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Republican win


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Then Planedriver said:Quick History Lesson.


If Donald Trump wins the election, it will be the first time in history that a billionaire has moved into public housing, that was vacated specially for him by a black family!

No it won't... just that usually pay off the council to re-zone, evict the black family, then tear down the public housing and build a tower....



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Just before Christmas, I had a visit from a young lad and his utterly Drop Dead Gorgeous Wife. . . . and he bought me a bottle of Vodka, which my Daughters inhaled.. . .I managed a small drop with a bit of ice and it tasted like red diesel, HOWEVER, he thought it was good stuff, and had bought it in Russia, just for me, so it was the thought that counted.


I first met him about ten years ago, when he turned up at Tatenhill airfield just for a 'Look around' and apparenty, just because his English wasn't too good, one of the club members sent him up to me in the tower, as I was on Air / gorund radio dutiy that morning, and they knew that I spoke bit of Russian. ( Long story ) So between calls from various aircraft, I discovered that he had been sent from Ukraine to live with his Aunt, whilst studying at college. . . but that she had died from a heart attack less than 5 months following his arrival, so he was having to go back to Ukraine shortly, but wanted to know as much as possible about flying.


Being an idiot for shaggy dog stories, after I'd finshed my shift at 1 PM, I took him for a fly in a C-172, and he was in heaven.. . .I always allow passengers to have a feel of the controls, as I am sure that a lot of you have done in similar circumstances. This lad was a 'Natural' . . (.if such a thing exists ) He had 'The Feel' no overcontrolling,. . .and did precisely what he was asked to do. ( What instructor does not pray daily for such a subject ? )


Before he had to return to Kiev due to Visa regs, I flew with him for around 18 hours, in assorted aircraft, and he REALLY enjoyed the Bellanca Decathlon, and flying inverted for a while, along with some gentle aeros which didn't bother him at all.


He tells me that his family were originally from Crimea, and he managed to get accepted into the Russian Airforce, and is currently flying 'Fast Aircraft' it was fairly obvious that he was not allowed to tell me anything else. . . .However,. . .he did show me a photograph of himself and some friends in full combat regalia, with aircraft in the background which looked to me suspiciously like front line Russian fighters.. . . He said that he Coudn't leave me a copy of the photo. . . otherwise it would be on this page. DID PHIL TEACH HIM TO FLY ? ? ? no NOT AT ALL. . .I was just a nice bloke who recognised a kindred spirit and I hope that things don't go bad between our countries to the point where he is instructed to drop a bomb on my house. . . .I am SURE that he would do it, . . .but feel very bad afterwards. . . . .


The bastard has an evil sense of humour, as he just sent me this. . . . .( Did I say that his Wife was gorgeous ?. . .yes I think I did. . . )


The Russkies Love Trumpy - - -apparently. . . .? Maybe they 'Hacked' the election for him. . . .?





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Oh,. . . .we have a 'FLYING INSTRUCTOR' sandbagging on here who knows me personally, giving me grief via email. . . .


SInce you are having a 'GO' at me on a Foreign Forum, I am not going to respond to you via the Club email address, I will respond right here, and RIGHT NOW. YOU ARSE.


Why don't you comment on this forum mate ?. . . I've got nothing to hide you stupid twot. And another thing,. . .if I had reported you to the CAA for that bloody stupid thing you did to us whilst I was LEGALLY back-tracking a runway, with 3 Pax, after announcing intentions via radio, and you DELIBERATELY short cut the circuit and flew directly AT me WITH A STUDENT ON BOARD, forcing me to exit the runway to the left and damage a runway light in the process, I would be quite happy to discuss this with you on THIS forum.. .


Were you aware about the CAA regulation regarding the occupation of runways ?. . .ie, if a runway is OCCUPIED then you can't use it AND SHOULD GO AROUND ?




Bear in mind that there were nine witnesses to that act at the time, and I know who eight of them are. . . .I would like my friends on here to see what sort of childish TWAT is allowed to hold a flying instructor certifcate in the UK. Pesonally I think your licence to fly anything should be revoked, because with an attitude like yours mate, one day you are going to be star in an AAIB report.


You have proved to me that you are not a good INSTRUCTOR, and this is not just because you gave me a mountain of grief when I was unfortunate enough to get YOU as a qualified person to give ME a revalidation, you did your BEST to make me look like an utter fool, you began when you noticed that my logbook contained TWICE the amount of flying hours which you had, . . .this was pointed out by the CFI and NOT by me . . .you said, and I quote,. . ."Ahhh. . .an EXPERT eh ?. We'll soon see about that "


The whole 'Lesson' was a disaster, with you grabbing the controls on a crosswind takeoff without any 'I have Control' niceties. . .and then taking the piss out of every single manouvre we carried out. I have taken many checkrides in my lifetime, . . .these are part and parcel of being a pilot and quite rightly so, but this was the FIRST time ever that I had ever been subjected to the kind of abuse that you exhibited . . . .Every pilot ought to be tested to his full range of knowledge on a reval, and I will be the first to agree that standard really DO need to be maintained, but that event was an excercse in stupidity. . .yours not mine mate.


This was the reason that I said. . ." You have control" took off my headset, and moved my seat back and folded my arms. . .. .


Ball in your court. I have not identified you personally yet,. . .but if you have not got the bollox to put your case about what a twat you think I am AND WHY on an open forum, along with pilots who would make you look like a complete amateur, then I may well do so.


This is the wonder of the interwebbythingummy mate. . . .sometimes your twitter / emails cause problems for you.


Happy new year you twat.



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But since we're talking about Trump....


Apparently he plans to create another "fossil fuel boom". Ex-head of the EPA says she fears for her grand-children's future under his administration.


People can cherry-pick possible positives from this clown's presidency (closer ties with Vlad, ditching the TPP, etc), but the fact remains that this is a backward-looking, money-focused braggart who (I predict) will do immense damage to the environment and social progress both within the US and without (as David Suzuki says, the environment doesn't recognise political borders).


He is the equivalent of Australia electing Pauline Hanson's One Nation, not as a minor party in the senate, but as a major party with her as Prime Minister. While about 4% of the population obviously think she's a good thing, the rest of us know she's an ignorant clown and wouldn't trust her as local dog catcher, let alone PM.


In my opinion, and yes, this is all opinion, just like pretty much everything on the internet these days, Uncle Sam should henceforth be depicted in a corner with a dunce hat in place of his stripey topper. For all those who voted him in, and all those who didn't vote to keep him out.... you idiots.


End of rant.



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So now the incoming POTUS won't believe his own intelligence agencies... (just because they say Russia meddled in the election... and they'd hardly put their d1cks on the chopping block without proof...)


Wonder how many people are regretting their vote about now. Gee I hope the Democrats can get a person of Obama's quality ready for the next election, I predict the Republicans will be a bit on the nose for a few years.



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If Trump does half the things the leftards say he will someone will probably shoot him, oh by the way calling people idiots for there voting choice makes you a bigot..

I am not so worried about what the left say he will do, I am more worried about what HE has said he will do.


Don't you think using the term "leftard" is a bit undignified and childish? I presume the "tard" comes from retarded perhaps you think that if I don't share your world view I must have Downs Syndrome. I am sure you could present more meaning full arguments than the type of name calling that most of us gave up when we went to secondary school. I would agree that calling people idiots for there political beliefs could be considered bigotry but my political beliefs probably vary from yours but I can assure you that I do not have any intellectual dissabilities,



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If Trump does half the things the leftards say he will someone will probably shoot him, oh by the way calling people idiots for there voting choice makes you a bigot..

If someone votes in someone patently unfit to govern, then yes, I call them an idiot. I also call Democrat voters who didn't get out to vote against him, idiots. So if you think that makes me a bigot, fair enough, now ask me how much I care.



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So it boils down to this - Democracy = Idiots rule.

No, sometimes the punters get it right, sometimes they don't. Every democracy has some great leaders who only foul up occasionally, most of the time it's fairly inoffensive mediocrities, then you have your George Dubya's and Tony Abbott's.



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I think it was some guy called Plato who was the first to say "Democracy is government by the lowest common denominator", or words to that effect.


And still holds true 2000 years later.


Somebody more recent has commented that in spite of its flaws, it's the best we've come up with.


But I'm not sure what that has to do with "Republican win" - (thread title)



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I think it was some guy called Plato who was the first to say "Democracy is government by the lowest common denominator", or words to that effect.

And still holds true 2000 years later.


Somebody more recent has commented that in spite of its flaws, it's the best we've come up with.


But I'm not sure what that has to do with "Republican win" - (thread title)

Wasn't it Winston Churchill? "Democracy is the worst system of government... except for all the others", or words to that effect.



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No, sometimes the punters get it right, sometimes they don't.

Marty, that only depends on what side you look at it from. Winners grin and losers spin, no matter what the outcome. Western democratic elections are usually so close that around half the voters think the result was right, and half think it was wrong.


Take those crazy years of Dubya's reign for example. You and I might think the punters got it wrong, but at the time, half the U.S. voters thought it was right. Otherwise he wouldn't have been elected for eight years. It's all a matter of how the individual perceives it from where they stand.



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Marty, that only depends on what side you look at it from. Winners grin and losers spin, no matter what the outcome. Western democratic elections are usually so close that around half the voters think the result was right, and half think it was wrong.

Take those crazy years of Dubya's reign for example. You and I might think the punters got it wrong, but at the time, half the U.S. voters thought it was right. Otherwise he wouldn't have been elected for eight years. It's all a matter of how the individual perceives it from where they stand.

While you're absolutely right in what you're saying, voter perception is not the only measure of the success of a leader.


What that person achieves while in office can be measured objectively, as regards the impacts of their policies and decisions - financially, socially, etc.


Many can only be measured years after the person leaves office. Reagan's war on drugs, for example, which while popular with many voters at the time, has been a hugely expensive failure - resulting only in overcrowded prisons and a booming black market with organised crime profiting from human misery.



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Marty, a bureaucratic solution to your perception of a 'failing' war on drugs (& more recently the war of terror), will be for the advisors & lobbyists to get the government of the day to allocate ever more of the taxpayers money to their committees & departments. There is very little democratic input to that process.


I agree that prohibition only creates ever more corruption, crime & misery. Oh, and more employment in the policing/ incarceration industry



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Reagan's war on drugs, for example, which while popular with many voters at the time, has been a hugely expensive failure

That's because it wasn't a war. Rodrigo Duterte has an actual war on drug dealers and it is producing outstanding positive results and is hugely popular amongst Philippinos. Sure you might hate it because the leftmedia told you to, but the locals living there love it as they see the benefits. And all it took was to declare criminals who have no regard for the law or others rights as outlaws.



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While you're absolutely right in what you're saying, voter perception is not the only measure of the success of a leader.

What that person achieves while in office can be measured objectively, as regards the impacts of their policies and decisions - financially, socially, etc.

Even then, a lot of what they achieve objectively, is subjective as to whether it is a positive or negative outcome. There are people out there that still view Gillard as a success, but most don't.



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If someone votes in someone patently unfit to govern, then yes, I call them an idiot. I also call Democrat voters who didn't get out to vote against him, idiots. So if you think that makes me a bigot, fair enough, now ask me how much I care.

Gee and someone thinks the word leftard is wrong.



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Gee and someone thinks the word leftard is wrong.

Yeah, probably shouldn't use "right wing nut job" either.


That's because it wasn't a war. Rodrigo Duterte has an actual war on drug dealers and it is producing outstanding positive results and is hugely popular amongst Philippinos. Sure you might hate it because the leftmedia told you to, but the locals living there love it as they see the benefits. And all it took was to declare criminals who have no regard for the law or others rights as outlaws.

Hard as it might be for you to believe, I don't hate anything because anyone tells me to. I can understand you may think that way, based on your unswerving belief in anything the far right conspiracy theorists tell you, but try to use some common sense and think for yourself.


Duterte is simply a mindless thug and self-proclaimed murderer who has publicly admired Hitler. Admiring his methods is like saying that the brownshirts in 1936 Germany were a positive force for law and order.



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OK so you're on the side of the dealers, your choice. The Philippine citizens voted for and overwhelmingly support the war on narcotic drug distribution.


Also your Godwin invocation is quite last century and carries no absolutely weight any more. The guy was also an art loving socialist vegetarian greenie, so he has common traits with many of your Tasmanian neighbours if you want to trek that crazy route.



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OK so you're on the side of the dealers, your choice. The Philippine citizens voted for and overwhelmingly support the war on narcotic drug distribution.

Also your Godwin invocation is quite last century and carries no absolutely weight any more. The guy was also an art loving socialist vegetarian greenie, so he has common traits with many of your Tasmanian neighbours if you want to trek that crazy route.

One of Hitler's first actions upon gaining power was the banning of trade unions and sending union leaders to prisons and in many cases concentration camps. He courted German industrialists throughout his reign and allowed them to run their businesses and industries unfettered up to and including the use of slave labour so they didn't have to pay workers anything. He virulently hated communists and believed Russians were second class citizens and should be treated as such, which was why so many Russians - both military prisoners and civilians - were simply murdered as his troops overran their territory.


In "Gnu-World" (admittedly a fascinating place to poke your head in every now and again) all these traits are typical of socialist-loving lefties, aren't they?


The National Socialist Party was socialist in much the same sense that the Liberal Party are liberal ("liberal" being the direct opposite of "conservative").


As far as Duterte goes, he campaigned for his presidency on a platform of having successfully addressed crime and drugs as Mayor of Davao City. As of 2016, Davao had the highest murder rate and second highest rape rate among Phillipines cities, so he kind of reminds me of Trump and Trump supporters. You can pretty much tell them anything you like and they'll believe you irrespective of what the actual evidence is. Welcome to the new world, where there's no such thing as facts.


He also vocally supports extra-judicial killings where police or vigilantes can shoot dead anyone accused of drug use, without any actual evidence that they did. Nice society to live in eh? "Hey that Gnarly Gnu character - I saw him sniffing white powder the other day!" Give it a week to spread around, and your body will be found in a ditch somewhere. Pretty cool way to sort out disputes!



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OK so you're on the side of the dealers, your choice. The Philippine citizens voted for and overwhelmingly support the war on narcotic drug distribution.

Also your Godwin invocation is quite last century and carries no absolutely weight any more. The guy was also an art loving socialist vegetarian greenie, so he has common traits with many of your Tasmanian neighbours if you want to trek that crazy route.

When the character you admire states plainly that "Hitler slaughtered 3 million Jews... There are 3 million drug addicts, I'd be happy to slaughter them", then I think it's a bit disingenuous of you to call it an invocation of Godwin's law.


Here's a link including video of him saying it, just in case you think I'm making it up. Philippines' Duterte likens himself to Hitler, wants to kill millions of drug users


Note that he said he wants to kill 3 million drug ADDICTS. Not dealers. People who have become addicted to a substance that, at this point in time, happens to be illegal. If you had a far-right politician over here who wants to kill 3 million alcohol, tobacco or gambling addicts, would you support them Gnu?


What d'you reckon your buddy Jesus would say about this kind of treatment? Or do you only cherry-pick the bits of your theology you like?



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