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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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Very "looney lefty" of me I suppose, but I think even actors have the right to express their opinions publicly - whether I agree with them or not.

I agree that they have a right to express their opinions, it's just that they have an inordinately high level of exposure. Where's the equality between the degree of exposure their opinions get and the degree that you or I get. There have been some very sage opinions expressed in threads dealing with a wide range of topics on this site, but where are the "viral" numbers of views of those expressions.


Joe Blow doesn't get a word in unless he's a "celebrity" for some shallow reason.





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UK Parliamentary vote on triggering the Article 50 Bill.


Ayes : 498


Noes : 114


38 Members did not attend the HOC chamber for the vote.


Bill to proceed to Full House Committee stage for Third reading. The final vote to take place on February 8th. If passed; the PM will then officially advise the EU of the decision and the Two year negotiation period will then commence. If there is no agreement on 'Deals' at the end of this period, the parties Can mutually agree to extend it. If they do not, the UK is automatically out of the EU with no 'Deals' in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 50.


There are rumours of a possible intervention from the European Court at some stage, but I can't find anything 'Official' from a trusted source with regard to this.



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OK guys I stand admonished.

Everyone, including actors, has a right to express a public opinion.


If you wish to exclude certain sections of the public from having a right to express political opinions, I'm sure you know which dangerous road you are driving down.........


Having said that, there is no requirement at all to agree with them.



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To be fair, OME is right when he says that any celebrity's opinion gets a much broader airing than yours or mine. Often annoys me when a newspaper (usually crap like News Limited) reports what some celebrity thinks about some issue they're no more qualified to speak on than any other citizen.


However this is Patrick Stewart and other actors performing a skit - doing what their job is, which is acting. For all we know, one or more of them may be rabid right-wing conservative nut jobs who think what they're performing is absolute shite, but they do it anyway.



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Little Sister Katie came to visit us a few days ago, after getting married ( for the second time ) this time to a better bloke, and they married in St. Lucia. . . I WAS invited, but couldn't get away. . . .I digress. .. .\She said tht She and her new Fiance went to the West End ( Londonistan ) a few months prior to the marriage, and saw a play. . . .To be honest, I forgot the name of it, and they said it was. . .so so,. .. OK 'ish. . .but at the end, following the curtain call, this leading actor bloke ( ? ) stood on the front of the stage for a quarter of an hour. . . and berated the British Government for not doing more to help the unnacompanied children in Calais. . . as if the folks attending the theatre could do anything about that. . . the audience were looking at each other in amazement,. . some of them walked out of the theatre, as did Katie and Simon. . . a couple who must be the most Un-political folks I've ever met. . . they said it was bugger all to do with the show, and a bit of a pain to go into politics.


THIS. . .was basically what I was moaning about,. . .ie, Wrong place,. . .wrong time. . . .perfectly fair for ANYONE to opine on things politik, whatever they do for a crust. .. but the choice of place and time should be considered more carefully methnks.. . .If you want political rallies, . .. there's plenty to go to.. . .


I've always liked John Cleese. . . can almost relate verbatim most of the Monty Python scripts. . .but he stuck his head over the wall and told everyone what a Right Winger he was. . . ?. .. surely this is going to alienate all the left wing thinkers who enjoyed his work as much as I did ?. . . .


I dunno why they do it personally. . . .maybe they have so much money that it doesn't seem matter to them anymore. . . but it's got Feckall to do with general entertainment. . . .and never will have in my view. . .but if you don't like my opinions,. . .I have others . . .?.spacer.pngspacer.png





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Dunno Phil. P*ss-taking is the basis for so much comedy and politicians are an easy target.


If we didn't constantly lampoon them or laugh at their stupidity, we might start taking them seriously and then we'd all be fekked!


But you're right. There's a time and place for everything.



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I have no experience of the Spaceship TV series, but I hear derogatory statements about the Borg. Who or what are the Borg. Only interested because that is my name.

The Borg are an alien cybernetic life-form in the Star Trek series, which is part organic and part artificial. Each Borg has an implanted bio-chip which links their brains to a collective consciousness.


They are quite antagonistic and expansionist, and forcibly "assimilate" other civilisations by capturing them and injecting nanoprobes into their bodies which can re-program DNA.


Borg Queen:





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Dunno Phil. P*ss-taking is the basis for so much comedy and politicians are an easy target.If we didn't constantly lampoon them or laugh at their stupidity, we might start taking them seriously and then we'd all be fekked!


But you're right. There's a time and place for everything.

Sometimes the target becomes so easy that they can't make comedy of it any more....


Trump too hard to satirise, say South Park creators



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Little Sister Katie came to visit us a few days ago, after getting married ( for the second time ) this time to a better bloke, and they married in St. Lucia. . . I WAS invited, but couldn't get away. . . .I digress. .. .\She said tht She and her new Fiance went to the West End ( Londonistan ) a few months prior to the marriage, and saw a play. . . .To be honest, I forgot the name of it, and they said it was. . .so so,. .. OK 'ish. . .but at the end, following the curtain call, this leading actor bloke ( ? ) stood on the front of the stage for a quarter of an hour. . . and berated the British Government for not doing more to help the unnacompanied children in Calais. . . as if the folks attending the theatre could do anything about that. . . the audience were looking at each other in amazement,. . some of them walked out of the theatre, as did Katie and Simon. . . a couple who must be the most Un-political folks I've ever met. . . they said it was bugger all to do with the show, and a bit of a pain to go into politics.

THIS. . .was basically what I was moaning about,. . .ie, Wrong place,. . .wrong time. . . .perfectly fair for ANYONE to opine on things politik, whatever they do for a crust. .. but the choice of place and time should be considered more carefully methnks.. . .If you want political rallies, . .. there's plenty to go to.. . .


I've always liked John Cleese. . . can almost relate verbatim most of the Monty Python scripts. . .but he stuck his head over the wall and told everyone what a Right Winger he was. . . ?. .. surely this is going to alienate all the left wing thinkers who enjoyed his work as much as I did ?. . . .


I dunno why they do it personally. . . .maybe they have so much money that it doesn't seem matter to them anymore. . . but it's got Feckall to do with general entertainment. . . .and never will have in my view. . .but if you don't like my opinions,. . .I have others . . .?.spacer.pngspacer.png



Hey Phil although I disagree with your opinion I do defend your right to express it and I would hope that you would defend my right to disagree with you.


Mainly I disagree with your argument because i feel that it is absolutist, I gather that you believe there is absolutely nothing positive about being a part of Europe. To be honest I tend to think that every political decision to be made entails pros and cons.


For full disclosure i am a British citizen but moved to Australia when I was 2.


Firstly within my own circle, a friend of my son's is a particle physicist, he has just moved to New Zealand (where my son now lives) because he believes that the area of science in the UK is now totally screwed. Now I do not know whether or not his opinion is valid or not, but he felt that his project will be scrapped under a Britain without EU science funding. Again I say, I do not know whether his opinion is valid or not.


Can I ask you Phil whether or not you feel that the UK leaving the EU ABSOLUTELY only entails positive and no negatives?


Most paths in life entail positive and negatives. I may be wrong her but it seems to me that for you life is mainly negative but if the UK leaves the EU it will improve?


In terms of your story about the theatre a speech by an actor after a play, I would just say this, no one is forced to stay and listen, as you said many people got up and left as is their right. The thing is one of the most precious things we have is the right to express ourselves. Again it is pros and cons, the right of free speech sometimes means we hear things that make us feel uncomfortable but luckily we can get up and leave or we can have the moral courage to examine other points of view and rationally debate. . If the opinion that is being expressed is obviously bollocks then I do not see why anyone would be so oppressed by it. . I do note that people do get quite touchy when a view is expressed that is difficult to refute rationally.


In the spirit of freedom of speech I would say this: I gather you are an older gentleman, you are probably alive today because of the collective scientific advances of people of many cultures and races. the strength of the human race is our collectivism. I know that it is easy to feel that we should aspire to the comfortable "yesterday" but I am not sure if that would lead to a better future. I left Britain (more accurately, my parents) in the early 60s because it was not great, it was insular and was truly a little Britain. My British relatives who visited us in Aus were almost comical in their suspicion of exotic foods and wine.


In terms of the Patrick Stewart sketch, is your problem with it that it asserted facts were not true (if so please illustrate) or was it just that you did not like like because it appeared to be having a go at you gut feeling.


The point is, since we are dispensing with political correctness, we must accept that an actor may try to subject us to their opinion., We should all be allowed to express our opinion, BUT WE HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT WE MAY ALSO WILL CRITICISED, this is part of free speech. Criticism is not a suppression of free speech , it is just a further expression of free speech.


Anyway please feel free to give your opinion because I would defend your right to do so and I am quite sure that you would fiercely defend my right to disagree with you. :)



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