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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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I'd forgotten that episode OME. . . . Sir Humphrey got that Sooooooooo Right it's uncanny ! !


Of course, . . you would NEVER EVER see that aired on the BBC today. . .ohhhhhh no ! Good heavens, it would cause an international incident ! Questions would be asked in the European Parliament, and the HOC, and the HOL, heads would roll. . .careers would be terminated. . .producers would be fired. . .officials would be found dead on railway tracks. . . . .etc. . .etc. . . ( Rather like the bloke who 'Comitted Suicide' at a British railway station, after it was discovered that he was the personal secretary of Julian Assange of Wikileaks, who is still holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, following the announcement of further leaks of killary's emails to the world press. . . . unexplained mysterious death toll of opponents now up to 68 I heard. . . )



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The Right Honourable ( ? ) David Cameron has, today, resigned as a Member of Parliament.


His salary as Prime Minister, was £142,500, PLUS his standard salary as a Member of Parliament, £65.737.


He will have to now live on his Index Linked pension of £40,000 per annum,. . . plus an additional Half Salary top up, of £71,250. He had stated that he would stay on as a back bench MP for the forseeable future, BUT,. . .since being offered a position as a non-executive director,. . . on the board of Barclays Banking Group, ( The Major shareholder of Barclays is the Government of Qatar, to whom the UK have supplied arms and a lot of other military hardware, during Cameron's tenure as PM ) for an undislosed remuneration package.


With a bit of careful accounting,. . .he should just be able to stay above the breadline. . . . His lovely Missus is well connected too,. . .her Dad owns a huge proportion of land which is leased to Wind Farms around the UK,. . . hence his reluctance to scale down this ridiculously over- subsidised system of electrical generation. . .


Nice work if you can get it. . . . Information has also been discovered that that he has also signed up to an 'After Dinner Speaking Circuit' based in Washington DC, where his erstwhile University buddy George Osborne, the cocaine fuelled Ex- Chancellor of the Exchequer, now makes most of his day to day money bull$hitting to Americans about how good he was at financial management. . . .at $25,000 a go. . . . . .Cammo will no doubt get double that paltry fee. . . .


You couldn't make this $hit up. . . . . . but what the heck. . .there MUST be some honest Pollies,. . .SOMEWHERE ?. . .SURELY ? ? ?



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hence his reluctance to scale down this ridiculously over- subsidised system of electrical generation

How much does the fossil fuel industry get subsidised? If renewables got the same subsidies as fossil fuels have had, we'd already have 100% renewable.


(But don't let that inconvenient truth get in the way of your general David Cameron rant, it's just an aside.)


By the way, Wikipedia lists the UK Prime Minister's salary as USD $214,800, which I guess is close to the ballpark of what you said... but they also list the Queen's at USD $42,800,000. If you're upset at a PM getting a couple of hundred grand, you must be ropeable at HRH pulling in 43 mill!



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Does anyone actually listen to "Lord" Monckton anymore?


He demonstrated many years ago when he toured here with Plimer that he just makes it up as he goes. Of course Plimer trashed his own previously credible scientific and academic reputation in the process, so accepting the offer of working as a "consultant" for mining magnate Gina Rinehart was pretty much all he had left.



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Yes Plimers another fundamental atheist, says it all.

Well, Professor Stephen Hawking is widely considered the most brilliant physicist since Einstein, and is also an avowed atheist.


Millionaire Robert Wilson was an avowed atheist too. He gave away $600 million to various charities including the Nature Conservancy and the World Monuments Fund, as well as giving $22.5 million for Catholic elementary school education in New York.


Which all just goes to prove your point Gnu: atheists are not only incredibly dumb, but also totally evil and care about no-one except themselves.



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I hope that Hillary can remain upright for the first Presidential debate tomorrow morning ( 0200 Z ) and not fall over or have another seizure on camera, . . .why on Earth this rather ill woman is subjecting herself to this is beyond me. . . the evidence is growing that she is quite poorly. . . .and no match for the Trumpster in a 'Shout- Off' at all, having been kept well away from regular press conferences for a very long time, . .. unusual for a presidential candidate. . .what the heck is going on Hillary ? The free world needs you babe. . . .the alternative is,. . .well. .. unimaginable. . . .


Here's another anti- Hillary cartoon from the USA. . . .





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The right wing pundits are yammering about Hillary's health non-stop... they obviously have short memories. Franklin D Roosevelt had polio and was in a wheelchair. Reagan had half a brain to begin with and far less by the time he finished, and GW Bush started with no brain at all. Four presidents, regardless of their state of health, were assassinated.


There's an interesting article here - Hiding health issues is an American presidential tradition - seems that starting with Washington there's been a laundry list of medical problems with presidents, including such little issues as smallpox, tuberculosis, malaria, syphilis, cancer, strokes, and a heap of others.


I would argue that mental health is far more important, and in that particular competition it's Trump with the problem...



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Granted Marty and I have to say that I am in total agreement with you on this,. . .but since the democratic controlled media have been lying for so log, it is not surprising that there is a backlash.


Like this. . . .all over social media in the USA. . . . ( And set to me by my friend David Bates, who moved to the States with his company 3 years ago . . .






The Yanks are seriously polarised mate. . .


And Neither of us have a dog in this fight. . . . .




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I met this bloke on his vacation some years back. . . he had rented a narrowboat and was cruising THE English canals. He seemed to me to be areally nice bloke and when he saw my Tiger Moth tee shirt,. . .invited me to sit with his family whilst we had our canalside pub food. He introduced me to his then Girlfiriend Callista ( Flockhart ) who was equally friendly. He then invited me onto their narrowboat for 'After Dinner Drinkies' following which I had to resort to a cab to get home in one piece.. . . .. Nice Bloke for a Hollywood Actor. . . .


This is his political position though. . . .like it or not. . . .








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Clint Eastwood is the same. Incredible it seems to me - that people you consider intelligent and thoughtful would support someone who is a proven liar, braggart and lashes out when he takes offence. Fair enough if they despise Hillary too and refuse to vote at all, that would be understandable. But to both have independent thought and to support Trump defies logic in my mind.



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My Mate Ali. . .a journalist on the ground in Syria,. . .has told me, ( along with a lot of other people, ) that it wasn't the Russians who destroyed the Alleppo aid convoy, as the yanks have reported though national media, . .. and the British media have deplored . . .. . .it was actually fighters from Al Nusra, an associate of Al Qaeda, who were supplied with TOW missiles and infra red sighting equipment for targeting at night.. . . . by the USA,. . . .who did that.. . . .


If you want any further information about this, I suggest you look at a site called 'Go Free Syria' which is populated by Yanks, and lots of other people who are actually THERE ON site. . .and will happily discuss with you what is really going on. VLADIMIR PUTIN IS NOT THE PROBLEM. the USA or rahtHer the current pentagon wankers, are the real problem.. . . And have been, for too many years under the current government. The Yanks are keeping this war ongoing, and not bothering to attack ISIS, which is what the tell the public they are doing. This is aLL BOLLOX.


Plenty of time for you to reseach the stuff and mak up your own minds.


I've been there three tmes. . . ., and already made up mine.



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Clint Eastwood is the same. Incredible it seems to me - that people you consider intelligent and thoughtful would support someone who is a proven liar, braggart and lashes out when he takes offence. Fair enough if they despise Hillary too and refuse to vote at all, that would be understandable. But to both have independent thought and to support Trump defies logic in my mind.

Hmmm. . . .don't you ever consider that they may be supporting something better that wha they've got now ? however bad the alternative may be ?


The 'Clinton Foundation' is already under investigation for multiple fraud and criminality over the last thirty years. . . .?


Unless of course, you're a died in the wool leftie in which case I must withdraw any sensible political discussion with you., here, now or in the future. . . .



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Harrison Ford did NOT endorse Trump


Photo of Harrison Ford holding a Trump sign - FAKE


Photoshop is such a wonderful thing.......


C'mon Phil. It took me literally 60 seconds to check this. Harrison Ford actually let fly on Donald Trump when he was visiting Australia a little while back. Ford is a lifelong Democrat and opposes almost everything Trump says he stands for.


Clint Eastwood does endorse Trump but Clint Eastwood has always been a die-hard Republican supporter. He idolised George W Bush, Reagan, etc. What that says about Clint Eastwood's judgement - that's up to you to decide.


The 'Clinton Foundation' is already under investigation for multiple fraud and criminality over the last thirty years. . . .?

The Clinton Foundation has been getting mud thrown at it by Republicans for almost as long, yet strangely has never been charged with any wrongdoing or fraud. Republicans have control of both houses of Congress, they have Governors in various states, Republican supporting law enforcement, but still no charges. I don't know whether the Clinton Foundation has committed fraud or not, but they've never been charged with anything. Maybe they just haven't actually done anything?



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Hmmm. . . .don't you ever consider that they may be supporting something better that wha they've got now ? however bad the alternative may be ?

The 'Clinton Foundation' is already under investigation for multiple fraud and criminality over the last thirty years. . . .?


Unless of course, you're a died in the wool leftie in which case I must withdraw any sensible political discussion with you., here, now or in the future. . . .

I think it's quite obvious that we're on opposite sides of the political spectrum Phil, but that doesn't prevent sensible discussion.


The Clinton foundation may indeed be dodgy, and as I've said on numerous occasions, Hillary herself is far too close to big money than a pollie should be. However if you give equal investigation to Trump's dealings over the years I think you'll find they cast Clinton's in the shade.


As to "supporting something better than what they've got now", if you truly think that someone who flat out lies - consistently - and thinks that policy is whatever thought bubble crosses his mind, is better than one of the most respected presidents in modern history, then I can only hope that the majority of US voters don't think the same way.


Thanks Dutch - must admit I didn't check that, but it's good to know Harrison Ford hasn't lost his marbles! But there you go Phil... he's the same lovely guy who had you on his boat for drinks... hope your opinion of him hasn't changed now you know he's a Democrat.



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Thanks Dutch - must admit I didn't check that, but it's good to know Harrison Ford hasn't lost his marbles! But there you go Phil... he's the same lovely guy who had you on his boat for drinks... hope your opinion of him hasn't changed now you know he's a Democrat.

Just for your peace of mind, Marty.


Harrison Ford being interviewed for Channel 10 by Angela Bishop last year when he was promoting Star Wars - The Force Awakens



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I met this bloke on his vacation some years back. . . he had rented a narrowboat and was cruising THE English canals. He seemed to me to be areally nice bloke and when he saw my Tiger Moth tee shirt,. . .invited me to sit with his family whilst we had our canalside pub food. He introduced me to his then Girlfiriend Callista ( Flockhart ) who was equally friendly. He then invited me onto their narrowboat for 'After Dinner Drinkies' following which I had to resort to a cab to get home in one piece.. . . .. Nice Bloke for a Hollywood Actor. . . .

This is his political position though. . . .like it or not. . . .






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This is a long-ish video but I personally find John Oliver pretty funny.


He covers Hillary Clinton's scandals (and doesn't actually go easy on her, contrary to what some people will pre-conceive) including the "Swiss File Transfer" scandal......which he just made up to show that if you fabricate a scandal about Hillary Clinton, people will believe it.


You can fast forward to 9:00 to hear him speak about the Clinton Foundation. He doesn't go easy on Clinton, but he gives some humorous perspective, including listing all the other Government officials who have bypassed Government email servers including Republicans Jeb Bush, Colin Powell, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin, Carl Rove etc (but they're Republicans, so we won't talk about their similar email transgressions).


At about 11:30 he starts the comparison to Donald Trump, including the Trump Foundation and lets rip.





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This is a long-ish video but I personally find John Oliver pretty funny.

He covers Hillary Clinton's scandals (and doesn't actually go easy on her, contrary to what some people will pre-conceive) including the "Swiss File Transfer" scandal......which he just made up to show that if you fabricate a scandal about Hillary Clinton, people will believe it.


You can fast forward to 9:00 to hear him speak about the Clinton Foundation. He doesn't go easy on Clinton, but he gives some humorous perspective, including listing all the other Government officials who have bypassed Government email servers including Republicans Jeb Bush, Colin Powell, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin, Carl Rove etc (but they're Republicans, so we won't talk about their similar email transgressions).


At about 11:30 he starts the comparison to Donald Trump, including the Trump Foundation and lets rip.



That's absolute gold. Anyone who thinks Trump is qualified for the post of dog catcher, let alone POTUS, should watch it.



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I've just watched the Clinton/Trump debate live. I won't trot out a list of subjective opinions on the content - no doubt this will be done to death by the pro pundits tonight & ad nauseam.


Two observations, though. The air time given to Trump appeared way higher than that given to Clinton. This was mainly because Lester Holt (the moderator) was very weak in not imposing discipline & standing up to Trump's bluster.


Secondly, although the volume of words issuing from Trump was long, loud, repetitive & rambling, the content could be reduced to a few sentences. And these would mostly be opinions based on the benefit of hindsight.


Surely the majority of Americans cannot be so gullible as to be deceived by such an overtly shallow, self serving blowhard. Can they?



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Surely the majority of Americans cannot be so gullible

Two points -


1) Trump doesn't need the majority of Americans, he needs the majority of voters. These being described as the two least-liked candidates, may mean low voter turnout, which means only those who truly support one or the other (plus hopefully, those terrified enough of Trump winning) will bother to vote. Given Trump has some measure of popularity with the disenfranchised, and Hillary doesn't inspire many people at all, may be to his benefit.


2) George Dubya got 2 terms.


We can only hope that Trump continues to be himself to the extent that even the unthinking will be repulsed by him. That, and he'd provide his tax returns like every other presidential nominee does, and thus show his working poor supporters that he's paid less tax than them.



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