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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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The thrust of the fun is that Putin is responsible for everything. We've had the Grassy Knoll / JFK, volcanoes in Iceland, the end of the Dinosaurs. . .you name it. .

There could be something in it, Phil. I read the Russian news daily and I know for a fact my arthritis is getting worse. The more Russian news I read, the worse it gets. There has to be a link there. I'm really surprised the Russian fake news causing arthritis scandal hasn't had more main stream media coverage.


Cheers, Willie.



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There could be something in it, Phil. I read the Russian news daily and I know for a fact my arthritis is getting worse. The more Russian news I read, the worse it gets. There has to be a link there. I'm really surprised the Russian fake news causing arthritis scandal hasn't had more main stream media coverage.

Cheers, Willie.

Sure it's not the Daily Mail you're reading? Maybe it's the page 3 girls causing the arthritis...



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  • 4 weeks later...

A revealing expose of how the EU actually works. . .from a bloke who was actually there fighting 'our corner'


More common sense from John Redwood which will be ignored by Mrs May, Brexit Ministers and the EU.


Things I do not like about the single market


By JOHN REDWOOD - Published: JANUARY 6, 2017


My time as Single Market Minister turned me into a strong critic of the single market we were meant to be creating. I had accepted the verdict of the 1975 referendum where people voted to stay in a common market, and did my best to help bring it about. The more involved I became, the more I realised the EU model was more bureaucracy and government than market. The Single market programme was used to extend EU power and control over more and more areas of business and life, often without helping business to compete or succeed.


Practically every item we were asked to negotiate caused problems to UK businesses. I was regularly lobbied to put off, amend or water down the proposals by large companies. A good week’s work was successfully lobbying other member states and the Commission to make sure something adverse did not happen. Various proposals were kept in limbo for many years, as lots of member states agreed with us they were not desirable. Other proposals were more difficult to arrest, as a majority of member states would go along with them. The careful construction of a blocking minority took time and effort.


The whole structure was based on the misleading idea that you need a comprehensive set of law codes regulating so many facets of life to be able to trade with each other. As far as I was concerned all I wanted to complete the common market others had voted for was the acceptance that if a product was of merchandisable quality in one country, the home country, it could be offered for sale in the other countries in the Union. Customers would make up their own minds as to its quality, desirability and value for money. Instead the EU wanted to control in minute detail not just the products, but also the workforces, environments, transport systems and much else vaguely related to producing the goods. Soon the Union also wanted a defence policy, a security policy, a foreign policy and all matters that a state undertakes.


When negotiating there was an assumption shared by most that the EU did want an agreement. The Commission had hundreds of ideas of things it wanted to control and regulate, and it kept pushing them forwards to get them ticked off its list of things to do and powers to assume. It exploited the weakness of member states in the structure. Only the Commission could make and draft a proposal. The Commission could use the rotating Presidencies to push different draft laws, depending on the preferences of each Presidency country. It was one way traffic towards ever more EU power.


The Commission was not interested in repeal or amendment of past laws that did not work well. When pressed for repeals, they usually came up with the idea of creating a large portmanteau Directive in place of lots of more limited ones, so it could both announce various repeals and still end up with more power overall. As the figures show, there was no increase in the UK growth rate in the years after we joined the EEC, and no improvement in the growth rate after they completed the Single market in 1992. Indeed, the longer term UK growth rate fell after 1972 and again after 1992. That was not surprising given the nature of the law making programme they jokingly called a market. Common EU policies like the Fishing and Agriculture policy were damaging to us, and the dear energy policy has made the EU less competitive. The European Exchange Rate Mechanism and the Euro of course conspired to depress growth for many member states.



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Perhaps the referendum should have been better written, with the consequences of each choice laid out.

IT WAS Marty. . .in gross detail for 19 months prior to the vote. Only when they lost it, did the 'Throwing teddies out of the pram brigade' bollox begin, apparently from those who couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and walk to the nearest polling station.


The vote had been so comprehensively 'Fixed' mainly with electoral fraud including the ubiquitous 'Postal Voting' system, the most highly abused system in the uk. It's just that the establishment didn't 'Fix' it as well as they thought, . . .hence the total lack of a 'Plan B' in case they lost it. . .they Knew they wouldn't lose it. . . a few million of us proved them wrong, even with the demonising of some mentally ill bloke who had pleaded with his Lady MP peersonally on several occasions not to withdraw the remedial medical care whe was receiving, and also not to chuck him out of the social housing where he had been born. . . .She spent none of her time looking after her constituents, but rather spent time fundraising for groups like the 'Whote Helmets' in Syria, now PROVEN to be associated with head chopping terrorists. . .. another lost cause by a totally wrongheaded lefty politician. . . that is why Mair went birko and killed Jo Cox, whatever the BBC tell you. . .


What load of crap that all was. . . YES he was 'Mental' allright, strange that they held the trial 'In Camera' and never allowed him to make a statement at this trial innit ? . bloody disgraceful twisting of the facts to suit the narrative. ( As usual ) But it's OK, most people believed it, and it probably cost the leave campaign a million votes with the able assistance of BBC, SKY and Channel 4 'NEWS' . . . Documented Mentally ill man, becomes a 'Far Right Nazi Terrorist'


It just goes to show how easily a particular narrative can be accomplished and reinforced with a compliant media, however diametrically opposite to the facts. . .


The murdered MP's widower has been maintaining his media profile ever since, and STILL maintaining his financial support for his Syrian Terrorist mates, who are, incidentally, just like the Red Cross rescue workers. . . yeah strange that NOBODY amongst the released people in Aleppo have ever seen or even HEARD of them. . . .but are advertised by the BBC et all to be wonderful guys who wouldn't hurt a fly. . . .there are credible reports of them beheading a 12 year old male child in Eastern Aleppo for being a 'Spy' . . .even showing pictures of the same men dressed in their 'White Helmets' outfits for publicity photos later. . . then lots more pics and videos of them 'Rescuing' the Identical two kids from numerous bombed out buildings over a period of weeks. . .why people fall for this crap is beyond me. I guess that peope just don't read between the lines much. . . .


But 'Our' Boris Pfeffel Johnson ( Foreign Secretary to HM Government ) authorised £65 Million of Brit taxpayers money to fund them, with another similar amount coming from Obama . . Ya couldn't make it up. . . . .*Giggle* As far as I can deduce from multiple sources, the White Helmets' were affiliated to the Al Nusra Front. . . ( ALthough they have changed their name several times and who are part funded by Erdogan in Turkey ) who are themselves affiliated to Al Quaeda ( remember them ? ) Bit of a mess really innit ?


Never mind,. . .that nice Mr. Putin will sort it all out. . . .( providing he can sweep all of the dead civilians under a convenient carpet )



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There could be something in it, Phil. I read the Russian news daily and I know for a fact my arthritis is getting worse. The more Russian news I read, the worse it gets. There has to be a link there. I'm really surprised the Russian fake news causing arthritis scandal hasn't had more main stream media coverage.

Cheers, Willie.


Yeah. . .bloody Russkies. . . .hacked the US election, destroyed Syria and murdered thousands iin the process. . . a near Bankrupt country with a shortass bald dildo leading it . . .only got ONE bloody aircraft carrier,. . .I saw it 'Shmokin' thru the channel, actually nearly flew over it, but was advised by the French FIS to avoid overflight ( ? ) apparently, folks in Dover could see the black smoke coming from it as it had the disgraceful temerity to pass thru La Mer in International waters ! !. . .cheeky buggers. . . .( Said the MSM )


We've got, nearly completed now, TWO Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers, regrettably, we have no planes to launch from them, especially if Trumpy cancels the F35 project. . . but HEY, so what ?. . .the sight of a carrier sends cold steel into the hearts of the eemy observer dunnit ?. . . maybe we could organise a squadron of heavly armed Foxbat A32s with tiger teeth painted on their noses so that they could at least LOOK like a strike force. . . . . . Oh well,. . .. a canny Farmer friend of mine told me this afternoon that the UK would be a Bankrupt country before the end of 2017. Anyway, the carriers will probably be seonded into the EU Army / ( Navy ? ) this is the EU army that they still deny exists, even though British army units have been conjoined with them in excercises on Salisbury plain . . .Do you ever get the feeling that someone is telling you porkies ? ? ?


I would not be in the least surprised about the Bankruptcy thing . . . .the UK borrowing £12 Billion a year and giving it away to foreign dictators to buy more executive jets and putting the rest into their Swiss Bank accounts AND WE KNOW THAT THEY ARE DOING THIS. . . .and importing third worlders by the 300,000 annually who cannot speak English, have no education at all in their OWN language, and are therefore totally unemployable and are going have to be supported on taxpayer paid benefits forever, whilst breeding like rabbits are not going to help the exchequer to buy new fighter planes much. . .


Ah, but then I'm just an old cynic and am probably completely wrong in my appraisal. . . .


Dontcha just Luuuurve Globalisation ?



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Well, Phil.


Throw them into uniform For the next time the pollies need "canon-fodder". they will-not need armament of any sort in a nuclear war, just a shovel to clean the charred remains up.


It was the call when I lived in blighty.


( uk against the EEC)





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  • 2 weeks later...
How many Scotsmen are running around kilt-less to provide her with that outfit????

At best 1.5 You'd be astounded how much fabric goes into a single kilt - over 2.5m - hated making one years ago because all that bloody pleating is worse than doing even a fitted wedding dress.


Long trousers on 90 width around 2.5m about the same for the jacket.



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At best 1.5 You'd be astounded how much fabric goes into a single kilt - over 2.5m - hated making one years ago because all that bloody pleating is worse than doing even a fitted wedding dress.Long trousers on 90 width around 2.5m about the same for the jacket.

That's ok then, I'd hate to think that crowds of them were freezing their bollocks off. My wife wouldn't mind though... for some reason she loves the show Outlander.



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How many Scotsmen are running around kilt-less to provide her with that outfit????

The missus saw that picture and commented that Mrs May has worse dress sense than even I do. . ( ? )


I dunno where she got that idea from, . . Although I used to have a tartan 'Tam O Shanter' titfer many years ago . . .used to wear it on stage in me rock star days. . .



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FunnyThe Scot man wears the dress and the Lassie wears the Trouse, (spelling)




Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low. . . .


Doon the street in ma kilt I'll go. . .


All the Lassies say Helloooo. . . .


'Donal' wheer's yer Trooserrrz' ?



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That's ok then, I'd hate to think that crowds of them were freezing their bollocks off. My wife wouldn't mind though... for some reason she loves the show Outlander.

Not to worry about frozen balls.


Sister lives and married a Glaswegian and visiting for the past 15 years I can report that even in the middle of winter the lads n lass' of the city seem perfectly happy to be more than half undressed any Friday evening after 8



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That's ok then, I'd hate to think that crowds of them were freezing their bollocks off. My wife wouldn't mind though... for some reason she loves the show Outlander.

Did Sean Connery wear a kilt in that movie Marty ?. .


OH,. . .'ang on, . . .that's 'OUTLAND' ( Set on Mars )


Wrong show . . . .as you were . . .



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Not to worry about frozen balls.Sister lives and married a Glaswegian and visiting for the past 15 years I can report that even in the middle of winter the lads n lass' of the city seem perfectly happy to be more than half undressed any Friday evening after 8

Here's one I saw a month or so back. . .




Must've lost his kilt somewhere, . . .Merry Christmas Frae Glasgow. . . .


Bit off topic this. . .Sorreeeee . . .



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Back on topic briefly. . . .


Following the statement re Brexit from Theresa May yesterday, followed by an outpouring of Anti British 'Little Englander' sentiment from our loyal media . . . A friend penned this response. .


Of all the ingredients that helped us build a nation and an empire I think there is one that stands out as peculiarly British. Self confidence. For a relatively small country we have extended the reach of our influence to all parts and corners of the globe. We did that because we believed in ourselves, our values and traditions and saw in them the vehicle through which the world could be made a better place. We shared them and although there were some mistakes along the way it has to be said that the present world order bears the imprint of the British hand. India, Africa, North America and Canada; in short three of the world's continents do things in the British way. This is no mean achievement for the people of a tiny, foggy, rain swept island floating in isolation a little way off the coast of mainland Europe. And speaking of Europe, that other continent, twice saved by the people of Great Britain, what would it be without the British? We need take no lectures from Germany, France or Italy about what we can and cannot do. We know what we are capable of. Of all the nations of the earth Great Britain can say more readily than most; We have been there, done that and when the sun shines we will wear the t-shirt.







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. . .A covert report from our 'Mole' at the BBC. . . .


From:- BBC Strategy Executive.


To:- All Departments.


New Strategy to stop Brexit.


After a long and exhausting night we are pleased to tell you that we have come up with the following strategy which you must enact to give us the best possible chance of making sure Brexit does not happen.


You will at all times speak of Mrs May and her plan in the most derogatory terms and only bring forward various self styled experts who agree wholly with our mindset.


Do not allow anyone who is for the plan to put forward their views and if, by bad planning, some such person smuggles themselves in you must immediately talk over them and cut them off pdq.


You must at all times promote the idea that it will all come to nothing as it will be voted down by Parliament, this is very important.


Remember, we present news to suit our liberal luvvie leftwing outlook, ok we failed with McMental and Miliband even though we kept so much from the public but, third time lucky with Jeremy Corbyn who MUST at all times be called 'Jeremy'. Don't forget we always have the country's top newspaper, the Guardian, supporting us.


Go forward with this, the strategy department will not be available for a fortnight as, after the last few hours, having worked so hard, we feel it is only right that we take a fortnight in Gstaad on expenses to recuperate.


We will stop Brexit, make it happen.


The Strategy Department.


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Phil, your history left out the bit about how England now belongs to Australian Aboriginals.


A few years ago, a group of them paddled a dugout canoe up the Thames and took possession of the place in the name of the Aboriginal Nation. Further, they examined the local inhabitants and found them to be too primitive to matter, so they declared England to be Terra Nullius.



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Phil, your history left out the bit about how England now belongs to Australian Aboriginals.A few years ago, a group of them paddled a dugout canoe up the Thames and took possession of the place in the name of the Aboriginal Nation. Further, they examined the local inhabitants and found them to be too primitive to matter, so they declared England to be Terra Nullius.

I know Bruce. . .it's terrible innit ?. . .but there was worse to come. . . some young enterprising Aussie lad, working his Uni gap year in London as a Barman at the 'John Batman Lounge'. . .. one of them tacky OZ 'Theme Pubs'. . . went and sold them the entire 'Square Mile' financial district for 200 blankets and a case of bloody Chinese knock off copy Swiss Navy Kniives ! ! ! !


Dunno what we're going to do without all them banks. . . .We're screwed big time mate . . . .



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