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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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Let the pollies vote on it. It seems that the pollies voted to join the EU years ago and the people regret that fact. Now they have to have a second go at it.


The media seems to think that the pollies wouldn't dare to go against the referendum vote to exit.


That could be the case if the pollies were honest, but I wonder if they are.



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Let the pollies vote on it. It seems that the pollies voted to join the EU years ago and the people regret that fact. Now they have to have a second go at it.The media seems to think that the pollies wouldn't dare to go against the referendum vote to exit.


That could be the case if the pollies were honest, but I wonder if they are.



Just a slight correction there Yenn,. . .'The pollies voted to join the EU' . .. NO, that is not the case at all.


The pollies voted to join ' THE COMMON MARKET' to make trade easier.


There was no mention nor hint of any 'Political Union' whatsoever. Since that time, they have lied continually whilst this EU behemoth was gradually created.


By and large, the pollies have made it fairly clear that they are, for the most part extremely dishonest and only represent themselves.



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Point of order, Mr. Perry.. The Act of parliament that British MPs voted on is the European Communities Act 1972, which is membership of the European Community - the Maastrict treat at the time, admittedly at the time more focussed on the common market, but as a vehicle to, and I quote from the TEU:


"RESOLVED to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as closely as possible to the citizen in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity".


This is not limited to economic union...


I think the EU is more a victim of itself living in ivory towers and not answering vociferously rather than not being answerable to the public. In fact, if you care, I can name some reasons why it is in fact more democratic that the UK parliamentary system - technically and practically.


Though I won't argue the point about lying - but that is all pollies prerogative.


The vote will do little to change the course of history... The conservatives are more pro-Brexit than remainers; Labour has been decimated electorally and it would be a very courageous party that would defy the will of most of its electoral supporters (voters) lest it become further decimated into oblivion. Lib Dems and SNP will no doubt vote against it.


Just my £0.02



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Point of order, Mr. Perry.. The Act of parliament that British MPs voted on is the European Communities Act 1972, which is membership of the European Community - the Maastrict treat at the time, admittedly at the time more focussed on the common market, but as a vehicle to, and I quote from the TEU:

"RESOLVED to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as closely as possible to the citizen in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity".




Other useless drivel removed...

Er. I have to issuer a point of order on myself - The Maastricht treaty came later... '90s...


I will not write a post in a hurry ever again...


I will not write a post in a hurry ever again...


I will not write a post in a hurry ever again...







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Er. I have to issuer a point of order on myself - The Maastricht treaty came later... '90s...

I will not write a post in a hurry ever again...


I will not write a post in a hurry ever again...


I will not write a post in a hurry ever again...






Soul Brother - I would not have mentioned that, such is my friendliositousness and inherent sympatico. . . .


I have ( upon numerous occasions . . . ) within these hallowed pages; Promised never again to post whilst under the mindbending influence of the evil, nay, dastardly Barossa Valley liquid comestible . . . .


( didn't work tho' )


Phil. :-)



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I have ( upon numerous occasions . . . ) within these hallowed pages; Promised never again to post whilst under the mindbending influence of the evil, nay, dastardly Barossa Valley liquid comestible . . . .


( didn't work tho' )


Phil. :-)

Too late for me... the mindbending damage now seems to be permanent spacer.png



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Sir. . . . I am indeed in awe of your longevitiveness; what with attaining the dizzy temporal heights of Jerry_Attrickness whilst being Zurrounded by Zummerset Cyder thoughout your formative years. . . .


We Pommies have to stick together; beset as we are upon fronts manifold by these bloody scruffy colonials and their time honoured sense of 'umour at our expense, as that iz the funniest part see. . . .and what I loves so dearly about this place M'dear. . . . .


( No,. . .I'm not Ghey,. . .Oi believe 'M'dear' used to be a bi-genderistic Term in Zummerzet. .NOT. . .. that there's owt wrong with being Ghey. . .)



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[uSER=421]@Phil[/uSER] - alas, my adopted home in Zummerset, however, my formative years were spent in Melbourne originally downing VBs and then graduating to visiting what were apple orchards but mainly converted to vineyards of the Mornington Peninsula and Yarra Valley... Of course, a few flights to the Barossa and Hunter Valleys as well as Heathcoate and Millawa area were included.


Nowadays, my adopted home in Somerset is resplendent with an apple orchard used to make local cider by a hippy-type character; and I thank the sky gods for him as I dislike apples and all derivative products....


Lamb is nice, though..



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I wasn't really interested in wines when in my twenties, living in the Melbourne Eastern 'Burbs. . . VB / MB used to sate my 'coldie' requrements also. . . most of my good friends on here wouldn't beleve this, but I rarely used to keep beer at home, unless it was stock for a weekend BBQ. . . I've only become an alkie in my declining years. . .


I was dragged up the Victorian countryside to a place called Michelton by a couple of 'Winey' neighbours though. . . that was thie first winery that I remember in Vic, though I've no doubt that there were more as you've mentioned, I just wasn't really looking.


(Just a quick query, does the Lamb grow in the same orchard I wonder. . .? ) spacer.png



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I wasn't really interested in wines when in my twenties, living in the Melbourne Eastern 'Burbs. . . VB / MB used to sate my 'coldie' requrements also. . . most of my good friends on here wouldn't beleve this, but I rarely used to keep beer at home, unless it was stock for a weekend BBQ. . . I've only become an alkie in my declining years. . .

I was dragged up the Victorian countryside to a place called Michelton by a couple of 'Winey' neighbours though. . . that was thie first winery that I remember in Vic, though I've no doubt that there were more as you've mentioned, I just wasn't really looking.


(Just a quick query, does the Lamb grow in the same orchard I wonder. . .? ) spacer.png

Ahh.. Mitchelton - I remember it well.. Back of Nagambie... I used to occasionally stop there on the way back to Melb from a weekend of gliding at Tocumwal...


Anyway, back to topic; it looks like there is another challenge, this time coming from Ireland with the intent to be able to revoke and pulling the Article 50 trigger. Court case on whether Brexit can be reversed to be filed Friday


Regardless of one's persuasion, the populous (albeit relatively slim majority) have voted to go. We know the basis upon which they want to regardless of whether it was formally included in the referendum question... People doping this are stoking the flames of populism because they will be seen as abusing their positions in society,... When will they learn?




Oh, yeah.... The labs do graze on the grass int he Orchards... for a while ;-)



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Our esteemed Parliamentary representatives are voting upon the Article 50 bill tomorrow. . . .watching the debate today on Parliament TV all I can say is. . . Oh DEAR . . . what a bunch of nonentities they are for the most part. . . ."I voted to remain in the EU, and the will of the majority must be respected BUT. . . . .ramble ramble dissemble bullcrap etc. . . . although very well handled IMHO by Madame Deputy Speaker. . .very fair, unlike Speaker John Bercow, the snivelling little biased $hit who regularly denies decent MPs the chance to speak. . . .For they who speak for the people and fairness Must be silenced. . . .


Some bright stars with a BRAIN and all the FACTS stored in their heads, ( ie, no need to read from prepared notes ) were: Jacob Rees Mogg, Conservative. . .( Surgically Brilliant as always. . .really should be PM ) Kate Hoey, Lab. ( Brilliant - She really Should be the leader of the Labour Party ) John Redwood Lab, Brilliant Man also, has a regular weekly blog, and although I don't share his basic political allegiance, I cannot fault his logic, commonsense and encyclopaedic knowledge of the workings of the EU and why we really Should be out of it as soon as possible and for this he has my total respect. . .


I'm not sure to what extent parliament ever sparkled with intellectual rigour, but now it is conspicuous by its absence. . . .


There are also a smattering of other members who regularly spout sensible things; whom I would personally remove to a place of safety prior to revisiting the Guy Fawkes plan upon the whole damn building, but using far better munitions. . . . ( And NOT telling the wrong people about it first. . .)



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'Bout what they deserve ( well,. . .Most of 'em anyway )


One after another, the sly showers of shite pompously declare how they'll respect the views of the electorate, even though they wanted to sell us out to the EU.


One hopes they are kicked out on their ar$es next election anyhow. Despicable dirtbags.




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the tories are going to fail



Remoaner MPs gear up for desperate Brexit battle in the House of Commons despite David Davis warning of public wrath if they block Article 50


  • David Davis warned rebels in Commons of backlash for opposing Brexit Bill
  • Said the question before the House was whether it 'trusts the people or not'
  • Dozens of Labour, SNP and Lib Dem MPs expected to oppose the key Bill
  • But government expected to win a strong overall majority in vote tomorrow
  • Shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer appeals for Labour to back Article 50



Read more: Brexit Bill debate starts in the House of Commons | Daily Mail Online



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the tories are going to fail 


Remoaner MPs gear up for desperate Brexit battle in the House of Commons despite David Davis warning of public wrath if they block Article 50


  • David Davis warned rebels in Commons of backlash for opposing Brexit Bill
  • Said the question before the House was whether it 'trusts the people or not'
  • Dozens of Labour, SNP and Lib Dem MPs expected to oppose the key Bill
  • But government expected to win a strong overall majority in vote tomorrow
  • Shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer appeals for Labour to back Article 50



Read more: Brexit Bill debate starts in the House of Commons | Daily Mail Online


I'm willing to betcha a WHOLE dollar. . . . . .that we win the vote.


Anyway,. . .the vote has Cross party support. . . .not just the Tories,. . .the dreaded Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party opposition, has a three line whip for his MPs to vote FOR Article 50. . . . .the vote itself cannot be Blocked, just delayed slightly by niggles. . . .the actual vote itself is at 1930 Hrs GMT on Wednesday 1st Feb. . . . .Even if NONE of the Labour party vote, we still have a majority in the HOC. . . .But I Know, thst some of them will. . . .


Some of the 'Remainer' MPs have constituencies which voted over 60% leave. . .and they don't want to be de-selected and lose their nice sinecures, ie, £70,000 per annum MP salaries plus massive expenses. . .they will vote with their wallets, NOT their 'So Called' bloody feelings. . . .beacuse they are all the same bunch of slimy troughers on the public teat and its easy money if you don't rock the boat. . .


Not that anyone takes much notice of Jeremy Corbyn ( or Steptoe as he is known here ) of course. . . .He is still living in the 1960s. . . .there is already a built - in majority. . .so unless something very odd occurs, the vote will be positive for Art, 50 to be declared.


That IS WHERE THE REAL FIGHT WILL BEGIN. . . .ie, How much are the Government going to give away to the bloody chimps in the EU . . . .? ? ? In this case, I truly hope that the 'Trump' effect will assist us to get out of this wholly undemocratic mess. . . . In fact I hope that Trump helps to destroy completely the whole stinking edifice with his threats to de-fund NATO, unless the other 'Protected' countries pay their fair share. . .can't argue with that. . . .if he DOES. . .then I shall place him upon my very limited Christmas card list. . .


Trump is an arrogant, brash, rude and very politically incorrect person, with a grudge and a childish chip on his shoulder. . .I will forgive this if he helps us out of the EU. . . .which is demostrably the worst thing the UK has ever joined, and those who started it I damn to hell. . . .



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Fecking Lefty twot. . . .Brilliant Shakespearian actor. . .I've seen him three times in theatres. . . .maybe Riker should have beamed him down to some planet in the Delta Quadrant and buggered off and left him there. . . .


Phil's message to actors worldwide. . . . .Please listen carefully . . .


ACT. . . .


Do your job of speaking things that other people write for you. . .that is your job, your raison D'etre. . . . .don't use your public persona to lecture the public about your personal take on world affairs and spoil your image for hundreds of thousands of your fans. . . . this also goes for idiots like Benderdick Cumbertwat,. . .DO your Sherlock Holmes by all means,. . .you seem to be good at it. . . but PURLEESE. . . stick your feminist and looney lefty opinions up yer jacksy mate. . . .totally unwanted. .and unwarranted. . .



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Jeeze OME. . . since we know that both John Cleese and Michael Palin are really sensible folks who have not been overtaken by the lefty NWO narrative,. . .I would truly LOVE to see a skit on that about the European Union. . . .it would go 'Viral' in minutes. . . .tee hee. . . .



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Fecking Lefty twot. . . .Brilliant Shakespearian actor. . .I've seen him three times in theatres. . . .maybe Riker should have beamed him down to some planet in the Delta Quadrant and buggered off and left him there. . . .


Phil's message to actors worldwide. . . . .Please listen carefully . . .


ACT. . . .


Do your job of speaking things that other people write for you. . .that is your job, your raison D'etre. . . . .don't use your public persona to lecture the public about your personal take on world affairs and spoil your image for hundreds of thousands of your fans. . . . this also goes for idiots like Benderdick Cumbertwat,. . .DO your Sherlock Holmes by all means,. . .you seem to be good at it. . . but PURLEESE. . . stick your feminist and looney lefty opinions up yer jacksy mate. . . .totally unwanted. .and unwarranted. . .


Phil, you use the platforms available to you to lecture us all, why should an actor not use his or her public profile to put his or her opinion? Are you saying that certain classes of people are not entitled to speak? I guess you are only angry at actors who speak when they hold a different opinion to you.


Should I only do my job and not express my opinion?


You would be much more persuasive if you if you were able to refute the content rather than turning parts of their names into slang terms for genitals.



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Fecking Lefty twot. . . .Brilliant Shakespearian actor. . .I've seen him three times in theatres. . . .maybe Riker should have beamed him down to some planet in the Delta Quadrant and buggered off and left him there. . . .


Phil's message to actors worldwide. . . . .Please listen carefully . . .


ACT. . . .


Do your job of speaking things that other people write for you. . .that is your job, your raison D'etre. . . . .don't use your public persona to lecture the public about your personal take on world affairs and spoil your image for hundreds of thousands of your fans. . . . this also goes for idiots like Benderdick Cumbertwat,. . .DO your Sherlock Holmes by all means,. . .you seem to be good at it. . . but PURLEESE. . . stick your feminist and looney lefty opinions up yer jacksy mate. . . .totally unwanted. .and unwarranted. . .

Play the ball, Phil, not the man... if you can refute the skit factually I'd love to hear it!


It's YOUR opinion that their "feminist and looney lefty opinions" are 1) feminist, 2) looney, 3) lefty, 4) unwanted and 5) unwarranted!


MY opinion on the other hand is that it's a brilliant piece of satire and I enjoyed it immensely.



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