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The following comment on Democracy was written by George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright, critic, and polemicist in the late 1920s This Democracy - WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT LIKE A BIG BALL OF GAS Test for Politicians - The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954) - 1 Dec 1929


He discusses that Democracy as expounded by Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address is government of the people, for the people, by the people.





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surely Putin put him up to this? National Day of Patriotic Devotion sounds like something from the Soviet era

President Trump Declared His Inauguration A "National Day Of Patriotic Devotion"

I must have missed something over the years, FT. Did Putin declare his inauguration a National remembrance day?


I'm aware of Victory Day etc., but I don't recall one declared on Putin's inauguration anniversary.


Just as an edit, I can see the point you're making about the Soviet era; something like that would be quite believable back then. Re: Putin - I'm just wondering if you're basing your thoughts on a bit of contemporary reality, or whether you're just having a relapse of Russophobia. Or Putinophobia; there might be a slight difference between the two.


I wouldn't take it too seriously - I doubt many people pray and give thanks on the anniversary of Dubya's inauguration.


"In 2009, President Obama declared the day of his inauguration a “Day of Renewal and Reconciliation.” In 2001, President George W. Bush declared his inauguration a “National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving.”


Cheers, Willie.



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Nope - no Putin Day here: Public holidays in Russia - Wikipedia


No Dear Leader days in the Soviet Union either: Public holidays in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia


Must be just an American thing. Sorry FT, you'll just have to have a bex and a little lie down and forget all about that bad, bad, Mr. Putin who's responsible for all that fake news, hacking, your mail being late and your car running badly.



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American holidays aren't usually declared retrospectively, my money still on putin

You might have a point there, FT.


Here's undeniable evidence of Trump's much talked about Russian ties. You know how the Russians like to build big.


I don't think anyone would doubt that Putin sent these to Trump via the Russian embassy under the cloak of diplomatic immunity.








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The media havn't got a very good record on getting the facts straight. That is evident on this forum from the number of criticisms of accident reporting.


Just last week the media reported the massacre on melbourne as being melbournes worst, they had forgotten hoddle St and never even thought to verify it. Much the same as Trump



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Looks like Trump's first week in office has been a triumph for writing ink and pen nib manufacturers. He spent the week virtually signing away eight years of Obama's presidency.


The use of Executive Orders in the way Trump has done reeks to me of dictatorship. Didn't Hilter act in a similar way to govern Germany between 1933 and 1939? And haven't other dictators ruled in the same way?


What concerns me is the way we Australians are going to select and empower our head of State when we eventually become a republic. (I see this as inevitable, but I won't vote for it until Elizabeth II R passes into history.) The President of the United States is supposed to represent the epitome of a free and democratically elected government, but I don't see Trump acting on the advice of the States' and People's Houses. We have already had an example of the highest representative of our Head of State acting unilaterally and causing the untimely collapse of an elected government. Admittedly Kerr was a cur that bit the hand that fed it, but would we be opening ourselves up to dictator-like actions if the head of the republican Commonwealth of Australia was selected via the ballot-box?


We have been fortunate to have had a Head of State (Elizabeth II R) who has been wise enough and trusting enough of our national common sense, to give us a loose rein (no pun intended) to find our place in the World. Our nation has grown strong both in both world politics and economics as a result of this freedom to develop our own identity and customs. Would an appointment from the ballot-box have the fortitude to continue leading the nation in this way?





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Trump (fortunately) only holds 1/3 of the power. It's my fervent hope that the institutions of government that were set up precisely to limit and separate powers will be enough to keep him in check.


A free media (which he has effectively declared war on) will do a lot to curb his excesses. Apparently the New York Times was pretty much running headlines starting with "President Trump falsely states..." from his inauguration onwards. If the White House keeps lying... er, sorry, "presenting alternative facts" at every press conference, then the media will quickly get jack of it. It'll be interesting to see how they react.



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..... and that you are killing the planet you know what to do. Show us you are serious about your belief.

Nope, no killing of the planet going on here. Nothing to see. Not happening.


And yeah, I flew over the Aral Sea regularly in the early 2000's on the flights to London and Frankfurt. Used to be one of the four largest inland seas in the world. It is one example of very, very many.





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Dutch,It's sad to see that you have allowed yourself to be hoodwinked by the corrupt scientists. We all know that they are making it all up, just to get more research grants. Looks like the sly beggars are now resorting to hijacking Google earth.

The scientists are just taking a leaf out of "A Few Good Men".


"You cut these guys loose! You had Markinson sign a phony transfer order! You doctored the log books! You coerced the doctor!"


It's just what scientists want you to think - that they're in labs and on field trips gathering data. No sir. They're not. They're out there kidnapping other scientists, tying them up, and stuffing rags down their throats if they don't fall into line and "independently gather" data from "multiple lines of research" (so they say) which confirms the ruse. This is what they DON'T want you to know!



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Hilarious, I'm loving it. There was apparently no problem at all when Obama ruled by executive order for eight years - no media outrage, no riots, no violent protests or childish meltdowns. These 'progressives' hate progress - and also democracy and the west of course. Rather Soviet in a way.


Mob mentality rules the left. Outside the elite and the thugs many are well-meaning but very gullible, naive and easily led people. The latest fake news outrage they have been deceived by is the "seven country ban".... not willing or curious enough to actually read the Executive Order to find it does not even mention the "seven countries", only Syria is mentioned. Check this CNN fake headline then read the actual EO text below. The countries were compiled by the Obama administration DHS, maybe that wouldn't fit into the headline or text though. Calling this a "Muslim ban" or implying a conspiracy like #404 is even more exciting and outrage inducing.


Again there was no problem when Obama blocked visa's for Iraqi's in 2011 for six months, no outrage in the press at all; oh actually they may not have even mentioned it. These media minions have been conditioned to only jump when the left media clash their outrage cymbals. Which is daily now.... keep it up guys, wear out your remaining followers as your credibility (and income) trickles further away.





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Slight point of correction there Gnu... the "very gullible, naive and easily led" people are the ones who voted in Trump.


And of course every post is improved by the addition of an image of an angry brown-skinned bearded bloke.


Especially one, it seems, who is a Kashmiri whose sister was murdered by Indian police and whose religious beliefs, though as silly as most, seem no more deluded or violent than your average christian.




Full story here - The surprising truth about Rage Boy, America's hated poster-boy of Islamic radicalism | Daily Mail Online


But of course, some very gullible, naive and easily led people don't look for the full story, because it may involve actual thought.



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Hilarious, I'm loving it. There was apparently no problem at all when Obama ruled by executive order for eight years - no media outrage, no riots, no violent protests or childish meltdowns. These 'progressives' hate progress - and also democracy and the west of course. Rather Soviet in a way.

There is nothing more simultaneously hilarious and disturbing than a Gnu post. Executive orders are tracked by the American Presidency Project. The facts are that the number of executive orders Obama signed (276) were less than George W Bush (291), less than Bill Clinton (364), less than Ronald Reagan (381), less than Jimmy Carter (320), less than Nixon (346), Johnson (325), Eisenhower (484), Truman (907) way less than Franklin Roosevelt (3,721), less than Hoover (968), Coolidge (1,203), Harding (522), Wilson (1,803), Taft (724), and Theodore Roosevelt (1.081).


I find it amusing that by default you seem to be asserting that all of these Presidents have ruled the USA in a "rather Soviet" way. Lol.....Reagan will be turning in his grave hollering "Seriously Gnu? Seriously??"


The latest fake news outrage they have been deceived by is the "seven country ban".... not willing or curious enough to actually read the Executive Order to find it does not even mention the "seven countries", only Syria is mentioned. Check this CNN fake headline then read the actual EO text below. The countries were compiled by the Obama administration DHS, maybe that wouldn't fit into the headline or text though. Calling this a "Muslim ban" or implying a conspiracy like #404 is even more exciting and outrage inducing.

There is "reading" and there is "comprehension". These two things are not the same and when one is undertaken without the other, it can lead to quite a different outcome. It also leads to the inability to distinguish real from fake news, and real facts from "alternative facts".


You are correct that Syria is the only country mentioned in the text of the executive order. This shows me that you have read it. You are incorrect in your assertion that it has nothing to do with the seven countries. This shows me that you have not comprehended it.


In Section 3, sub-para ©, it states (in part) ".......I hereby proclaim that the immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens from countries referred to in section 217(a)(12) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12), would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I hereby suspend entry into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants, of such persons for 90 days from the date of this order....."


So what countries might they be? They happen to be Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. I curiously note that middle-eastern muslim countries known to harbour terrorists but which have Trump business interests such as hotels, companies, and golf courses located in them are exempt (Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt). Coincidence, I'm certain.


Oh, and I can pick and choose photos too, Gnu. Look! A Muslim girl who became a volunteer surf lifesaver and life guard! (Probably all fake photoshopped......or if it isn't, she's probably using it as a front to plan her next terror attack on North Cronulla beach).





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I find it amusing that by default you seem to be asserting that all of these Presidents have ruled the USA in a "rather Soviet" way. Lol.....Reagan will be turning in his grave hollering "Seriously Gnu? Seriously??"

No, you didn't comprehend what I wrote; suggest read it again if it triggers you so much.


I referred to the 'progressive' protestors as being 'soviet in a way' - that is they are just another group of Socialist activists that hate democracy, the west and our heritage. After having benefited from it of course.


Obama implemented massive changes by EO including starting a war and forced Americans to change their health insurance rather than the standard process via congress. So you can't chuck a tanty when the next president does the something similar. At least Obama's legacy is easily erased, with the exception of him doubling the national debt in eight years. Perhaps Trump will also sic the IRS onto his opponents and critics like Obama did, who knows? Start a bushfire, the future direction may not always be to your liking.


But thank you for conceding I am correct.



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The obscure truth about THAT picture: Theresa May had to take hold of Donald Trump's hand because 'the US President has BATHMOPHOBIA' - a fear of falling down steps and slopes!


  • Theresa May was snapped holding Donald Trump's hand at the White House
  • A tender explanation has emerged from a senior government source
  • The germaphobe is also said to be scared of slipping on stairs and slopes
  • He is said to have clung to Mrs May for support as they walked down an unseen slope



Read more: Theresa May held Trump's hand because of his stairs fear | Daily Mail Online


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