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No one is "terrified" of a plebiscite. It's just a waste of millions of dollars when any well-run poll will prove that the vast majority of Australians just want them to do their jobs and remove those words that John Howard put in the Marriage Act.


Apparently we don't need plebiscites to go to war, or spend billions on fighters and submarines.



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Mmm. Interesting how acceptance of homosexuality can be confused with promotion.

Yes... and how it only seems to scare people who aren't secure enough in their own sexuality. It must be terrifying for them if they believe that sexual orientation is a "lifestyle choice", because it means that they themselves could start lusting after someone of the same gender...




It's a crying shame that those of us who aren't, focus on such a miniscule part of other people's character. Using similar criteria, those of us who like to hang out with the boys to play sport, engage in a recreational pastime, or just enjoy a few beers, could be considered to have strong same-sex interpersonal behaviours. It's just that members of this group of males do not engage in full on sexual activity.


If we cast aside the sexual activity part of their lives, we should concentrate on the significant contributions this other group has made to the advancement of Society over time.


As far as I am concerned, as long as a person shows up to work as required and puts in a fair day's work, I don't care which side they bat for.






I would like to see a plebiscite on gay marriage as I don;t trust the politicians to do what is right. A plebiscite would give all Australians a say in what I consider is an important issue.


I believe marriage is for a man and a woman, but as far as I know it is perfectly legal for 2 men or 2 women to live together, plus they can get just about all the perks that a married couple get. Maybe someone can explain what they don't get.


My fear is that gay couples can bring up children to use them and also indoctrinate them in gay ways.


I really cannot see any advantage in them getting married except to say they are married.


Funny thing is I have 3 grandchildren. One is married and has decided not to have kids, the other two have kids and are not married.



My fear is that gay couples can bring up children to use them and also indoctrinate them in gay ways.

You can't catch it.


But your other argument is that they can already live together and get "about all the perks a married couple get", which includes bringing up kids. So if they're doing that anyway, what difference will the marriage certificate make?


I think of it as discrimination, pure and simple. Us 90% can have something but you 10% over there can't, because your skin is the wrong colour, or you worship the wrong god, or you love the wrong person.




Oh get over it, there is no discrimination. They are free to marry already, everyone in Australia that is old enough is free to get married. What a boring topic, good luck trying to appease perpetual moaners.



Oh get over it, there is no discrimination. They are free to marry already, everyone in Australia that is old enough is free to get married. What a boring topic, good luck trying to appease perpetual moaners.

Oh good! So they're free to marry the person they love rather than be restricted to a gender they have no interest in? They'll be so happy you sorted that out for them Gnu.


If you don't like them moaning, then by all means bend the ear of your local LNP member and let them know that you're sick of the whole issue and can they please convince their more rabid members to let Turnbull allow a conscience vote, that'll get it out of the way.




No because I'm not a moaning, whinging, demanding, carping harpy for a start. And secondly the politicians already know the general public's mood on this, hence they fear the plebiscite. And I can tell you the more the 1.5% continue to harp the less popular it becomes.




Immigration total numbers are the big issue. Australia has an insane level of immigration.


Big immigration benefits those who own lots of property to the extent that they can afford to sponsor the 2 political parties to keep it going. Even Xenophon owns several rental properties.


For the rest of us, big immigration is a disaster. How can kids buy a house these days? Do you know that half your electricity bill goes towards expanding the grid? Where are the plans to feed everybody in 50 years?


Well finally the ordinary people have started voting for anti-immigration parties. And yes you get some bad things as baggage in say the Hanson party but they are the only hope of reducing the insane level of immigrants.


It is also obviously true that not all immigrants are equally prepared to adapt to our way of life and some pose a bigger risk than others. How can you dispute Gnarly saying that?




Immigration in Australia is driven by the need to maintain demand and prices for property, the property developers will pay off Hanson the same way they paid off Labor and the Libs. If you believe Hanson is an honest player you really deserve her.




Well Hanson says she would reduce immigration to Australia down from about 220,000 to 70,000.


Who else would you vote for if you think this is the biggest issue?


Also, the saving of CO2 from fewer immigrants would beat the wishy-washy targets of the main parties.




AND she flies a Jabiru, or at least One Nation owns one. There is a picture of it on this forum. AND she has been the victim of dreadful treatment, the perpetrators of which would now be in jail if some decent aliens came and did some Nuremburg-type trials here.




no that's Ashby who owns the Jab, he's also acting as a commercial pilot by flying her around, he is as much a part of the LNP party system as she is.


Since she has become a senator PHON hasn't offered any legislation at all.




I don't want to harp on about what a bunch of idiots PHON are but this is as good issue to highlight how incompetent they are


GST law right? pretty basic stuff. Register your organisation, get an ABN, register for the GST, and start submitting your quarterly BAS statements.


So you join PHON and pay GST on your membership




but where does the GST go?




surely they know the legal basics




Bruce asks where are the plans to feed everybody? We have got it sorted in Qld.


Build a big dam near rocky, flood a load of good agricultural land to provide water for coal mines.


Build the worlds biggest coal mine on grazing land, they call it Adani and it is Indian, Enlarge the Shoalwater Bay military training area, get rid of all the grazing property owners and make a bunch of dollars renting it to Singapore. That is just the recent plans for agriculture, but don't forget the opening of our borders to food from overseas which has brought in disease. At least nobody will be able to complain about prawns being bad for them. There will be no prawns.



Immigration total numbers are the big issue. Australia has an insane level of immigration.Big immigration benefits those who own lots of property to the extent that they can afford to sponsor the 2 political parties to keep it going. Even Xenophon owns several rental properties.


For the rest of us, big immigration is a disaster. How can kids buy a house these days? Do you know that half your electricity bill goes towards expanding the grid? Where are the plans to feed everybody in 50 years?


Well finally the ordinary people have started voting for anti-immigration parties. And yes you get some bad things as baggage in say the Hanson party but they are the only hope of reducing the insane level of immigrants.


It is also obviously true that not all immigrants are equally prepared to adapt to our way of life and some pose a bigger risk than others. How can you dispute Gnarly saying that?

Why do you think immigration is the biggest issue?


We do immigration really well in this country because we're already a country where over 50% of people are either immigrants, or have a parent who's an immigrant. (I'm one of them, my dad came from Sri Lanka in the 1950's).


Many european countries have a reasonably homogenous population who've been there for many generations. They get immigrants in and instead of settling them properly they bung them in some corner of a city where they've already put the last 10,000 from that country and leave them to find a way to survive. Insular ghettos ensue.


Obviously not all immigrants are equally prepared to adapt to our way of life, by the same token there are thousands of "Aussie" bogans who don't share a normal law-abiding way of life either. I would challenge anyone that says that immigrants are a bigger risk, in any category of crime, than people born in Australia, to prove their assertions with hard data.




[quote="Marty_d, post: 602931,


We do immigration really well in this country because we're already a country where over 50% of people are either immigrants, or have a parent who's an immigrant.


That's not an overly good way to measure goodness of immigration. Using that same logic places like immigration detention islands must do immigration really really well.



Pauline on Sharia banking - interest free loans. Note Jabiru behind her.


can Pauline actually name a single sharia bank operating in Australia? She voted to get rid of Rod Culleton her WA senator because he wanted a royal commission into banking


If you want to see what a waste of space Pauline is watch senate estimates, if she ever turns up you can see how out of her depth she is.



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