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All of those people turned out for Obomber BEFORE they new what he was like...Nobel Peace prize before he was even in office!!! Methinks they where to be bitterly disappointed by this UncleTom. (Hint: He dropped OVER 26,000 bombs on mainly civilians last year. Go you little psychopath.)



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I just hope that all those who think the population can keep on rising stay in Brisbane

You ever been to New York city? Or Hong Kong?


Space is a mathematical issue not an opinion so it's easily provable Yenn; if the entire world population were moved into QLD every single person would still EACH have nearly 250m2 of space. For centuries Malthusians like the above have been bleating about space and resources, these things aren't a big issue at all. Anyway if it freaks you all so much to think the world is overpopulated and that you are killing the planet you know what to do. Show us you are serious about your belief.



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EACH have nearly 250m2 of space.

To live on? To grow all of their food? to mine the minerals they they require? the land area they require for for water catchment?????


Do the people of Hong Kong grow all their own food on their own land or do they buy food grown elsewhere on someone else's land . It is quite a lame argument to suggest that all that is required for humans to live is somewhere to stand.


The land mass of Queensland that you use in your example is not empty dormant land. You do know where food comes from right?



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To live on? To grow all of their food? to mine the minerals they they require? the land area they require for for water catchment?????

Wow, umm outside of QLD the rest of the planet is still there! Absolutely no shortage of resources or space. But this hypothetical exercise was only to demonstrate land area vs population, shouldn't need to spell that out. BTW with systems like aquaponics very little space is now required to feed a lot of people, food isn't a problem at all.


Metho give me your numbers if you want to dispute.



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So slow today I see... outside of QLD the rest of the planet is still there, absolutely no shortage of resources or space. But this exercise was only to demonstrate land area vs population, shouldn't need to spell that out to people so sharp.BTW with systems like aquaponics very little space is now required to feed a lot of people, food isn't a problem at all.

My point is your argument is vastly oversimplified. Rather than suggesting the figure of 250m/sq perhaps you could do a little research and work out how much land is required to sustain 1 human. Of course we could all live in high rise buildings but we need food energy and minerals. We also require schools hospitals and roads to transport the things we we need To be clear we could have a valid argument about what the planet can sustain and at what standard of living, but one thing that is not in dispute, is that a doubling of the population every 40 years can not gone on forever. 7 billion, 14 billion 28 billion, 56 billion, 112 billion, 224 billion,448 billion, 896 billion, 1792 billion but I am sure you understand the nature of exponential growth.


Let me ask you a question. Do you want the population to continue to grow? Is a bigger population something to aspire to? If so why?



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Thanks for conceded I am correct on available space.


Yes the exercise was simplified, intentionally and (very) obviously so. I wish the population to grow, you do not = we have very different worldviews. So what. This has no relevance to the argument which is a mathematical one.



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If your argument is merely that if you dived the land mass of QLD amongst the present population of the world then you are probably right , I haven't done the maths but it is no more than an interesting fact. Another intersting fact is that I live in quite a small a small apartment really designed for 2 people. I had a party here recently and there were about 40 people crammed in here but this does not mean that 40 people could permanently live here.


I note you live in South Australia (where I grew up) What would be the calculation if the population of SA was 100 times bigger than it is now. How much land would YOU have to live on. Would the land YOU lived on be in the south or in the northern desert regions., where would you food come from?


As countries become better educated and more wealthy they tend to produce less (this is a fact and not opinion- Australia's reproduction rate is low compared to other less developed countries. I think it is noble of you to want to share our land with an increased population but if the world's population is going to massively increase and our reproduction rate is low are you suggest that we increase our population from overseas.


Note - I am not doubting your ability to divide the land mass of QLD (including farms and water catchment areas) I don't know I have not checked but what is the relevance?


When you say you wish the population to grow you surely must think that eventually there will be a limit?


I suspect that your argument is based on - go forth and multiply and god will provide - am I right?



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The world economy relies on continual growth of population and inflation to survive. Problem is this is not sustainable and will collapse eventually. I think this started to happen in 2008.

I would agree with that, although perhaps we will manage to decouple the economy from growth. The economy as it is is not necessarily a natural law but a human invention. I am not necessarily a huge optimist but it surely must be doable.


In any case 4.5 billion years the sun will run out of fuel and become a red giant and engulf the earth so one way or another sooner or later we are toast.



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"overpopulation is good" but "boat people are bad"


"every fertilized egg is sacred" but "gun control is bad"


"government should let us do what we want" but "government should ban same sex marriage"


The religious Right - known for contradictions and hypocrisy.



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Check ownership of major media.


Just look at Oprah etc and who was supported and what party.


I think many of these people should step up and tell those people demonstrating today to go home - the election is over and won.


Now to sit back and watch the fallout of the Clinton Foundation...spacer.png



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Democracy as practiced by the supposedly most democratic nation in the World, or at least that is the way the Yanks view themselves.


I have heard a little of what Trump said at the inauguration and all the thingss he is going to do sound just like politicains feel good waffle.


We re giving control to you the people!


We are going to make America great again.


All feel good stuff. Even John Howard and Tony Abbot could have done better. Not so sure about Turnbull.



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Hope I don't get suspended for this then Peter. . .


Theresa May gets special invite for an Official Visit to the White House ( Next Friday ) since her Government front line ministers have been saying some nasty things about him in public recently, ( and still are so doing ) the only way this happened is because Nigel Farage had a word with his mate Don. . . .I doubt if it will end well. . . .







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Not an auspicious start to his presidency - declaring war on the media whenever they try to report facts.

Apparently they should be reporting his "alternative facts".


I believe they're usually referred to as "lies".


I don't normally post re Trump but Jesus Christ


Seems to be an admission that lying is OK.


'Alternative facts:' Why the Trump team is 'planting a flag' in war on media


Yes alternative facts are not facts they are falsehoods



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