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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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Regarding "Domestic" violence, I find it totally reprehensible that our politicians are happily spruiking the biased, incorrect view that all DV is caused by males. It is bad enough that the rabid feminists have been allowed to hijack the problem for their own benefit, without getting collective blame shoved down our throats by politicians and media.


When I last spent some time attempting to find fair, unbiased studies, there were a couple of USA ones which noted that a male is more likely to be admitted to hospital with a weapon injury inflicted by a female (DV) than the other way around. About one in 3 DV deaths are male.


This is totally ignored by the Aussie "experts". So, since it isn't the majority of deaths, it goes unreported or trivialised in media. Just try phoning a help line and see how you get treated when you explain that you, as a male, are the victim of DV! The result of trivialising this must contribute to the higher rate of male suicide, a connection that is conveniently ignored.


DV is statistically initiated about 50/50. Nobody in their right mind commits DV. It is therefore a mental health issue. One shared by both genders.


Until all violence is treated equally seriously, the millions of our taxpayer dollars presently being wasted by our government (on DV) is just so much p!ss!ng in the wind.



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The non violent muslims have been noted on the media as being worried that they will be discriminated against because of the violent muslims. I feel for them, but I would like to hear them speak up against the terrorism.


As far as domestic violence goes I cannot understand how it can be my problem. I have never hit a woman, and when i jokingly said to my wife that I could honestly say I had only hit her once, she asked me when that was as she couldn't remember it.


What can I do to stop domestic violence, surely it is up to those who are treated badly to go to the police and then it is up to the magistrates to bring it under control. there are plenty of laws to cover this violence.



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I feel for them, but I would like to hear them speak up against the terrorism.

In what forum should they speak up in? I have a couple of middle eastern friends and they do condemn terrorism, but how does the average middle eastern or muslim make their condemnation heard. I am against peadophillia but I have not publically condemned it in the media or in a public forum but none the less I am against it. The thing is that because I have not made public condemnations of peadophiles other than in my own circle of friends should not mean that I am for it, that is just irrational. The psychology of this is well understood, an atrocity occurs, we are outraged but we are unable to confront the perpetrator so we look for the nearest substitute. Yenn I do not know you, but you belong to a gender and social class, you are of a certain age and perhaps a certain religion or no religion.and I am sure that some members of those groups commit bad acts but in my opinion you are not responsible to speak out PUBLICLY against these acts, I ASSUME that as a decent member of society you are against any bad acts that are perpetrated by members of your groups.


I am sure I will not change your opinions but all I ask is you give just a little thought to the feelings of my friend Azadeh, she lives in this country because she REJECTED Islamism in Iran. Azadeh was a colleague of mine for many years , she has a PHD in music and is a gifted composer and music educator and in her spare time an epic mountain climber and by the way an ATHEIST. but still has been abused on the street (on one occasion I was chatting to her on the street when a bunch of bogans drove past shouting abuse). I do find this subject quite distressing (when I think of my friend) but all I ask is that when you condemn the average middle\eastern immigrant who is probably her because they fucking hate islamism) that you take in to account the fact that you might be transferring your anger against the perpetrators of evil to those who superficially resemble the evil doers). I have shared these postings with my middle eastern friends and I am happy (and they are happy) for me to send on any questions or criticisms of them you may have).



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Yen, its never as simple as that. When I turned up at work with bruises, I found some just joked about it , but a surprising number of colleagues who sympathised, and told me of their similar experiences. But they would only say so without others around. It is a humiliation that few wish to show. I think it is remisicent of the stereotypical "battered woman" of the 1950's who didn't want to tell the world. The majority of cases never see light of day. When I spoke to a sympathetic copper, he was not at all surprised. He said that it happens more than people realise. Also to expect 'problems' if I chose to make a complaint. And this was because I refused to physically respond to restrain a violent female. I knew that any physical response would instantly put me in jail. That's how the system works. So I put up with hours of hysterical violent attack and spent a night in ER. I saw no option at the time.


Yenn, I understand that those not involved in individual cases can't do much about it, and therefore I don't blame anyone. But I do blame those who make matters worse by allowing an all pervading blame culture instead of addressing the mental health that is behind the DV problem.


In a way this relates to the above anti religious debate - rash generalisations seeking to blame large parts of the community just because a minority are causing a problem.



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The old Scottish proverb goes like this...

A woman a dog and a walnut tree


The more you beat 'em the better they be.

I think that the SNP ( Scottish National Party Devolved Government ) still believe this, and I am sorry that us English were not allowed to vote in their 'Independence' referendum, otherwise we would now be separate countries. ( The vote was 55 -45% to stay married to the 'Union' The UK Exchequer pays £1,600 per head of population more to them than any of us South of the border, they also have Free University education, for our kids it is £9,000.00 per Annum per head upwards. They have free pharmaceutical prescriptions for all, whereas all persons under pensionable age dahn Sarf have to pay over £8.00 per item, all paid for by US English taxpayers. . .I could go on,. . .so when I see or hear a 'Scottish Proverb' It does not fill me with glee, nor rattle my funnybone at all. . . .


If any of you are remotely interested in the above, Goggle 'The Barnett Formula'



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Uh,So how's the divorce coming along?


I think that's the title of this thread.

Not very well Pete. . . .Our PM, Theresa May, has exceeded her utterly useless 5 year term as Home Secretary, presiding over the largest invasion ( for that is what it actuallly is ) of migrants in the history of this Country. As Prime Minister, she is maintaining this policy and sitting in darkened rooms hoping that it will all go away. . . Margaret Thatcher she Isn't.


The only bit of light on the horizon for us is that with a bit of luck, the EU will fall apart completely after the forthcoming elections in France, Austria and Holland, where what the So-Called BBC paints as 'FAR RIGHT ' parties are quite likely to achieve Government, and Italy is on the verge of becoming a failed state.


The Austrian election was challenged as fake after the votess were totalled and the fake postal votes exceeded the total population in some electoral areas, and it was cancelled by the courts for a re-run this month. Holland is likely to fall, with Geert Wilders becoming the head of state, . . .they jjust tried to convict him in a kangaroo court for the 'Hate Crime' of telling his people the truth about excessive Islamic immigration, and how it is completely blighting that lovely country.


It will be an interesting few weeks. . . .



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You paint a bleak picture, Phil. So perhaps we (in spite of living so far away from it all) should stop worrying so much about what Brexit will do to the world economy, and especially the Aust economy. The bigger question is:


if the whole EU fails, how far do the ripples travel in the world economy pond?



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Brexit will not happen. The pollies will just forget to act on the vote. Time will tell if I am correct.

I think you've got it correct, Yenn. The pollies do not have to do a thing about it, and the rules of the EU will come into play causing the result of the referendum to be timed out.


You can get a lot of what you want if you do nothing.





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In my first job, I was sent to an explosives school. The grumpy old instructor said " if you follow all the rules, there is a one in a million chance that you will get blown up. If you disobey all the rules, the chance is one in a thousand. There are old guys who got away with flouting the rules all their lives"


This is how populations work. There is the number of people and the way the society works. So a "one in a million" country with a thousand Moslems will have a violence episode once every thousand years. I reckon Japan might be like this.


I wish we were more like Japan, but we have far more Moslem immigrants and we did not require them to even speak English before we gave them citizenship. ( Japan requires them to speak and write Japanese)


So even though the Moslem immigrants are mostly nice people, the chances are that we will have "events" way more often than the Japanese.



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Brexit will not happen. The pollies will just forget to act on the vote. That is my view as an ex Pom. Time will tell if I am correct, but I will probably be dead and gone before it happens.

The pollies will win in the end mate,. . .they always do. They and the media are now asking 'What Type of 'Brexit' do we want,. . .soft, medium or hard ? ?


And how we need to stay within an imaginary construct called 'The single market' . . . The referendum ballot paper was very clearly written. 'Leave' or 'Remain' in the EU. . . nothing about soft or hard exits or any other bullcrap caveats. Media now suggesting that if we DO leave, that perhaps we should continue paying our full dues into the EU coffers, as there won't be enough nett 'donators' to keep the rotten stinking crooked undemocratic edifice in the manner to which it has been accustomed.


We can only hope that Austria, Italy, Holland and Hungary follow our lead and leave. . .otherwise our establishment will ensure that we do not.



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The pollies will win in the end mate,. . .they always do. They and the media are now asking 'What Type of 'Brexit' do we want,. . .soft, medium or hard ? ?

And how we need to stay within an imaginary construct called 'The single market' . . . The referendum ballot paper was very clearly written. 'Leave' or 'Remain' in the EU. . . nothing about soft or hard exits or any other bullcrap caveats.

Perhaps the referendum should have been better written, with the consequences of each choice laid out.



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Perhaps the referendum should have been better written, with the consequences of each choice laid out.


The Leaflet,. . .posted to every household in the UK Marty,. . .laid out what it meant if we voted to leave the EU. The government position was that they advised EVERYONE to vote REMAIN. Otherwise hellfire and damnation would result. I will scan and post this disgusting, taxpayer funded leaflet and post it for you. You can then see what I am getting at. over £9 million was spent in the production and dissemination of this leaflet. and STILL 17.4 million people voted 'Leave'. . .we woulod have had a possible 1 million more, were it not for the fact that a nutcase named Thomas Mair shot and stabbed a Lady Member pf parliament to death outside her office, for removing his long term mental heatlh treatment. He had already been to see MP Jo Cox before, and had been told that she couldn't do anything for him. ( Jo Cox funded the 'White Helmets' a Syrian group who have been proved to be involved in the beheading of small children in Syria), The Government have just had a 'Show Trial' for this bloke, denied him a statement. . .and the media have painted him as a NAZI and said that he was a 'Far Right activist who worked for the 'Leave' campaign. . . .these a$$holes will try ANYTHING to keep us in the EU. I reckon that little lie cost us a miilion votes in the brexit campaign. . . .Goodonyer BBC / SKY / et al. . . .


The 'Nazi' bit came from a dvd that they found in his flat, amongst loads of others, which was entitled 'The Nazis. . .a Lesson from History'. . .this was a DVD produced by the BBC. . . .Jeezus. . .you couldn't make this crap up. . . .



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Cheer up Phil, some of us here in Oz were disappointed with the "Republic or Monarchy" referendum we had years ago.


I always wondered if Turnbull ( the pro-republic leader at the time) was dumb or if he deliberately sabotaged his own side.


The pro-republic campaign was awful, with dry academic stuff, while the pro-monarchy one was clever and hard-hitting.


Well although we republicans were disappointed, life went on anyway.


And Turnbull is now prime minister, so he hasn't suffered, just in case you were worried about his fate.



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Octave... proving that the psycho was a far-right Nazi-lover by using a far-right newspaper... you're just taking the p1ss now... spacer.png

Perhaps you should take a couple of steps to the right before you fall off the edge Marty.


Information online refers to The Sun as "centre-right".



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Perhaps you should take a couple of steps to the right before you fall off the edge Marty.Information online refers to The Sun as "centre-right".

Ah yes but the centre has already moved to the right, so "centre-right" is now, in many cases, far right. Previous far right is now just bat-sh1t crazy.



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Ah yes but the centre has already moved to the right, so "centre-right" is now, in many cases, far right. Previous far right is now just bat-sh1t crazy.

Well, if that ain't just plain weird.....I was under the impression the centre had moved about 3 notches to the left.



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I always wondered if Turnbull ( the pro-republic leader at the time) was dumb or if he deliberately sabotaged his own side.


Yes to both.


Actually he is far from dumb, but he doesn't realise that the rest of us are too dumb to follow his thoughts.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Phil, reading today's news, it appears that Australia doesn't have sole rights to mentally defective politicians after all.


A labour pollie in the U.K. is blaming the Brexit result on Russia. Is it something in the water causing all this; too much fluoride, perhaps?


Cheers, Willie.



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Phil, reading today's news, it appears that Australia doesn't have sole rights to mentally defective politicians after all.A labour pollie in the U.K. is blaming the Brexit result on Russia. Is it something in the water causing all this; too much fluoride, perhaps?


Cheers, Willie.

That has caused such a humour tsunami Willie. . . . What a LARF ! . . . 'the alternate media' , icludung sime of the mainstream stuff is awash with cartoons about that politician and his statement in the HOC. . .


The thrust of the fun is that Putin is responsible for everything. We've had the Grassy Knoll / JFK, volcanoes in Iceland, the end of the Dinosaurs. . .you name it. .


Here's one email from earlier this evening :





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