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Republican win


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Ahhh, the sweet news I have been waiting to see. spacer.png


Trump just said;


"The F-35 program (fighter jets) and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th".


As you have seen many times, I predicted that ultimately to fund his Nationalism programs, Trump would have to pull money from the obscene 600 billion dollar military budget.


The World wins if he carries this through, not to shabby to give that money to his own people who actually need it either rather than blowing up the Middle East of behalf of Israel..


There can be no putting Trump down for this - mind you he might get put down for it, a genuine concern when you tamper with the World's most corrupt machine.



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Would you agree that this indication from Trump is a sign that a business man will be running the country, and not a politician. Maybe he will be recorded in History as Trump the Toe-cutter.


I can see only benefits for the USA if Trump reins in the Military-Industrial complex which President Eisenhower warned his people about in the early 1950's. And if Trump manages to do that, the West might be in for a period of peace. I'm not saying that the USA should beat all its swords into ploughshares, but its military could do a great deal of good within the borders of the USA if it withdrew from unwinnable pissing contests.





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Ahhh, the sweet news I have been waiting to see. spacer.png

Trump just said;


"The F-35 program (fighter jets) and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th".


As you have seen many times, I predicted that ultimately to fund his Nationalism programs, Trump would have to pull money from the obscene 600 billion dollar military budget.


The World wins if he carries this through, not to shabby to give that money to his own people who actually need it either rather than blowing up the Middle East of behalf of Israel..


There can be no putting Trump down for this - mind you he might get put down for it, a genuine concern when you tamper with the World's most corrupt machine.

Kudos to him if he can pull it off.


I heard Christopher "Whiney" Pyne on the radio this morning still saying that despite the cost overruns and delays and problems and all the rest of it, the JSF was still "the best aircraft for Australia, and the rest of the world"....





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I wonder what the reaction will be to Trump's pick for Secretary of State, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.


At the risk of appearing a tad cynical, I would guess the mere mention of the word oil executive would get the bleeding hearts' ears wiggling.


But for what it's worth, here's my take on it. Three of the main areas of interest and concern to the U.S. are the Middle East, Russia and China. This is where the peace and prosperity will be made, or conversely, where the potential conflict will occur. Rex Tillerson, in his corporate role, has a history of solid links and business partnerships in many countries. He knows the art of diplomacy, negotiation, and how to forge a good deal.


Forget all the BS dished up to us by the MSM; oil and gas is what it is all about. It's where the money is made and where the wars start. A Secretary of State who has had many business partnerships with Russian oil corporations and has also been awarded the Russian Medal of Friendship, the highest honour awarded to a non-Russian citizen, is hardly likely to want to bomb the c**p out of the country because he's too stupid to think of any other way to deal with them.


Russia has the world's largest reserves of oil and gas but they don't have the capital to exploit the potential. They need foreign investment and the U.S. would like a slice of the pie. The present administration has always thought the best way to deal with the Russian Federation is to head-butt them. Throw Tillerson into the equation and it has the potential of a win/win situation. And the same would go for the Middle East and China.


To sum up, Trump's administration has the potential to be a lot smarter administration than their predecessor by a long way (not a hard task). The Empire of Chaos has a good chance to redeem itself and to work with the world in a peaceful, respectful and mutually prosperous way. And who knows - after four years of that, they may regain a lot of lost respect.


More Tillersons and less Sarah Palins and Trump might be on a winner.



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Looks like the good 'ole boys in the CIA are ganging up against Trumpy too,. . .got to protect their little empire, can't have some redneck telling them they can't take over whatever counrty they want to. . . I wonder if they've cosidered that all the Redneck Trump states are the ones with all the guns ?. . .that might not end well. . .!





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Looks like the good 'ole boys in the CIA are ganging up against Trumpy too,. . .got to protect their little empire, can't have some redneck telling them they can't take over whatever counrty they want to. . . I wonder if they've cosidered that all the Redneck Trump states are the ones with all the guns ?. . .that might not end well. . .!spacer.png

How to pick CIA/FBI agents in a Redneck State?


They're the ones driving black SUVs; wearing suits and dark sunglasses, and carry hand guns. The locals drive pickups; wear bib & brace overalls; squint into the Sun, and carry rapid fire military style rifles (just for huntin' game, mind ya.)





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How to pick CIA/FBI agents in a Redneck State?They're the ones driving black SUVs; wearing suits and dark sunglasses, and carry hand guns. The locals drive pickups; wear bib & brace overalls; squint into the Sun, and carry rapid fire military style rifles (just for huntin' game, mind ya.)




Oh NO ! . . .Country dude blokes in bib overalls drivin' pickups ? ?? Not like them blokes who shot the two bikers in that movie ? ? ?



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  • 2 weeks later...

See what BetterBex wrote on 6 March 2016"




I happen to think Trump's got some decent policies actually, it's a shame the Far Left are terrified of him and have started the campaign of all campaigns to make him look really stupid, you can't open Facebook without seeing a new "Stupid Trump" meme, it's so bad that it's backfiring on them, the publicity is helping, not disturbing his campaign.





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the Far Left are terrified of him and have started the campaign of all campaigns to make him look really stupid, you can't open Facebook without seeing a new "Stupid Trump" meme, it's so bad that it's backfiring on them, the publicity is helping, not disturbing his campaign.

Funny thing that, it turned out to be true, despite the best efforts of the leftard media and "celebrities" he got in, by the way, to all the clowns who said they were going to Canada if he got in ON YA BIKE.



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Then Planedriver said:Quick History Lesson.


If Donald Trump wins the election, it will be the first time in history that a billionaire has moved into public housing, that was vacated specially for him by a black family!

I was quite amused when my mate Erich, ( A German, but working in the UK for the last 10 years ) said more or less EXACTLY the same thing. . . . I always thought that Germans had no sense of humour. . .who knew ?



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