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Yes polls in the US show similar results. No answer to my two simple questions...?

Ask sensible questions and I'll answer you.


Those people who support banning muslim immigration are possibly frightened (not helped by the fear-mongering of Western governments, over-saturation of news reporting on terrorist attacks - which the Donald apparently wants more of - and lack of consideration of the statistical likelihood of ever being personally affected by terrorism).


Now a polling company rings up and says "would you ban muslims from emigrating to your country?" and their answer, unsurprisingly, is "yes" in a majority of cases.


If you were somehow able to introduce every respondent to an average muslim family, be a fly on the wall at their dinner time, watch them tuck their kids in bed, in short get to realise that in every way that matters they are exactly the same as you, and THEN ask the question, do you think the answer would be the same?


Ignorance leads to fear and fear leads to intolerance. As to where intolerance leads, ask the Jews about that. (Unless you're one of those flakes who think the holocaust didn't happen).



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Banning muslim refugees from finding sanctuary actually helps terrorists, the media hasn't explained this very well because the media survives on conflict and fear



Wow...."the media survives on conflict and fear", I think that's an accurate statement, now if you could just apply it to most of the stuff you're referring to.


After watching a doco (SBS or ABC) a few weeks ago, where a reporter was embedded with some muslims who were supposed to be the "good guys" fighting against isis, I'm even less convinced than ever that there are "moderate" ones. The reporter was trying hard to show them as downtrodden normal people, but they were no different from the ones they were fighting



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Ask sensible questions and I'll answer you.

They are very simple, and sensible. Should be easy for you:

1) What do you call Obama's six month ban on Iraqi refugees?


2) And why is the USA obliged to accept people from these - or any countries - if its citizens vote not to?


If you were somehow able to introduce every respondent to an average muslim family, be a fly on the wall at their dinner time, watch them tuck their kids in bed, in short get to realise that in every way that matters they are exactly the same as you.

You have done this? Been in the same house with a true Moslem family at bedtime? (Forbidden in Islam BTW; any friendship with non-Mos is completely haram). Or are you referring only to non-adherent Moslems who are no more religious than you are?



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GNu is triggered by the idea of a his daughter or grand daughter taking on the veil


After watching a doco (SBS or ABC) a few weeks ago, where a reporter was embedded with some muslims who were supposed to be the "good guys" fighting against isis, I'm even less convinced than ever that there are "moderate" ones. The reporter was trying hard to show them as downtrodden normal people, but they were no different from the ones they were fighting

It sounds like Northern Ireland



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You have done this? Been in the same house with a true Moslem family at bedtime? (Forbidden in Islam BTW; any friendship with non-Mos is completely haram).

Have YOU Gnu?????


When you say "True Moslem family, what do you me. When using YOUR definition of true Moslem family, what percentage of the word's 1'6 billion Muslims would fall into your definition of "Real Muslims" You see I think that if every one of those 1.6 Bill wanted to kill me I would be dead by now. I actually live directly opposite the Newport mosque and when I moved there I did, if I am totally honest as an atheist I did have some misgivings, but my actual experience has been neither positive or negative. My biggest gripe is occasionally they are crap at parking on a Friday.


So an honest question to you would be, am I in danger from these people, the first 5 years has been OK and the guy who works in the local IGA seems polite but ohhh maybe he is plotting against me!


Evan as an atheist I do have 2 Muslim friends, one is reasonably devout but is quite shy and does not talk about it, the other is a college who is Iranian although she calls her self Persian BECAUSE SHE AND HER FAMILY ESCAPED FROM IRAN BECAUSE THEY HATED THE OPPRESSION. I know you are afraid of these people and you think they want to kill you but in this case you are just totally misguided. I know I can not ease your fears but honestly if you met these people I am sure you would be able to judge them on WHO THEY ARE. If you have a message or questions for my 2 friends, I will happily pass them along for answers.


I realise that I could never change your opinion and you have every right to express it as do I.In my opinion perhaps you should get out more and perhaps meet some of the scary people (I wonder what your Jesus would do?)


I know that you will answer this post with suggestions that I am naive or stupid or a leftard, that is your right especially since I know you hate political correctness. I am sure you would defend my right to say what I think without being censored by political correctness (it cuts both ways you know).


I feel that you are not a particularly sophisticated person and you are easily frightened by things that are different. I feel that even though you proclaim your christianty loudly and often you would happily send a destitute refuge family back to their war torn country in order to ENHANCE YOUR FEELING OF SECURITY.


I work in cosmopolitan Footscray as a music teacher, I do not give a sh!t whether my students are christian,muslim, hindu jehovah witt. are whatever, I JUDDGE EACH PERSON AS AN INDIVIDUAL. I know you might this find this to hard understand but this is my honest opinion. Many so called christains have raped kids but I do not judge every christian by this yardstick, I am intelligent and sophisticated enough JUDGE INDIVIDUALS!!!


mods feel free to ban me if this is over the top!



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BTW why are you constantly trawling through my profile like Dutch does?


GG, just a suggestion, re: visiting peoples profiles. I've done it several times by mistake. What happens is when you click on the flag in the left hand menu (the one that alerts you to new posts in a thread you've subscribed to), it will bring up two blue coloured links - one the posters name and the other the thread title. To view the post, you have to click the thread title link. It's very close to the posters name link which will take you to their profile. Unless you're very accurate with your clicking, it's easy to accidentally hit the wrong link. This will take you to their profile, and they will get a message saying you've viewed their profile. It happens fairly regularly.


Cheers, Willie.



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Yes I have for dinner several times. But obviously nominal born-into-it Moslems like your acquaintances. And I don't fear them at all, I fear for you. BTW why are you constantly trawling through my profile like Dutch does?



Gnu are you talking about me, yes I did look at your profile, please tell me in what way that could be described as trawling??????? of course you wont answer that. If you really want to know why I looked at your profile and yes I did look at your profile (sorry if you find that offensive or scary) is that I is was intending to send you a private message. I was going to send you some pictures (with her knowledge an approval) of my friend and college Azedeh whom you clearly fear and hate. I have a picture of her in school in Iran (wearing a nijab) and recent pictures of her mountain climbing as a modern young woman. SHE IS NOT A THREAT TO YOU OR ME. I just don't understand why you are so filled with fear and hate :(



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1) What do you call Obama's six month ban on Iraqi refugees?

Trump says Obama banned refugees too. He’s wrong.


Suggest you get your facts straight instead of parroting far-right BS.


2) And why is the USA obliged to accept people from these - or any countries - if its citizens vote not to?

Please show me a Trump election promise to ban entry from those countries with no warning or planning. If that wasn't one of his election platforms, then the US population (the minority that voted for him, anyway) didn't vote not to accept people from those countries. That's like saying the Australian population voted to award Prince Philip a fake knighthood.


You have done this? Been in the same house with a true Moslem family at bedtime? (Forbidden in Islam BTW; any friendship with non-Mos is completely haram). Or are you referring only to non-adherent Moslems who are no more religious than you are?



But given that even the barking mad conservatives haven't discovered that muslim kids are statistically any more likely to suffer from neglect or abuse then I think it's fair to say that your average muslim family have a perfectly normal bedtime routine. Probably mutter a few prayers but then again so do a lot of other god-botherers.


What do you think they get up to at bedtime? A bit of satanic worship? Sacrifice a child or two?


Questions answered. Anything else I can set you straight on Gnu? It'd be a massive undertaking but I'm here to serve.



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re: visiting peoples profiles. I've done it several times by mistake.

Sure. Probably not six times in a row though.


But given that even the barking mad conservatives haven't discovered that muslim kids are statistically any more likely to suffer from neglect or abuse

They are indoctrinated to hate Jews from early childhood. Even most of the the 'moderates' demonstrate this trait. Chat to them, it comes out. A significant percentage of the girls have their genitals mutilated; it's awful for them.



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But given that even the barking mad conservatives haven't discovered that muslim kids are statistically any more likely to suffer from neglect or abuse then I think it's fair to say that your average muslim family have a perfectly normal bedtime routine.

How do we feel about this then? Take note of the European countries, UK in particular (cases by the thousands and too useless to prosecute)


Prevalence of female genital mutilation by country - Wikipedia



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Sure. Probably not six times in a row though.

Get over yourself gnu, not much to see anyway. If you are talking about me then please state that. If you are talking about me then yes I visited your profile more than once because I was not sure hot to send you a picture in a private message. Do you have a problem with this? What is your explanation for a member looking at your profile (which does not contain much) more than once? Does anyone else think (if gnu is referring to me) I have carried out some unreasonable act?



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How do we feel about this then? Take note of the European countries, UK in particular (cases by the thousands and too useless to prosecute)

Prevalence of female genital mutilation by country - Wikipedia

Yep FGM is appalling, as is the abuse of kids in some christian churches. I condemn it completely as do many people in these faiths. i also condemn rape but because some men rape does not mean all men condone rape. I refuse to be judged by the behaviour of some of my fellow men.



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Yep FGM is appalling, as is the abuse of kids in some christian churches. I condemn it completely as do many people in these faiths. i also condemn rape but because some men rape does not mean all men condone rape. I refuse to be judged by the behaviour of some of my fellow men.

What would propose would address the problem? If the reports are correct, it certainly seems more of a problem in places that have had a high intake of Muslim asylum seekers. It is clear that for a good portion of them, their religion is more important than the law of their new country. I would feel a whole lot better about it if government stopped being so PC about it, and held them accountable as anyone else would be. Rolf Harris for example is doing time, while the perpetrators of Rotherham remain free because the authorities are afraid of being called "racist".


Essentially, if our authorities won't hold to the same standards as the rest of the population, why would we want them?


I had an Egyptian friend a while back, and some of the conversations I overheard while at his shop did very little to convince me many of them have any respect for our way of life. Even in our own country, we are "tolerated" as a mean to an end. You may mix with a better class, I have seen and lived among the lower end of the spectrum.



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What would propose would address the problem?

We investigate and prosecute the guilty as best as we can as we are attempting the do with child abuse in the church, what we don't do is consider a whole group of people to be guilty for the crimes of a few people.



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I had an Egyptian friend a while back, and some of the conversations I overheard while at his shop did very little to convince me many of them have any respect for our way of life. Even in our own country, we are "tolerated" as a mean to an end. You may mix with a better class, I have seen and lived among the lower end of the spectrum.

People coming from the middle east are much tougher and physically and mentally more resilient than us. Its inevitable that they will rise to the top, its the same with every migrant class. Trump's mother was an illegal Irish immigrant



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We investigate and prosecute the guilty as best as we can as we are attempting the do with child abuse in the church, what we don't do is consider a whole group of people to be guilty for the crimes of a few people.

Just prosecuting the perpetrators would be a start.


People coming from the middle east are much tougher and physically and mentally more resilient than us. Its inevitable that they will rise to the top, its the same with every migrant class. Trump's mother was an illegal Irish immigrant

So why do we need to treat them as if they are so fragile?



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What would propose would address the problem?

I think the low number of prosecutions is not due to some kind of PC conspiracy or that the police don't care but rather it is a difficult crime to detect, indeed how does it come to the attention of the authorities? Unless the police are alerted, how can they possibly know. Are you are suggesting that FGM is the norm? I am not sure where one could find factual figures. But I agree FGM is barbaric as I am sure you do, I am not sure though how stopping immigration from places where this happens would reduce the incidence in fact I would imagine the rate amongst people who have moved here would be less than back in the home country (I don't have figures but it seems to be logical)



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^^ then I trigger your wife by calling her fat old bag who smells like urine ^^ and suddenly I'm the bad guy for saying what everyone is thinking


So why do we need to treat them as if they are so fragile?

Playing into their hands but you can't stop immigrants unless you want to raise your kids to clean toilets for a living



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