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Election 2016

old man emu

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It is true Phil.

Laurie Oakes is a veteran and well respected Australian political commentator whom I've heard slam both sides of politics at various times when they deserve it. He's respected by politicians as an interviewer too.


He got wind of bookmakers taking bets on his tie colour on election night, so in his own words decided he would be the "punter's protector" against the bookies.


When asked by his co-hosts about what was going on later in the evening, he replied


"Sportsbet ran a bet on what colour tie I would wear in the election telecast — there were six choices: yellow, blue, black, green, gold or any other colour, so I thought “why should anyone miss out?” and wore all six colours."



Excellent Idea that ! ! ! What a Gent. ( Unless you're a bookie of course ! )


He is obviously cut from similar cloth to our UK version, Andrew Neil the aforementioned ( in my post ) political commentator. He is so 'surgically impartial' that NOONE gets a free ride and are eviscerated if they do not present their line, or facts corrrectly.


We really need more Gentlemen like this in the media.



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"We will enact the following:

  • Call for an inquiry or Royal Commission to determine if Islam is a religion or political ideology"

I think their position should be put into complete context from the website ...


Islam - Policy | Pauline Hanson's One Nation


And no I would not agree to $50 mil being spent on a RC. Please note that there was a pretty strong following for a $100 mil referendum on Gay Marriage so an Islam RC seems cheap relative, but no to both anyway.



  • Ban Halal certification. ........Companies may comply for export but no monies must be paid


Right. So her official party policy is to ban it, but not ban it. Excellent.




It ain't rocket science, some countries that Oz manufacturers export to require Halal certification, otherwise the scam that's currently running that's increasing the cost of those foods sold in Australia needs to be banned, as it's currently conducted through Private hands.


I don't agree with One Nation's methodolgy, but agree with the general theme.


You're just slagging for the sake of slagging here.


  • Driver’s licence cannot be obtained without showing the full face and having photo ID on driver’s licence


So....her policy is to legislate something which is already legislated in every State. That's incisively brilliant. Wonder how many hours she worked on that policy?

I don't understand that one either, does seems silly on the surface.


Hey I might do something radical like actually ask them for clarification and gain some understanding of why their position on it, and how it came about, imagine that.


Jeez how many ONP voters actually read or can maintain concentration to read more than the headlines?

A lot who are smart enough to run small business, a very strong area of support for ONP.



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Please note that there was a pretty strong following for a $100 mil referendum on Gay Marriage so an Islam RC seems cheap relative, but no to both anyway.

The only people I've ever heard call for a referendum are people who vehemently oppose it, because they know it can easily fail with a minority of the population opposing it and also offers them an opportunity to mount a socially divisive media campaign to try to ensure that happens.


Hey I might do something radical like actually ask them for clarification and gain some understanding of why their position on it, and how it came about, imagine that.

So......you would actually ask for clarification of why they want faces visible in ID photos on drivers licences? Their policy is like stating "we believe water should be wet". Great idea. Let's campaign for it!


Or you could just accept that it already is and probably always will be.


A lot who are smart enough to run small business, a very strong area of support for ONP.

John Wayne Gacey was the manager of a small business. Well, up until he was convicted of being a serial killer and murdering 30 teenage boys. Some of the most virulently racist, xenophobic and misogynistic people I've known have run small businesses. Some of the nicest and most reasonable people I've met have run small businesses too.


What does all this show? Absolutely nothing, except that we have a colourful array of people spanning the entire spectrum of intelligence and "niceness" running small businesses.



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The good news Bex is Pauline is going on QandA on Monday night, less than a week after she said she wasn't going to do any more media if they weren't going to give her a "fair go". Not sure exactly what a "fair go" means, so watch her implode on the ABC next week.



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The good news Bex is Pauline is going on QandA on Monday night, less than a week after she said she wasn't going to do any more media if they weren't going to give her a "fair go". Not sure exactly what a "fair go" means, so watch her implode on the ABC next week.


You need someone like Andrew Neil.


This man is the ONLY impartial reporter / presenter at the BBC. . . . .we the unclean have decided that, the only way he gets away with this is that he knows where all the bodies are buried and moreover, knows how many BBC employees / managers / execs are Kiddie fiddlers.. . .something which seems to be endemic in that 'organisation' I say that word as, without a pre-planned script, of who they are going to politically assassinate every day, they are totally useless. They just did a remarkable job on Andrea Leadsome,. . a really GOOD, clever and well educated ex-businesswoman who really knows her onions, had a PROPER JOB in business finance, unlike Theresa May. . . and orchestrated a hate campaign to get her out of the race to be the new PM in the UK, by illicitly recording private conversations in a restaurant. The poor woman then withdrew, as she had no idea that the 'Establishment' carefuly stage managed by the utterly bent, lying toady, slimy fecking disgusting sewage quality sludge farm that is called the BBC. . . .had already decided who was going to be PM.


She was not as hard as nails, A La Maggie Thatcher, so she withdrew, and we shall now have a remainiac PM, elected unopposed in a couple of days.. . .another media-driven Stitch-up. . . .by the BBC. She says she will honour the will of the majority, ie, leave the EU. . . . this is akin to the primises of, 'Your cheque is in the post,. . .and Of course I shall respect you in the morning bollox.'


Andrew Neil gives no quarter, . . .he is very fair, but if a pollie sits there unprepared, or starts spouting bullcrap,. . they are rapidly eviscerated on national telly.


I hope you have people like that in Australia,. . .Laurie Oakes sounds like a good candidate from what some of you have said. . . .Whatever colour tie he wears on TV. . . . . .


On Another tack. . . .I have just told one of the posters on this site. . . ( By naughty 'Off-Forum' insidiously secretive direct E-Mailing ) not to worry too much about buying an aircraft powered by a Jabiru Engine.. . .I've said,. . .look at the stats,. . .GOOD PRODUCT. . . .look after it properly. . . .operate it within the tolerances the manual says is correct. . .and you won't have a problem. . . NOW. . . can someone copy and paste this to Rod Stiff so I can get my commission please ?. . . . Living on a UK state pension is a hard life. . . . .



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From Jo Thornely's funny take on Pauline Hanson's policies:





It’s quite obvious that under Sharia law, Islam’s main goal is to make non-Muslims feel like second-class citizens in the country they were bloody born in, which is just wrong. One Nation knows that feeling like second-class citizens should be reserved for Muslims and other people who refuse to learn the language or eat proper food.


The problem is, the Constitution says you can’t legislate to prohibit the free exercise of religion, so the

[/url]solution is simple

: make Islam admit that it’s NOT a religion, it’s a “totalitarian political system”, so we can legislate against it.


Did you know that mosques don’t pay tax, and that Islam is a religion that wants to dictate how we live our lives? Disgusting. What does it think it is, the Catholic Church?


Dutch. . . .NOTHING in the history of man was, and has been, and to some extent ( In Southern and Northern Ireland ) is as horrible as the Catholic Church. Being one of it's children, I can speak with some direct knowledge of this. I remember that some of my friends, when I was around ten years old telling me horro storeis about what presits and others were doing to them, and they were too scared to tell their parents,. . .who more than likely would not have believed tham anyway. . .I have to say that I, never suffered any sexual abuse,. . .but it was fairly evident that this was rampant back then. . . . It's HARD CORE, ie Opus Dei. . .the Catholic Fundamentalists. . .is the nastiest thing I can imagine. OK, I don't know a lot about Islam, other thatn what I have seen in Iraq, and Indonesia, and for a short while in South West Africa too. . .I don't like IT either. And I do not wish it to become too prevalent in MY country, although, our NEW PM, in her tenure as Home Secretary, the second most powerful office in the UK,. . . approved the setting up of 160 Sharia Courts in Britain,. . .working outside our long established legal system. . .this has got to stop. It is a travesty.


End of rant.





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I visit Indonesia a lot (no not the alternate universe of Bali on holiday, but the capital Jakarta). It's part of my job and the first time I went there was over 20 years ago. The most recent time was a few weeks ago.


I have never been treated with anything other than respect and kindness by the people there. Period. People are quite surprised when I say that because they assume "Muslim country = everyone's out to kill you" but then they've never been there, so how would they know? Sure, they have some problems with religious intolerance and crime. I'd suggest we do too. There are parts of Jakarta I'd stay away from. There are parts of Sydney I would too.


I agree that if there are "sharia courts" operating in the UK then by default they must be operating underground and they should be shutdown. They have no legal standing whatsoever.


Here in Australia some people seem to think sharia law will be implemented but in fact the opposite is true. There have been several cases where Muslims have been charged and convicted over offences against our laws even though they protested it was "sharia". Also what is considered "sharia" in the Middle East isn't necessarily considered "sharia" in other parts of Muslim society. Sharia is decreed by clerics, and just like in the Christian world, the clergy seem to often get confused over what's right and wrong!



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You need someone like Andrew Neil.

Q&A is a moderated panel discussion where the questions are asked by audience members. Many a pollie has been put on the spot and has been made to look foolish (more often those from the conservative side, funnily enough...)



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I agree that if there are "sharia courts" operating in the UK then by default they must be operating underground and they should be shutdown. They have no legal standing whatsoever.

They're not operating underground, but not a full blown court as we know it. More like an Islamic family court and financial disputes as well.


Still not a good precedent though; in a fair and free democracy it would be preferable to have one legal and court system for all citizens.


Muslim Arbitration Tribunal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Islamic Sharia Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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They're not operating underground, but not a full blown court as we know it. More like an Islamic family court and financial disputes as well.

Still not a good precedent though; in a fair and free democracy it would be preferable to have one legal and court system for all citizens.


Muslim Arbitration Tribunal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Islamic Sharia Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But.....there still is one legal system.


You can arbitrate as much as you like. "Arbitration" is a negotiation. You can negotiate for whatever you like in whatever forum you like and call it whatever you like, as long as it doesn't break the laws of the country you're in.


If you want to have a "family court" and a "financial disputes court" which operate outside the usual court system and lawyers etc, then best of luck. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and here in Australia we have many such things. In fact, even judges themselves often order negotiation between parties before they'll even actually hear the details of a dispute in a courtroom. "Judge Judy" is not a real US court. The parties agree to be bound by the decision when they appear on the show. That's their choice to operate outside the normal US legal system.


Why is there no massive outcry over it? Far from complaining, many people seem to lap it up. Aaaah.......but of course they're not personally objecting to religious practices now, are they?



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The good news Bex is Pauline is going on QandA on Monday night, less than a week after she said she wasn't going to do any more media if they weren't going to give her a "fair go". .

Unlike a few here, when I watch anything or anybody, I go in neutrally. Hanson has rarely been given a fair go except by Laurie Oakes and a few others.


Not sure exactly what a "fair go" means, so watch her implode on the ABC next week.

"fair go" probably means not continually have loaded "have you stopped beating your wife" questions thrown at you and actually allowing a person to explain themselves without interruption. - and in fairness, Hanson isn't the only one who gets that treatment, I find the Australian Press deplorable in general and extremely biased seemingly based on their own individual preference of Party.


Your fairly mouthy on the subject FT, here's a challenge for you;


Name something racist that Pauline Hanson has said or done.


And while you're at it, explain to me why worldwide the Hansons, the Trumps and the Brexits are not only gaining ground, in many instances, by the numbers, they are overtaking.



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Name something racist that Pauline Hanson has said or done.

The term 'racist' has become somewhat diluted over the years. Years ago, it meant just that, but nowdays the term is misused quite a lot.


As an example, people who are anti Islam are often branded racists. Problem is that Islam is a religion, not a race. Many Muslims are white European people, as in Albania, Bosnia, Russia and other countries. So someone who is solely anti Islam isn't racist by definition. But if they are anti Islam and anti Arab, anti Iranian etc., then they could be described as racist by some peoples definition.


I can remember when Pauline Hanson was calling for ATSIC to be abolished because of corruption. She was howled down, demonised and branded racist by the Howard government and many others. Later on the Howard government abolished ATSIC and cited corruption.


So it's no wonder people no longer listen to the wankers.



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Pauline is just a manipulator, she just understands what the ferals fear and twists the argument to her advantage by overstating the threat and promising to fight it.


She used to beat on Asians but she knows she will get prosecuted for hate speech, so know she attacks Islam.



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I think she jerks a few people's chains. The ones that love to hate her, I mean. With the amount of energy they spend freaking out about her, they could just get a life.


The reality is, she's no threat to anyone. Three senators, big deal. No reason to tear your hair out. Politicians can waffle on all they like, but at the end of the day, it's only passed legislation that affects our day to day lives. They come and go and we forget them; it's only laws that remain. She's got no chance of getting any policies realised.


I think a lot of people are happy she's back. Now they've got someone really controversial to bag all the time.


Without the likes of Pauline and Bob Katter, politics would be a big yawn.



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I would describe Pauline as being a cult like figure, ferals love her because the mainstream world keeps rejecting her simpleton ways.


The ferals that love her all the same, middle aged and oldies, white blokes, semi skilled, usually stuck in loveless marriages and or dead end jobs.



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I would describe Pauline as being a cult like figure, ferals love her because the mainstream world keeps rejecting her simpleton ways.

The ferals that love her all the same, middle aged and oldies, white blokes, semi skilled, usually stuck in loveless marriages and or dead end jobs.

My business for many years was next to Moss St, Slacks Creek, a famous automotive small business area, of who I knew many personally and many of those small business owners agree with many things Hanson has to say, but not all. That would include me, I however do not believe Hanson herself is the vehicle to carry those values and hence I didn't give her my vote. I did encourage people to understand what she was actually on about though and decide for themselves. She was responsible for making both ALP and the Libs at the time change some of their policies and answer to some much tougher questions she raised, and is one of the few Independents who has ever had that much influence.


Those Moss St small business owners certainly weren't ferals or idiots either and your inability to expand further than baseless name calling doesn't exactly put yourself into a good light.



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Pauline is just a manipulator, she just understands what the ferals fear and twists the argument to her advantage by overstating the threat and promising to fight it.

Swap Pauline for fly_tornado, and that sentence would make more sense.......



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