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The other day, Trump was on this 100,000 ton aircraft carrier, the most powerful warship ever built. I reckon it would be the target of choice for nuclear-tipped missiles.


What more defensive armaments would a country need than such missiles? A few dozen small ones sent against any invading target would eliminate it.


I don't know how small the nuclear-tipped ones could be made, probably not shoulder-launched, but truck or aircraft-launched for sure.



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The other day, Trump was on this 100,000 ton aircraft carrier, the most powerful warship ever built. I reckon it would be the target of choice for nuclear-tipped missiles.What more defensive armaments would a country need than such missiles? A few dozen small ones sent against any invading target would eliminate it.


I don't know how small the nuclear-tipped ones could be made, probably not shoulder-launched, but truck or aircraft-launched for sure.

Carrier group's defensive missile & CIWS shield would destroy most incoming missiles before detonation of the warhead.



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Well here is how to overcome that defense... Instead of one state-or the art plane at 50 million you have 500 Jabirus at 100,000 each. They come from all points of the compass and fire their missiles at the same time. As well as the real missiles you have lots of decoy missiles added to the mix.


I wouldn't be in the target for quids.


It is hard to believe 500 Jabirus for the same price.... But I did the sum twice. I would make them expendable drones and get double the range and save on veterans benefits.



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Thanks OME. I did see the statue of liberty in the background there but it did not register about the lights.


Well the Pauline Hanson threat turned out to be highly exaggerated. I reckon her silly ideas about vaccination did a lot of damage, with the media hard at work against her to make sure any misstep was well publicised..


So where are those of us who want less immigration going to turn to?



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How silly of me to think that there was any hope for us. The kids are facing hard times, to put it mildly. Overpopulation, resource depletion and climate change are all being ignored, maybe on the theory that this will make them go away.


In the meantime, I can't even get the weeds mowed in the reserve nearby because my $1600 rates money is being spent on fat-cat salaries instead of mowing blokes.


I wonder if I paid a mowing contractor to do the job and then kept that money back from my rates. Would the repercussions of that expose them for what they are?


At the moment, our council is like the mafia in that they demand money with menaces and then use that money to enrich the men in powerful positions in the council.



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Australia has a history of voting for bad conservative governments, remember the quote from 1964:


Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people's ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.



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So where are those of us who want less immigration going to turn to?

Not to make light of your concerns Bruce, but do you really think immigration numbers are the biggest problem facing Australia today?


Judging by the number of records smashed this summer, climate change effects are happening faster than predicted. If the effects aren't mitigated and the temperatures in much of Australia go up by 8 degrees, the amount of land made useless for habitation and agriculture will make immigration look like a total non-issue.


Speaking personally, I'm going to look at which parties are most closely following the science on this. It's not One Nation and given their absurd stance on coal, it's not the "Coal-ition" either.



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Marty, every new person added to Australia adds to our CO2 emissions. Moving a person from a low-emission lifestyle ( real poor) to Australian centerlink benefits ( high emissions) adds a lot to the global total.


The Greens once had a "sustainable population" policy, but they dropped it because it was too much like the Hanson immigration policy.


The Greens started saying " people don't cause pollution" and they have said this barefaced nonsense ever since.


Of the 3 threats, all I know is that they are linked together, and all 3 have to be solved .


But to be honest, I personally prefer less crowding to more crowding, so even without climate change and resource depletion, I would still like the population growth rate to drop a long way.



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trump is scaring off tourists, it must feel like a police state now

The Trump slump? Tourists say they're scared to visit the United States

Sorry mate,. . . forwarded that to Cuz's Greg and Jake in Michigan, and they're telling me that the tourist businesses they work in are going 'Great Guns' with bookings at their usual levels. They both work for small, family concerns, renting Lake cruiser boats, Jet skis, Sail boards and small sailing dinghies at a couple of locations on Lake Michigan.


Greg says he has heard nothing of this on local media. ( They are Long term Democrats btw ) I realise that this is only personal / anecdotal, but there it is. . .



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Sorry mate,. . . forwarded that to Cuz's Greg and Jake in Michigan, and they're telling me that the tourist businesses they work in are going 'Great Guns' with bookings at their usual levels. They both work for small, family concerns, renting Lake cruiser boats, Jet skis, Sail boards and small sailing dinghies at a couple of locations on Lake Michigan.

Greg says he has heard nothing of this on local media. ( They are Long term Democrats btw ) I realise that this is only personal / anecdotal, but there it is. . .

I think it depends a lot where you come from. The "Mem Fox" incident, happening to a white aussie woman, was very widely publicised here so I wouldn't be surprised if at least some Australians looked at their plans to visit the USA and said "You know what? We might just wait and see if things settle down a bit."


If US Homeland Security (ie customs & immigration) are suddenly emboldened to pull aside many more random people than previously and give them attitude and the 3rd degree, I can fully understand people not wanting to bother with it. Even in an airline pilot's uniform and with all the appropriate paperwork we sometimes roll our eyes going through US immigration. You pick up the attitude pretty quickly. We had a pilot who was born in Turkey and whose family legally emigrated to Australia when he was a toddler (from memory I think he was 2 or 3 years old) and he actually ended up having to get taken off the roster for USA trips a while back, though they eventually sorted it out. He's a lovely bloke, speaks just like any other aussie as you'd expect, but the wrong colour and the wrong country of birth. And that was before Trump had his way!


The original article referred to a slump in New York tourism, so maybe a different tourist demographic with bigger concerns?



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Yes Dutch, I can see the demographic bit would indeed make Some difference at least, New York has lots of form of course. . not the least of this being the 9/11 site . . .the Airbus 'Riverplane' saga, and, not forgetting of course, Trumpy's Home town !


I read a book recently by one Mr. Patrick Smith, called 'Airline Confidential' . . .t was quite an interestng little tome, beng full, as it was of 'Q & A for Arline passengers' . . . Smith recounts a couple of events with USA 'Security' where, as a Local Yokel' he was subjected to overly abtuse treatment by provincial airport security whilst in full unifiorm on his way to service a flight. His 'Cutlery' was confiscated as it was made of metal, . . .a reasonable thing in these troubled times one might assume. . but he protested that 'The same type of Metal Airline cutlery is issued to passengers in order to eat their on board meals ? ? ? which, in the event cut no ice with 'Security'. . . .


That was an interestng story. . .well,. . .Mrs Perry read it twice and thought so anyway. . .one of her classic comments was that


'I preferred Mr. Smith's explanation of the grinding and graunching noises I hear just after we have taken off. . . .to YOUR comments . . .ie . . .



"Oh, it just means that something could have fallen off,. . .and we're probably all going to die. . ."


I am a velly bad man it seems. . . . I just say that my 'Humour' redlines are. . .as variable as my mood at the time. . .( In mitigation your Honour. . . I only say these things to her QUIETLY. . .btw. . .)



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Phil, they're havin a laugh mate, it's the middle of winter

BOOKINGS dear boy. . . .Forward Bookings. . . .a good idea of the Summer trend. . . . anyway, they're allways havin' a larf there. . . .make a bloody fortune they do. . .! I asked Jake what they did in the winter to amuse themselves, and he said 'Lately ? - go a shootin' Trump supporters. . .'


Been offered an, 'El Cheapo' boat hire for the next Oshkosh meet. . . ( Mate's Rates ) moor up at the far end of the lake and it's only 49 Miles from Wittman Field.. . .cheap car hire and you're there in less than an hour. . . .THIS is on my bucket list. . .Greg owns a couple of aircraft, but the hassle of getting certifed to fly out there on a 2 week vacation would probably be horrendous. . .so I think we'll go with the boat. . .the Missis wouldn;t fly with ME at the controls anyhow,. . .she never has thus far. . . ( Good judge of character you think ? )


Good thing about the boat is that we wouldn't have to worry about getting impossible accommodation near Oshkosh, which is always fully booked for years in advance. . .an hour's trip back to the 7 bed boat each day is no real sweat . . .



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