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Obama implemented massive changes by EO including starting a war and forced Americans to change their health insurance rather than the standard process via congress.

You do realise that the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", ie, Obamacare to which you refer, was a Bill which passed through the Senate and House of Representatives (ie, "Congress") just like any other legislative bill does, don't you?


Sorry......rhetorical question.


Trump's executive order directs Federal agencies to waive or delay provisions of Obamacare "to the maximum extent permitted by law". To actually repeal it, a new Act will have to be drafted and passed through both houses.



At least Obama's legacy is easily erased, with the exception of him doubling the national debt in eight years.

Obama increased US National debt by 68% (68% = "double" in Gnu-world) mostly due to the GFC.


George W Bush, Franklin D Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Ronald Reagan had larger percentage debt increases.


I don't really understand why you write these things without checking the facts first. I honestly don't. You gotta stop drinking the Breitbart Kool-Aid.


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Not wanting to take sides but just enjoy a stir.

US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic


Gnu's double debt is closer to accurate than the sixty odd percent that Dutch came up with. Maybe Dutch you may have been looking at just one term?

I think you need to take a closer look at that website you referenced.


"That is now what Polidiotic.com is to me. It’s a weapon on the battlefield of ideas. It’s a tool to use against liberal elitists......Polidiotic.com is about knowledge, truth and patriotism."




"....we have Conservative talk show hosts, like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & Glenn Beck to thank for waking up a great portion of America...."




"....It was about thanking God, not the Indians, for protecting them on their journey, allowing the remaining Pilgrims to land safely on American shores...."




"I’ve decided to create a list of articles/research on the argument against anthropogenic global warming. Since this is and has been an ongoing and heavy debate since 2006, this list shall be continuously updated until a point is reached where climate alarmists will finally cede to the truth or are engulfed by flames, as punishment for their continuous perpetuation of an obvious facade." (this was an enjoyable read - yep, you're going to hell if you believe the climate scientists!)


Here's one of my sources which has an expansive description of the various ways of measuring national debt:


Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?


The answer in pure dollar terms is Obama, but you need to read the article to see the objective reasons this occurred. The largest debt increases are associated with either world wars, or with the Great Depression and the GFC. At least he had an excuse, which is more than either Ronald Reagan or George W Bush had.



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Well google will lead the best of us astray:blush:


It seems there are too many ways to interpret statistics.


Maybe we should stick to sources like


Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)


Which can still be manipulated but is hard data. Yes I do understand how a pres shouldn't be held accountable for their first year of gov but that would mean we couldn't judge Barack accurately until octoberish and the way Donald is going who knows what that figure will be and no doubt everyone won't be in agreement as to whether it is more or less.


But from the 20th to the 20th the us debt climbed around 9.3 trillion according to the government (YES yes I was thinking government and reliable stats in one sentence! Maybe I should go to sleep:doh:)



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AP: Trump's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A man who President Donald Trump has promoted as an authority on voter fraud was registered to vote in multiple states during the 2016 presidential election, the Associated Press has learned.


Gregg Phillips, whose unsubstantiated claim that the election was marred by 3 million illegal votes was tweeted by the president, was listed on the rolls in Alabama, Texas and Mississippi, according to voting records and election officials in those states. He voted only in Alabama in November, records show.


In a post earlier this month, Phillips described "an amazing effort" by volunteers tied to True the Vote, an organization whose board he sits on, who he said found "thousands of duplicate records and registrations of dead people."


Trump has made an issue of people who are registered to vote in more than one state, using it as one of the bedrocks of his overall contention that voter fraud is rampant in the U.S. and that voting by 3 to 5 million immigrants illegally in the country cost him the popular vote in November.


The AP found that Phillips was registered in Alabama and Texas under the name Gregg Allen Phillips, with the identical Social Security number. Mississippi records list him under the name Gregg A. Phillips, and that record includes the final four digits of Phillips' Social Security number, his correct date of birth and a prior address matching one once attached to Gregg Allen Phillips. He has lived in all three states.


At the time of November's presidential election, Phillips' status was "inactive" in Mississippi and suspended in Texas. Officials in both states told the AP that Phillips could have voted, however, by producing identification and updating his address at the polls.


AP: Trump's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states



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Trump really needed to get over the fact that he lost the popular vote, as has happened to other Presidents despite winning the electoral college vote. None of them kicked up such a stink as Trump has.


This points to a badly bruised ego. If he ignored the fact, no-one would care longer than a week past the election, but he can't. He cannot believe that a numerically thumping majority of people didn't vote for him. He cannot believe that his crowds weren't as big as Obama's. He cannot believe the CIA and every other US Government Department doesn't worship the ground he walks on after he spent months implying they were hopeless and corrupt. In short, he is not capable of accepting that anything he has been involved in wasn't the biggest, best, and most adored thing of all time by anyone in world history.


That his chief voter fraud investigator, among other members of his staff and family, have turned out to be registered to vote in multiple states should come as no surprise. He's so obsessed with his own image that he wouldn't bother checking beforehand to make sure there are no hidden traps which could make a fool of him.


He makes the mythological ancient Greek hunter Narcissus look like a really humble and down-to-earth bloke.


In the latest news, acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates ordered the Justice Department not to defend President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration in court.


Before certain individuals cry "treason!", the acting Attorney General made it quite clear that she was not convinced the executive order was consistent with the Department's obligation to uphold the principles of justice in accordance with the Constitution, nor that the instructions contained in the executive order were lawful in the first place.


I do seem to remember saying either here or on another forum that Trump would be a train wreck driven by his ego. I won't take too much credit for it, as it's the single most bleeding obvious prediction I've ever made in my life.



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Turns out the Canadian mosque shooter who murdered 6 and wounded 19 others is a radical leftist muslim-lover who worshipped Obama and was trying to frame honest people just being patriotic about their country.




.........no hang on.......


.........wait a minute, I seem to have mixed my facts up here.......


Sorry. False alarm. He's just an ordinary white guy known online for his right-wing anti-refugee and pro Donald Trump rants on social media.


Quebec City mosque attack suspect known for right-wing online posts - The Globe and Mail





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Donald Trump sacks acting Attorney-General Sally Yates over travel ban remarks


Updated about an hour ago




Photo: Acting US Attorney-General Sally Yates believes Donald Trump's travel ban is unlawful. (Reuters: Kevin Lamarque)


Related Story: Trump denies travel ban to blame for US airport chaos


Related Story: Don't let Trump embarrass our Queen, say more than a million Britons


Map: United States


United States President Donald Trump has sacked acting Attorney-General Sally Yates, accusing her of "betraying the Department of Justice" after she directed her attorneys not to defend his controversial executive refugee and immigration ban.


Key points:


  • White House accused Ms Yates of "betraying the Department of Justice"
  • Ms Yates appointed by Obama Administration, Senator Jeff Sessions likely eventual replacement
  • White House spokesman said American diplomats opposed to travel ban can "get with the program or they can go"


Ms Yates had said she was not convinced Mr Trump's travel ban was lawful.


"I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain consistent with this institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right," Ms Yates said.


"At present, I am not convinced that the defence of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities, nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful."


Who is Sally Yates?


  • Appointed by Barack Obama as first female US attorney in 2010 for the Northern District of Georgia
  • Confirmed as deputy Attorney-General in 2015, became acting Attorney-General when Loretta Lynch resigned on Donald Trump's inauguration day
  • Prosecuted several white-collar fraud and political corruption cases
  • Lead prosecutor of Eric Rudolph, whose bomb planted at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia killed one person and injured more than 150 others
  • In a 2015 speech, she said: "I draw inspiration not only from my grandmother, who was one of the first women to pass the Georgia bar exam, but also my father and grandfather, both lawyers and later judges, who recognised the power of the law to right wrongs."


A statement from the White House confirmed Mr Trump had "relieved Ms Yates of her duties", accusing her of "betraying the Department of Justice".



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If he can screw the pooch this bad in his first 10 days in office, imagine 4 years of this!


I predict he will NOT last 1 term. One of the following will happen:


  • He will be declared unfit for office by the VP and a majority of Congress
  • He will break a law with one of his stupid acts and be impeached
  • He will be assassinated.


In any job, regardless of what it is, if you don't know what you're doing you listen with some humility to the advice of those who do know. This man is incapable of this, so will not learn anything. As he just proved (again) by firing the Attorney-General, if anyone tries to tell him something he doesn't agree with, he'll lash out wildly.


Or, to put it in Trump-ese Tweetish... "This President is not good. Bad! Fire him now!"



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Trump Asked A Contractor To Build The Wall. His Response is PERFECT

makes sense to me.


So where have all the Trump sycophants on this forum gone?

Oxford Dictionary: Sycophant - a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage.


Not really the correct word to describe forum members who may have showed some support or liking for some of Trump's policies.


Just a suggestion to all forum members - if you must resort to name calling of those with an opposite opinion, at least try to use the correct terminology.


Cheers, Willie.



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Trump Asked A Contractor To Build The Wall. His Response is PERFECT

makes sense to me.


So where have all the Trump sycophants on this forum gone?

Oxford Dictionary: Sycophant - a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage.

Not really the correct word to describe forum members who may have showed some support or liking for some of Trump's policies.


Just a suggestion to all forum members - if you must resort to name calling of those with an opposite opinion, at least try to use the correct terminology.


Cheers, Willie.

Well I stand humbled and corrected, perhaps I should of said "supporters" but it does not change my point. Do you have any more substantial points to make or are you mainly concerned with my word usage??????



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Well I stand humbled and corrected, perhaps I should of said "supporters" but it does not change my point. Do you have any more substantial points to make or are you mainly concerned with my word usage??????

No, I don't have any views on Trump. Just word usage, and the tendency on this forum to use forms of name calling of those in the opposite camp. Sycophant is a term usually used in a derogatory way.


Octave, I don't mean any disrespect to you personally; how you choose to address people is your choice.


Cheers, Willie.



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