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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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positive and negatives!To be honest, I cant see to much difference between the European union and (please excuse) Adolf;s europe.


Except the head-office location.



The 60 million people killed in Adolf's attempt may disagree with you there.



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The Borg are an alien cybernetic life-form in the Star Trek series, which is part organic and part artificial. Each Borg has an implanted bio-chip which links their brains to a collective consciousness.

They are quite antagonistic and expansionist, and forcibly "assimilate" other civilisations by capturing them and injecting nanoprobes into their bodies which can re-program DNA.


Borg Queen:





Some Borg look far nicer



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good thing you are retired @Phil Perry


UK will stay open to EU migrants, Brexit secretary admits


We’ll take years filling key jobs, says Davis


Sam Coates, Deputy Political Editor | Oliver Wright | Jerome Starkey


February 22 2017, 12:01am, The Times




Ministers have recognised that some sectors such as agriculture will still need to employ EU migrants for seasonal workGETTY IMAGES


British workers will not be ready to fill the jobs done by European migrants for “years and years”, the Brexit secretary has admitted.



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It's the immigration issue that powered Trump and will power Hanson in Australia.The financial backers of the major parties want more immigration, the ordinary people want less.

I was an immigrant in the mid 60s do "ordinary" people want me to leave??????? Most Australians seem to welcome me!



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Please don't go octave. Yes of course all our forbears were immigrants, even if you are an aborigine.


But right now, Australia is taking in an insane number, more than 600 every day. Much more than any comparable country.


Now if I owned a few shopping centers or blocks of flats, I would sure like this.



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One of the best, intelligent Members of Parliament that we have.


The Rt Honourable Jacob Rees-Mogg.



Notably,. . the BBC 'Faded him out' before he had finished as he was not following the Beeboid Narrative and shooting their arguments to bits.. . .. this is of course, totally unacceptable.



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Its weird Phil, Brexit will put hundreds of thousands of out work and be used as an opportunity for the elites to enhance their wealth inside the UK and the same time moving their businesses to the continent

I respect your opinion Phil.


I just don't agree with your figures. And NO Financial services ( Large Banking groups ) of any note are going to move their people to to Paris. . as the pundits have predicted. . . .too many burning cars, rapes, assaults and riots every night. . or Germany Too many. . .etc. . . .Reports all censored. . .the mainstream media is muzzled. . .but we have a 'reasonably' good idea from other sources on the dreaded social media. We really DO need to at least TRY. . .to save the little bit of Britain that we have left. . . .despite the BBC et al. . .


It was a failed experiment from the start, it needs to be fixed.


Anyway,. . .It may well not occur so I wouldnt worry too much.



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Once all the oil money leaves the city, who's paying tax? It will all end up in Frankfurt, the Germans are going to steal the financial services the same way they stole your auto industry.

I think that you sell our financial services industry short mate. . .OIL money is but a tiny fraction of what the City of London carries. . .The Germans have just been, .. well, basically told to Feck off, with their attempted take over of the London Stock exchange. . .and other parts of the beast. . . their sums just don't add up.


The main hub of EURO finance is in Frankfurt,. . .another despoiled city full of rioting, cars burning on the streets nightly. . . and general mayhem due to Merkel's insane immigration policies. I have many friends in the financial services industry who would resign rather than be transferred to such a war zone.


Are you 'Believing' ABC reporting of the 'Facts' here ?. . . I wonder where all your misinformation is originating mate. I had you down as a good,. curious, investigative reporter. WELL. . . have a better, more reasoned look around the 'Other' media. . . and give me a call. Any person with an open mind will see and correctly agree that a lot of this is Turbo BS.


The EU is dead. . .it just won't admit to it yet. . .



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I am surprised. I didn't know there was a British agricultural industry.


When I was a kid I lived at Heston Farm, near London and we used to send a truck load of veggies to Covent Garden market 6 nights a week.


Last time i saw it there were a couple of high rise apartments and the main body of the farm looked like waste land.


I used to milk 40 cows and we raised beef and sheep for meat, plus grew wheat for sale and all the usual stuff required to feed our cattle at my last job there. Now there are no dairy cattle to be seen and the same goes for beef and sheep.


To me it looks as if British agriculture is all about making the countryside look pretty to please the tourists, while the food is all imported.



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