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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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this is nigel farage leading the revolution


What that table says is that the "populist" movement is gathering momentum; what it doesn't say is UKIP (and I am in no way, shape or form, a follower or subscriber to their policies) obtained 12.6% of the vote in the 2015 election, so despite them not securing a seat, they seem to have broad support - interestingly they added 9.6% of the national vote since the last election: Results of the 2015 General Election - Election 2015 - BBC News. Also what it doesn't mention is the conservatives are in hot water, particularly in South Thanet, where they are accused of overspending their expenses limits for local electorates - and I believe the sitting MP or a treasurer is being referred to police for criminal investigations, as well as the Tories being fined 70K. If there was a breach of the electoral spend limits in South Thanet, the election for that seat will have to be run again. Only the Hanson-like way UKIP is being run since Farage has disembarked will save the Tories from a white-wash.


It didn't take a 16 minute video to work out the Wilders has increased is support as a percentage of the population - UKIP have been working harder and longer than Wilders - and the European pollies and press celebrating it as a country turning its back on populism because the vote was less than the pollsters was predicting is at best ignorant; at worst dangerous. Le Penn is the next test - she is expected to easily take the first round of voting - but lose the second. The pollsters are predicting a loss at the second round, however, I wouldn't be so sure, but even if she does lose the second round, the margin will be a barometer of whether or not populism is still on the rise or starting to fall..



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While waiting & waiting for the Brexit break, I think I'll look up to the sky on the 1st April to see if I can spot !,


" 41P/Tuttle–Giacobini–Kresák is a periodic comet in the Solar System.


The comet nucleus is estimated to be 1.4 kilometers in diameter.


On April 1, 2017 the comet will pass 0.142 AU (21,200,000 km; 13,200,000 mi) from the Earth.


The comet is expected to brighten to around magnitude 7 and be visible in binoculars."


See if we get a break in the weather to spot it.



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the biggest loser of brexit is spain, losing all these old sick people

Too right mate. . .these old Pom expats have their UK state pensions ( as well as private ones ) paid directly to their Spanish bank accounts, and It's a certain fact that the Spanish Government would accept NO edict from the Stormfuherers at EU Central which tried to put a stop to THAT tasty deal. . .OH NO SENOR. . .these old codgers put millions per annum into the severely ailing Spanish economy. . . . It's just not going to happen. . . .the Manuels have already said so quite vociferously. . . . it's a 'Redline' . . whatever Feckwittery happens during the UK / EU So-Called 'Negotiations'. . . . The Spaniards are not going to allow THAT cash cow to be taken away. . . ( Do they use Cows if they have not got a bull available for the bullfights I wonder. . .? )



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Try now Phil...just fixed the upload attachment function

Oh Bloody heck Ian,. . .I WASN'T WHINGEING. . . . You've been working on this for how long now ? ? and ought to go and get some sleep mate. . .


Thanks. . . .


Phil. X ( for Corinne ! )



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If this Whats Up Australia site becomes a success I will look at opening a similar site for you UK'ers


Ho Ho. . .they're all boring farts over here in the UK mate ! apart from 'Spooks' and 'Jerry Atttrick' of course ( aplogies if I've missed any other RF'ers. . .) They're only interested in Wendyball ( soccer ) and whingeing about the BBC. . . . ( ! ) Me ?. . .I like RUGBY. . . .Man's game, almost as rough as Aussie Rules. . .


Might be meeting 'Spooky' ths week, as I'm making some taxiway signage for Halfpenny Green, where he is training with my mate Stevie Wilkes at Hadair, he's only got his X countries to do to qualify - he had to get used to a 100 HP version of the Ikarus C-42 though, but I've no doubt he's now fine with that. . . .will report back later,. . .Or Spooky will. . . .



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Phil ICYMI Netherlands not going to leave the EU

PM Mark Rutte on course to beat Geert Wilders in Dutch election


it seems england stands alone against the fascist tide

Geert Wilders never had a chance, knowing how homogenised the Dutch are now. Marine Le Pen has a similar fate awaiting, due to the odd way in which the French organise their electoral system.


She will storm the first round, and lose the second, with other minority parties forming a coalition to keep her out, as she also is too politically incorrect, but no matter. . .if that's the way the French want to go, then fair enough.


Anyway, what's all this 'Standing against' stuff ?. . .the UK isn't standing against Europe . . .other than stupid and overly biased EU ( the EU ISN'T 'EUROPE' ) totally UNDEMOCRATIC, Communistical regulations and edicts over-ruling our democratically elected Parliament. . . .still long way to go, even if Theresa MayNot does her job as indicated by the mandate from the 'Peeple'. . . lots of stuff to unpick . . . I think I KNOW what Maggie Thatcher would have said about all this. . . ( ! )




Theresa May has said that she will Officially declare article 50 next Wednesday, 29th March. ( Unless a certain Brazilian lady financed AGAIN by George Soros offers up yet Another legal challenge. . .! )



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Islam has made Turkey great

Could you just define 'Great' mate ?. . . this isn't what MY Turkish mates are saying funnily enough. . . they're all terrified of descending into a black hole of a fundamentalist Islamic caliphate . . .


I've actually sorted an immigration job reference for one bloke and his family, he's a qualified Aluminium ( Tig ) welder with 12 years experience. . .A mate of mine in Telford ( just oop the road from here ) manufactures all sorts of Ally welded products, like portable vehice ramps, lighting towers etc, and is always after good welders. Friend Mehmet won't stay in Turkey as he doesn't see much future under Erdogan, and doesn't want his missis and three daughters treated like third class citizens, forced to wear headscarves or burkhas . . .


Mate in Telford said that, as long as the bloke doesn't want to bugger off and pray in a special room 5 times a day, he can have a job.. . .( Mehmet isn't that kind of Muslim - he got married in a mosque, but he's rather 'westernised' in his attitudes. . .as are his kids. . .( Facebook generation ! )



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this is nigel farage leading the revolution


Well may ye mock Saint Nigel of Farage. Thiis man has been battling the EU for 22 years. . .had it not been for him, the referendum would NEVER have been placed in David Cameron's manifesto. Cameron has admitted as much himself.


He is far more use to the UK Outside of Parliament. Incidentally, when he was defeated in South Thanet, it is now known that the Conservatives illegally overspent by a LOT their maximum campaign funding on this seat they just HAD to make sure that he did NOT win that seat.


It has been known for some time, that a van loaded with uncounted ballot boxes went missing for six and a half hours, immediately after polls closed for the evening. . . .this has STILL not been explained, and the police are now conducting a full investigation re electoral fraud and the result of that election could well be nullified and re-run depending upon the result. Nigel was going to win by a large margin, according to exit polls at the time. . .Something do stink a bit methinks. . .


Ngel Farage now has a 5 days nightly internet talk radio spot on LBC radio, a London based digital channel, at 1900 GMT. Mon to Fri.


It's a close toss up as to whether he can do more damage to the Government 'Brexit' Nay-Sayers on his radio spot, or as an actual lone wolf MP voice in the House of Commons, where I've no doubt that the disgustingly and overtly left wing biased Speaker John Bercow would try his best to keep Nigel quiet. . .


Interesting times eh ?



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How big are electorates in the UK? Phil mentions South Thanet. I was born in Thanet and would have thought it was far too small to have a South and possibly North.

Have a look here Mr Yenn Sir. . . I don't know the area that well, but if you select 'Thanet' Kent county, you can then select the electoral areas. . .


Election Maps - Ordnance Survey


Election maps. Use our election maps for Great Britain and Northern Ireland to find out the electoral geography of the UK.





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Don't you need another little cross at the north bit of Ireland too Phil? Or are you giving that up when you leave Europe...?


HAHAHAHA. . . .well spotted Marty ! Actually NornIron is well split, the Catholics ( Republicans ) don't want any part of Brexit, but the Nationalists ( Proddies ) are mostly up for it.


Anyway, it wasn't my 50 euro note. . . Big Daughter sent that via email, . . .she has to be careful as she works amongst many 'Remainers' . . .and even though she is well up the food chain as an admin exec with a very large metropolitan authority, she has the nouse to keep political chat to herself. . . I shall pass on your comment to her forthwith, along with an admonishment for fiscal / Geopolitical innacuracy of an unacceptable degree for one so eddifimicated. . . .


Good point there though, . .Eire ( The Republic of Ireland ) is a full member of the EU, and uses the Euro as it's currency. The North of course, isn't and doesn't. It will be interesting to see, in around two years or so, what will happen about this situation, as there is no 'Hard' border between the two. . . We're OK with the Scots, even if they vote to leave the union and try to remain within the EU bloc. . . . This would be extremely sad after such a long time; with so much combined history. . . I doubt if rebuilding Hadrian's Wall is the answer either. . . ( ! )



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Well, Art 50 has been triggered, and we start the up-to-2 year negotiations and a journey into the unknown. If Mr. Turnbull was smart, he would skive off the Aussie taxpayer and be here quick smart - there's benefits to be had in starting to strike a free trade agreement in principle that can be activated the second UK formally exits. I was a little surprised at the movement in the £ today as all markets knew that Art 50 was being triggered, but even @ $1.61-ish to the £, there are some great opportunities for Aussie companies to export competitively if they didn't have the 20% customs duty after which VAT is added. To be perfectly honest, there are a couple of a/c manufacturers that could do well from it (in the SSDR category for example).


Although I would naturally lean to an integrated Europe and am even not afraid of a federal European state (Mr Perry - you can pick yourself up off the floor, now), I did vote out, despite the industry I work in probably suffering the most (have I mentioned I want to be given the big A?). The reality is the EU had, at least in perception, become a self-serving Eurocratic monolith and fund-sponge and to be honest, as a new-UK'er (aka immigrant), despite a lot of concessions given to the UK, it did seem to take the mick out of the UK, on balance. The inability of the EU to curb France's disregard of the rules when it suited them; the exchange rate mechanism which sent the UK broke (cap-in-hand to the world bank), and even the total arrogance at David Cameron's attempts at getting concessions to avoid the referendum did expose it for what it had become. The leader of the Greens at the time (an Aussie lass, I believe) also said she was, in principle, in favour of the EU, but the institutions are too broken to fix and a shock like this may well galvanise it into reform.


There are troubled waters ahead, but it is in both parties interests to make the best of it. However, I fear it will become a dogs breakfast thanks to having to have 27 nations of quite varied cultures and aspirations approve any deal. And let's not forget France - a country I love - but one that is as stubborn as my old man was and will hold a position for the sake of it. EDF's (or Areva's) Euro Pressure Reactor should be given up for small module reactors - but they won't - too bloomin proud. #


Now we have Nicola Sturgeon wanting to fire her own version of Art 50 and get Scotland to leave.. So we go from Brexit to Sexit!



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Well, Art 50 has been triggered, and we start the up-to-2 year negotiations and a journey into the unknown. If Mr. Turnbull was smart, he would skive off the Aussie taxpayer and be here quick smart - there's benefits to be had in starting to strike a free trade agreement in principle that can be activated the second UK formally exits. I was a little surprised at the movement in the £ today as all markets knew that Art 50 was being triggered, but even @ $1.61-ish to the £, there are some great opportunities for Aussie companies to export competitively if they didn't have the 20% customs duty after which VAT is added. To be perfectly honest, there are a couple of a/c manufacturers that could do well from it (in the SSDR category for example).

Although I would naturally lean to an integrated Europe and am even not afraid of a federal European state (Mr Perry - you can pick yourself up off the floor, now), I did vote out, despite the industry I work in probably suffering the most (have I mentioned I want to be given the big A?). The reality is the EU had, at least in perception, become a self-serving Eurocratic monolith and fund-sponge and to be honest, as a new-UK'er (aka immigrant), despite a lot of concessions given to the UK, it did seem to take the mick out of the UK, on balance. The inability of the EU to curb France's disregard of the rules when it suited them; the exchange rate mechanism which sent the UK broke (cap-in-hand to the world bank), and even the total arrogance at David Cameron's attempts at getting concessions to avoid the referendum did expose it for what it had become. The leader of the Greens at the time (an Aussie lass, I believe) also said she was, in principle, in favour of the EU, but the institutions are too broken to fix and a shock like this may well galvanise it into reform.


There are troubled waters ahead, but it is in both parties interests to make the best of it. However, I fear it will become a dogs breakfast thanks to having to have 27 nations of quite varied cultures and aspirations approve any deal. And let's not forget France - a country I love - but one that is as stubborn as my old man was and will hold a position for the sake of it. EDF's (or Areva's) Euro Pressure Reactor should be given up for small module reactors - but they won't - too bloomin proud. #


Now we have Nicola Sturgeon wanting to fire her own version of Art 50 and get Scotland to leave.. So we go from Brexit to Sexit!

Au Contraire Monseiur. . .I won't fall over at all Sir ! I share a table on a regular basis in both pubs and eateries with some 'Remainers' . . .I'm quite happy to state my position, and not walk on eggs. If folks disagree with me, I don't kick them in the nuts NOR eject my teddies at near VNE from the perambulator either. . . . FCS,. . .if we ALL agreed on EVERYTHING. . . . there would be no further need for discussion forums like this one. . . . and others. . . . this will only happen when the Religion / Science / Body Politik is forever settled to everyone's accord ?


( Oh, . . .and the exit meme for the Jocklanders, is actually 'Scotzit' BTW - Well,. . .it IS on some 'Other' forums I visit. . . ! )


I gather that at a recent meeting in Europe, between Nicola Sturgeon ( AKA 'Wee Nippy' ) and Theresa May. . .I think it might have been in Germany,. . May told Sturgeon something like Fekkenoffenhausen - you're not getting a Scotzit referendum AGAIN. . .until the Art50 negotiations are done. . . )



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I KNOW. . . . .that WInston didn't know about the EU,. . . if he'd been around, we wouldn't have joined the EEC. . . . . .this man was a visionary. . .


But I still like this picture. . . . .I've had it 'Tweeted' to both UNELECTED Donald Tusk and UNELECTED Mr. Juncker, - I don't have a 'Twatter' account,. . .and never have. . .but luckily my Girls, being 'Electro' kids of the 80s both have. . .I DO hope that both these UNELECTED worthies actually SEE it. . .





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