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Election 2016

old man emu

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Yes, performance has been very disappointing, but Billy has made it very clear that he will be spending even more.

You should vote liberal democrats, these guys don't make any secret that they are in politics to enrich themselves. They don't think the gov should stop you selling that Oakey spring water, let the free market work out if its poisonous


Election 2016: Cash for candidacy: Leaked documents show $500,000 offer to become Liberal Democratic senate candidate



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I'm sure you are wrong FT as I think you can build them with fail safe features. In any case we could build one in Australia in a safe place.


Do you know that a coal-burning power plant puts way more radioactive stuff into the atmosphere than a nuclear one does?


And do you know that Sydney and other Australian port cities often harbour nuclear reactors in visiting American ships?


I didn't say that nuclear is wonderful, I said it was the least worst.



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Funnily enough I saw my friend last night who works in nuclear power in France, he was discussing fast breeder reactors. He claimed that waste from non-fast breeder reactors can be used as fuel in fast breeder reactors, which produces waste that can be used in the non-fast breeder reactor. This cycle continues until the waste is inert. (Very simplified and possibly a bit lost in translation!)


Bit of reading here


Are fast-breeder reactors the answer to our nuclear waste nightmare? | Fred Pearce



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I've heard the same about fast-breeders, and if it's true, then I could see the benefits. I also heard they don't need a massive water source for cooling.


However on the other hand if it IS true, and the technology has been proven, then why aren't they popping up all over the place? Building a fast breeder right next to an existing nuclear plant so the waste never had to leave the premises seems like a no-brainer and political gold.



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I guess politics and money comes into play. Plus there is still that fear of nuclear power.


I had read that fast breeders can produce plutonium for use in weapons (then you'd have people claiming the government are stocking up on nukes).



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The problem with nuclear is there is plenty of money in building them but not any money in running them. Hence they are run into the ground fairly quickly and the safety mechanisms are prone to failure.

Hey FT do you know that a nuclear reactor has been quietly running about 80 kms from the center of Sydney safely for over 30 years?? check it out on google and here,s a hint ,,,,Loftus heights....................



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I fail to see the problem with waste. You could put it back where the uranium came from with no increase in surface radiation.


We see a lot of lunacy with waste these days... There was dried out old sump oil ( dramatically renamed heavy metal contamination) going to be under the concrete floor of the new hospital here in Adelaide.


Well obviously it could have jumped out of there into the kiddies food-bowls, so they spent millions and wasted weeks digging it out and backfilling... this hospital is costing 2.6 MILLION per bed now and a year or more behind.


The greenies should be partying on this great victory.



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Hey FT do you know that a nuclear reactor has been quietly running about 80 kms from the center of Sydney safely for over 30 years?? check it out on google and here,s a hint ,,,,Loftus heights....................

Over 30 years? Try closer to 50 or maybe 60. It's only a little one, mainly for research and the production of short-life isotopes for nuclear medicine and such. As a kid, way back then, I can remember the rumblings about the sort of disaster that would befall the Shire if it blew up. Then there was the ever-present danger of the oil refinery at the other end of the Shire at Kurnell.


To control the people, give them something to fear... The Kaiser, Nazism, Zionism, Japanese Imperialism, Soviet Communism, Malayan insurgents, Chinese Communism, Sunni extremism, Shi'ite extremism, Islamic State extremism, European Union dictatorship, Labor Party economic mismanagement, Coalition elitism, AFL takeovers. It's strange that nobody questions US cultural imperialism.


Getting back to disposal of spent fuel from nuclear reactors - there are miles and miles of unused shafts through the coal seams 900 ft under Sydney and the Illawarra coast. Why not make a big mix of one of sand- two of cement- one of nuclear waste and pump it to the end of a distant gallery, far, far away and let it back-fill the hole? By the time erosion exposes it, the Sun will have super-nova'd and problem solved.





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Nuclear reactors for electricity run for profit are a different ball game to medical reactors.


The reason the libs are advocating the nuclear option is the huge amounts of political donations that those big American power companies bring with them.



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Imagine all the jobs for construction and electrical trade union members that a nuclear power build would bring for the next 50 years.


Does Bill Shorten know how many new union members he is sending away and is he expecting the void to be filled by greens voters spacer.png spacer.png.


This is a completely satirical comment. I couldn't care less if there is an answer.



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I think we are nearly at a point when the greenies will discover nuclear energy as the salvation of the planet. If we start building power stations now they will come on line in time to stop global warming going over two degrees. Or maybe not. But nuclear is the obvious clean base load energy source.



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If we start building power stations now they will come on line in time to stop global warming going over two degrees.

Another way is to bung a cork in these politicians. That would stop a lot of hot air from reaching the atmosphere.



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I know this green lady who is proud of her natural organic granite benchtop.Should I tell her that granite makes a geiger counter tick?

Just tell her how it had be quarried and finished with mining machinery.


I keep seeing anti- quarry stickers on cars around here, dunno why they're even driving on the roads then, as they are so against quarrying.



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Post #141. Putting a nice hand of bananas on the granite bench top would double the radiation. But I'd love to be there for the conversation.


Almost all granite is ~4% K2O. More pink means more potassium and more radiation but still less than the 'nanas.


Thorium in granite is quite rare but quite bad. I don't know anywhere in Australia that has granite with thorium in it.


I'm with M61A1. No radiation means no sterile bandages. No quarry means no concrete, drains, bridges and so on. I had a banana with breakfast so I'm probably radioactive too because I'm ~0.4% potassium by weight. Putting tin foil on my head won't even reflect the radiation back in. Bad for the people around me ... Probably....


On the upside, I am forced to watch ABC 22 all day so I haven't seen a political ad yet. Happy days.



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What the heck is "organic" granite?


"Organic" is a word which generally irritates me. It has been hijacked so badly that it really is almost meaningless these days. Also in many cases it is used to suggest the product is much better somehow than a "non-organic" variety when in fact they're identical in every way.


On the quarrying side, I can sort of understand if a company starts a quarry just over someone's back fence why they might be upset, but quarries in principle are just a necessity. There's not really any way around that! Likewise, radioactive substances are an absolute necessity so some type of nuclear industry is essential. However again I could understand people being a bit anti if they were to have a plutonium waste dump planned just down the street. The world is littered with examples of appalling carelessness when it comes to disposing of nuclear industry byproducts, mining byproducts, etc etc.



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I think Bruce was being obtuse and facetious. "Organic" as in "wasn't cast from a blend of stone and resin binder in a cement mixer". Rather it was one piece of granite.


So a rich greenie too, with little doubt



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Post #141. Putting a nice hand of bananas on the granite bench top would double the radiation. But I'd love to be there for the conversation.

Almost all granite is ~4% K2O. More pink means more potassium and more radiation but still less than the 'nanas.


Thorium in granite is quite rare but quite bad. I don't know anywhere in Australia that has granite with thorium in it.


I'm with M61A1. No radiation means no sterile bandages. No quarry means no concrete, drains, bridges and so on. I had a banana with breakfast so I'm probably radioactive too because I'm ~0.4% potassium by weight. Putting tin foil on my head won't even reflect the radiation back in. Bad for the people around me ... Probably....


On the upside, I am forced to watch ABC 22 all day so I haven't seen a political ad yet. Happy days.

Some of the old radium aircraft gauges give off equivalent emissions of a thousand or more bananas.


So theoretically those clapped out old cargo planes flying bananas around Africa, and flying close to granite outcrops, are in real trouble in three ways at least.



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