dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Oh Andrew Bolt......Lol! You know, there are actually some conservative columnists I can take seriously. Bolt is not one of them. Championing the poor in his diatribe there. Now that is hilarious! One day someone will tell me what causes Andrew Bolt has taken up for the poor and I will be stunned. It's like Trump saying he's going to work for the down and out. That's great if he does. It will the first time, ever, in his entire life. Bolt and Trump must've both recently had an epiphany.
Bikky Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 He certainly has some "interesting" plans! I think there will be a few shocks coming and the initial reaction of international markets isn't positive. If you live in the States and haven't upgraded your mobile device or computer yet, be prepared for a minimum price increase of 45%. The great wall of Mexico. Really? How's that gong to happen without Mexican labour? Who's going to clean the houses, collect the garbage, tend the gardens, look after the children and run the errands of the middle-upper class? Interesting times ahead.
dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 The details don't matter Bikky, when you tell the angry people what they want to hear. We see that repeated in world history time and time again, yet we never get any wiser.
Bikky Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 How true! World history is interesting, to say the least. We seem to be very good at displaying a profound inability to learn from our mistakes. I think the USA is loading up and preparing to shoot itself in the foot, once again. At least they will have easier access to firearms. Then again, what choice did they have? A douchebag or a turd sandwich.
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote He certainly has some "interesting" plans! I think there will be a few shocks coming and the initial reaction of international markets isn't positive. Meh, happened after Brexit and has returned to normal now. I will be happy to see a lot of the B/S stock paper disappear anyway, big speculation has always ended in recession so a contained market will merely delay or prevent that. I'll sleep well tonight knowing some of those stocks are military/defense company ones BTW. That's an area Trump and his groups are very cluey on by the way, and I expect future decisions to be made to help keep them in check after this initial nonsense. Quote Who's going to clean the houses, collect the garbage, tend the gardens, look after the children and run the errands of the middle-upper class? . Legal Mexicans (whoever) who pay tax, that's the point. Quote If you live in the States and haven't upgraded your mobile device or computer yet, be prepared for a minimum price increase of 45%. Are you refering to the import tariffs going up? I don't think it will make a big difference, many China items are already price hiked to avoid "Dumping" accusations so an increase in tariff will be easily absorbed in a lot of cases. But anyway, more chances for national manufacturing, I support that.
dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Yeah 45% tariff hikes never made a difference to anyone, really.
Bikky Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote Legal Mexicans (whoever) who pay tax, that's the point. But they cost more to employ! Quote But anyway, more chances for national manufacturing, I support that. Let's hope that national manufacturing can provide what people want at a price they are willing to pay.
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote Oh Andrew Bolt......Lol! You know, there are actually some conservative columnists I can take seriously. Bolt is not one of them. I don't take him that seriously either most of the time, but his words aren't to far off the mark in this case, and it's the message - using the messenger is a cop out. Quote Championing the poor in his diatribe there. Now that is hilarious! It just put a man in the most powerful chair in the world today, it caused Brexit, it put Hanson in Parliament - keep laughing, your sanctimonious type attitude is the reason this is happening. Still laughing? Quote It's like Trump saying he's going to work for the down and out. That's great if he does. It will the first time, ever, in his entire life. Many Trump projects and investments have employed thousands actually, that's just a fact. Quote Not changed significantly since I was first there in 1988. Exactly, and people are sick of it. You're wrong by the way, it's the reporting methods have changed to make things look better, especially for unemployment, but I'm happy to go with your hasn't changed stance, which of course means it hasn't improved. Quote Almost entirely driven by conservative US Governments. I don't care who, I take no sides, I want some changes to happen around the globe, the killing and refugee situation, caused by the killing duh, is one of my priorities and while the scum who keep spending 600 BILLION a year on it because they fill their pockets with money from defense companies stay in power, well nothing will change. I believe Trump will spend more internally and less on that. If he increases war effort, expect me front and center to say what I think about that. That also includes dragging Australian defense into danger, antagonising China over the South Seas, giving billions of Australian money in aid to countries sympathetic to the American military machine, just bollshit all of it to make select people very wealthy while others kill for them - and get killed.
Phil Perry Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Bex. Yes,, there was turmoil after the Brexit vote, but we are STILL IN the EU. And Mrs. May has now been told thaat she can't trigger Article 50 of the EU charter without putting it to a vote in Parliament, which we already had during the referendum debate, where there was a majority of 6 to 1 FOR the referendum, with the rider that the Government would institute the wishes of the majority. As you might alrady be aware, a legal challenge was mounted by a Guyanan Lady and her charitable foundation; backed by George Soros, to backtrack on this. The Learned judges had to refer to some obscure legislation from back in the 1600s and somehow reinterpret this ( As Legal Eagles do. . .) to come up with their denial of the wishes of the aforementioned majority. The challenge therefore, went against the Government in the High Court, and is awaiting an appeal to the Supreme Court in December, which is just as likely to uphold the decision of the HC. ( SInce even a brief glance at the CVs of the SC Judges shows that they are all EU 'Troughers' This will mean that the Government need to draft a one line bill and get it passed through the HOC before the 31st of March, 2017, when the EU rules change to QMV - Qualified Majority Voting. Declaring Art. 50 after that date, in order to enable brexit to LEGALLY happen, ( UNDER EU LAW. . .) we would then require 17 of the 27 countries in the EU to agree, before we would be allowed to leave. The chances of this happening are pie in the sky, since only Germany, France and the UK are Nett CONTRIBUTORS to the EU, all the others are Nett RECEIVERS. They will fight like rats in a sack to prevent the loss of our HUGE annual EU subscription to prop up their mostly ailing economies. It's all about delaying tatics, and since Theresa May was a REMAIN accolyte, I'm sure that this is precisely what she really wants to happen; whatever she says in public. And people wonder why politicians and to a certain extent, Judiciary members with EU oriented agendas are a hated breed. . . Voting. . .Turkeys. . .Christmas ?
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote Yeah 45% tariff hikes never made a difference to anyone, really. I can only write what i wrote explaining it, I can not comprehend it for you. By the way, that affects me more than probably all of you, i intend to import into the US next year, but I don't mind, rather see a few things fixed in the world over me. Quote But they cost more to employ! .. and? Quote Let's hope that national manufacturing can provide what people want at a price they are willing to pay. Countries such as Germany (and previously the US and Oz) prove the economics of it. More expensive but everyone is employed and excellent microeconomic systems in place.
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote Bex. Yes,, there was turmoil after the Brexit vote, I was just refering to the stockmarkets which have since settled. Happens many times to many countries after a shock result. .. and yes, i am aware of what Lefts see as "Democracy", their way or the highway. big·ot noun a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote It just put a man in the most powerful chair in the world today, it caused Brexit, it put Hanson in Parliament - keep laughing, your sanctimonious type attitude is the reason this is happening. You're right. It's not funny that Hanson and Trump champion the poor yet totally could not give a toss about the poorest, most abused, poverty stricken and destitute people on the planet. Quote Many Trump projects and investments have employed thousands actually, that's just a fact. True. And not a solitary person involved in a Trump project or investment has ever been shafted by Trump, right?
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote ...and the Donald is going to fix all this.... how? Short answer is, he's not. Well as you refuse to answer me a number of times when requested, including this thread, to discuss his actual policies, probably because you would have to admit some of them are workable, then your point is moot. Oh and the exit polls show that a sizeable increase of support from Women, Latinos, Blacks, and wait for it, Mexicans, over Romney's support in 2012.
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote yet totally could not give a toss about the poorest, most abused, poverty stricken and destitute people on the planet. Just for reference, you are refering to who there? Genuine question. Quote has ever been shafted by Trump, right? Seriously? He's a businessman. That's great, should be able to shaft Saudi and Israel, or at least not be shafted - or would you rather some pizz weak negotiator in the job?
dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 A sizeable increase among women, Latinos, blacks etc over Romney? That's like saying "well I'll have you know that since taking the medication, my stools have been decidedly less smelly!" Trump and Hansen (in answer to your question).
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote A sizeable increase among women, Latinos, blacks etc over Romney? People continually accused him of sexism and racism, yet the vote does not support that, it in fact increased over their last Party Candidate. Quote Trump and Hansen (in answer to your question). My question was, who are the "poorest, most abused, poverty stricken and destitute people on the planet" that you refer to?
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 C'mon Guys get to the real issues here ... POLL: Do you want THE PRESIDENT Donald Trump To build a REAL WALL at the US/Mexico Border?
Bikky Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Planning to flee to Canada? Try accessing the immigration website first - CNNPolitics.com
bexrbetter Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote Planning to flee to Canada? Try accessing the immigration website first - CNNPolitics.com Yep, the stupidity has already started. California is going to split from the rest, blah blah. Someone mind explaining to me exactly what they are running away from? I mean the guy hasn't made one decision yet, most average people's day to day lives will be totally unaffected, so exactly what is all this gross paranoia about. If Trump really stuffs it up, economic effects that wouldn't be felt for a few years at least, then sure, people can say "told you so", but hey, let some decisions be made first or you look really stupid.
dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Quote My question was, who are the "poorest, most abused, poverty stricken and destitute people on the planet" that you refer to? Those who come from those parts of the world he wants to isolate America from, as well as those within the country at the bottom of the socio-economic scale, etc. Unless of course he backtracks on his promises and does not become an isolationist, protectionist president who goes back to the traditional "if you can afford it, that's great - if you can't, stiff" ways. Quote People continually accused him of sexism and racism, yet the vote does not support that, The vote does not support what he has actually said and done on the public record over the years?? Ok, perhaps you mean "the vote suggests people didn't care that he has been sexist and racist". That might be true to an extent. Or it might not. It actually seems to me that many people cared about it, but simply saw Hillary, as a representative of the despised "political class", as an unfathomable choice and they'd have to wear Trump's ugliness and crassness regardless.
Methusala Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 This result is a signpost to the future. It shows that the weight of opinion in the US does not believe that the empire can win in its risky strategy to dominate the world. What Trump is saying on a subliminal level is that "We can no longer afford to follow the delusion held by Wall St and lunatics like Clinton family of controlling the world". Concentrate on the homeland. I don't necessarily rejoice in this result. I think that a Clinton win would have been more dangerous. She is a proven warmaker and so the ordinary folk had to make this hard choice. A choice which Assange called that of "syphilis over gonorrhea".
dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 I'm not sure I'd put too much weight on what the election result says about the rest of the world or even much of the USA. Remember, the USA is a country where 22 million people still believe the moon landing was faked. 63 million of them believe vaccines cause autism (comprehensively debunked). 67 million of them believe aliens landed at Roswell and the US government covered it up. 96 million can't find the Pacific Ocean on a map of the world (National Geographic survey). They're just really angry and want to punish the political class, and Trump said all the right things to appeal where it matters in their electoral system (at the moment it looks like Clinton is winning the popular vote, but this doesn't always count for much in the electoral college system). Clinton only needed to win Florida to win the election and we'd be having an entirely different conversation on this thread. She didn't. Just got word a few minutes ago from a pilot friend of mine landing his B747 in San Francisco: Just landed in San Francisco and passengers (from various nations, including America) were asking if they could stay on board and just head back to Australia. The African American man working at immigration was visibly upset and told me "he (Trump) doesn't represent everyone". The Mexican bus driver said he couldn't believe it. There is an air of disbelief and an edge of anger.
Soleair Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjQvKf7yJzQAhXJFZQKHWw9DcIQ3ywIGzAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D9EH1G4EwljM&usg=AFQjCNEQTkWJzpgiy32WNHmo2EvDd59KJA&sig2=QUsPwhKnMs3KFM3hAUwiJQ
dutchroll Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 I doubt we're doomed in the long run. At least I hope not. Trump, the bombastic, arrogant, and selfish businessman, will likely get a quick reality check in dealing with the rest of the world and the deep internal conflicts in his own country. He can't just stand in front of a fist-pumping crowd of supporters chanting "lock her up lock her up" anymore. He'll be constrained by the rule of law unless he turfs it out entirely, and the practicalities of having to negotiate things both domestically and internationally or he really will find himself without many friends - including Putin.
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