Phil alone would need a battalion of riot police to subdue him.

Tee Hee. . . .Thanks for the encouragement Marty, but I'm a bit too old and dicrepit now to start scrapping with police dressed up like Robocop, anyway, they are too busy to worry about me,. . they spend most of their time arresting people who say nasty things about the immigrants on social media platforms !


'Something'. . .will happen, whether it be 'Brexit Lite' ie, a similar situation to Norway, not really In, but not realy Out either. . . as Yenn says, Mrs. May was a 'Remainer' , but to be brutally honest, she was pretty well useless as Home Secretary for five years, being totally incapable of deporting convicted criminals, islamic hate mongers, rapists, and other undesireables, whereas if she had any backbone, she would have told the EHCR to get stuffed and put the protection of the public foremost.


She obviously did not wish to rock the EU boat too much. I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but only time will tell. May has said quite forcefully in the HOC that 'Brexit means Brexit'. But exactly what she has in mind, or is 'cooking up' on the quiet is anyone's guess but on previous form I'm not convinced. We are still IN the EU, we are still paying the direct debit,. . . and even though the dire warnings from the Bank of England ( run by a Canadian. . .) and the rest of the glitterati industrialists, armageddon has failed to happen.


Unless ALL the media correspondents in the world are lying to us,. . ( BBC, Sky, ITV and Channel four excepted of course ) there are quite a lot of countries wishing to trade with the UK under WTO or direct negotiated agreements, excluding the EU crooks.


Mrs May has promised to invoke Article 50 of the EU regs to begin the detatchment, which has a maximum time limit of 2 years. . .At the end of which, we are OUT, 'negotiations' completed or not, no later than the end of Jan 2017. We shall see.



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Wont be long now and they will all want currency control to reboot their economies, especially now they have seen Brexit not be catastrophic. I just hope they fall out of the eu, without becoming failed states first


It reminds me of the Soviet Union...it works in the building phase, but inevitably govt intervention, corruption and poor priorities bring them crashing back to reality



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The EU seems to be a disastrous experiment gone terribly wrong... originally the biggest benefit was freedom of movement and its tourism/business beenfits...which has now become the biggest issue due to ISIS et al....

Its not a matter of if, but when it will crumble

Too right Doc. . . . the Euro currency was doomed to failure from the off. You just Can't expect a rigid 'One size fits all' currency union to work across a wide range of diverse European economies. It destroyed Greece, Portugal is teetering on the edge, and they are STILL trying to entice countries with even smaller economies, some of them already basket cases, to join in the fun. Heavy handed Political suppression of the media has not worked, thanks to the Evil Internet,. . . so an unwanted large number of people can actually see what is really happening as a result.


Add to this Mrs. Merkel's insane idea to invite an unlimited number of mostly uneducated and unskilled people with very little language skills and no idea whatsoever of western cultural values isn't helping much. Instead being instrumental in the growth of 'Far right extremist' parties, which was predictable. Ad the UK media tries it's level best to 'Forget' to report an any of this as if it will all just go away. . . no reports of the Calais Jungle, 5,000 ( approx ) migrants in a shanty town just across the channel from us,. . .the numbers are more than likely a lot higher, as it is a no go zone for the French police. Our truck drivers, and tourists are being violently attacked daily, and the media ?. . .Not a mention. I came thru there six weeks ago with a mate and his plane fuselage on a trailer and it was like a bloody war zone near to the ferry terminal with thousands of fit young men doing theior best to break into trucks to get a free ridee into England where they will be arrested, and then freed to go wherever they want. the Replcement Home Secretary, Mrs. Amber Rudd is about as much use as a one legged person at a bottom kicking competition.


A lot more will make it across and disappear before we actually LEAVE and regain control of the border, and more importantly the LAW which ought to control it.


The elephant in the room is that the EU are saying that if Britain wants access to the single market as now, then 'Freedom of movement of people' ie, OPEN BORDERS ( Shengen agreement ) is part of the deal. . . . NO deal would be a better option than that.


The stupid numpties just refuse to see that this is their main problem too. . . none so blind as those who refuse. . . etc. . .



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Wont be long now and they will all want currency control to reboot their economies, especially now they have seen Brexit not be catastrophic. I just hope they fall out of the eu, without becoming failed states first

It reminds me of the Soviet Union...it works in the building phase, but inevitably govt intervention, corruption and poor priorities bring them crashing back to reality

Can't 'DO' currency control with the Euro mate,. . . they are not allowed to devalue it. This is it's main flaw.



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Yeh phil well aware of that....Greece would be fixed by now if they had their own currency and it dived dived...


The greenback dive post GFC temporarily fixed the US manufacturing industries...its a shame the EU will wallow on for another 10 years before they admit it ...by then some parts of the EU will have experienced almost a 1/4 of their life in economic recession/depression



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I can't waste 15 minutes of my life watching the whole thing, but that Lord Monkfish has some seriously strange eyes.

Glad it wasn't just me thinking that Marty,. . .I KNOW it's naughty to mock the afflicted though. . . . . I always giggle listening to the Right Honourable Douglas Rees-Mogg MP, he speaks with an absolutely perfect, cut glass, textbook Oxford English accent, not 'Put on' in any way at all. He is also extremely clever and, unusually, is highly intelligent and talks sense all of the time. Something severely lacking in the average politician. Still. . .I feel guilty for giggling. . .



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