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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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gave a bottle to some bloke a while back when I did enjoy a drop of the good stuff went around to his place there they were adding coke and **** to it got me self two shots and drooped the bottle might as well tipp it out why a waste it on idiots neil

I confess I do like a Scotch and dry, but only cheaper Scotch like JW. Putting coke in it is just despicable. A chilled straight quality Scotch on a hot summer day is just.........heaven.



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How dare you even suggest such a thing, I merely show the glass of glen fiddich the water jug. People who put ice or anything else in good whiskey should be deported :( lol

Ermm.. Why do you think I live in the UK? spacer.png


I got into Scotch for a very short while, but it at least had to have ice...



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I don't like hearing how various politicians and experts know more about running the country than the likes of me. I reckon the evidence shows that they are mainly looking after themselves. And they have shown themselves to be totally lacking in morality. I think much of our gas has been sold to China for 5 cents a kg on a 50 year contract.


The country is on the fast route to disaster. Nobody in power has any answers to overpopulation, resource depletion and climate change, yet ALL of these things need to be solved if the grandkids are going to have a decent life.


Pauline, for all her silly comments about vaccination, at least would slow the insane level of immigration. How gullible of you guys to swallow the anti-Hanson stuff so easily.



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Pauline, for all her silly comments about vaccination, at least would slow the insane level of immigration. How gullible of you guys to swallow the anti-Hanson stuff so easily.

What is "gullible" about holding Hanson to account for the nonsense she seems to so often speak?


It actually does genuinely concern me that she is trying to attain significant political power yet frequently shows she has no idea what she's talking about.



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The anti-vaxxers in one nation are a liability, only one thing frightens grandma more muslims is her grandchild catching wooping cough because some feral spent their vaxx money on goon.


The deal with the liberals has killed the 1/3 of the PHON vote, WA is ready for change and PHON are now a road block



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I don't like hearing how various politicians and experts know more about running the country than the likes of me. I reckon the evidence shows that they are mainly looking after themselves. And they have shown themselves to be totally lacking in morality. I think much of our gas has been sold to China for 5 cents a kg on a 50 year contract.The country is on the fast route to disaster. Nobody in power has any answers to overpopulation, resource depletion and climate change, yet ALL of these things need to be solved if the grandkids are going to have a decent life.


Pauline, for all her silly comments about vaccination, at least would slow the insane level of immigration. How gullible of you guys to swallow the anti-Hanson stuff so easily.

I sort of agree with the above, but I would argue that overpopulation is the cause of resource depletion and climate change - if there weren't so many people in the world, at least the draw in resources which lead to climate change would be lower. However, over-population is a global issue of too many people being born - immigration is a (multi) cultural issue..


For the last sentence, I would reword it to be something like


Pauline, for all her silly comments about vaccination, at least would slow the insane level of immigration which hides some cultural issues. How gullible of you guys to swallow the Hanson stuff so easily.



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I would guess (stress to say without doing any research - so is only my theory on the most tenuous anecdotal evidence) that most of the population growth is in the developing countries where there are great strides being made in making available medical care to reduce the infant/child mortality rate, however, greater strides have to be made. The result - the population are having many kids still because the infant/child mortality rate is still too high for individual families to bare, but it is not as great (across the board - in specific areas it probably hasn't changed) - and there is the cultural expectation of a high birth rate anyway. The result - increasing population.


In western societies, the natural population growth rate is probably a lot slower as the infant/child mortality rate is a lot lower and the primal instinct to produce enough to carry on the bloodlines has eroded over the years in favour to balance that with a comfy material life. The problem is, western societies as a whole are ageing and that means there will be a lot of older people for whom someone is going to have to pay for medical and palliative care. That's where we need the young blood to come through. This is probably why immigration is going to be important.. Should the human race wake up and not doom itself to extinction, in (quite) a few generations, as the rest of the world catches up technically, global infant mortality is reduced resulting in a global declining population, the mood will change from keep them out to throwing real incentives to welcome them in...


Well, that's one theory of mine, anyway.... if it ever does happen before we implode, it will be well long since I have fertilised the daisies...



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From what I've seen!.


The third world country's have as many offspring as possible to get the few survivor's to keep the parents in the luxury they dream of, and whole communities will finance some to go overseas for better paying jobs


to send money back to their homeland, & have no intention of serving the country they are in, hoping to return the hero back were they came from.





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Reading many and various reports of what Recip Tayip Erdogan is doing to completely subvert the ‘Semi European’ and fairly 'Laid Back' lifestyle previously enjoyed for decades by Turkey and Turkish people generally, irrespective of their religion ( unless they were KURDS ! ). . ., I find that this young American Blogger bloke has a very good grasp of this, as well as other geopolitical events.. . .


I rather like his take on things, - he is a bit long winded, but he appears to have a good, clear understanding of what's actually happening in Turkey and Europe and where the blame lies for most of it’s ills. . . the trigger subject being the ‘Spat’ Erdogan is currently having with the Netherlands, where Turkish foreign ministers have been banned from attending rallies of Turks living in Holland, in order to spout Turkish propaganda to the 480,000 Turks living there, and to prevent any interference with their upcoming major general election, which is going to be fought mainly on Immigration and it’s negative effects upon that country


Some dark threats have been publicly made by Erdogan in this regard; such as. . . "You ( the Netherlands ) have only 48,000 soldiers. . . .WE ( the Turkish Netherlands communty ) have 480,000 citizens in your country. . ." I wonder WHAT he might mean by that ? . .


Yes, . I Agree that ‘Styx’ is a very ‘Atypical’ messenger, but maybe this means he can reach a broader audience than the shirt-wearing, official, politically correct and fully controlled media commentators who read the same,. . approved, homogenized script day after day. . . .And if Geert Wilders wins the Presidency,. . .he has vowed to remove all the Turks from the country as they were ALL intrinsically 'GUEST' workers anyway and should have gone home when their various terms of emplyoment had ceased. . but they didn't,. . and on top of this, refused point blank to assimilate into their host countries' culture iin any way shape or form. . . interesting times. . . .it will be interesting if the EU 'Allow' him to win. . . .this would go against their current narrative. .


( Jeeze. . .I do wish he'd wear a bloody shirt though. . . I've always been a bit sensitive about my Japanese style Non-Hirsute chesty bits. . .)



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To get back on track, House of Lords passed the bill; it goes to the Queen for assent and the Art 50 trigger is likely to be pulled towards the end of March..


It could be next week, but apparently the Eurocrats and pollies will be in Rome celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome... A little bit of poignant irony... and it shows that the UK is a considerate country after all..



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To get back on track, House of Lords passed the bill; it goes to the Queen for assent and the Art 50 trigger is likely to be pulled towards the end of March..

It could be next week, but apparently the Eurocrats and pollies will be in Rome celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome... A little bit of poignant irony... and it shows that the UK is a considerate country after all..

On the 'Club of Rome' anniversary boozefest; Mrs May has indicated that she will not attend the event,. . . but wishes them well.



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I DO hope that Mr. Juncker, the outgoing EU leader doesn't get too pi$$ed again and start kissing everyone. . . .this must be Soooo embarrassing on camera. . . ( except to the Froggies of course ) I can just imagine what would have happened had he tried that on someone like Maggie Thatcher ! spacer.png



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